Colege Kids Sign Petition to Have Gun Owners Executed in FEMA Camps

No Joke.

» Students Sign Petition To Have Gun Owners Executed In Concentration Camps Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

And I don't care if it is at Alex 'nut-Case' Jones site. Facts are still facts and too many of todays college students are fascists to the core.

And again, I know many of you have read this before, IMO, it was one of my better blogs that applies here.

The Decay of Society

Our society, and it’s associated culture, have made the expected choices at the polling booth. It was a paradigm shift of epic proportions. The decisions by those in the slight majority did not come to pass by accident. It was by design and the results (Obama re-election) as I said were expected by those who have designed this current strife. To get here though, it took an investment over many years to swing public opinion into thinking traditional American values, (hard work, accountability, religion, guns, etc) are not the values our country should stand for.

The Democrat machine knew the mental capacity of our youth, coupled with its watered down education system, were ripe for reprogramming. Education camps? Not such a stretch to believe the deliberate infiltration of liberal teachers, administrators, professors within our education system laid the foundation over the years that have come to fruition at the polls.

In addition, we have a POTUS who even today remains on the campaign trail like no other President in our history. He is the master of orchestrating social divide like no other. Obama convinced the majority you are either with me/us or you are with the 1%. An issue is, Obama has done an excellent job at eliminating opportunities that were available for the 99% to apply hard work, and acceptable risk, with hopes of entering the community of the 1%. Interesting enough, not much emphasis being made on increasing the band width of the middle class. Obama’s agenda does not allow for the middle class to thrive. He wants 2 classes for now. Those who still decide to remain in the 1% are going to be under assault for years to come, while the remainder of society will tread water right at or slightly above the poverty line. Eventually, like buying firearms, the government will do its best to influence you into not pursuing the investment of time, money and hard work to reach the 1% pool. Like the future demise, relative to the quality and availability of Physicians as a result of Obamacare, very few will want to take the risk to excel.

I’m not sure America can win this war. And make no mistake, that is exactly how it feels to many in this country who have not gone through the indoctrination process. Like I mentioned, the investment in our education system to reach this point, combined with the media assaults and the never ending coverage of the Obama’s and their escapades, have all come together at the right place and time.

I have to hand it to the Democrat machine. They made a plan, stuck with it over decades, and the investment has come to fruition.

For liberals it has to feel like Shangri-La
Sounds legit.

Dude ... seriously....

Media analyst Mark Dice has once again documented how many young Americans are completely disconnected from reality, capturing California college students signing a fake petition to imprison all legal gun owners in concentration camps and even to have them executed.

“We just want to make sure we disarm the citizens. We can trust the government to be the only ones with guns.” Dice said to students on campus in San Diego, while they unquestioningly signed the petition to “repeal the Second Amendment.”

“These peasants don’t need guns,” Dice stated, adding “We want to put all registered gun owners in prison,” prompting one student to replay “Yes, it’s too dangerous.” for people to own guns.

“It’s just a simple repeal of the Second Amendment and we’ll be terminating and executing all of the gun owners.” Dice told another signatory who replied “OK, thank you.” and walked off.

“We are going to ban all guns except for the military and police.” Dice told another student, who signed the petition. “We’ll do door to door confiscations, we have lists of all the registered weapons, so the military will just go and take those away from people.” Dice added. “Ok.” the student replied.

Another male student signed the petition even though Dice suggested confiscating gun owners’ weapons and shooting them with them. “If they like their guns so much, let’s just feed the gun owners some of their own lead.” Dice ludicrously said.

“I didn’t think I could get any more ridiculous.” Dice stated after the student thanked him and went about his day...

[ame=]College Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Registered Gun Owners! - YouTube[/ame]
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Note: These [colege] kids who signed the petition are 100% LIB pussies.
Who would they run to at the first sign of any threat to them or their families? The neighbor with the 'NRA' sign on the lawn.
Note: These [colege] kids who signed the petition are 100% LIB pussies.
Who would they run to at the first sign of any threat to them or their families? The neighbor with the 'NRA' sign on the lawn.

The ones signing this petition should be the ones assigned to round-up the gun owners.
Note: These [colege] kids who signed the petition are 100% LIB pussies.
Who would they run to at the first sign of any threat to them or their families? The neighbor with the 'NRA' sign on the lawn.

The ones signing this petition should be the ones assigned to round-up the gun owners.

Of course, but the libtards in power wont do that. They will send brave but misguided patriots to do their dirty work for them and laugh about what morons they are behind closed doors.
No Joke.

» Students Sign Petition To Have Gun Owners Executed In Concentration Camps Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

And I don't care if it is at Alex 'nut-Case' Jones site. Facts are still facts and too many of todays college students are fascists to the core.

Why else would we have FEMA Camps?

People like you have always had such camps, from the Boer Wars to the Final Solution, to Stalin's death camps, Mao's 're-education' camps and Pol Pot's killing fields.

Too bad the Jacobins didn't think of it too and we would have fewer socialists in France today.
No Joke.

» Students Sign Petition To Have Gun Owners Executed In Concentration Camps Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

And I don't care if it is at Alex 'nut-Case' Jones site. Facts are still facts and too many of todays college students are fascists to the core.

Why else would we have FEMA Camps?

People like you have always had such camps, from the Boer Wars to the Final Solution, to Stalin's death camps, Mao's 're-education' camps and Pol Pot's killing fields.

Too bad the Jacobins didn't think of it too and we would have fewer socialists in France today.

So what is your point?

Elections have consequences. You will be given a chance to be re-educated
Brilliant. I applaud the brilliance of whoever started this petition.

Whoever it was has been sitting in his or her little college dorm thinking "how can I best get some republican panties in a bunch" and as this thread attests whoever it was who thought it up has come up with a doozy.

If for one second I believed the thought behind this petition was sincere I'd be appauled. But I didn't and so I'm not and anyone who takes a backward step for one second has to tip their hat to a good trolling.

Maybe some form petition about how "If George W Bush didn't actually win his first election he should be allowed to run again 2016" would be a better counter strike than the above outpouring of rhetoric?

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