Comey thinks he was fired because of the Russia investigation

Striking when he said he made notes on his meetings with Trump because he feared Trump would lie about them.

Simple question, Dave...if Comey thought what Trump was asking him was so improper that he needed to take notes to protect himself...then why didn't he A) inform Trump that saying he "hoped" Comey could see his way to letting Flynn off the hook was improper...and B) inform the Attorney General's office about the alleged improper suggestions?
So, this is the same defense Trymp's buddy Corey used.

It's Comey's fault because he did not report this to DOJ?

If you actually had a job & the CEO asked you to say lie to a customer, I guess you'd go running to the board of directors right away? Or would you just ignore your request, document it, and only report it when that CEO does something again or implicates you when a problem arises?

If your wife caught you talking to a strange woman on the phone but doesn't say anything but brings it up later when she catches you making out with this woman a few weeks later. She says "AHA, I knew it from the day I caught you on the phone". You reply, "Well you should have said something then".

If El Cheeto wouldn't have started blaming Comey & calling him a liar, Comey likely would never had said anything, just blowing off the incident .

This idea you Trumpettes have that because Comey did not run to the DOJ is an excuse for Trump is ridiculous. Your orange POS hero broke the law, he knew it. Ryan basically admitted it when he tried to use the excuse Trump was new & naive.

If Trump wants to argue it, he needs to do it under oath because he is a proven liar.

Grtwat Presidenbt you voted for, right?

If Comey believed that Trump was acting illegally then's Comey's fault that he didn't report this to the Attorney General! If he didn't believe that...then what heck are we even having this conversation about?

As for your analogies? If I worked for a corporation and my boss called me into his office and suggested to me that I should do something illegal, I'd first decline and then I'd report his ass to our CEO or our board. Not doing so makes you complicit in the illegal act. Comey didn't do EITHER of those things! When Trump told him that he "hoped" Comey could see fit to let Flynn slide because he was a nice guy...Comey responded by agreeing that Flynn WAS a nice guy and that's it! That isn't the response you make if you honestly believe Trump is asking you to obstruct justice, Dave! The response you make is "Mr. President...are you asking me to stop an ongoing FBI investigation into Flynn? Because if you are I'm warning you that could be construed as obstructing justice which is a serious matter!" What bothers me about this is Comey's total lack of integrity and spine during this encounter! He described himself as "timid"! That's our Director of the FBI making that statement!

I'm also bothered by Comey's leaking of sensitive material to the New York Times through a friend of his. He's the head of the FBI for god's sake! His job is to STOP the leaking not commit leaks himself! He has zero business having that job if that's how he's going to conduct himself!

As for your claim that Trump broke the law? That's ridiculous! What law?

Trump is the CEO, dipstick.

Comey's lack of integrity? Really? You are defending Trump who has zero integrity. Zero truthfulness. Zero morals.
I don't agree with you or your values. Comey innocent? Don't think so.

Someone’s Going to Prison… And It Won’t Be Trump | Politics
Comey admitted to releasing FBI documents – his alleged “memos” – to the New York Times. He admitted to playing with the classification level in order to make it easier to leak. Even though he claimed that they were his own documents, they were created using an FBI computer, in an FBI car, on FBI time. The fact that the FBI is refusing to hand them over to Congress proves that they are government documents. According to 18 USC 641, it is against the law for any government employee to give away “any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof.” James Comey broke the law.
But it was a Comey requirement to report it to the DOJ.

So, you are saying it was a felony? Did Comey say it was a felony? That has not yet been decided.

No I'm saying your obstruction allegations are dead in the water.
Then Comey is not guilty of not running to the DOJ.

The lack of guilt on Trump's part has nothing to do with the guilt of leaker Comey.
Blaming the victim. I get it. Its what guilty fucks do.

When you assholes say Comey is guilty of not reporting it, then you admit Trump is guilty. So which is it?
So in your bubble world all accusations are designed to protect the guilty. My my, we have a whole shitload from the left!
So, you did not hear Comey yesterday.

He testified under oath that rump had asked him those questions about his job & ask him to lay off his & Vlad's buddy Flynn.

You're a liar he did not ask if he wanted to keep his job provide that alleged quote from the transcript.

"The President began by asking me whether I wanted to stay on as FBI Director, which I found strange because he had already told me twice in earlier conversations that he hoped I would stay, and I had assured him that I intended to. He said that lots of people wanted my job and, given the abuse I had taken during the previous year, he would understand if I wanted to walk away."

Comey opening statement.

Now what?

You assholes keep calling me a liar & demand proof. I have news, your ignorance & stupidity makes you stupid & does not make me a liar.

Well, Asshole, this is proof.

Now where is my apology???? is THAT proof of anything other than the fact that Trump appears to be giving Comey the opportunity to resign and walk away? That's a conversation that I've had with countless employees over the years, have every other boss of every other organization! You're basically sending someone a thinly veiled message that you're not pleased with their job performance and they might want to consider quitting before they get fired. That Comey didn't see his firing coming tells me that Comey's not the brightest bulb on the tree!
That is bullshit. If you are not happy with an employee's work, you tell him so. You don't say you hope he does something illegal.
True but only libtards think it was illegal. Well, thinking is being generous, they believe it because their puppet masters said so.

Only ignorant asshole Trumpettes think Trump is not guilty. You people don't give a shit what Trump does, what he says, who he insults, how much he lies.

Bring on those tapes & lets see El Cheeto under oath. Good bye Trump if either of those things happen.
And that was said by whom and when? You wouldn't lie to us?
So, you did not hear Comey yesterday.

He testified under oath that rump had asked him those questions about his job & ask him to lay off his & Vlad's buddy Flynn.

You're a liar he did not ask if he wanted to keep his job provide that alleged quote from the transcript.

"The President began by asking me whether I wanted to stay on as FBI Director, which I found strange because he had already told me twice in earlier conversations that he hoped I would stay, and I had assured him that I intended to. He said that lots of people wanted my job and, given the abuse I had taken during the previous year, he would understand if I wanted to walk away."

Comey opening statement.

Now what?

You assholes keep calling me a liar & demand proof. I have news, your ignorance & stupidity makes you stupid & does not make me a liar.

Well, Asshole, this is proof.

Now where is my apology???? is THAT proof of anything other than the fact that Trump appears to be giving Comey the opportunity to resign and walk away? That's a conversation that I've had with countless employees over the years, have every other boss of every other organization! You're basically sending someone a thinly veiled message that you're not pleased with their job performance and they might want to consider quitting before they get fired. That Comey didn't see his firing coming tells me that Comey's not the brightest bulb on the tree!
That is bullshit. If you are not happy with an employee's work, you tell him so. You don't say you hope he does something illegal.

You've got two different conversations that you've lumped together, Dave! In one Trump asks Comey if he's happy with his job, does he want to continue in it and that nobody would blame him if he didn't want to. That's Trump sending Comey a message that if the FBI Director was to resign...that would be just fine with Trump! That's totally separate from Trump telling Comey that he "hoped" Comey could give Flynn a break because he was such a good guy. That was when Comey wussed out and told Trump that he agreed that Flynn was a good guy.
You're a liar he did not ask if he wanted to keep his job provide that alleged quote from the transcript.

"The President began by asking me whether I wanted to stay on as FBI Director, which I found strange because he had already told me twice in earlier conversations that he hoped I would stay, and I had assured him that I intended to. He said that lots of people wanted my job and, given the abuse I had taken during the previous year, he would understand if I wanted to walk away."

Comey opening statement.

Now what?

You assholes keep calling me a liar & demand proof. I have news, your ignorance & stupidity makes you stupid & does not make me a liar.

Well, Asshole, this is proof.

Now where is my apology???? is THAT proof of anything other than the fact that Trump appears to be giving Comey the opportunity to resign and walk away? That's a conversation that I've had with countless employees over the years, have every other boss of every other organization! You're basically sending someone a thinly veiled message that you're not pleased with their job performance and they might want to consider quitting before they get fired. That Comey didn't see his firing coming tells me that Comey's not the brightest bulb on the tree!
That is bullshit. If you are not happy with an employee's work, you tell him so. You don't say you hope he does something illegal.
True but only libtards think it was illegal. Well, thinking is being generous, they believe it because their puppet masters said so.

Only ignorant asshole Trumpettes think Trump is not guilty. You people don't give a shit what Trump does, what he says, who he insults, how much he lies.

Bring on those tapes & lets see El Cheeto under oath. Good bye Trump if either of those things happen.
...except you provide no proof. Just insults for those who don't accept your words as gospel. Bathroom walls contain more sophisticated thought.
Striking when he said he made notes on his meetings with Trump because he feared Trump would lie about them.

Simple question, Dave...if Comey thought what Trump was asking him was so improper that he needed to take notes to protect himself...then why didn't he A) inform Trump that saying he "hoped" Comey could see his way to letting Flynn off the hook was improper...and B) inform the Attorney General's office about the alleged improper suggestions?
So, this is the same defense Trymp's buddy Corey used.

It's Comey's fault because he did not report this to DOJ?

If you actually had a job & the CEO asked you to say lie to a customer, I guess you'd go running to the board of directors right away? Or would you just ignore your request, document it, and only report it when that CEO does something again or implicates you when a problem arises?

If your wife caught you talking to a strange woman on the phone but doesn't say anything but brings it up later when she catches you making out with this woman a few weeks later. She says "AHA, I knew it from the day I caught you on the phone". You reply, "Well you should have said something then".

If El Cheeto wouldn't have started blaming Comey & calling him a liar, Comey likely would never had said anything, just blowing off the incident .

This idea you Trumpettes have that because Comey did not run to the DOJ is an excuse for Trump is ridiculous. Your orange POS hero broke the law, he knew it. Ryan basically admitted it when he tried to use the excuse Trump was new & naive.

If Trump wants to argue it, he needs to do it under oath because he is a proven liar.

Grtwat Presidenbt you voted for, right?

If Comey believed that Trump was acting illegally then's Comey's fault that he didn't report this to the Attorney General! If he didn't believe that...then what heck are we even having this conversation about?

As for your analogies? If I worked for a corporation and my boss called me into his office and suggested to me that I should do something illegal, I'd first decline and then I'd report his ass to our CEO or our board. Not doing so makes you complicit in the illegal act. Comey didn't do EITHER of those things! When Trump told him that he "hoped" Comey could see fit to let Flynn slide because he was a nice guy...Comey responded by agreeing that Flynn WAS a nice guy and that's it! That isn't the response you make if you honestly believe Trump is asking you to obstruct justice, Dave! The response you make is "Mr. President...are you asking me to stop an ongoing FBI investigation into Flynn? Because if you are I'm warning you that could be construed as obstructing justice which is a serious matter!" What bothers me about this is Comey's total lack of integrity and spine during this encounter! He described himself as "timid"! That's our Director of the FBI making that statement!

I'm also bothered by Comey's leaking of sensitive material to the New York Times through a friend of his. He's the head of the FBI for god's sake! His job is to STOP the leaking not commit leaks himself! He has zero business having that job if that's how he's going to conduct himself!

As for your claim that Trump broke the law? That's ridiculous! What law?

Trump is the CEO, dipstick.

Comey's lack of integrity? Really? You are defending Trump who has zero integrity. Zero truthfulness. Zero morals.

Yes, I'm stating that Comey lacks integrity! If he thought that Trump was hinting at having him do something that he thought was inappropriate then he should have looked Trump in the eye and told him that wasn't going to happen! He didn't do that...did he?

If Comey had integrity he would have gone public with his concerns...not leak them to the media anonymously through a friend! You know what kind of person does that, Dave? Someone lacking spine and integrity! The same kind of person who caved to Loretta Lynch when she told him how to handle the Clinton investigation following Lynch's meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac that day!
This is why comey was fired....

Why Trump Fired Comey

I now believe President Donald Trump fired Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey because he believes Comey intentionally misled the public into believing Trump was under investigation by the FBI.


The agencies’ report was the reason for Trump’s introduction to Comey that day, at Trump Tower in New York City. The Bureau’s then-director, accompanied by other intelligence-agency bosses, was there to brief the then-president-elect. In written testimony that Comey submitted this week to the Senate Intelligence Committee, he recounts his concern that the incoming president might form the misimpression that “the FBI was conducting a counter-intelligence investigation of his personal conduct.” Thus, after discussing the matter with his FBI “leadership team,” Comey came to the meeting “prepared to assure President-Elect Trump that we were not investigating him personally.” He met one-on-one with Trump to deliver part of the briefing. Though the president-elect did not ask, Comey volunteered the “assurance” that Trump was not being investigated. Three weeks later, on January 27, Trump, now sworn in as president, hosted Comey at a one-on-one dinner in the White House. Yet again, the then–FBI director assured Trump that he was not under investigation.


In presaging this revelation, Comey noted that it was against the “practice” of the FBI “to confirm the existence of ongoing investigations, especially those investigations that involve classified matters.” As we noted at the top, though, it had already been publicly confirmed in the intelligence agencies’ report, and it was already publicly known through media reporting, that the FBI was investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Consequently, the only apparent purpose of Comey’s irregular disclosure was to proclaim that the Bureau was probing links between the Trump campaign and the Putin regime — in particular, any “coordination” between the campaign and Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.


To summarize, then, despite over a year of investigation, no evidence of collusion between Trump’s circle and the Putin regime has been uncovered — and, clearly, none had been uncovered by March 20. Moreover, whatever threads the FBI has been following are sufficiently remote from the president himself that Trump was never under investigation — a fact that, by March 20, was well known to the intelligence agencies, who made it known to Congress.

Nevertheless, a decision was made — Comey stresses, with Justice Department approval — to have Comey announce to the nation on May 20 not only that there was an ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation but that it was focused on the Trump campaign’s suspected collusion with Russia, and that criminal prosecutions were a possibility.

Since the existence of the counterintelligence investigation was well known, Trump had to wonder: What point could there have been in that announcement other than to cast suspicion on the Trump campaign — and, inexorably, on Trump himself?

We are not told who at the “Trump” Justice Department authorized the then-director to make this announcement. I scare-quote the president’s name advisedly. On March 20, the only Trump appointee yet installed at the Justice Department was attorney general Jeff Sessions. He was already recused from Russia-related matters and therefore presumably not consulted on Comey’s planned disclosure.

Ten days later, on March 30, Trump called Comey to complain about the “cloud” over his presidency. Naturally, it had intensified since the congressional hearing, impairing his ability to govern. On this point, Comey’s testimony addresses the president’s desire to know what the FBI could help him do to “lift the cloud.”

Left unaddressed, however, is what had been done at the March 20 hearing to intensify the cloud.

When, in their March 30 conversation, Comey again confirmed that Trump was not personally under investigation, the president insisted — quite understandably — “We have to get that fact out.” In his written testimony, Comey observes that he and Justice Department leaders (again, not Trump appointees) were “reluctant to make public statements that we did not have an open case on President Trump.”

Remarkably, the rationale offered for this reluctance was fear of the uproar that would be caused if the record eventually had to be corrected — meaning: The speculative possibility that some evidence implicating Trump in Russia collusion might someday come to light, notwithstanding that (a) in all the months and months of investigating, no signs of such evidence had surfaced, and (b) as Comey explained in answering hearing questions from Senator Marco Rubio (R. Fla.), Trump had encouraged the FBI to do the Russia investigation and let it all come out.


And if it was important enough to tell Congress that Trump was not under investigation so that Congress would not be misled, what conceivable reason is there not to tell the public — especially when you must know that withholding this critical detail will make it much more difficult for the president to deal with foreign leaders and marshal political support for his domestic agenda?
. I get it.

I don't think you do.
Comey isn't a victim, he is a leaker, and a willing participant of the lie your ass off Obama administration. Not everybody who gets caught lying under oath is a victim. Just like Kathy Griffin isn't the victim.
You don't seem to "get it" at all...

Comey admitted to leaking. He said he was guilty. Still not an iota of proof of a connection between Putin and Trump. You have Trump confused with flexible Obama.......
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Striking when he said he made notes on his meetings with Trump because he feared Trump would lie about them.

Simple question, Dave...if Comey thought what Trump was asking him was so improper that he needed to take notes to protect himself...then why didn't he A) inform Trump that saying he "hoped" Comey could see his way to letting Flynn off the hook was improper...and B) inform the Attorney General's office about the alleged improper suggestions?
So, this is the same defense Trymp's buddy Corey used.

It's Comey's fault because he did not report this to DOJ?

If you actually had a job & the CEO asked you to say lie to a customer, I guess you'd go running to the board of directors right away? Or would you just ignore your request, document it, and only report it when that CEO does something again or implicates you when a problem arises?

If your wife caught you talking to a strange woman on the phone but doesn't say anything but brings it up later when she catches you making out with this woman a few weeks later. She says "AHA, I knew it from the day I caught you on the phone". You reply, "Well you should have said something then".

If El Cheeto wouldn't have started blaming Comey & calling him a liar, Comey likely would never had said anything, just blowing off the incident .

This idea you Trumpettes have that because Comey did not run to the DOJ is an excuse for Trump is ridiculous. Your orange POS hero broke the law, he knew it. Ryan basically admitted it when he tried to use the excuse Trump was new & naive.

If Trump wants to argue it, he needs to do it under oath because he is a proven liar.

Grtwat Presidenbt you voted for, right?

In government & many large companies, there is a 'chain of command' and rules on how to follow that chain, especially if there is a complaint. If Comey didn't like the course of the conversation & felt threatened by it in any way or was uncomfortable with it......he should have went to his supervisor

But instead, he waited, gathered more notes from more 'questionable' meetings/calls from Trump and after he was fired.....gave said notes/memos to a friend to give to the media. Not to mention that he wrote those memos in such a way they wouldn't be considered classified so they could be discussed by other members of the depts. But instead he gave them to the media.
What Comey did right there may or may not be illegal.........but it sure brands him as a cowardly snitch.

Trump didn't break any law, Comey's testimony even said so. He may or may not have acted appropriately........but he didn't break the law. you really think that if Trump had went over the line, and Comey knew it........that Comey would have kept his mouth shut as long as he did???

But Trump is the CEO so, who was he supposed to go to?

Your story is crap.

Quit making excuses & blaming the victim.

Trump did it. Admit it.

Trump is the President........chain of command would make who? as Comey's immediate supervisor??? Sessions??? That's who Comey should have went to. You're the one making excuses because you don't have a valid argument to stand on & you know it. Comey isn't a victim of anyone or anything, except his own failures.
Trump did what exactly?????? Tell Comey he hoped he'd let Flynn slide?????? Yeah, ok...I'll admit it. He did.......BIG FUCKING DEAL

That's not Trump leaning in for a Russian kiss:

And the Uranium is a BIG deal. Google what uranium is used for, you dumbass. Iran was thrilled with our uranium and our planeloads of money. < That should be the next investigation.

Clinton was one of a 9 person panel who had to approve it. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits.

The company is a Canadian mining company which is 51% owned by a Russian company. They purchased uranium reserves in the US. You are claiming Iran got that uranium?

You people love Iran. You want to cancel the deal that prevents Iran from getting a nuke.

And yet the Clnton Foundation did receive large donations at the time as well. Something the SOS failed to report to her superiors and strangely there is no documentation in the US records......but there IS in Canda

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

Do you people EVER quit lying?

What did the other members of that committee get to allow this sale? Or are you claiming the Russians on bribed one of 9 people?

The Clintons take no money from the Clinton Foundation.

The Canadian donations you are lying about were indeed reported. The issue was the individual donations were not listed as that is the way Canadians do it & this was corrected when asked.

I can't believe anyone who voted for Trump has the gull to talk about these false Clinton issues. Trump is a proven business cheat. He has leveraged the Presidency to personally profit. And you run in circles " OMG OMG OMG Clinton Foundation".


Do you Hildebitches ever pay attention??? If you noticed and apparently you didn' wasn't my story. I was quoting one of your favorite news sources, the New York Times.

So where is the link to your sources of differing information that you're squabbling about?

Fuck you & your link.

I posted common knowledge. You see, I read & I learn.

If you want to remain stupid, that is your choice. Look it up yourself & become better informed.

I have a link to a story run by one of the lefts favorite sources of the almighty truth and you tell me 'Fuck you & your link'??? Then state you posted 'common knowledge', like that's supposed to mean something???? So if it's such common knowledge, it should be easy for you to link too, right? But you can't, now can you?
Here, let me help you out a little. I'll post it very carefully in the hopes it will get thru your empty head.......

I don't know if the other committee members received any donations or not. No the Clinton's didn't necessarily get funds directly. BUT their foundation did from several entities involved in the sale, just at different timelines..........but it's true that Hillary wasn't the only controlling figure in the deal. She didn't have the power to do it all herself.
What is concerning here, is the fact that the Clintons have had some type of government dealings with large scale donors to the foundation. Not just Uranium One.
Clintons or more accurately, the Clinton Foundation......had promised/agreed with the Obama White House to report any & all Foreign donations/money transfers, BUT somehow that didn't happen with that Uranium deal until that information was made known. THEN & ONLY THEN, did the Clintons on behalf of the foundation go back & report it and promise not to withhold in future. Claiming the failure to report was due to clerical error.

Here's another link, if you choose to read it ........but if you do, try to keep it objective and not just bitch about Trump because you didn't vote for him

Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope
Clinton did indeed profit from the flexibility Obama promised Putin. A flexibility that garnered Russia American
On the other hand, Trump has done nothing that would profit Russia. And yet you on the left continually overlook the result of the flexibility that Obama promised Putin, to try to discredit someone else without a scintilla of evidence.

Our politicians and the media know that they can lie to us successfully, so they do.
Hence, Trump and Twitter.
We are tired of this backstabbing, foreign funded divide that has pitted neighbor against neighbor. We don't care what CNN said today. We aren't playing the, Just how stupid are the pc Americans? game anymore.
You libs can go play with yourselves... :)
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