College Should Be Free! (For Americans)

This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

So true.
Every decision to consume one product usually comes with the trade-off of giving up the consumption of something else.

This, of course, is denied in 'The Theology of Liberalism.'

The obverse can be found here:
'To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who (or whose fathers) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "to guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." A Project of the Claremont Institute

What a load of horse shit. I've rearranged an old saying. To make it fit the wealthy. See if it makes any sense to you. "They've got all the bread, but they want cake. There's no end to what they'll take." Do you know what doesn't have limits? How wealthy the wealthy want to be. But there should be limits. I am also reminded of a study done on children. Most of them, if in fact not all of them, were willing to take less of something. As long as it meant that some other child would receive nothing at all. This is probably because of an instinctual "status" thing. And it is something that apparently never really goes away.

I'm not saying that those who work a little harder shouldn't receive a little more. But as I said, there has to be limits. And even then, it brings up a problem that needs to be dealt with. Which is that the more you have, the more somebody else will figure out a way of taking from you. For example, by making things more expensive. But if things become more expensive for those who can afford it, those things will be even farther out of the reach of those who can't.

There is another problem that what you talk about brings up. Which basically is aristocracy. For some people, the only thing they need to do to have an advantage over others is just to be born. Just because somebody may decide to work a little harder doesn't necessarily make their children superior. And therefore, worthy of the silver spoon they were born with. Only one thing can truly perform that function. A eugenic breeding program.
First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.
Ahh, I see the problem. Mental issues, eh. I'm guessing you've been hospitalized before for your own good and, maybe, a little medication to help you cope?

Thanks for the Nazi confession. It was clear you were a Nazi, but it's always an honesty check to see if someone owns up to it. Good luck with your RaHoWa. I'm guessing it won't last more than half a day and all of your friends will be dead or in prison. You, I'm guessing, will be hiding in the back "holding the horses".

Indeed, Krypto has made his Nazi leanings - or what he calls "white separatism" - clear since his earliest posts and has not only been consistent, he's been upfront.

Like you, I appreciate his honesty and the poster-child example he provides of the 21st Century Nazi as an uneducated (by choice), lazy, hate-filled POS in constant need of validation.

The world would be a better place if every generation we round them up and put them in reeducation camps where they might learn enough to remove their tongues from their fuehrer's butt and, failing that, "graduate" them to "work camps" where they can get the same treatment their Nazi forebears applied to those they consider inferior.

In the matter of coping meds, I suspect the 3 decades we have spent medicating our kids as a convenient way to avoid smacking them in the face and kicking them in the butt has produced large quantities of uninspired and unprepared wards-of-the-state who have learned that panhandling when coupled with gov't bennies provides a viable lifestyle they can live with.

Krypto has made it clear he considers Americans to be beneath him and adamantly refuses to do anything which might benefit society. A typical Nazi leach who not only sucks America's teat but also fails his responsibility to help pull the train for those who can't. Unadulterated, proud and unapologetic Nazi scum.

Oh how full of shit you are. True patriotism doesn't depend on what "ism" cult you were raised and educated under. Neither does it have anything to do with whatever rag may be on top of a flagpole. Or the land that you live on that you are willing to let others emigrate (invade) to. The rock bottom basis for true patriotism and honor lies in what you are. For me, that means White. It means that White people matter. And White people have a right to exist!

As for Hitler, just everything you have been taught or have been told about him is a LIE! That you believe it or spread it makes YOU scum. Deal with it.
...As for the Nazis, just about everything you have ever been taught or heard about them is a LIE! History is written by the victors. Also, in war, truth is the first casualty. And for those who lost, it remains a casualty.

Wow ... just wow!

So rather than make the effort to get a real education you've wasted your time getting a race-based "Internet Education" that pats you on the head, relieves you of any responsibility for the nature and quality of your life and validates all the hateful BS that wanders into and around your little head.

Grow the fuck up, Princess. America doesn't owe you a life. Get out and get one. Sheesh.

You are the one who needs to grow the fuck up. Also, you don't know anything about me. And if I told you what I know, and SHOWED them to you, I would probably get banned. That should tell you everything you need to know about the quality of what you think you know.
...Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism... What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet....
Thanks for the Nazi confession. It was clear you were a Nazi, but it's always an honesty check to see if someone owns up to it...

Indeed, Krypto has made his Nazi leanings - or what he calls "white separatism" - clear since his earliest posts and has not only been consistent, he's been upfront.

Like you, I appreciate his honesty and the poster-child example he provides of the 21st Century Nazi as an uneducated (by choice), lazy, hate-filled POS in constant need of validation.

The world would be a better place if every generation we round them up and put them in reeducation camps where they might learn enough to remove their tongues from their fuehrer's butt and, failing that, "graduate" them to "work camps" where they can get the same treatment their Nazi forebears applied to those they consider inferior.

In the matter of coping meds, I suspect the 3 decades we have spent medicating our kids as a convenient way to avoid smacking them in the face and kicking them in the butt has produced large quantities of uninspired and unprepared wards-of-the-state who have learned that panhandling when coupled with gov't bennies provides a viable lifestyle they can live with.

Krypto has made it clear he considers Americans to be beneath him and adamantly refuses to do anything which might benefit society. A typical Nazi leach who not only sucks America's teat but also fails his responsibility to help pull the train for those who can't. Unadulterated, proud and unapologetic Nazi scum.

Oh how full of shit you are. True patriotism doesn't depend on what "ism" cult you were raised and educated under. Neither does it have anything to do with whatever rag may be on top of a flagpole. Or the land that you live on that you are willing to let others emigrate (invade) to. The rock bottom basis for true patriotism and honor lies in what you are. For me, that means White. It means that White people matter. And White people have a right to exist!

As for Hitler, just everything you have been taught or have been told about him is a LIE! That you believe it or spread it makes YOU scum. Deal with it.

Our conversation has nothing to do with patriotism (although clearly you hate America and Americans and love Hitler and all things Nazi).

As to what I know of you (feel free to deny any of it but I gleaned the following from your posts on this thread):
1) You dropped out of high school (and your semi literate posts are irrefutable proof of that) because you saw no college in your future, in part because it was inconvenient for you.
2) While you claim to be successful, you admit you couldn't afford college and are here promoting a $10,000 gov't giveaway so you can afford to make a down payment on a trailer home.
3) You have used your non-existent education to determine that what most educated (and all rational) people know about Hitler and the Nazis is a "LIE!"
4) You clearly believe only "White people matter" and see everything through a racist prism.

While you may find kinship in the Internet Nazi community you must be aware that nobody really likes you (either here on in real time) as evidenced by your concern about getting banned from another message board.
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What in the heck are you talking about?

This is what I posted: "Take medicine, for instance, our four top research hospitals alone have discovered more new drugs, procedures, and technology than any half dozen or more countries with free college and free healthcare."

That is due to our for-profit health care and insurance system.

Surely acknowledge that there is good, moral greed as well as evil greed.

Was Henry Ford "evil" for having invented the assembly line?

Aren't those things due to scientific discoveries? Also, what I was basically getting at was, fuck our "for profit" healthcare system. Health care should be free free free free free free! There are shitloads of people who have gone bankrupt and many who have also become homeless because they couldn't afford their healthcare. In countries where healthcare is free, that doesn't happen.

Also, there is no such thing as "good" greed. Though before the French revolution, there were probably many French aristocrats who would have said that there is. Next, as far as the assembly line thing goes, it just depends on how machine like the employees were expected to perform. Also, I couldn't even tell you how many millions of deaths that have been caused by automobiles. That definitely isn't a good thing. Or even acceptable.

It is always amusing that my Progressive good friends are always so uninformed or intentionally ignorant.

Here we have one, I guess with a straight face saying, the world would be better off without automobiles. That says all that need be said about Progressives...LOONEY TOONS!

Simply don't respond to krypto.

Just like children act out badly when they want attention, so does krypto.

Ignoring him is the worst possible thing to do to him.

Feeding him with responses to his lunacy simply satisfies his thirst for attention from any possible source. Even he doesn't believe the nonsense he posts. He just gets off pulling strings.
...As for the Nazis, just about everything you have ever been taught or heard about them is a LIE! History is written by the victors. Also, in war, truth is the first casualty. And for those who lost, it remains a casualty.

Wow ... just wow!

So rather than make the effort to get a real education you've wasted your time getting a race-based "Internet Education" that pats you on the head, relieves you of any responsibility for the nature and quality of your life and validates all the hateful BS that wanders into and around your little head.

Grow the fuck up, Princess. America doesn't owe you a life. Get out and get one. Sheesh.

You are the one who needs to grow the fuck up. Also, you don't know anything about me. And if I told you what I know, and SHOWED them to you, I would probably get banned. That should tell you everything you need to know about the quality of what you think you know.

There it is again. Headcase little pussy afraid to speak its so-called mind. Pathetic.
This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

So true.
Every decision to consume one product usually comes with the trade-off of giving up the consumption of something else.

This, of course, is denied in 'The Theology of Liberalism.'

The obverse can be found here:
'To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who (or whose fathers) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "to guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." A Project of the Claremont Institute

What a load of horse shit. I've rearranged an old saying. To make it fit the wealthy. See if it makes any sense to you. "They've got all the bread, but they want cake. There's no end to what they'll take." Do you know what doesn't have limits? How wealthy the wealthy want to be. But there should be limits. I am also reminded of a study done on children. Most of them, if in fact not all of them, were willing to take less of something. As long as it meant that some other child would receive nothing at all. This is probably because of an instinctual "status" thing. And it is something that apparently never really goes away.

I'm not saying that those who work a little harder shouldn't receive a little more. But as I said, there has to be limits. And even then, it brings up a problem that needs to be dealt with. Which is that the more you have, the more somebody else will figure out a way of taking from you. For example, by making things more expensive. But if things become more expensive for those who can afford it, those things will be even farther out of the reach of those who can't.

There is another problem that what you talk about brings up. Which basically is aristocracy. For some people, the only thing they need to do to have an advantage over others is just to be born. Just because somebody may decide to work a little harder doesn't necessarily make their children superior. And therefore, worthy of the silver spoon they were born with. Only one thing can truly perform that function. A eugenic breeding program.

1. Your vulgarity identifies both your political perspective and your lack of education.

2. There is no perennial group in America known as 'the wealthy.'

a. As productivity and skills increase, workers earn more. Productivity of workers in competitive markets is what determines the earnings of most workers; and it is not an accident that labor earns about 70% of the total output of the American economy, and capital earns about 30%.

In Alan Reynold’s “Income and Wealth,” he studied the data, and found the following.Certainly the top fifth of households has a far greater proportion of same, but it also has six times as many full-time workers as the bottom fifth, heavily composed of two-earner couples with older children or other relatives who work. The bottom fifth is heavily composed of aged or younger couples, the retired or the still in school. Also, some in the bottom fifth because they are part of the underground economy, or in crime, so income is not reported. Or suffer addictions which preclude work.

b. "The wealthy"....No such class exists in an ongoing basis...merely as a snapshot in time.

"More than three-quarters of those working Americans whose incomes were in the bottom 20 percent in 1975 were also in the top 40 percent of income earners at some point by 1991, says Sowell."
Source: Thomas Sowell, "How Media Misuse Income Data To Match Their Preconceptions," Investor's Business Daily, January 12, 2010.
For text:
How Media Misuse Income Data To Match Their Preconceptions -

c. When all sources of income are included -- wages, salaries, realized capital gains, dividends, business income and government benefits -- and taxes paid are deducted, households in the lowest income quintile saw a roughly 25% increase in their living standards from 1983 to 2005. (See chart nearby; the data is from the Congressional Budget Office's "Comprehensive Household Income.") This fact alone refutes the notion that the poor are getting poorer. They are not.
The data also show downward mobility among the highest income earners. The top 1% in 1996 saw an average decline in their real, after-tax incomes by 52% in the next 10 years.
America is still an opportunity society where talent and hard work can (almost always) overcome one's position at birth or at any point in time. Perhaps the best piece of news in this regard is the reduction in gaps between earnings of men and women, and between blacks and whites over the last 25 years.
This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

When I went to high school, I didn't pay a thing for it. That makes it free. Whatever else may have happened to make high school exist is besides the point. Deal with it.

"When I went to high school, I didn't pay a thing for it. That makes it free."
Gads, you're stupid.

That made it you.
Your neighbors all chipped in and paid your way.....too bad the education didn't stick, huh?
"Trade" unions here might get better pay and benefits for their members, but at what cost? My experience is that the union is in bed with the employer, the workers get some token concession, and the union and employer make out like big dogs.
What union were you in?
Thanks. Unions in general, and aviation unions in particular, have taken a severe beating over the past 4.5 decades.

The main power of unions is their control of labor, but in today's age, we've seen money have more power on Washington. "Money talks and bullshit walks" is now more true than ever. Compared to corporations like airlines, unions have very little money which is why corporations always have the best lawyers and the most influence on the Hill. You have the IAM, they have the A4A.

The IAM has 720,000 members and, in 2014, donated $2,290,690 to political candidates. While the A4A's donations in 2014 are not only 3 times larger $6,820,000, let's not forget the airlines themselves who donated several times the IAM's political donations in the tens of millions: Air Transport | OpenSecrets

IMO, it's an uphill battle for labor in this country which is why we've seen more and more money be concentrated in the hands of corporations and less and less in the hands of workers.

...Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism... What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet....
Thanks for the Nazi confession. It was clear you were a Nazi, but it's always an honesty check to see if someone owns up to it...

Indeed, Krypto has made his Nazi leanings - or what he calls "white separatism" - clear since his earliest posts and has not only been consistent, he's been upfront.

Like you, I appreciate his honesty and the poster-child example he provides of the 21st Century Nazi as an uneducated (by choice), lazy, hate-filled POS in constant need of validation.

The world would be a better place if every generation we round them up and put them in reeducation camps where they might learn enough to remove their tongues from their fuehrer's butt and, failing that, "graduate" them to "work camps" where they can get the same treatment their Nazi forebears applied to those they consider inferior.

In the matter of coping meds, I suspect the 3 decades we have spent medicating our kids as a convenient way to avoid smacking them in the face and kicking them in the butt has produced large quantities of uninspired and unprepared wards-of-the-state who have learned that panhandling when coupled with gov't bennies provides a viable lifestyle they can live with.

Krypto has made it clear he considers Americans to be beneath him and adamantly refuses to do anything which might benefit society. A typical Nazi leach who not only sucks America's teat but also fails his responsibility to help pull the train for those who can't. Unadulterated, proud and unapologetic Nazi scum.

Oh how full of shit you are. True patriotism doesn't depend on what "ism" cult you were raised and educated under. Neither does it have anything to do with whatever rag may be on top of a flagpole. Or the land that you live on that you are willing to let others emigrate (invade) to. The rock bottom basis for true patriotism and honor lies in what you are. For me, that means White. It means that White people matter. And White people have a right to exist!

As for Hitler, just everything you have been taught or have been told about him is a LIE! That you believe it or spread it makes YOU scum. Deal with it.

Our conversation has nothing to do with patriotism (although clearly you hate America and Americans and love Hitler and all things Nazi).

As to what I know of you (feel free to deny any of it but I gleaned the following from your posts on this thread):
1) You dropped out of high school (and your semi literate posts are irrefutable proof of that) because you saw no college in your future, in part because it was inconvenient for you.
2) While you claim to be successful, you admit you couldn't afford college and are here promoting a $10,000 gov't giveaway so you can afford to make a down payment on a trailer home.
3) You have used your non-existent education to determine that what most educated (and all rational) people know about Hitler and the Nazis is a "LIE!"
4) You clearly believe only "White people matter" and see everything through a racist prism.

While you may find kinship in the Internet Nazi community you must be aware that nobody really likes you (either here on in real time) as evidenced by your concern about getting banned from another message board.

First, (point no. 1) college wasn't inconvient for me. It was just unaffordable. Next, (point no. 2) I'm not sucessful. I'm poor. It's just that my inteligence is such that nobody can defeate me in debate. No doubt with my having dropped out of highschool in my third year with three years of credits to make up for, those with more "education" are offended by that. Next, somebody around here brought up the economy. Well if all those Americans who don't have 10,000 dollars were given 10,000 to spend, as long as there was a price freeze in place and Chinese goods were made to cost as much as goods made by Americans, it would do to our economy what pouring gasoline on a fire does to fire.

Next, (point no.3) you have been lied to so much about Hitler and WW II, I'm not even allowed to tell you the truth about it here. Why? Because it would be too offensive to you masters. The jews. And being offensive just isn't allowed. Intollerance just won't be tollerated. Next, (point no. 4) only White people do matter. At the very least, they are all who should matter to White people. Also, the overpopulation of non-whites is speeding the destruction of our planet. Every single day, there are about 228,000 more non-whites on the planet than there was the day before. Tell me. Who should matter more. The Whites who aren't overpopulating the planet or the non-whites who are.
What in the heck are you talking about?

This is what I posted: "Take medicine, for instance, our four top research hospitals alone have discovered more new drugs, procedures, and technology than any half dozen or more countries with free college and free healthcare."

That is due to our for-profit health care and insurance system.

Surely acknowledge that there is good, moral greed as well as evil greed.

Was Henry Ford "evil" for having invented the assembly line?

Aren't those things due to scientific discoveries? Also, what I was basically getting at was, fuck our "for profit" healthcare system. Health care should be free free free free free free! There are shitloads of people who have gone bankrupt and many who have also become homeless because they couldn't afford their healthcare. In countries where healthcare is free, that doesn't happen.

Also, there is no such thing as "good" greed. Though before the French revolution, there were probably many French aristocrats who would have said that there is. Next, as far as the assembly line thing goes, it just depends on how machine like the employees were expected to perform. Also, I couldn't even tell you how many millions of deaths that have been caused by automobiles. That definitely isn't a good thing. Or even acceptable.

It is always amusing that my Progressive good friends are always so uninformed or intentionally ignorant.

Here we have one, I guess with a straight face saying, the world would be better off without automobiles. That says all that need be said about Progressives...LOONE

Do you enjoy being stupid? They used to have cable cars in LA. Until the automobile industry colluded to get rid of them. What would be wrong with having communities built around mass transit. Another thing is the millions who have died in car accidents. How would you like it if you were one of them. Also, cars have enabled people to move out across the countryside. That isn't very good for nature. Not to mention how they contribute to human caused global warming. Cars may be convenient. But I think they are a little like smoking. After you've given it up for a while, not having a cigarette doesn't bother you.
Simply don't respond to krypto.

Just like children act out badly when they want attention, so does krypto.

Ignoring him is the worst possible thing to do to him.

Feeding him with responses to his lunacy simply satisfies his thirst for attention from any possible source. Even he doesn't believe the nonsense he posts. He just gets off pulling strings.

There is a better way to deal with me. If you think anything I said anywhere is wrong, just tell me what it is.
This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

So true.
Every decision to consume one product usually comes with the trade-off of giving up the consumption of something else.

This, of course, is denied in 'The Theology of Liberalism.'

The obverse can be found here:
'To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who (or whose fathers) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "to guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." A Project of the Claremont Institute

What a load of horse shit. I've rearranged an old saying. To make it fit the wealthy. See if it makes any sense to you. "They've got all the bread, but they want cake. There's no end to what they'll take." Do you know what doesn't have limits? How wealthy the wealthy want to be. But there should be limits. I am also reminded of a study done on children. Most of them, if in fact not all of them, were willing to take less of something. As long as it meant that some other child would receive nothing at all. This is probably because of an instinctual "status" thing. And it is something that apparently never really goes away.

I'm not saying that those who work a little harder shouldn't receive a little more. But as I said, there has to be limits. And even then, it brings up a problem that needs to be dealt with. Which is that the more you have, the more somebody else will figure out a way of taking from you. For example, by making things more expensive. But if things become more expensive for those who can afford it, those things will be even farther out of the reach of those who can't.

There is another problem that what you talk about brings up. Which basically is aristocracy. For some people, the only thing they need to do to have an advantage over others is just to be born. Just because somebody may decide to work a little harder doesn't necessarily make their children superior. And therefore, worthy of the silver spoon they were born with. Only one thing can truly perform that function. A eugenic breeding program.

1. Your vulgarity identifies both your political perspective and your lack of education.

2. There is no perennial group in America known as 'the wealthy.'

a. As productivity and skills increase, workers earn more. Productivity of workers in competitive markets is what determines the earnings of most workers; and it is not an accident that labor earns about 70% of the total output of the American economy, and capital earns about 30%.

In Alan Reynold’s “Income and Wealth,” he studied the data, and found the following.Certainly the top fifth of households has a far greater proportion of same, but it also has six times as many full-time workers as the bottom fifth, heavily composed of two-earner couples with older children or other relatives who work. The bottom fifth is heavily composed of aged or younger couples, the retired or the still in school. Also, some in the bottom fifth because they are part of the underground economy, or in crime, so income is not reported. Or suffer addictions which preclude work.

b. "The wealthy"....No such class exists in an ongoing basis...merely as a snapshot in time.

"More than three-quarters of those working Americans whose incomes were in the bottom 20 percent in 1975 were also in the top 40 percent of income earners at some point by 1991, says Sowell."
Source: Thomas Sowell, "How Media Misuse Income Data To Match Their Preconceptions," Investor's Business Daily, January 12, 2010.
For text:
How Media Misuse Income Data To Match Their Preconceptions -

c. When all sources of income are included -- wages, salaries, realized capital gains, dividends, business income and government benefits -- and taxes paid are deducted, households in the lowest income quintile saw a roughly 25% increase in their living standards from 1983 to 2005. (See chart nearby; the data is from the Congressional Budget Office's "Comprehensive Household Income.") This fact alone refutes the notion that the poor are getting poorer. They are not.
The data also show downward mobility among the highest income earners. The top 1% in 1996 saw an average decline in their real, after-tax incomes by 52% in the next 10 years.
America is still an opportunity society where talent and hard work can (almost always) overcome one's position at birth or at any point in time. Perhaps the best piece of news in this regard is the reduction in gaps between earnings of men and women, and between blacks and whites over the last 25 years.

It sounds like a load of crap to me. How much do the top 1% pay you to spread it. Most of the experts I've heard talk about it say that our middle class is declining. I have also seen websites that say that there are around 100 million unemployed Americans. But as far as I can figure, for working age adults, the number is around 27 million unemployed. The number is close to the same for those who are underemployed. There is indeed a group out there that can be classified as "wealthy." And I know that I'm not one of them. Compared to me, anybody making $15,000 a year would be wealthy.
This thread has become an interesting exercise in seeing how many different subjects one person can be absolutely ignorant of. We may be looking at a new world record here.

By the way, there is no such thing as free college or free health care.

When I went to high school, I didn't pay a thing for it. That makes it free. Whatever else may have happened to make high school exist is besides the point. Deal with it.

"When I went to high school, I didn't pay a thing for it. That makes it free."
Gads, you're stupid.

That made it you.
Your neighbors all chipped in and paid your way.....too bad the education didn't stick, huh?

You're the one who's stupid. That's what this whole thread was about. Making college free. FOR THE STUDENTS.
Perhaps the pathetic OP is going through this whole performance to make people feel sorry for him.

It's not working.
"Trade" unions here might get better pay and benefits for their members, but at what cost? My experience is that the union is in bed with the employer, the workers get some token concession, and the union and employer make out like big dogs.
What union were you in?
Thanks. Unions in general, and aviation unions in particular, have taken a severe beating over the past 4.5 decades.

The main power of unions is their control of labor, but in today's age, we've seen money have more power on Washington. "Money talks and bullshit walks" is now more true than ever. Compared to corporations like airlines, unions have very little money which is why corporations always have the best lawyers and the most influence on the Hill. You have the IAM, they have the A4A.

The IAM has 720,000 members and, in 2014, donated $2,290,690 to political candidates. While the A4A's donations in 2014 are not only 3 times larger $6,820,000, let's not forget the airlines themselves who donated several times the IAM's political donations in the tens of millions: Air Transport | OpenSecrets

IMO, it's an uphill battle for labor in this country which is why we've seen more and more money be concentrated in the hands of corporations and less and less in the hands of workers.


The problem workers are having are due, as you know, to the destruction waged by the labor unions.

Please list the industries (government is NOT an industry) which have grown because of unions.
No, they're not. What are usually referred to as "races" are in fact different species of human.
Again, since you dropped out of high school, it's understandable why you don't have a fucking clue about basic biology.

Are you a Nazi? A White Supremacist?.....or is it too much effort for you to attend the meetings?

First, "I" will tell "YOU" what is real or not. It is you who doesn't have a clue. Fucking or otherwise. Let me know if you want to know the real truth. Next, my political leanings are more toward National Socialism. Also, there is no such thing as a "White Supremacist." White people just happen to be supreme. What I actually am is a White separatist. I would inform you more about it. But I don't feel like getting banned just yet. So when it comes to debating the matter, we are on quite unequal playing fields. You may prefer it that way. But I don't.

One sick puppy!
The problem workers are having are due, as you know, to the destruction waged by the labor unions.

Please list the industries (government is NOT an industry) which have grown because of unions.
Disagreed and unions are workers seeking safe working conditions, fair wages and benefits. As such, industry growth is a tangent concern.

Please list the industries that put employees ahead of profits. Many claim their employees are "family" but none really put blood before water.

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