Coming Out as a Fag

I am straight. At least that is how it appears. I have never had any homo experiences nor have I wanted to. I have never slipped and "accidentally" fell down onto an erect cock, for example. I have been married and I have kids. I feel that I must say this because some of you assholes will waste a lot of time and space trying to make this seem like it is something it is not. Now, to the point.

I think that if I was a closeted faggot I would refrain from coming out. I know that it would absolutely devastate my family, especially siblings, nephews, nieces, parents, etc.., to find out that I was a homo. So, why hurt all of those people and fuck up vital familial relationships? I don't think that I would even act out on urges given that it would bring such shame down in the family..

Exactly- why take the risk that your family and church would completely reject you because of their bigotry?

I have a friend who has done exactly that- he has remained completely in the closet- knowing that if his family knew he was gay, he would lose them, and his church also.

Of course he does act out on his 'urges'- discreetly- far away from home.

Other friends of mine had families and churches that they could rely upon not to be judgemental assholes- and they came out.

Others had families that were such assholes already that they didn't give a damn what they thought.

The question is why all of this bothers you so much?
Why specifically do you use a word that is the equivelent of 'N*gger' or K*ke to describe homosexuals?
It bothers me not one bit. It was just something that I was thinking about.
Some people live for themselves
Some for others

We all make our own decisions. I'm not sure if pretending to be someone you are not is good or bad.

I think it's great if you do it for God.

But to be honest, you are lying everyday to people around you. Pretending to be someone you are not.
If you are OK with that, more power to you.
I am straight. At least that is how it appears. I have never had any homo experiences nor have I wanted to. I have never slipped and "accidentally" fell down onto an erect cock, for example. I have been married and I have kids. I feel that I must say this because some of you assholes will waste a lot of time and space trying to make this seem like it is something it is not. Now, to the point.

I think that if I was a closeted faggot I would refrain from coming out. I know that it would absolutely devastate my family, especially siblings, nephews, nieces, parents, etc.., to find out that I was a homo. So, why hurt all of those people and fuck up vital familial relationships? I don't think that I would even act out on urges given that it would bring such shame down in the family..

Exactly- why take the risk that your family and church would completely reject you because of their bigotry?

I have a friend who has done exactly that- he has remained completely in the closet- knowing that if his family knew he was gay, he would lose them, and his church also.

Of course he does act out on his 'urges'- discreetly- far away from home.

Other friends of mine had families and churches that they could rely upon not to be judgemental assholes- and they came out.

Others had families that were such assholes already that they didn't give a damn what they thought.

The question is why all of this bothers you so much?
Why specifically do you use a word that is the equivelent of 'N*gger' or K*ke to describe homosexuals?
Are you asking why people come out? That's a whole different story. Some people don't want to compartmentalize their lives. Wholeness for them is being open about who they aren.
I am straight. At least that is how it appears.

what does that mean? At least that is how it appears...?
Relax, Bonzite. I am straight and I would still do you. I was merely trying to make disclaimers and be as objective as possible. However, my attempt to examine an issue has been thoroughly fucked up by these scumbags here.
I am straight. At least that is how it appears. I have never had any homo experiences nor have I wanted to. I have never slipped and "accidentally" fell down onto an erect cock, for example. I have been married and I have kids. I feel that I must say this because some of you assholes will waste a lot of time and space trying to make this seem like it is something it is not. Now, to the point.

I think that if I was a closeted faggot I would refrain from coming out. I know that it would absolutely devastate my family, especially siblings, nephews, nieces, parents, etc.., to find out that I was a homo. So, why hurt all of those people and fuck up vital familial relationships? I don't think that I would even act out on urges given that it would bring such shame down in the family..

Exactly- why take the risk that your family and church would completely reject you because of their bigotry?

I have a friend who has done exactly that- he has remained completely in the closet- knowing that if his family knew he was gay, he would lose them, and his church also.

Of course he does act out on his 'urges'- discreetly- far away from home.

Other friends of mine had families and churches that they could rely upon not to be judgemental assholes- and they came out.

Others had families that were such assholes already that they didn't give a damn what they thought.

The question is why all of this bothers you so much?
Why specifically do you use a word that is the equivelent of 'N*gger' or K*ke to describe homosexuals?
It bothers me not one bit. It was just something that I was thinking about.
I appreciate that you are giving some thought to this issue. Good for you.
I am straight. At least that is how it appears.

what does that mean? At least that is how it appears...?
Relax, Bonzite. I am straight and I would still do you. I was merely trying to make disclaimers and be as objective as possible. However, my attempt to examine an issue has been thoroughly fucked up by these scumbags here.

you should be used to it by now... ;)
I am straight. At least that is how it appears.

what does that mean? At least that is how it appears...?
Relax, Bonzite. I am straight and I would still do you. I was merely trying to make disclaimers and be as objective as possible. However, my attempt to examine an issue has been thoroughly fucked up by these scumbags here.
Who cares who you'd do or not do?
I guess if being gay was just an intellectual decision you'd have a point Zack. When I fell for the women in my life it was more than just a thought.
I am straight. At least that is how it appears. I have never had any homo experiences nor have I wanted to. I have never slipped and "accidentally" fell down onto an erect cock, for example. I have been married and I have kids. I feel that I must say this because some of you assholes will waste a lot of time and space trying to make this seem like it is something it is not. Now, to the point.

I think that if I was a closeted faggot I would refrain from coming out. I know that it would absolutely devastate my family, especially siblings, nephews, nieces, parents, etc.., to find out that I was a homo. So, why hurt all of those people and fuck up vital familial relationships? I don't think that I would even act out on urges given that it would bring such shame down in the family.

I know that this goes against the grain - the whole "be who you are" bullshit. But there was a time when the family came first and your selfish needs and desires were secondary. Today there is what could be described as an epidemic of narcissism whereby individuals will damn everything that does not further their desired ends.

I don't think I would feel differently if I was a fag either. I'd keep that shit to myself and feel like I had a duty to do so. Even if I had to act on it I would feel a duty to protect my family. After all, I have no right to impose my views and lifestyle on anyone else. I'd keep the boy toys under wraps if I had any and just tell the family that they are neighbors or some shit. For me personally, I probably would not even act on a homo desire. I would just quietly bare that burden. Why? Because I love my family and I am not a selfish, drama queen, prick.

why are you spending your time thinking about how you would come out.

your repeated use of the word "fag" doesn't make your comments any less questionable.

but even assuming you're not the closeted homosexual you sound like, if you don't wake up every morning deciding who you are attracted to, then you should understand neither do gay people.

and no one should live in the closet.

and if your family loved you, they wouldn't want you to.

damn, bigots are funny. but I'm sorry you're so self-hating.

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