College applicants rejected for following Alex Jones on twitter

College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.

Makes sense. Alex Jones’ followers aren’t playing with a full deck. They should probably be locked up in asylums for the safety of society, not allowed on college campuses.

Funny how leftards were touting Alex Jones and his "" website and his exposing the neocons and the 9/11/01 false flag from 2002 to 2008. Link after link was posted on the yahoo message boards by leftards. When he started exposing the marxist Barrypuppet and applied the same scrutiny to the communist left? The leftard clown posse dropped him like a hot potato.

BTW, little faun, I didn't need Alex Jones to come to the realization that the world/ country we think we live in and what is reality are 180 degrees off and you are THE last person that should be passing judgement on others when you believe that Oswald shot Kennedy and take the Warren Commission's report as pure gospel. You have no critical thinking skills AT all.....none, nada, zero, zilch.....get it now?'re the one touting Truther batshit. I think you're confusing yourself for 'leftards' . You were saying about 'critical thinking skills'?

And I've been debunking your Infowars and Prison Planet nonsense for years. And I'm perfectly content to allow Facebook and other social media platforms to determine who can host content on their websites.
Laughing....tell us more about Flight 77 and the Pentagon again, Dale.

And 'Leftards who believe Alex Jones'.

We can all use a good giggle.
College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.

Makes sense. Alex Jones’ followers aren’t playing with a full deck. They should probably be locked up in asylums for the safety of society, not allowed on college campuses.

Funny how leftards were touting Alex Jones and his "" website and his exposing the neocons and the 9/11/01 false flag from 2002 to 2008. Link after link was posted on the yahoo message boards by leftards. When he started exposing the marxist Barrypuppet and applied the same scrutiny to the communist left? The leftard clown posse dropped him like a hot potato.

BTW, little faun, I didn't need Alex Jones to come to the realization that the world/ country we think we live in and what is reality are 180 degrees off and you are THE last person that should be passing judgement on others when you believe that Oswald shot Kennedy and take the Warren Commission's report as pure gospel. You have no critical thinking skills AT all.....none, nada, zero, zilch.....get it now?'re the one touting Truther batshit. I think you're confusing yourself for 'leftards' . You were saying about 'critical thinking skills'?

And I've been debunking your Infowars and Prison Planet nonsense for years. And I'm perfectly content to allow Facebook and other social media platforms to determine who can host content on their websites.

You couldn't "debunk" your way out of a wet paper sack with written instructions and a flashlight to read it by. You are the moron that believes two planes took down three buildings by "pilots" that were jihadists in a holy vendetta for "allah": but liked to snort coke and hang out with pink haired strippers that weren't wearing burkas. You believe that 17 muslims directed by a CIA asset living in a cave "buttfucked" every intelligence agency AND NORAD on the world stage but so quickly got their act together that another attack never happened WHILE leaving the southern border totally unsecured. That a pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna made complicated corkscrew turns and flew the plane mere inches off of the ground and hit the side of the Pentagon where Navy Intel was trying to track the 2.3 TRILLION dollars that just the day before Donald Rumsfeld said could not be accounted for....and you ate up that shit like it was a six course dinner.....too fucking funny.

So, to sum it all up? You are as big of an idiot as little faun and you have got nothing.....

Hope this helps!
College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.

Makes sense. Alex Jones’ followers aren’t playing with a full deck. They should probably be locked up in asylums for the safety of society, not allowed on college campuses.

Funny how leftards were touting Alex Jones and his "" website and his exposing the neocons and the 9/11/01 false flag from 2002 to 2008. Link after link was posted on the yahoo message boards by leftards. When he started exposing the marxist Barrypuppet and applied the same scrutiny to the communist left? The leftard clown posse dropped him like a hot potato.

BTW, little faun, I didn't need Alex Jones to come to the realization that the world/ country we think we live in and what is reality are 180 degrees off and you are THE last person that should be passing judgement on others when you believe that Oswald shot Kennedy and take the Warren Commission's report as pure gospel. You have no critical thinking skills AT all.....none, nada, zero, zilch.....get it now?'re the one touting Truther batshit. I think you're confusing yourself for 'leftards' . You were saying about 'critical thinking skills'?

And I've been debunking your Infowars and Prison Planet nonsense for years. And I'm perfectly content to allow Facebook and other social media platforms to determine who can host content on their websites.

You couldn't "debunk" your way out of a wet paper sack with written instructions and a flashlight to read it by. You are the moron that believes two planes took down three buildings by "pilots" that were jihadists in a holy vendetta for "allah": but liked to snort coke and hang out with pink haired strippers that weren't wearing burkas. You believe that 17 muslims directed by a CIA asset living in a cave "buttfucked" every intelligence agency AND NORAD on the world stage but so quickly got their act together that another attack never happened WHILE leaving the southern border totally unsecured. That a pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna made complicated corkscrew turns and flew the plane mere inches off of the ground and hit the side of the Pentagon where Navy Intel was trying to track the 2.3 TRILLION dollars that just the day before Donald Rumsfeld said could not be accounted for....and you ate up that shit like it was a six course dinner.....too fucking funny.

So, to sum it all up? You are as big of an idiot as little faun and you have got nothing.....

Hope this helps!

The conspiracy theory board is a wasteland of the batshit conspiracy nonsense you and your right wing friends have been run off of. By me and many others who use facts and evidence for our reason.

And now you want to blame your own gullibility, your own irrational acceptance of hapless conspiracy idiocy, your own personal delusions......on 'leftards'?

That's all you, buddy. You're drenched in batshit. And you've got no one to blame but yourself.
College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.

Prove it.
One student. And the source is.....Infowars :lol:

Headline reader and then denies it all. And, to fkn weak to " SEARCH " IT. :abgg2q.jpg:
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College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.

Prove it.
One student. And the source is.....Infowars :lol:

Headline reader and then denies then to fkn weak to " SEARCH " IT. :abgg2q.jpg: can't even name the student. Let alone establish that anything in the OP actually happened.

What's you never even asked. Despite this being a third hand account about what someone else was *thinking*.

A rational person would have asked.
College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.

Prove it.
One student. And the source is.....Infowars :lol:

and here I thought you weren't quite that dumb...but now we now why you are


DRD4 And Dopamine: Liberals Are Born Genetically Different, Says Study

Shear on Social Media

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Mindwars, this is a serious question for you. You seem like a logical thinking person and you are "woke" enough to know there is a lot of bullshit in the world.

Why do you read abd believe the stuff infowars puts out?

I mean it's obvious Alex Jones isn't all there mentally. And I'm not saying that because he's a right winger.

I can't stand Ben Shapiro, but at least he is an intelligent man and doesn't incite people to harass victims of shootings. Even brietbart isn't this batshit crazy.

So why do you take this man Jones as your messiah?
College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.

Prove it.
One student. And the source is.....Infowars :lol:

and here I thought you weren't quite that dumb...but now we now why you are

View attachment 209511

DRD4 And Dopamine: Liberals Are Born Genetically Different, Says Study
View attachment 209510

Shear on Social Media

I KNEW IT! I knew libs were different, and unreachable. Thats why it's just best to stand back and mock and troll them. They can't be reached. The best you can do is lead the open minded. Most libs are just a waste of time
College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.

Makes sense. Alex Jones’ followers aren’t playing with a full deck. They should probably be locked up in asylums for the safety of society, not allowed on college campuses.

Funny how leftards were touting Alex Jones and his "" website and his exposing the neocons and the 9/11/01 false flag from 2002 to 2008. Link after link was posted on the yahoo message boards by leftards. When he started exposing the marxist Barrypuppet and applied the same scrutiny to the communist left? The leftard clown posse dropped him like a hot potato.

BTW, little faun, I didn't need Alex Jones to come to the realization that the world/ country we think we live in and what is reality are 180 degrees off and you are THE last person that should be passing judgement on others when you believe that Oswald shot Kennedy and take the Warren Commission's report as pure gospel. You have no critical thinking skills AT all.....none, nada, zero, zilch.....get it now?
It's always nice to hear from the forum's most delusional caricature.
College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.


I wouldn't want my child at this school....and any parent with half a brain wouldn't either

Could explain the shitstains on this very thread defending it.
Laughing....tell us more about Flight 77 and the Pentagon again, Dale.

And 'Leftards who believe Alex Jones'.

We can all use a good giggle.
Not just 9/11.... Sandy Hook didn't happen because kids weren't wearing jackets.... Parkland didn't happen because David Hogg rode his bike to the shooting ... Obama's birth certificate is fake because it was presented as a pdf file with layers... there isn't a conspiracy delusional dale won't fall for.
Laughing....tell us more about Flight 77 and the Pentagon again, Dale.

And 'Leftards who believe Alex Jones'.

We can all use a good giggle.
Not just 9/11.... Sandy Hook didn't happen because kids weren't wearing jackets.... Parkland didn't happen because David Hogg rode his bike to the shooting ... Obama's birth certificate is fake because it was presented as a pdf file with layers... there isn't a conspiracy delusional dale won't fall for.

And the best part? Dale blaming 'leftards' for his own gullibility and willingness to swallow whatever conspiracy pablum that Alex Jones tries to sell him.

Alex Jones is a performance artist playing a character. Says who? Says Alex Jones.

Relying on a performance artist for expert opinion is like asking for medical advice from Doogie Howser. And then wondering why Neil Patrick Harris looks at you like you're an idiot.
College applicants are being rejected for merely following the Alex Jones account on Twitter, a digital privacy expert has warned.

Bradley Shear, who runs the Shear on Social Media Law blog, claims one of his clients was rejected from a prestigious college after an admissions interviewer scoured the student’s social media account and found she followed Alex Jones on Twitter.

Report: College Applicants Rejected for Following Alex Jones on Twitter

IF YOU CAN'T go to college because of who you listen to that is one of the lowest thing a SKANK LIBERAL UNIVERSITY can do , On no wait thi sis the bes thing they can do because parents wont' send thier kid to school there and oh yes the nice money loss BLOW BACK it's coming bitch........

and you know it's going to happen to you Trump haters too your just to mornic and stupid to think that far ahead.


I wouldn't want my child at this school....and any parent with half a brain wouldn't either

Could explain the shitstains on this very thread defending it.

Laughing...which college? In all your automated outrage and victim play, did even occur to you to ask?

Yeah, that article doesn't back a single thing about the OP.

But again, its Infowars, the right wing Facebook.
Sure it does.

It shows that Universities are indeed monitoring on-line activity as a criteria for acceptance.

Right-wing, left-wing? Should a person's politics matter for acceptance into University?

No, it doens't. Not a single point.

For example, name the college in the OP. Name the student. Name the college admissions counselor.

You can't. You can't verify that any of them even exist. Or any point in the story. As neither the OP nor your article provides the slightest evidence of any of it. Of that the student was rejected. Or why he was rejected.

You're just rooting in the overgeneralization fallacy like a pig in mud. And accepting an account that is ludicriously dubious backed by nothing.

Neither of which is likely to produce useful results.
Of course it doesn't.

This is an analogous situation that is nearly identical, to show that the situation very well could be true. I'm not seeing much of a difference. Are you?

The article you cited involves actual people with actual names and actual evidence.

The Infowars 'article' involves third hand accounts of what anonymous people were thinking, backed by nothing.

You can see the difference, yes?


The link I provided is based on the accounts of student journalists having the rights to release to the public, facts of the case involved.
An actual student, with actual documents, that we can verify existed. And with an actual rejection letter.

Compare that to the anonymous admissions officer whose mind that article claims to be able to read regarding the admission of an anonymous student.

With absolutely nothing to back any of it. Even the existence of said student and admissions officer. Let alone the reasons.

The OP is deeply dubious. Its far more likely to be fabricated nonsense click bait to entice conservatives to visit they're receptive to depictions of their own victimhood.
. .. . so if you had a college bound teen and found out they were following INFO WARS on their twitter you would not be concerned at all?

Am I the college admissions officer for my own child in your imaginary scenario?

If no, then what does your hypothetical situation have to do with the OP?


With the link in the OP that you find specious. And the link I provided in mind.

You are only the parent of a college bound teen, and you find out they are following InfoWars on twitter. Are you at all concerned?
The article you cited involves actual people with actual names and actual evidence.

The Infowars 'article' involves third hand accounts of what anonymous people were thinking, backed by nothing.

You can see the difference, yes?


The link I provided is based on the accounts of student journalists having the rights to release to the public, facts of the case involved.
An actual student, with actual documents, that we can verify existed. And with an actual rejection letter.

Compare that to the anonymous admissions officer whose mind that article claims to be able to read regarding the admission of an anonymous student.

With absolutely nothing to back any of it. Even the existence of said student and admissions officer. Let alone the reasons.

The OP is deeply dubious. Its far more likely to be fabricated nonsense click bait to entice conservatives to visit they're receptive to depictions of their own victimhood.
. .. . so if you had a college bound teen and found out they were following INFO WARS on their twitter you would not be concerned at all?

Am I the college admissions officer for my own child in your imaginary scenario?

If no, then what does your hypothetical situation have to do with the OP?


With the link in the OP that you find specious.

The OP I find highly dubious. As its a third hand account about an anonymous college, an anonymous student and anonymous college admissions officer.....backed by nothing.

And you've provided nothing to back any part of the OP. You can't even tell us what college is cited.

Its the 'backed by nothing' that you're ignoring.

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