Comey lied again, the FBI did not go through anthony weiners laptop..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Another lie from mueller best friend james comey......he lied when he told congress and the American people that they went through anthony weiner's laptop.....

If we had a real attorney general, this could be used to indict huma and weiner and get them to put hilary under the bus....

Bulk of Clinton emails on Weiner's laptop were never examined, findings were never reported

Real Clear Investigations has a blockbuster report focused on the investigation of Anthony Weiner’s laptop and the emails found on it just prior to the 2016 election. Contrary to what was claimed by then-Director James Comey in public, RCI found no real effort was made to look at nearly 700,000 emails found on the laptop. In all, only a few thousand were examined and when more classified information was found in those, it was never referred back to the intelligence community for a damage assessment as required by law.

But RCI’s report throws a very different light on all of this. For one thing, the investigation was botched. For two, it did find something. For three, this sham investigation matches with the inexplicable behavior of Hillary fan Peter Strzok who let the laptop matter slide for weeks. Here’s how RCI describes the timeline of non-events:

By Oct. 4, the Weiner case agent had finished processing the laptop, and reported that he found at least 675,000 emails potentially relevant to the Midyear case (in fact, the final count was 694,000). “Based on the number of emails, we could have every email that Huma and Hillary ever sent each other,” the agent remarked to colleagues. It appeared this was the mother lode of missing Clinton emails. But Strzok remained uninterested. “This isn’t a ticking terrorist bomb,” he was quoted as saying in the recently issued inspector general’s report. Besides, he had bigger concerns, such as, “You know, is the government of Russian trying to get somebody elected here in the United States?”

Strzok and headquarters sat on the mountain of evidence for another 26 days. The career New York agent said all he was hearing from Washington was “crickets,” so he pushed the issue to his immediate superiors, fearing he would be “scapegoated” for failing to search the pile of digital evidence. They, in turn, went over Strzok’s head, passing their concerns on to career officials at the National Security Division of the Justice Department, who in turn set off alarm bells at the seventh floor executive suites of the Hoover Building…

He never should have looked anyway

It is what I like to call....A Witch Hunt
You know the FBI lies, places evidence, crimes that other Depts, would be charged with. Remember the FBI lab who had a person who was making up false reports on drugs and sending blk bros to prison.

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