Common sense and the status quo.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Everything seemed to be going along so well. Rich aristocrats had successfully infiltrated the US political establishment and were well into the process of selling out the middle class to like-minded thinkers in distant places. The American people appeared to have forgotten about the golden specialness weaved into the founding principles of the United States. The gold of American exceptionalism was being traded for the glitter of globalization.

The same intellectual and political elite that fostered the hive mentality of the War on Poverty and the Great Society seemed to have prevailed by infesting the political power structure with a new and improved version of authoritarian despotism. The people were told they didn’t need pensions, decent health insurance or job security because those things were in conflict with their counterparts across oceans that had long ago been stripped of them.

This “bonus” state of affairs for individuals in America would put the agenda of government policy and corporate greed at a disadvantage in the global marketplace. Workers in America didn’t deserve these perks they were told, because others far away didn’t get them. Yes, things were going well as the middle class was disappearing.

Then along came Donald Trump, an American billionaire, who apparently didn’t get the memo. Devoid of the usual pompous political rhetoric, he spoke in blue-collar English and told Americans they were being scammed. He was laughed at by the intellectual blue bloods right up until he unlocked the front door to the White House. Now he is public enemy number one because in their view he ruined everything.

Americans are viewing something very sinister as the Deep State mobilizes to save itself. The intellect of the population is being tested as security organizations are perverted to remove him. The FBI and the Department of Justice have been ransacked by poisoned leadership and hijacked to protect the government from the people.

The world is watching as an egregious kangaroo court is in session under the heading of the Mueller Investigation. Nothing quite like this has been seen since the Salem Witch Trials. It’s desperation on steroids because the whole ball of wax is at stake.

Trump, with all his faults, had the presence of mind to appeal to the common sense of the people. His detractors appear to be made up of people who hate him more than they love America. They’re suing the Russians.

Stay tuned.
Everything seemed to be going along so well. Rich aristocrats had successfully infiltrated the US political establishment and were well into the process of selling out the middle class to like-minded thinkers in distant places. The American people appeared to have forgotten about the golden specialness weaved into the founding principles of the United States. The gold of American exceptionalism was being traded for the glitter of globalization.

The same intellectual and political elite that fostered the hive mentality of the War on Poverty and the Great Society seemed to have prevailed by infesting the political power structure with a new and improved version of authoritarian despotism. The people were told they didn’t need pensions, decent health insurance or job security because those things were in conflict with their counterparts across oceans that had long ago been stripped of them.

This “bonus” state of affairs for individuals in America would put the agenda of government policy and corporate greed at a disadvantage in the global marketplace. Workers in America didn’t deserve these perks they were told, because others far away didn’t get them. Yes, things were going well as the middle class was disappearing.

Then along came Donald Trump, an American billionaire, who apparently didn’t get the memo. Devoid of the usual pompous political rhetoric, he spoke in blue-collar English and told Americans they were being scammed. He was laughed at by the intellectual blue bloods right up until he unlocked the front door to the White House. Now he is public enemy number one because in their view he ruined everything.

Americans are viewing something very sinister as the Deep State mobilizes to save itself. The intellect of the population is being tested as security organizations are perverted to remove him. The FBI and the Department of Justice have been ransacked by poisoned leadership and hijacked to protect the government from the people.

The world is watching as an egregious kangaroo court is in session under the heading of the Mueller Investigation. Nothing quite like this has been seen since the Salem Witch Trials. It’s desperation on steroids because the whole ball of wax is at stake.

Trump, with all his faults, had the presence of mind to appeal to the common sense of the people. His detractors appear to be made up of people who hate him more than they love America. They’re suing the Russians.

Stay tuned.

WOW...well written, and so well articulated I don’t know how to add value to the thread. BRAVO!
Wow, he's got you guys totally snowed.

Why don't you show us what Cheeto Jesus has don't to solve any of the problems you listed.
Wow, he's got you guys totally snowed.

Why don't you show us what Cheeto Jesus has don't to solve any of the problems you listed.

Be specific, what part are you struggling to understand...I’d be happy to help you connect the dots. I take great pride in enlightening fools.
Everything seemed to be going along so well. Rich aristocrats had successfully infiltrated the US political establishment and were well into the process of selling out the middle class to like-minded thinkers in distant places. The American people appeared to have forgotten about the golden specialness weaved into the founding principles of the United States. The gold of American exceptionalism was being traded for the glitter of globalization.

The same intellectual and political elite that fostered the hive mentality of the War on Poverty and the Great Society seemed to have prevailed by infesting the political power structure with a new and improved version of authoritarian despotism. The people were told they didn’t need pensions, decent health insurance or job security because those things were in conflict with their counterparts across oceans that had long ago been stripped of them.

This “bonus” state of affairs for individuals in America would put the agenda of government policy and corporate greed at a disadvantage in the global marketplace. Workers in America didn’t deserve these perks they were told, because others far away didn’t get them. Yes, things were going well as the middle class was disappearing.

Then along came Donald Trump, an American billionaire, who apparently didn’t get the memo. Devoid of the usual pompous political rhetoric, he spoke in blue-collar English and told Americans they were being scammed. He was laughed at by the intellectual blue bloods right up until he unlocked the front door to the White House. Now he is public enemy number one because in their view he ruined everything.

Americans are viewing something very sinister as the Deep State mobilizes to save itself. The intellect of the population is being tested as security organizations are perverted to remove him. The FBI and the Department of Justice have been ransacked by poisoned leadership and hijacked to protect the government from the people.

The world is watching as an egregious kangaroo court is in session under the heading of the Mueller Investigation. Nothing quite like this has been seen since the Salem Witch Trials. It’s desperation on steroids because the whole ball of wax is at stake.

Trump, with all his faults, had the presence of mind to appeal to the common sense of the people. His detractors appear to be made up of people who hate him more than they love America. They’re suing the Russians.

Stay tuned.


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