Comedian Bill Maher


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Bill Maher: “We need to promote death.”


Bill Maher made a telling statement recently, seemingly in comedy, but it was an honest statement — one many progressive believe but are too afraid to openly say.

“I mean I have a lot of ideas you might consider conservative. On that I’m just consistent. The Pope is consistently pro-life. I’m consistently pro-death. I’m for the death penalty. But I believe in more DNA testing my motto is kill the right people. I’m pro-choice. I’m for the assisted suicide. I’m for regular suicide. I’m for whatever the freeway is moving. The planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.

If when we look at the diagram of who’re pro-death penalty, and pro choice.

I’m not randomly going in the streets “hey we’re going to kill you”. We’re talking about people kill the right people. Nowadays it is possible to get that right.”

“This is one of the reasons I’ve come to begrudgingly appreciate Bill Mahr. He’s one of the only people who has the freedom to actually say what the progressive agenda is,” he said.



Bill Maher: “We need to promote death.” – Glenn Beck
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I agree with him. I'm also pro-death penalty and also believe that with DNA testing, we can kill the right people. And I wish we would speed the process up. The punk who shot Gabby Giffords should have been executed by now. The punk who murdered the people in the movie theater should be months away from being executed, not years.

Rightwingers are so fucked up these days, they can't even remember that they have always been the party of the death penalty.
We are going that rout.

- We have the death Penalty.
- We have abortion.
- We have the NDAA.
- We have Death panels.
We are going that rout.

- We have the death Penalty.
- We have abortion.
- We have the NDAA.
- We have Death panels.


We HAVE had the death penalty and abortion forever.

We HAVE had death panels since insurance companies came into existence.

And what does the National Defense Authorization Act have to do with anything?

Bill Maher Staffer: Reporters Recommending Liberal Ideas Are Like Dentists Endorsing a Toothbrush

By Tim Graham | October 15, 2012

There are two recent arguments on The Huffington Post about liberal media bias. Inside the media elite, the bias deniers were represented by former ABC News president David Westin boasting Martha Raddatz somehow won the bias debate as she moderated Biden and Ryan in Kentucky.

Then there are the effects deniers, represented by Scott Stenholm, a staffer for Bill Maher’s show Real Time on HBO. Citing the MRC’s Tell the Truth campaign, he admitted the media were biased, but that the country keeps electing Republican presidents, so how effective is the tilt? Stenholm thinks the country should be embracing the liberal media's hard-earned expertise.


Furthermore, is it that liberals are drawn to a career covering the news or is covering the news making them more progressive? I would more likely believe the latter. Are we to believe that it is a giant conspiracy that is sending all these liberal kids into a life of reporting the news? Not likely.

Stenholm summed it up: "So while the 'liberal media' does not seem to be having a dramatic effect on ideology it does beg the question -- shouldn't the country be leaning in the same ideological direction as the people who cover this stuff for a living?"

Read more: Bill Maher Staffer: Reporters Recommending Liberal Ideas Are Like Dentists Endorsing a Toothbrush |
We are going that rout.

- We have the death Penalty.
- We have abortion.
- We have the NDAA.
- We have Death panels.


We HAVE had the death penalty and abortion forever.

We HAVE had death panels since insurance companies came into existence.

And what does the National Defense Authorization Act have to do with anything?

Just because the government does not tell you who or how many they secretly snatch up & kill under their NDAA powers does not mean it is not happening.
"Comedian" Bill Maher is an unfunny left wing hack has-been. The only way he can keep his name in the news is to spout the stupidest and most controversial thing he can think of.

He's a shit stain.

Bill Maher: “We need to promote death.”


Bill Maher made a telling statement recently, seemingly in comedy, but it was an honest statement — one many progressive believe but are too afraid to openly say.

“I mean I have a lot of ideas you might consider conservative. On that I’m just consistent. The Pope is consistently pro-life. I’m consistently pro-death. I’m for the death penalty. But I believe in more DNA testing my motto is kill the right people. I’m pro-choice. I’m for the assisted suicide. I’m for regular suicide. I’m for whatever the freeway is moving. The planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.

If when we look at the diagram of who’re pro-death penalty, and pro choice.

I’m not randomly going in the streets “hey we’re going to kill you”. We’re talking about people kill the right people. Nowadays it is possible to get that right.”

“This is one of the reasons I’ve come to begrudgingly appreciate Bill Mahr. He’s one of the only people who has the freedom to actually say what the progressive agenda is,” he said.


Bill Maher: "We Need To Promote Death" - YouTube


Bill Maher: “We need to promote death.” – Glenn Beck

Sounds like Maher's been watching Dexter.:lol:
You don't even really have to kill people. Just sterilize repeat criminals and life-long welfare cheats. You'll start to see societal improvement in a generation or two.
Why do you think he donated a million to the Hussein campaign? He found the guy who is most likely to promote the concepts he wants to see enacted.
Bill Mahr is a political comedian on HBO... Why do people act so shocked About this stuff?
Daily Mail. :lol:

That's like the National Enquirer.

Yeah, that's true....and they (Enquirer) were right about that little affair weren't they.

Who cares the source so long as it's true.

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