Common Excuses To Deny Racism And White Privilege

And you guys use them all.

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Don't forget the white people's inventions argument. We they claim white ppl invented the sun the moon and the stars.
If it wasn't for White people you'd be eating bugs, snakes and monkeys, living in a grass mud hut, crapping in a hole, and shivering in fear every night of the lion stalking you.
So do you believe that white people are good ppl ?
Being a realist, I believe that there are good and bad people, regardless of their skin color, you simple racist cocksucker.
BS Filter
Being a realist, I believe that there are good and bad people, regardless of their skin color, you simple racist cocksucker.

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Being a realist, I believe that there are good and bad people, regardless of their skin color, you simple racist cocksucker.

Takes 1, to know 1
I certainly know what you are. I grew up in Minneapolis and race hustlers like you have ruined a once great city, turned it into a third world shithole.
And you guys use them all.

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Don't forget the white people's inventions argument. We they claim white ppl invented the sun the moon and the stars.
If it wasn't for White people you'd be eating bugs, snakes and monkeys, living in a grass mud hut, crapping in a hole, and shivering in fear every night of the lion stalking you.
Wrong. The only way that would happen is if he was a member of an extremely rural tribe. Because cities have always existed in Africa
BS Filter
Being a realist, I believe that there are good and bad people, regardless of their skin color, you simple racist cocksucker.

Takes 1, to know 1
I certainly know what you are. I grew up in Minneapolis and race hustlers like you have ruined a once great city, turned it into a third world shithole.
Whites have been hustling race since the 1600's.
"Many Black people aren't offended by the Confederate flag."

That is a damn lie. Here we have another white "expert" on black people who thinks he can speak for us. I am black, I don't know a black person who is not offended by that symbol of white racism. Anecdotal examples do not represent the majority of black people so don't try posting a pucture of some dumb ass house blacks holding a confederate flag.

That flag is a symbol of white supremacy. Thet is why it is used now. Anyone fying that thing or displaying it are racists and that's just the simple reality of this matter.
The KKK also fly the American Flag. Should it be outlawed?
Who cares
95.6 % of right wing and libertarians white people ...want you to be well and succeed...and maybe try stop killing each other like dumb monkeys

My self included

So in conclusion up yours ****** one in 2021 is holding you back or down ...besides your progressive allies and white women

The truth will set you free
View attachment 513300

In 2019 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,299 whites were murdered. 2,906 blacks were murdered. More whites were killed than blacks. In 2019, more whites killed each other (2594) than blacks who killed each other (2574). In 2019 whites were 5 times more likely to be killed by another white than by anyone else. Whether male or female whites led in murder.

This goes unnoticed by people like you. And don't use the 13 percent excuse. This situation is a hate crime and here are the numbers for that:

By bias motivation (Based on Table 1.)

An analysis of data for victims of single-bias hate crime incidents showed that:

57.6 percent of the victims were targeted because of the offenders’ bias against race/ethnicity/ancestry.
Among single-bias hate crime incidents in 2019, there were 4,930 victims of race/ethnicity/ancestry motivated hate crime.
48.5 percent were victims of crimes motivated by offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.
15.7 percent were victims of anti-White bias.
14.1 percent were victims of anti-Hispanic or Latino bias.
4.4 percent were victims of anti-Asian bias.
3.5 percent were victims of bias against a group of individuals in which more than one race was represented (anti-multiple races, group).
2.7 percent were victims of anti-American Indian or Alaska Native bias.
2.6 percent were victims of anti-Arab bias.
0.5 percent (26 individuals) were victims of anti-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander bias.
8.0 percent were victims of anti-Other Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry bias.

In 2019, race was reported for 6,406 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

52.5 percent were White.
23.9 percent were Black or African American.
6.6 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (group of multiple races).
1.1 percent were American Indian or Alaska Native.
0.9 percent (58 offenders) were Asian.
0.3 percent (22 offenders) were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
14.6 percent were unknown.

Do not continue trying to derail every thread that presents current white racism. Just face the fact that white racism still exists and shut your racist ass up about black people.
Nobody denies there is white on white crime. The difference is you bitch and moan only when there is white on black crime, as if black on black crime isn’t as important or bad.
BS Filter
Being a realist, I believe that there are good and bad people, regardless of their skin color, you simple racist cocksucker.

Takes 1, to know 1
I certainly know what you are. I grew up in Minneapolis and race hustlers like you have ruined a once great city, turned it into a third world shithole.
Whites have been hustling race since the 1600's.
White people didn't destroy Minneapolis. Democrats and nyggas destroyed Minneapolis.
BS Filter
Being a realist, I believe that there are good and bad people, regardless of their skin color, you simple racist cocksucker.

Takes 1, to know 1
I certainly know what you are. I grew up in Minneapolis and race hustlers like you have ruined a once great city, turned it into a third world shithole.

Minneapolis is home of the George Floyd murder. You got some nerve and the governor of Minnesota is white man named Tom Walz

BS Filter
Being a realist, I believe that there are good and bad people, regardless of their skin color, you simple racist cocksucker.

Takes 1, to know 1
I certainly know what you are. I grew up in Minneapolis and race hustlers like you have ruined a once great city, turned it into a third world shithole.

Minneapolis is home of the George Floyd murder. You got some nerve and the governor of Minnesota is white man named Tom Walz

The governor of Minnesota is a Democrat stooge. His skin color is meaningless, you racist cocksucker.

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