Collusion being Exposed: Russian Paid & Played Clintons, BLM, The Black Fist, ...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Evidence now show the Russians and their Troll Factory PAID and PLAID Liberals / Democrats as far back as the 2009 but culminated in a huge effort during the 2016 election.

From the Clintons to groups such as Black Lives Matter and The Black Fist, liberals were paid off and mainupulated to tear this nation apart, jeopardize our national

Black Fist group paid by Russian Troll Factory to sell discord...

... while Clintons on Russial Payroll befor Uranium 1 deal and during the election...

Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

Black Lives Matter ads used to sow chaos – here's who did it

New evidence emerges that Russia infiltrated Facebook to sow political chaos in the US

Russia tables turn, roping Clinton, Obama, Holder, not Trump

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

The best part about liberal Fake News False Accusations is watching the mushroom cloud and collateral damage later when it blows up in their faces!


They very reason they were scared you know what when Trump won, and why they screamed relentlessly for special counsel, hoping t avoid their shenanigans being exposed.
Hillary isn't giving back Weinstein's OR the Russians' money back...

Paying the Clintons off for influence to help purchase Uranium and manipulating / controlling blacks by paying them to create violent division in the US is not 'interfering in the election', you ignorant, silly snowflake.

Pathetic attempt to spin - FAIL!

Let me know when Hillary decides to give Weinstein or Vladamir back their money!
Why is the Clinton witch not behind bars is beyond me.

As well as 80% of the Obama Administration, they should be behind bars!

The corruption and criminality of those people is beyond the pale! :mad-61:
Paying the Clintons off for influence to help purchase Uranium and manipulating / controlling blacks by paying them to create violent division in the US is not 'interfering in the election', you ignorant, silly snowflake.

Pathetic attempt to spin - FAIL!

Let me know when Hillary decides to give Weinstein or Vladamir back their money!

Your own link says
Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

You cant say they werent interfering and then cite links of interference. And if you're thinking about replying trying to explain, dont.
Paying the Clintons off for influence to help purchase Uranium and manipulating / controlling blacks by paying them to create violent division in the US is not 'interfering in the election', you ignorant, silly snowflake.

Pathetic attempt to spin - FAIL!

Let me know when Hillary decides to give Weinstein or Vladamir back their money!

Your own link says
Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

You cant say they werent interfering and then cite links of interference. And if you're thinking about replying trying to explain, dont.
Analysists broke down tbe fact that approx $25k was spent attempting to specifically ifluence the election that saw BILLIONS spent on the race for the Presidency.

Peddle your liberal-ass-covering BS elsewhere, at least not to me. I ain't buying it, snowflake dupe.
Paying the Clintons off for influence to help purchase Uranium and manipulating / controlling blacks by paying them to create violent division in the US is not 'interfering in the election', you ignorant, silly snowflake.

Pathetic attempt to spin - FAIL!

Let me know when Hillary decides to give Weinstein or Vladamir back their money!

Your own link says
Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

You cant say they werent interfering and then cite links of interference. And if you're thinking about replying trying to explain, dont.
Analysists broke down tbe fact that approx $25k was spent attempting to specifically ifluence the election that saw BILLIONS spent on the race for the Presidency.

Peddle your liberal-ass-covering BS elsewhere, at least not to me. I ain't buying it, snowflake dupe.

So, then thats a yes...just like I said
Snowflake, you're not fooling anyone.

All you are doing is trying to distract from the fact that the clintons were on the Russian payroll, did Obama knew about some of what the Russians were doing and refused to act, and how Russians paid Mark Zuckerberg, a flaming liberal, and black activist groups like The Black Fist and Black Lives Matter matter two violently divided this country.

Your concern for covering the back sides of criminal, traitorous, seditious liberals more than standing up for your country is Despicable.

Evidence now show the Russians and their Troll Factory PAID and PLAID Liberals / Democrats as far back as the 2009 but culminated in a huge effort during the 2016 election.

From the Clintons to groups such as Black Lives Matter and The Black Fist, liberals were paid off and mainupulated to tear this nation apart, jeopardize our national

Black Fist group paid by Russian Troll Factory to sell discord...

... while Clintons on Russial Payroll befor Uranium 1 deal and during the election...

Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

Black Lives Matter ads used to sow chaos – here's who did it

New evidence emerges that Russia infiltrated Facebook to sow political chaos in the US

Russia tables turn, roping Clinton, Obama, Holder, not Trump

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

The best part about liberal Fake News False Accusations is watching the mushroom cloud and collateral damage later when it blows up in their faces!



Truer words were never spoken Sergei. You assholes are still trying to sow discord but we're on to you.

Tell us why Putin hates Hillary so much? I guess it's because he's afraid of smart, competent women. Just like you.
Why is the Clinton witch not behind bars is beyond me.

As well as 80% of the Obama Administration, they should be behind bars!

The corruption and criminality of those people is beyond the pale! :mad-61:
no wonder Bambi has been quiet/hiding all of this time

Yes, Einstein! :rolleyes-41: :D
i didnt know that was my name

I did! :ack-1: :laugh:
can you reply to my comical thread about those businesses with the name "Weinstein"? its a pretty funny thread
Why is the Clinton witch not behind bars is beyond me.

As well as 80% of the Obama Administration, they should be behind bars!

The corruption and criminality of those people is beyond the pale! :mad-61:

The lies of those on the right are beyond the pale. There is no evidence of criminality by the Clintons. NONE.

But sheep like you keep acting like there is. Why is that? $100 million of your taxpayer dollars have been spent trying to find a crime and come up empty.

Republican lies and rumours don't constitute proof of wrong doing. Until you have evidence, witnesses and charges, it's libel and slander to call the Clintons criminals.
Republican Mueller's investigation= BAD !!!

Article from Washington Examiner= Tablets from Mt Sinai


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