CommiecRAT Marie Harf’s College Thesis: Right-Wing Support for Israel ‘Complicates’ Foreign Policy


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
From this, I can only logically suppose the CommiecRATS that are in control today simply HATE Israel, and the Jewish people.... You would think a muslim administration wouldn't be so TRANSPARENT!

PJ Media ^ |
Reports Patrick Howley at the Daily Caller: State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf wrote her college honors thesis on “how conservative evangelical support for Israel complicates U.S. foreign policy,” according to Indiana University records. This doesn’t appear to be a stretch of the source material by any means. Howley precisely quotes the article “College ‘Luminary’ Marie Harf followed father to IU, political science” which was published on November 10 last year on an Indiana University website: She credits her IU professors — and especially her undergraduate honors advisors, political science professors Mike McGinnis and Marjorie Hershey, and English and Jewish studies...
I would say it absolutely complicates things. A significant number of conservatives in America seem to have a greater loyalty towards Israel than their own country. Just do a poll of how many of them think that Israeli spies in America, like Jonathan Pollard, are heroes.
I would say it absolutely complicates things. A significant number of conservatives in America seem to have a greater loyalty towards Israel than their own country. Just do a poll of how many of them think that Israeli spies in America, like Jonathan Pollard, are heroes.
I would like to see a poll of Jews in general as well, regardless of their political affiliation.

Anyone that is loyal to a foreign nation before another is not a conservative. What in reality are they conserving?
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I would say it absolutely complicates things. A significant number of conservatives in America seem to have a greater loyalty towards Israel than their own country. Just do a poll of how many of them think that Israeli spies in America, like Jonathan Pollard, are heroes.

Why, OldFool? I'm glad to see you agree with your poser president when he interferes with Israel's elections. We stand with people that will stand with America.... the choice is quite limited with all those muslim countries!

Obama Campaign Team Arrives in Israel to Defeat Netanyahu in March Elections - Breitbart
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I would say it absolutely complicates things. A significant number of conservatives in America seem to have a greater loyalty towards Israel than their own country. Just do a poll of how many of them think that Israeli spies in America, like Jonathan Pollard, are heroes.
I would like to see a poll of Jews in general as well, regardless of their political affiliation.

Anyone that is loyal to a foreign nation before another is not a conservative. What in reality are they conserving?

Sorry, took you for Stats!...But why wouldn't we stand with a country that stands with us?
I would say it absolutely complicates things. A significant number of conservatives in America seem to have a greater loyalty towards Israel than their own country. Just do a poll of how many of them think that Israeli spies in America, like Jonathan Pollard, are heroes.
I would like to see a poll of Jews in general as well, regardless of their political affiliation.

Anyone that is loyal to a foreign nation before another is not a conservative. What in reality are they conserving?

You are a German Jew, are you not?
No. I am an Austrian Catholic.
From your comments I KNOW you only have loyalty for a foreign country and government and need to be expelled from the US.

Why, because I side with our only friend in the ME? Did the Jews do 9/11? Or was it scum muslim's that killed Americans?
Friends? are one stupid MFer. I guess the attack on the USS Liberty was just a friendly how ya doing by our friends eh?
I would say it absolutely complicates things. A significant number of conservatives in America seem to have a greater loyalty towards Israel than their own country. Just do a poll of how many of them think that Israeli spies in America, like Jonathan Pollard, are heroes.
I would like to see a poll of Jews in general as well, regardless of their political affiliation.

Anyone that is loyal to a foreign nation before another is not a conservative. What in reality are they conserving?

You are a German Jew, are you not?
No. I am an Austrian Catholic.

Good, I'm agnostic, and stand with America's friends.
From your comments I KNOW you only have loyalty for a foreign country and government and need to be expelled from the US.

Why, because I side with our only friend in the ME? Did the Jews do 9/11? Or was it scum muslim's that killed Americans?
Friends? are one stupid MFer. I guess the attack on the USS Liberty was just a friendly how ya doing by our friends eh?

Depending on who you listen to it was a mistake, or a deliberate attack on America being where she shouldn't have been. But no one can explain why an attack, unless a mistake!
I would say it absolutely complicates things. A significant number of conservatives in America seem to have a greater loyalty towards Israel than their own country. Just do a poll of how many of them think that Israeli spies in America, like Jonathan Pollard, are heroes.
I would like to see a poll of Jews in general as well, regardless of their political affiliation.

Anyone that is loyal to a foreign nation before another is not a conservative. What in reality are they conserving?

You are a German Jew, are you not?
No. I am an Austrian Catholic.

Good, I'm agnostic, and stand with America's friends.
You should be more agnostic on the Jewish Question. You have a right to your opinion. But remember that American support for Israel has geopolitical implications in a broad sense that are merely isolated to Israel and Palestine. We in Europe have to deal with Muslim-Jewish tensions, which are inflamed by these conflicts as well.

I am agnostic on Israel. While I think the creation of Israel was a dreadful error, I in principle I support the right to jewish self determination like I support self determination for all peoples. I don't think we in Europe should be involved in a Middle Eastern conflict that doesn't concern us geopolitically.

If anything, American and Israeli aggression and interference in the Middle East has precipitated a refugee crisis that we in Europe have to deal with. For example America and Israel prop of rebels in Syria which creates civil war and instability, this results in a refugee crisis and hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees result, many come to Europe. So I oppose American Neo-Conservatism and Israeli policy in this war.
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From your comments I KNOW you only have loyalty for a foreign country and government and need to be expelled from the US.

Why, because I side with our only friend in the ME? Did the Jews do 9/11? Or was it scum muslim's that killed Americans?
Friends? are one stupid MFer. I guess the attack on the USS Liberty was just a friendly how ya doing by our friends eh?

Depending on who you listen to it was a mistake, or a deliberate attack on America being where she shouldn't have been. But no one can explain why an attack, unless a mistake!
Moorer, who as top legal council to the official investigation is in a position to know, agrees that Israel intended to sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for it, thus dragging the United States into a war on Israel's behalf. This seems to be a common trick of Israel. Starting with the Lavon affair, through the USS Liberty, to the fake radio transmitter that tricked Reagan into attacking Libya, to potentially 9-11 itself, Israel's game is to frame Arabs and set them up as targets for the United States.

The USS Liberty Cover-Up
I would say it absolutely complicates things. A significant number of conservatives in America seem to have a greater loyalty towards Israel than their own country. Just do a poll of how many of them think that Israeli spies in America, like Jonathan Pollard, are heroes.
I would like to see a poll of Jews in general as well, regardless of their political affiliation.

Anyone that is loyal to a foreign nation before another is not a conservative. What in reality are they conserving?

You are a German Jew, are you not?
No. I am an Austrian Catholic.

Good, I'm agnostic, and stand with America's friends.
You should be more agnostic on the Jewish Question. You have a right to your opinion. But remember that American support for Israel has geopolitical implications in a broad sense that are merely isolated to Israel and Palestine. We in Europe have to deal with Muslim-Jewish tensions, which are inflamed by these conflicts as well.

I am agnostic on Israel. While I think the creation of Israel was a dreadful error, I in principle I support the right to jewish self determination like I support self determination for all peoples. I don't think we in Europe should be involved in a Middle Eastern conflict that doesn't concern us geopolitically.

If anything, American and Israeli aggression and interference in the Middle East has precipitated a refugee crisis that we in Europe have to deal with. For example America and Israel prop of rebels in Syria which creates icivil war and nstability, this results in a refugee crisis and hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees result, many come to Europe. So I oppose American Neo-Conservatism and Israeli policy in this war.

It sounds to me like you have a bunch of feckless politicians, Socialists, and leftists running your gov'ts. THEY let in hoards of muslim's and expect them to act civilized, when they already know, that they kill each other because of different sects, and then I see the muslim RAPE GANGS throughout Europe. Your people are no longer going to be the dominant culture in your own countries, and we over here watch your slow suicide, as these muslim's take over!
From your comments I KNOW you only have loyalty for a foreign country and government and need to be expelled from the US.

Why, because I side with our only friend in the ME? Did the Jews do 9/11? Or was it scum muslim's that killed Americans?
Friends? are one stupid MFer. I guess the attack on the USS Liberty was just a friendly how ya doing by our friends eh?

Depending on who you listen to it was a mistake, or a deliberate attack on America being where she shouldn't have been. But no one can explain why an attack, unless a mistake!
Moorer, who as top legal council to the official investigation is in a position to know, agrees that Israel intended to sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for it, thus dragging the United States into a war on Israel's behalf. This seems to be a common trick of Israel. Starting with the Lavon affair, through the USS Liberty, to the fake radio transmitter that tricked Reagan into attacking Libya, to potentially 9-11 itself, Israel's game is to frame Arabs and set them up as targets for the United States.

The USS Liberty Cover-Up

Hearsay is a wonderful thing. BUT if what you say is true, why has there not been a full investigation of the incident, and PROOF shown to substantiate your charges? If Moorer was so positive, and it was back in a time when there was REAL investigative journalism, why nothing further?
I would like to see a poll of Jews in general as well, regardless of their political affiliation.

Anyone that is loyal to a foreign nation before another is not a conservative. What in reality are they conserving?

You are a German Jew, are you not?
No. I am an Austrian Catholic.

Good, I'm agnostic, and stand with America's friends.
You should be more agnostic on the Jewish Question. You have a right to your opinion. But remember that American support for Israel has geopolitical implications in a broad sense that are merely isolated to Israel and Palestine. We in Europe have to deal with Muslim-Jewish tensions, which are inflamed by these conflicts as well.

I am agnostic on Israel. While I think the creation of Israel was a dreadful error, I in principle I support the right to jewish self determination like I support self determination for all peoples. I don't think we in Europe should be involved in a Middle Eastern conflict that doesn't concern us geopolitically.

If anything, American and Israeli aggression and interference in the Middle East has precipitated a refugee crisis that we in Europe have to deal with. For example America and Israel prop of rebels in Syria which creates icivil war and nstability, this results in a refugee crisis and hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees result, many come to Europe. So I oppose American Neo-Conservatism and Israeli policy in this war.

It sounds to me like you have a bunch of feckless politicians, Socialists, and leftists running your gov'ts. THEY let in hoards of muslim's and expect them to act civilized, when they already know, that they kill each other because of different sects, and then I see the muslim RAPE GANGS throughout Europe. Your people are no longer going to be the dominant culture in your own countries, and we over here watch your slow suicide, as these muslim's take over!
I don't deny this and oppose this. Organized jewish political interest support this immigration as well. So much for them being our friends! These jewish leaders seem to hate we European Christians more than they care about the common jew who is attacked in the streets by Muslims.
Who is more intellectual? Marie Harf or Sarah Palin? They both do the 'intellectual glasses' thingy. But it is an obvious ploy.

You are a German Jew, are you not?
No. I am an Austrian Catholic.

Good, I'm agnostic, and stand with America's friends.
You should be more agnostic on the Jewish Question. You have a right to your opinion. But remember that American support for Israel has geopolitical implications in a broad sense that are merely isolated to Israel and Palestine. We in Europe have to deal with Muslim-Jewish tensions, which are inflamed by these conflicts as well.

I am agnostic on Israel. While I think the creation of Israel was a dreadful error, I in principle I support the right to jewish self determination like I support self determination for all peoples. I don't think we in Europe should be involved in a Middle Eastern conflict that doesn't concern us geopolitically.

If anything, American and Israeli aggression and interference in the Middle East has precipitated a refugee crisis that we in Europe have to deal with. For example America and Israel prop of rebels in Syria which creates icivil war and nstability, this results in a refugee crisis and hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees result, many come to Europe. So I oppose American Neo-Conservatism and Israeli policy in this war.

It sounds to me like you have a bunch of feckless politicians, Socialists, and leftists running your gov'ts. THEY let in hoards of muslim's and expect them to act civilized, when they already know, that they kill each other because of different sects, and then I see the muslim RAPE GANGS throughout Europe. Your people are no longer going to be the dominant culture in your own countries, and we over here watch your slow suicide, as these muslim's take over!
I don't deny this and oppose this. Organized jewish political interest support this immigration as well. So much for them being our friends! These jewish leaders seem to hate we European Christians more than they care about the common jew who is attacked in the streets by Muslims.

I have never been to Europe, at least not spending some time in one country or another, but wouldn't you think, for what happened to the Jews by European Christians before and during WW II, that would be enough to form a large base for hatred, passed down within that community?

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