Comey & Mueller being sued for Communications between each other under FOIA

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This is getting better by the minute. The sharks are smelling blood in the water.

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Comey-Mueller Communications - Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Justice Department for all records of communications relating to former FBI Director James Comey’s providing memoranda of his conversations with President Trump to Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice(No. 1:18-cv-00932)).
Comey by the way Exonerated Clinton for mishandling Classified Information because he was doing That Very Thing and thought Clinton would Reciprocate and Exonerate him of his crimes when she was Presidential which he was completely sure of her winning, as he said so.
can't wait to see the rightwing judicial watch FOIA suit for all the information Mueller has that is damaging trump.... oh wait....they'll never do that.... :rolleyes:
This is getting better by the minute. The sharks are smelling blood in the water.

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Comey-Mueller Communications - Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Justice Department for all records of communications relating to former FBI Director James Comey’s providing memoranda of his conversations with President Trump to Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice(No. 1:18-cv-00932)).

You idiot. Comey and Mueller aren’t being sued. You can’t sue individuals under the FOIA. You can sue the Department of Justice but not individuals. Only government documents are subject to FOIA requests. Private or personal correspondence cannot be requested.

Classified information cannot be released either.

Imagine that! A Republican watch dog group going after Republicans.

I seriously expect the Justice Department to give JW the traditional one-finger salute.
The libs know it's over...that's why none of them are here tonight....:21:
far far from it Ramby.... you all are simply clueless because you stay in your own soft and cushy snowflake safe bubble.... :p
My soft bubble? LMAO you don't know shit about me don't know where I grew up and how or what I've done my whole life...if anyone is trapped in a bubble it's you folks on the left...your dream world died with Obama's many failures and it was buried by Hillary's dishonesty never to rise's over...the deep state failed...the Clinton machine is dead...and the direction Obama took us in exposed the pitfalls of socialism for all to see...
The libs know it's over...that's why none of them are here tonight....:21:
far far from it Ramby.... you all are simply clueless because you stay in your own soft and cushy snowflake safe bubble.... :p
My soft bubble? LMAO you don't know shit about me don't know where I grew up and how or what I've done my whole life...if anyone is trapped in a bubble it's you folks on the left...your dream world died with Obama's many failures and it was buried by Hillary's dishonesty never to rise's over...the deep state failed...the Clinton machine is dead...and the direction Obama took us in exposed the pitfalls of socialism for all to see...

So many delusions, fabrications and outright fantasies in this post.

Wait until that blue wave washes over you in November.

Liberals are organizing. The Parkland kids are organizing the biggest voter registration drive in recent memory and they’re not voting Republican.

Donald Trump asked black voters “What do you have to lose voting for me?”. Black voters didn’t vote for Trump but they sat on their hands and stayed home in 2016. But now that Trump’s question has been answered and they know exactly what they stand to lose, they won’t be staying home this year. Black voters came out in droves and defeated Roy Moore in Alabama.

Then there’s the women. More women are running for office this year than ever before. Women have seen how the Trump agenda affects women and families, taking away their health care, gutting regulations for clean water and clean air. Ivanka promised maternity leave and family leave. Where did that go?

Health care cuts affect women far more than men since women in their child bearing years use the health care system more than men of similar ages. Women noted that Trump’s health care bill excluded birth control and wimen’s Health needs, but continues to cover Viagara.

As for “failed socialist policies”, it’s your free market policies that are failing. Lack of health universal health care, a living minimum wage and tax cuts for the rich are turning your country into a banana republic where the rich live like kings and the general population barely gets by.

But keep telling yourself that it’s over for liberals. Liberals are waxing up their surfboards and getting ready to ride that blue wave all the way to Washington.
Wait until that blue wave washes over you in November.

I can't wait.....:auiqs.jpg:
The libs know it's over...that's why none of them are here tonight....:21:
far far from it Ramby.... you all are simply clueless because you stay in your own soft and cushy snowflake safe bubble.... :p
My soft bubble? LMAO you don't know shit about me don't know where I grew up and how or what I've done my whole life...if anyone is trapped in a bubble it's you folks on the left...your dream world died with Obama's many failures and it was buried by Hillary's dishonesty never to rise's over...the deep state failed...the Clinton machine is dead...and the direction Obama took us in exposed the pitfalls of socialism for all to see...

So many delusions, fabrications and outright fantasies in this post.

Wait until that blue wave washes over you in November.

Liberals are organizing. The Parkland kids are organizing the biggest voter registration drive in recent memory and they’re not voting Republican.

Donald Trump asked black voters “What do you have to lose voting for me?”. Black voters didn’t vote for Trump but they sat on their hands and stayed home in 2016. But now that Trump’s question has been answered and they know exactly what they stand to lose, they won’t be staying home this year. Black voters came out in droves and defeated Roy Moore in Alabama.

Then there’s the women. More women are running for office this year than ever before. Women have seen how the Trump agenda affects women and families, taking away their health care, gutting regulations for clean water and clean air. Ivanka promised maternity leave and family leave. Where did that go?

Health care cuts affect women far more than men since women in their child bearing years use the health care system more than men of similar ages. Women noted that Trump’s health care bill excluded birth control and wimen’s Health needs, but continues to cover Viagara.

As for “failed socialist policies”, it’s your free market policies that are failing. Lack of health universal health care, a living minimum wage and tax cuts for the rich are turning your country into a banana republic where the rich live like kings and the general population barely gets by.

But keep telling yourself that it’s over for liberals. Liberals are waxing up their surfboards and getting ready to ride that blue wave all the way to Washington.
That's not a surf board you are riding, its a turd.
And WE have our hands on the handle.
Enjoy the ride!

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