Comey's Memos Contained Classified Info

And as I said all day yesterday...

"At least one of Comey’s memos remains unclassified, the source with knowledge told POLITICO.

Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Monday he had “no evidence” that Comey disclosed classified information. His panel has been seeking to review the memos, and Warner said he expects to do so “very shortly.”

“There are very few people that would know better how to draft a memo so it wouldn’t fall in the classified area than Jim Comey,” Warner said. He added that if there were “after-the-fact” classifications, that he wants to get to the bottom of who made those decisions."

Comey friend: Flynn memo was not classified

I guarantee the memo Comey gave to his friend was NOT classified, and even the Top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee is hinting that the other memos were "retroactively" classified to try and make Comey look bad by someone under command from a higher up.
Which explains precisely why none of these conservative imbeciles can prove their idiotic claims.
And as I said all day yesterday...

"At least one of Comey’s memos remains unclassified, the source with knowledge told POLITICO.

Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Monday he had “no evidence” that Comey disclosed classified information. His panel has been seeking to review the memos, and Warner said he expects to do so “very shortly.”

“There are very few people that would know better how to draft a memo so it wouldn’t fall in the classified area than Jim Comey,” Warner said. He added that if there were “after-the-fact” classifications, that he wants to get to the bottom of who made those decisions."

Comey friend: Flynn memo was not classified

I guarantee the memo Comey gave to his friend was NOT classified, and even the Top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee is hinting that the other memos were "retroactively" classified to try and make Comey look bad by someone under command from a higher up.
Oh wow, a close friend of Comey says he is not guilty. Your evidence is overwhelming!


Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

How about that. :mellow:

More than half of the memos former FBI chief James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

This revelation raises the possibility that Comey broke his own agency’s rules and ignored the same security protocol that he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton for in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election.

Comey testified last month he considered the memos to be personal documents and that he shared at least one of them with a Columbia University lawyer friend. He asked that lawyer to leak information from one memo to the news media in hopes of increasing pressure to get a special prosecutor named in the Russia case after Comey was fired as FBI director.

“So you didn’t consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document?,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) asked Comey on June 8. “You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?”

“Correct,” Comey answered. “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.”

Comey?s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material | TheHill

This is fake news,

The fact is that only 1 of the memos was leaked. This memo contained no classified information. The person who leaked the memo also confirmed it. It shows how the fake news travels. In this case, Fox and Friends lied about the story and then Trump tweets it.
I know this is difficult for you to understand so I'll say it again. The government doesn't classify lies as Secret. Trump said Comey was a liar about their conversations. You can't have it both ways. Either what Comey said is the truth and it should be classified under your argument and Trump is the liar, or Comey lied. It's one or the other not both. So which is it? Comey broke rules based on your opinion (not mine), and Trump is a liar, or is Comey a liar like Trump said? aren't getting it.....

Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

I'll ask this in parts since your reading comprehension is busted.

Comey said Trump asked him to quit investigating Flynn... among other things.

Trump said Comey is a liar.

You guys are posting articles saying Comey broke the law and that his memos are classified.

The U.S. does not put a classified stamp on lies.

So, either Comey is telling the truth and Trump is a liar, or Comey is a liar. Pick your poison.

No...that isn't what he said.

Comey is a liar.

Yes. are really slow.....

Comey lied, and he included classified information in the documents....both things are true, moron.

Ok, I've explained it to you several times now and you still don't understand. Trump literally has to admit to being wrong in order to try and bust Comey. Is he dumb enough to do it? Actually yes and I think he is vindictive enough to do it as well.

No moron, he doesn't. Comey lied about what Trump said, and they discussed secret and confidential the FBI states you are wrong and a moron....all in one thread......

Comey did not lie. Trump lied. He attempted to convince Comey to end the investigation of Flynn. You are wrong and a moron all in 1 post.

Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

How about that. :mellow:

More than half of the memos former FBI chief James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

This revelation raises the possibility that Comey broke his own agency’s rules and ignored the same security protocol that he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton for in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election.

Comey testified last month he considered the memos to be personal documents and that he shared at least one of them with a Columbia University lawyer friend. He asked that lawyer to leak information from one memo to the news media in hopes of increasing pressure to get a special prosecutor named in the Russia case after Comey was fired as FBI director.

“So you didn’t consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document?,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) asked Comey on June 8. “You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?”

“Correct,” Comey answered. “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.”

Comey?s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material | TheHill

He gave them to a friend

A real no no


Comey gave 1 of them to a friend. This was not one of the memos that contained classified information.

Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

How about that. :mellow:

More than half of the memos former FBI chief James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with President Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

This revelation raises the possibility that Comey broke his own agency’s rules and ignored the same security protocol that he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton for in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election.

Comey testified last month he considered the memos to be personal documents and that he shared at least one of them with a Columbia University lawyer friend. He asked that lawyer to leak information from one memo to the news media in hopes of increasing pressure to get a special prosecutor named in the Russia case after Comey was fired as FBI director.

“So you didn’t consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document?,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) asked Comey on June 8. “You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?”

“Correct,” Comey answered. “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.”

Comey?s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material | TheHill

This puts Trump in a Catch 22. If the memos are Secret that means the information is facts, and therefore Comey told the truth and Trump is a liar. If Comey lied in the memos then they can't be classified as Secret. So... pick your poison.

Anytime he talks to the President it is considered confidential.....Comey will be sharing the same cell as susan rice, loretta lynch and hilary by the time this is over.

I know this is difficult for you to understand so I'll say it again. The government doesn't classify lies as Secret. Trump said Comey was a liar about their conversations. You can't have it both ways. Either what Comey said is the truth and it should be classified under your argument and Trump is the liar, or Comey lied. It's one or the other not both. So which is it? Comey broke rules based on your opinion (not mine), and Trump is a liar, or is Comey a liar like Trump said?
Don't be silly. It has nothing to do with whether Comey was trying to set Trump up or not as a way to save himself in a future anticipated firing by writing fake memo's. Every single word in those memos could be lies. But the fact that they are CONFIDENTIAL "interpretations" of conversations between the president and the FBI director does make them classified. Just as a possible email that may have been sent by the Russians to a US govt. person, that is filled with lies and deception. It is still classified.

Bullshit. No conversation with a President is automatically classified especially if it involves asking the FBI to end a investigation.
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Let what go unpunished? You nuts have yet to offer any proof that Comey leaked classified intel.
It's against the law to copy classified material and take it home, dufus.
Link a law that says that......
Here you go, do some research, it might help you stop being stupid.

Like I'm going on a wild goose chase through 55 links in the generic link you posted. :cuckoo:

If there's a law he broke, post it. If you can't post it, the only logical conclusion is you don't actually know of any law he broke.
I worked for the Federal Government for 26 years, he broke the law, like Hillary did. But don't let the law get in the way of your stupidity.

That makes you a expert on classified material. Your stupidity seems to be on display.
It's against the law to copy classified material and take it home, dufus.
Link a law that says that......
Here you go, do some research, it might help you stop being stupid.

Like I'm going on a wild goose chase through 55 links in the generic link you posted. :cuckoo:

If there's a law he broke, post it. If you can't post it, the only logical conclusion is you don't actually know of any law he broke.
I worked for the Federal Government for 26 years, he broke the law, like Hillary did. But don't let the law get in the way of your stupidity.
Yep. If I had even left a secret document on my desk when I left for 20 seconds to get a cup of coffee I'd have had my clearance revoked. Let alone copy it and take it home. Then it would have been jail like that recent case.

We are not talking about a secret document. We are talking about a conversation with the President where he asked the FBI to stop a ongoing investigation.
Typical libtard, stupid as hell.
Then cite the law he broke. That requires a statute...
In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

It was not classified. Nothing that was recounted in the memo was classified. Trump was the first to talk about the meeting. Maybe Trump should be locked the fuck up along with Nazis like you.

Typical libtard, stupid as hell.
Then cite the law he broke. That requires a statute...
In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.

Then cite the law he broke. That requires a statute...
In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.
So you think it's okay for top level govt. officials to make notes of private meetings with the president and then leak them to the press? :cuckoo:

I read your post... said what he took home were copies. You then doubled down on stupid citing a law which did not say it was illegal for him to do so. :cuckoo:

As far as the OP, it claims he might have violated a different law than the one you linked. It says he might have broken a law by revealing classified information contained in his memos. That has nothing to do with him making copies and taking those copies home; which was your moronic claim that he violated some imaginary law by doing so.
What part of
18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

Is so confusing for you to grasp?

This part?

knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location

The memo he took home didn't contain classified information.
You saying The Hill is fake News?
There's actually a glaring mistake in that article. Not that someone with your limitations could detect it.

The article erroneously classism Comey stated he believed his memos contained nothing classified...

Comey insisted in his testimony he believed his personal memos were unclassified, though he hinted one or two documents he created might have been contained classified information.

... but Comey never said none of his memos were classified. He said some were...

HEINRICH: The memos that you wrote, you wrote — did you write all nine of them in a way that was designed to prevent them from needing classification?

COMEY: No. On a few of the occasions, I wrote — I sent emails to my chief of staff on some of the brief phone conversations I had. The first one was a classified briefing. Though it was in a conference room at Trump Tower, it was a classified briefing. I wrote that on a classified device. The one I started typing in the car, that was a classified laptop I started working on.

So let's see your proof that Comey leaked classified intel.....

You can't because you don't know if the memo he did leak contained classified details. As usual, you don't know shit. You just spout off because that's what ignorant cons do.
Of course his memos were not classified, dufus. He hand wrote classified information and nobody knew about it to classify them.

You're stuck on stupid.

You are stuck on stupid. There is nothing classified about Trump asking the FBI to stop a ongoing investigation. Especially when Trump lied about it.
Typical libtard, stupid as hell.
Then cite the law he broke. That requires a statute...
In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

It was not classified. Nothing that was recounted in the memo was classified. Trump was the first to talk about the meeting. Maybe Trump should be locked the fuck up along with Nazis like you.

Then cite the law he broke. That requires a statute...
In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.

In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.
So you think it's okay for top level govt. officials to make notes of private meetings with the president and then leak them to the press? :cuckoo:

What part of
18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

Is so confusing for you to grasp?

This part?

knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location

The memo he took home didn't contain classified information.
You saying The Hill is fake News?
There's actually a glaring mistake in that article. Not that someone with your limitations could detect it.

The article erroneously classism Comey stated he believed his memos contained nothing classified...

Comey insisted in his testimony he believed his personal memos were unclassified, though he hinted one or two documents he created might have been contained classified information.

... but Comey never said none of his memos were classified. He said some were...

HEINRICH: The memos that you wrote, you wrote — did you write all nine of them in a way that was designed to prevent them from needing classification?

COMEY: No. On a few of the occasions, I wrote — I sent emails to my chief of staff on some of the brief phone conversations I had. The first one was a classified briefing. Though it was in a conference room at Trump Tower, it was a classified briefing. I wrote that on a classified device. The one I started typing in the car, that was a classified laptop I started working on.

So let's see your proof that Comey leaked classified intel.....

You can't because you don't know if the memo he did leak contained classified details. As usual, you don't know shit. You just spout off because that's what ignorant cons do.
Of course his memos were not classified, dufus. He hand wrote classified information and nobody knew about it to classify them.

You're stuck on stupid.

You are stuck on stupid. There is nothing classified about Trump asking the FBI to stop a ongoing investigation. Especially when Trump lied about it.
Then cite the law he broke. That requires a statute...
In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

It was not classified. Nothing that was recounted in the memo was classified. Trump was the first to talk about the meeting. Maybe Trump should be locked the fuck up along with Nazis like you.

In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.

You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.
So you think it's okay for top level govt. officials to make notes of private meetings with the president and then leak them to the press? :cuckoo:

The memo he took home didn't contain classified information.
You saying The Hill is fake News?
There's actually a glaring mistake in that article. Not that someone with your limitations could detect it.

The article erroneously classism Comey stated he believed his memos contained nothing classified...

Comey insisted in his testimony he believed his personal memos were unclassified, though he hinted one or two documents he created might have been contained classified information.

... but Comey never said none of his memos were classified. He said some were...

HEINRICH: The memos that you wrote, you wrote — did you write all nine of them in a way that was designed to prevent them from needing classification?

COMEY: No. On a few of the occasions, I wrote — I sent emails to my chief of staff on some of the brief phone conversations I had. The first one was a classified briefing. Though it was in a conference room at Trump Tower, it was a classified briefing. I wrote that on a classified device. The one I started typing in the car, that was a classified laptop I started working on.

So let's see your proof that Comey leaked classified intel.....

You can't because you don't know if the memo he did leak contained classified details. As usual, you don't know shit. You just spout off because that's what ignorant cons do.
Of course his memos were not classified, dufus. He hand wrote classified information and nobody knew about it to classify them.

You're stuck on stupid.

You are stuck on stupid. There is nothing classified about Trump asking the FBI to stop a ongoing investigation. Especially when Trump lied about it.

You certainly do suffer from TDS. Your lack of moral values is disgusting. It is okay for Trump to lie but you attack Comey for setting the record straight.
In what world is it legal to take notes of a classified meeting with the president, and then dump it to the crooked news media? What are you, a fucking mental case?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

It was not classified. Nothing that was recounted in the memo was classified. Trump was the first to talk about the meeting. Maybe Trump should be locked the fuck up along with Nazis like you.

You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.

His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.
So you think it's okay for top level govt. officials to make notes of private meetings with the president and then leak them to the press? :cuckoo:

You saying The Hill is fake News?
There's actually a glaring mistake in that article. Not that someone with your limitations could detect it.

The article erroneously classism Comey stated he believed his memos contained nothing classified...

Comey insisted in his testimony he believed his personal memos were unclassified, though he hinted one or two documents he created might have been contained classified information.

... but Comey never said none of his memos were classified. He said some were...

HEINRICH: The memos that you wrote, you wrote — did you write all nine of them in a way that was designed to prevent them from needing classification?

COMEY: No. On a few of the occasions, I wrote — I sent emails to my chief of staff on some of the brief phone conversations I had. The first one was a classified briefing. Though it was in a conference room at Trump Tower, it was a classified briefing. I wrote that on a classified device. The one I started typing in the car, that was a classified laptop I started working on.

So let's see your proof that Comey leaked classified intel.....

You can't because you don't know if the memo he did leak contained classified details. As usual, you don't know shit. You just spout off because that's what ignorant cons do.
Of course his memos were not classified, dufus. He hand wrote classified information and nobody knew about it to classify them.

You're stuck on stupid.

You are stuck on stupid. There is nothing classified about Trump asking the FBI to stop a ongoing investigation. Especially when Trump lied about it.

You certainly do suffer from TDS. Your lack of moral values is disgusting. It is okay for Trump to lie but you attack Comey for setting the record straight.
Ok, is it alright for Hillary and obuthole to lie?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

It was not classified. Nothing that was recounted in the memo was classified. Trump was the first to talk about the meeting. Maybe Trump should be locked the fuck up along with Nazis like you.

His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.
So you think it's okay for top level govt. officials to make notes of private meetings with the president and then leak them to the press? :cuckoo:

There's actually a glaring mistake in that article. Not that someone with your limitations could detect it.

The article erroneously classism Comey stated he believed his memos contained nothing classified...

Comey insisted in his testimony he believed his personal memos were unclassified, though he hinted one or two documents he created might have been contained classified information.

... but Comey never said none of his memos were classified. He said some were...

HEINRICH: The memos that you wrote, you wrote — did you write all nine of them in a way that was designed to prevent them from needing classification?

COMEY: No. On a few of the occasions, I wrote — I sent emails to my chief of staff on some of the brief phone conversations I had. The first one was a classified briefing. Though it was in a conference room at Trump Tower, it was a classified briefing. I wrote that on a classified device. The one I started typing in the car, that was a classified laptop I started working on.

So let's see your proof that Comey leaked classified intel.....

You can't because you don't know if the memo he did leak contained classified details. As usual, you don't know shit. You just spout off because that's what ignorant cons do.
Of course his memos were not classified, dufus. He hand wrote classified information and nobody knew about it to classify them.

You're stuck on stupid.

You are stuck on stupid. There is nothing classified about Trump asking the FBI to stop a ongoing investigation. Especially when Trump lied about it.

You certainly do suffer from TDS. Your lack of moral values is disgusting. It is okay for Trump to lie but you attack Comey for setting the record straight.
Ok, is it alright for Hillary and obuthole to lie?
Speaking of lies .... where's that quote ... ?

They are part of the liberal problem. Still wrong.
Too bad you can't prove that, huh? Of course, if you could have cited the specific statute Comey violated, you would have. Sadly, you're long on invective but short on statutes. :badgrin:
18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information
Great, now we're getting somewhere. Thank you.

Now what's your evidence Comey violated that law...
His own words.
Sorry, I don't know exactly which of his words you're talking about; he uses a lot of words. How about quoting his words you think implicate him?
You're making shit up. Prove the memo Comey had leaked to the press contained classified intel....
His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

It was not classified. Nothing that was recounted in the memo was classified. Trump was the first to talk about the meeting. Maybe Trump should be locked the fuck up along with Nazis like you.

His entire meeting with the president was classified, and should not have been leaked to anybody without classified clearance. He should be locked the fuck up.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.

No, it was not. Not all 7 memos were supposedly classified.
So you think it's okay for top level govt. officials to make notes of private meetings with the president and then leak them to the press? :cuckoo:

There's actually a glaring mistake in that article. Not that someone with your limitations could detect it.

The article erroneously classism Comey stated he believed his memos contained nothing classified...

Comey insisted in his testimony he believed his personal memos were unclassified, though he hinted one or two documents he created might have been contained classified information.

... but Comey never said none of his memos were classified. He said some were...

HEINRICH: The memos that you wrote, you wrote — did you write all nine of them in a way that was designed to prevent them from needing classification?

COMEY: No. On a few of the occasions, I wrote — I sent emails to my chief of staff on some of the brief phone conversations I had. The first one was a classified briefing. Though it was in a conference room at Trump Tower, it was a classified briefing. I wrote that on a classified device. The one I started typing in the car, that was a classified laptop I started working on.

So let's see your proof that Comey leaked classified intel.....

You can't because you don't know if the memo he did leak contained classified details. As usual, you don't know shit. You just spout off because that's what ignorant cons do.
Of course his memos were not classified, dufus. He hand wrote classified information and nobody knew about it to classify them.

You're stuck on stupid.

You are stuck on stupid. There is nothing classified about Trump asking the FBI to stop a ongoing investigation. Especially when Trump lied about it.
even if it does not amount to obstruction of justice.
You certainly do suffer from TDS. Your lack of moral values is disgusting. It is okay for Trump to lie but you attack Comey for setting the record straight.
Ok, is it alright for Hillary and obuthole to lie?

Even if that were true, that justifies Trump lying? Trump wanted to end a ongoing FBI investigation. That is a serious incident even if it does not amount to obstruction of justice.
Mueller is doing quite a job.
Yes. He's been just wonderful.

COMEY’S IN TROUBLE, AND HE KNOWS IT: James Comey: ‘Spying? I Have No Idea What Barr’s Talking About, The FBI Doesn’t Spy …’


By "foreign adversary's representative," Comey was presumably referring to Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious Maltese professor who vanished from the public eye in late 2017. An Italian newspaper discovered that Mifsud was hiding out for months last year in a rented flat next to the American embassy in Rome while he was being sought by an Italian court. His hideaway was paid for by “Link International,” a company co-owned by Link Campus University, which is believed to be "a training school for Western spies."

Or as the Mueller report refers to him, a Maltese national "who maintained various Russian contacts while living in London."

There's a lot of debate about who exactly Mifsud was working for, but Comey surely knows the answer and it probably wasn't Russia or any other "foreign adversary."

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) on Wednesday suggested that Comey could end up in the center of a criminal conspiracy to undermine President Trump’s 2016 campaign.

"He's worried, and he should be, that Mr. Barr ... is going to look further into the genesis of the investigation of the Trump campaign," Kennedy said during an appearance on America’s Newsroom. "I think they’re going to find that all roads lead to Mr. Comey."

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