Common Core Standards--Yes or NO!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Most people don't know that Common Core was stashed under the economic stimulus bill in 2009. Governors of States--(and while their state legislatures were on their multi-month break) single handily decided to take money from the economic stimulus bill, and in the bargain they would adopt Common Core Standards. Only a few states opted out of taking the Federal Government money. Rick Perry of Texas and a few others.

Most people don't know that these new standards are actually LOWER than the majority of school standards. These standards apply to K-12. Kids today are being tested a whopping 8 weeks out of the year which is ridiculous. Many are being taught just to pass the test and nothing else. Kids are frustrated in school by these new standards, and tests, which is going to make the drop-out rate sky-rocket. Parents all over the country are having a fit about it. It's a one size fits all education program that leaves out many things. Multiplication tables are no longer taught to 3rd graders, yet somehow they're supposed to know how to multiply. Algebra has gone from being taught in 8th grade, now moved to 9th grade, making it impossible to get higher levels of math, that most universities require. Literature has gone from Shakespeare to being able to read travel brochures. This is Common Core.

If you've got 30 minutes, and you're a concerned parent or grandparent, or just want to learn about Common Core, take the time to watch these 1 thru 5 video's that explains it.

Common Core is not communistic; any who suggest that need to be investigated for mental illness.

The core standards are developed by each state, not the national government.

The error is the mandated testing days.

Turn the standards over to the school districts and let the teachers develop the coursework.

The outcome will be far better than what it is now.

Math is the major issue with common core, anyone over the age of 25 will have issues with it. Those under, probably are so turned off to education, they wouldn't watch.

The bottom line, regardless of those saying the 'states' have the control, is that the textbook publishers, which are less than 4 if you can figure that out, have politicized the texts in all subjects from math through English.
Go back to whatever created the greatest generation, and teach that. They could read, they could write, they could add, spell, think for themselves, use a compass, pass vocabulary tests, write essays, make change, compete.....

Or go to a country that is educating their children and adopt their curriculum. What we are producing is the butt of jokes like Jay Walking on the Leno show. We are raising morons.
Truth is that public education has hit a serious roadblock. The problem is the lack of tracking. Most classes are skewed, high or low, most hitting an 'average' but not all. I've had classes that 90% were brilliant or dolts. Now about the other kids in the class...

Now in a high school with 12 classes of the same subject, the make up of those classes might be skewed or not. In any case today the requirements are that all 12 classes be on the same page and will be tested on the same day. It doesn't matter that the individual teachers realize that it would benefit the students to focus on some key event and delve a bit deeper on that, later extrapolating to other events, nope-the script says to be on this page, this chapter, and give the test on Friday.
Common Core is not communistic; any who suggest that need to be investigated for mental illness.

The core standards are developed by each state, not the national government.

The error is the mandated testing days.

Turn the standards over to the school districts and let the teachers develop the coursework.

The outcome will be far better than what it is now.

No the standards are NOT developed by each state. They were sent down from above--(The Federal Government) based on what a couple of administrators developed.
It 8217 s Official The Feds Control Common Core AFP

The kids are being used as an experiment, and one that is failing quickly.

I agree--the states, especially the school districts should be in charge of their own curriculum. Untie teachers hands and let them know what THEY do best, which is TEACH.

Watch the above videos for clarification on what common core is and where it came from.
Our governor(walker) voted for the common core and was a proponent of it. Now its no good. ???
Common Core is not communistic; any who suggest that need to be investigated for mental illness.

The core standards are developed by each state, not the national government.

The error is the mandated testing days.

Turn the standards over to the school districts and let the teachers develop the coursework.

The outcome will be far better than what it is now.

The following is a lie. The standards are developed by each state. We are eliminating you fuck ups from the GOP for good reason. You are no good. No the standards are NOT developed by each state.
Common Core is not communistic; any who suggest that need to be investigated for mental illness.

The core standards are developed by each state, not the national government.

The error is the mandated testing days.

Turn the standards over to the school districts and let the teachers develop the coursework.

The outcome will be far better than what it is now.

The following is a lie. The standards are developed by each state. We are eliminating you fuck ups from the GOP for good reason. You are no good. No the standards are NOT developed by each state.

Do you have a problem with watching videos? The standards are specific, and don't allow states or school districts to alter or change those standards. This the second time you have made that statement now it's time you back that up with a real link to that claim.
You keep lying. The states develop their own programs, not the feds. You need to use your terms correctly, son, and obviously you are not.
And once again proving the rule that any thread started with the words 'common core' in the title will be replete with lies we have this op
The anti core folks will lie in a heart beat, because they are low level concrete learners themselves.

They just don't get it.
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The anti core folks will lie in a heart beat, because they are low level concrete learners themselves.
Standards for a California Silicon Valley 'burb, and testing for those standards, are not applicable in Cotton Valley, LA, where a hoer is a woman who makes her living in the fields killing weeds.

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