Columnist Warns: ‘You Ain’t Seen Anything Yet’; Democrat Party Has ‘No Intention of Accepting’ 2nd Trump Term

Overall, we rate RedState borderline Questionable and strongly Right Biased, based on story selection that always favors the right and use of emotionally loaded (sensationalized) headlines. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing of information and a few failed fact checks. (7/19/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 4/20/2019)

Dem PROJECT---whatever they do wrong, they claim Trump and others are doing it. I think they hope people don't realize that even though they scream the loudest, that people can see the truth. Ergo, even after the election-----they are going to claim Trump lost.

They have to BARR has been investigating the swamp---the swamp is scared chitless as are their puppet masters.
When Democrats see the polls showing them losing, they are going to go mad and burn the country down. Doubt we will make it to the election.

Remember the Dem mass protests when Trump whooped their ass in 2016. Only this time there will be looting and burning. Dems will squeal like stuck pigs while I laugh at them until my sides hurt. :auiqs.jpg:

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