Gold Member
By Roland S. Martin
CNN Contributor
CNN Contributor
more ... Commentary: McCain right, Obama wrong on school vouchers - CNN.comACCRA, Ghana (CNN) -- "All I want is for my children to get the best education they can."
That statement, along with so many others, has been a consistent one that I've heard on my radio show and in discussions with parents for years, especially those whose children are stuck in inner-city schools with decrepit buildings and a lack of critical resources.
And for the past 20 years, one of the most talked-about solutions for parents stuck in dead-end, failing schools is to give them the option to use vouchers to send their children someplace where they could get a quality education.
Republicans have made vouchers a linchpin of their education overhaul initiatives. Democrats have steadfastly refused, saying it would take vital dollars out of the public school system.