Comic Nails Joe's FAILED G7 Summit Putin Give-Away

Dude, Your guy took the Russians view over our own services.

And he was proved correct - Barry weaponized the US Intelligence agencies...they, the FBI, CIA, & others collaborated with the Russian Intel Service to collect debunked Russian propaganda they used in Barry's failed attempt at a political coup...a Plan he stole from Hillary.

So what's your point, snowflake?

Reagan (R) – 8 yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.
Bush, George W. (R) – 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Obama (D) – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences.
Bush did not own the CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc.... like Barry did.

You intentionally left out critical facts, like how the FISA Court provided evidence proving the FBI illegally committed FISA Court fraud & illegally spied on Americans for DECADES under Mueller & Comey...and now Barry's XIA director was caught illegally spyingbon Americans, Congress, the USSC, and on a President & his team...

Snowflakes like you are forced to lie & leave out a lot of critical facts in order to defend your beloved treasonous criminals....

The US has monitored communications in and out of Russian Embassies for decades. Its SOP. Trump's posse just didn't know that.. Of course they came up on the watch list.
Your guy got impeached twice; a record.

'B.....b....but Trump!'

Your surrender on this topic is accepted....

...and for the record, Pelosi and criminal Democrats FAILED to Impeach President Trump twice as both times they proved they had zero crime, zero evidence - except the fake evidence they were caught criminally manufacturing, and zero witnesses.

Like you just now, they FAILED!
Your guy got impeached twice; a record.

'B.....b....but Trump!'

Your surrender on this topic is accepted....

...and for the record, Pelosi and criminal Democrats FAILED to Impeach President Trump twice as both times they proved they had zero crime, zero evidence - except the fake evidence they were caught criminally manufacturing, and zero witnesses.

Like you just now, they FAILED!
That's easy the republicans want to stay in power. They didn't have a trial either time.
Your guy got impeached twice; a record.

'B.....b....but Trump!'

Your surrender on this topic is accepted....

...and for the record, Pelosi and criminal Democrats FAILED to Impeach President Trump twice as both times they proved they had zero crime, zero evidence - except the fake evidence they were caught criminally manufacturing, and zero witnesses.

Like you just now, they FAILED!
That's easy the republicans want to stay in power. They didn't have a trial either time.
Zero crime, zero evidence, zero witnesses, there were committees and 'trials' - Democrats were exposed for having nothing except their own exposed perjury, criminal attempts to manufacture bogus evidence, and Barry's exposed failed coup attempt.

The Democrats' witness testified That Joe & Hunter should be on the stand and under oath for THEIR crimes.

Pelosi became the 1st Speaker to attempt - and FAIL - to Impeach a President, the same Presidennt, TWICE. ALL Drmocrats succeeded in doing was to put THEMSELVES on trial...and get themselves convicted as criminals.

All we have to do is put a video up saying Putin is over our intelligence, tramp picked Putin side of denial.

'tramp picked Putin side of denial' - ???
You know the one.
Clarify....did you mean 'b...b....but Trump' in a Biden thread?

Look at the previous president, Biden was more strict than tramp and Putin liked tramp more.

Trump is the poster boy for the Ugly American.. Everyone flattered him and walked on eggshells.
Look at the previous president, Biden was more strict than tramp and Putin liked tramp more.
That is a complete LIE and you know it!

It has been proven Trump was stricter on Russia than Barry.

Joe gave Russia the pipeline, the ability to strangle NATO's energy, the refusal to sell Ujraine weapons - like Barry, the list of out top 16 infrastructure targets, tge PR win of begging him not to strike those targets, tge PR win of tge 1/6 event lack of transparency, aviator sun glasses, & some animal figurine...


If Putin would have asked for Joe's pants Joe would have dropped them and handed them over....

Your guy got impeached twice; a record.

'B.....b....but Trump!'

Your surrender on this topic is accepted....

...and for the record, Pelosi and criminal Democrats FAILED to Impeach President Trump twice as both times they proved they had zero crime, zero evidence - except the fake evidence they were caught criminally manufacturing, and zero witnesses.

Like you just now, they FAILED!
That's easy the republicans want to stay in power. They didn't have a trial either time.
Zero crime, zero evidence, zero witnesses, there were committees and 'trials' - Democrats were exposed for having nothing except their own exposed perjury, criminal attempts to manufacture bogus evidence, and Barry's exposed failed coup attempt.

The Democrats' witness testified That Joe & Hunter should be on the stand and under oath for THEIR crimes.

Pelosi became the 1st Speaker to attempt - and FAIL - to Impeach a President, the same Presidennt, TWICE. ALL Drmocrats succeeded in doing was to put THEMSELVES on trial...and get themselves convicted as criminals.


Not everyone is crooked like Trump.
All we have to do is put a video up saying Putin is over our intelligence, tramp picked Putin side of denial.

'tramp picked Putin side of denial' - ???
You know the one.
Clarify....did you mean 'b...b....but Trump' in a Biden thread?

Look at the previous president, Biden was more strict than tramp and Putin liked tramp more.

Trump is the poster boy for the Ugly American.. Everyone flattered him and walked on eggshells.
'B.....b.....but Trump'

Gawd, you snowflakes are so pathetic, unable to stay on thread topic because of your addiction, TDS, & irrational hate-driven insanity. Biden may be more mentally competent than all you snowflakes put together...

Look at the previous president, Biden was more strict than tramp and Putin liked tramp more.
That is a complete LIE and you know it!

It has been proven Trump was stricter on Russia than Barry.

Joe gave Russia the pipeline, the ability to strangle NATO's energy, the refusal to sell Ujraine weapons - like Barry, the list of out top 16 infrastructure targets, tge PR win of begging him not to strike those targets, tge PR win of tge 1/6 event lack of transparency, aviator sun glasses, & some animal figurine...


If Putin would have asked for Joe's pants Joe would have dropped them and handed them over....


How many years do you think they have been building Nordstream 2, moron?
Your guy got impeached twice; a record.

'B.....b....but Trump!'

Your surrender on this topic is accepted....

...and for the record, Pelosi and criminal Democrats FAILED to Impeach President Trump twice as both times they proved they had zero crime, zero evidence - except the fake evidence they were caught criminally manufacturing, and zero witnesses.

Like you just now, they FAILED!
That's easy the republicans want to stay in power. They didn't have a trial either time.
Maybe you missed post #2?
Putin's Whore gave Putin two major gifts
1. Nord Stream 2 cash, plus the ability to blackmail the EU by shutting their gas supply off
2. Stopped the Ukraine from buying US weapons to defend itself from Russian aggression

BO did not give the Ukraine weapons either. Trump gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles, as well as other weapons, and then got impeached by the dems.
Xiden is "Putin's Whore" as proven.

Biden gave Putin a list of out top 16 infrastructure and asked him not to attack THEM, seemingly telling Putin it was OK to attack anything else.....

This cartoon nails Biden's failure....
Your guy was more of a security concern with any codes.
Dude, Biden gave a list of the 16 top infrastructure targets in the US to Putin then begged him not to strike them instead of thing Putin ALL of the US is off limits.....

.....then declared the US' national security was dependent on the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY instead of declaring the US could take care of / defend ourselves!

But your pathetic 'b...b...b....but Trump' is duly noted.
Biden's weakness also shows when he said China is going to hit us with another virus. We just have to get prepared. What acweak asshole.

Biden gave Putin a list of out top 16 infrastructure and asked him not to attack THEM, seemingly telling Putin it was OK to attack anything else.....

This cartoon nails Biden's failure....
Your guy was more of a security concern with any codes.
Dude, Biden gave a list of the 16 top infrastructure targets in the US to Putin then begged him not to strike them instead of thing Putin ALL of the US is off limits.....

.....then declared the US' national security was dependent on the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY instead of declaring the US could take care of / defend ourselves!

But your pathetic 'b...b...b....but Trump' is duly noted.
Dude, Your guy took the Russians view over our own services.
That says alot about your party. When a communist view makes more sense than yours. Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
US hostages
- Nothing from Joe

Russia tested microwave weapons on Anericabs, leaving US citizensxwith brain damage
- Nothing from Joe

Russia interfered in US elections
- Nothing from Joe

Russia engaged in cyber-warfate against the US
- No response from Biden afterwards
- Joe gives Putin a list of iyr top 16 infrastructure & begs him not to target them...says nothing about rest if the US

Joe gives Vlad his pipeline and more power over BATO allies
- Joe surrenders our energy independence, establishes our dependence on their supply of energy, puts thousands of US workers out of a job (where are those green jobs you promised them, Joe?)

Vlad denies a Biden accusations, politely tells him to F.O., & humiliates Joe regarding 1/6

Joe gives Vlad compliments, aviator sun glasses, & some cheesy animal figurine

Look at the previous president, Biden was more strict than tramp and Putin liked tramp more.
That is a complete LIE and you know it!

It has been proven Trump was stricter on Russia than Barry.

Joe gave Russia the pipeline, the ability to strangle NATO's energy, the refusal to sell Ujraine weapons - like Barry, the list of out top 16 infrastructure targets, tge PR win of begging him not to strike those targets, tge PR win of tge 1/6 event lack of transparency, aviator sun glasses, & some animal figurine...


If Putin would have asked for Joe's pants Joe would have dropped them and handed them over....


How many years do you think they have been building Nordstream 2, moron?
It only took Joe what, 100...100+ ... days to drop to his knees and 'service' Putin?

Joe's streak of being wrong on every foreign policy decision he has ever made in his life continues.....
Look at the previous president, Biden was more strict than tramp and Putin liked tramp more.
That is a complete LIE and you know it!

It has been proven Trump was stricter on Russia than Barry.

Joe gave Russia the pipeline, the ability to strangle NATO's energy, the refusal to sell Ujraine weapons - like Barry, the list of out top 16 infrastructure targets, tge PR win of begging him not to strike those targets, tge PR win of tge 1/6 event lack of transparency, aviator sun glasses, & some animal figurine...


If Putin would have asked for Joe's pants Joe would have dropped them and handed them over....


How many years do you think they have been building Nordstream 2, moron?
It only took Joe what, 100...100+ ... days to drop to his knees and 'service' Putin?

Joe's streak of being wrong on every foreign policy decision he has ever made in his life continues.....
Your guy was willing to "screw over" our allies while being nice to the Russians. Not screwing over an ally even if the Russians may benefit is what the right-wing is complaining about.

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