Coldest Super Bowl Ever

The utterly ignorant don't Realize the climate has been changing on

Planet Earth since it was a Rock.........
Oddly enough, it's the very same scientists who not only DO know that, but taught all of us anything and everythong we know about that, who are soinding the alarms on manmade climate change.

Think about that. Think of how bizarre your comments are in this context. Really, you sound like a crazy person.
There was man made climate change during WWI when the artillery barrages roared for days and then the rain would follow...
That's weather....
The utterly ignorant don't Realize the climate has been changing on

Planet Earth since it was a Rock.........
Oddly enough, it's the very same scientists who not only DO know that, but taught all of us anything and everythong we know about that, who are soinding the alarms on manmade climate change.

Think about that. Think of how bizarre your comments are in this context. Really, you sound like a crazy person.
There was man made climate change during WWI when the artillery barrages roared for days and then the rain would follow...
That's weather....
It was climate since one had to put on rubbers...
The utterly ignorant don't Realize the climate has been changing on

Planet Earth since it was a Rock.........
Oddly enough, it's the very same scientists who not only DO know that, but taught all of us anything and everythong we know about that, who are soinding the alarms on manmade climate change.

Think about that. Think of how bizarre your comments are in this context. Really, you sound like a crazy person.

Give my regards to Rod Sterling Dip Shit….
No really, you sound insane. Think about what you are suggesting:

You are suggesting that the global scientific community is laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries. Specifically, and most bizarrely, that climate scientists have somehow forgotten that the climate always changes, despite dedicating their lives to discovering that and teaching it to idiots like you.

Think about this. Now also add in the fact that you are an uneducated slob who knows less than nothing about any of this, who is also calling all of these scientists incompetent and liars. Add it all up...and you are crazy, and your behavior is comical.
Sunday’s Super Bowl is expected to be the coldest ever

How do you liberal Nut Balls explain this?

This should be fun.....

it's in minnesota

in february

any more really stupid questions, corky?

It all flies right over your head...

I should feel guilty for messing with you tards.....

you should feel guilty for being a waste of skin.

i'd tell you the game is indoors, but i don't think you'd understand the concept.
The utterly ignorant don't Realize the climate has been changing on

Planet Earth since it was a Rock.........
Oddly enough, it's the very same scientists who not only DO know that, but taught all of us anything and everythong we know about that, who are soinding the alarms on manmade climate change.

Think about that. Think of how bizarre your comments are in this context. Really, you sound like a crazy person.
There was man made climate change during WWI when the artillery barrages roared for days and then the rain would follow...

You got a link for that Bull Shit?
Sunday’s Super Bowl is expected to be the coldest ever

How do you liberal Nut Balls explain this?

This should be fun.....

it's in minnesota

in february

any more really stupid questions, corky?

It all flies right over your head...

I should feel guilty for messing with you tards.....

you should feel guilty for being a waste of skin.

i'd tell you the game is indoors, but i don't think you'd understand the concept.

Did I say otherwise Dip Shit?
Sunday’s Super Bowl is expected to be the coldest ever

How do you liberal Nut Balls explain this?

This should be fun.....

it's in minnesota

in february

any more really stupid questions, corky?

It all flies right over your head...

I should feel guilty for messing with you tards.....

you should feel guilty for being a waste of skin.

i'd tell you the game is indoors, but i don't think you'd understand the concept.

Did I say otherwise Dip Shit?

well, if you're stupid enough to wonder why minnesota is colder than arizona in february....
Sunday’s Super Bowl is expected to be the coldest ever

How do you liberal Nut Balls explain this?

This should be fun.....
Wow, just wow.
I have lived in Minnesota for about 20 years. Since I have been here, I have experienced much colder winters than this winter. This is after all Minnesota.
Get a clue fool.
List of Minnesota weather records - Wikipedia

Hey Fool....

Who said anything about that bull shit?

What, exactly the point of your thread that warranted "liberal Nut Balls" had to explain?
Face it, you got nailed with reality and now you're trying to dance your way out of making a fool out of yourself. :5_1_12024:
Sunday’s Super Bowl is expected to be the coldest ever

How do you liberal Nut Balls explain this?

This should be fun.....
Wow, just wow.
I have lived in Minnesota for about 20 years. Since I have been here, I have experienced much colder winters than this winter. This is after all Minnesota.
Get a clue fool.
List of Minnesota weather records - Wikipedia

Hey Fool....

Who said anything about that bull shit?

What, exactly the point of your thread that warranted "liberal Nut Balls" had to explain?
Face it, you got nailed with reality and now you're trying to dance your way out of making a fool out of yourself. :5_1_12024:

That ship has sailed.
Sunday’s Super Bowl is expected to be the coldest ever

How do you liberal Nut Balls explain this?

This should be fun.....
Weather, you stupid fucking ass. How does one as ignorant as you explain this?


Global Temperature Report :: The University of Alabama in Huntsville

I doubt it. If you haven't mastered the difference between climate and weather yet, you're probably incapable.

Cooling temperature trends will eventually lead to climate change. Anyone of you sciencey guys want to blame the Vikings for that?
Except, of course for the fact that we are not experiencing cooling. What we have experienced is warming since the industrial revolution.

I doubt it. If you haven't mastered the difference between climate and weather yet, you're probably incapable.

99.9% of bona fide Scientist say you are full of shit...
And you are one willfully ignorant liar. All of the Scientific Societies, all of the National Academies of Science, and all of the major Universities in the world have policy statements that say that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. It is only dumb fuck 'Conservatives' like you that are into denying reality for political reasons.

I doubt it. If you haven't mastered the difference between climate and weather yet, you're probably incapable.
Classic! The narrative never changes!
And you have a classic room temperature IQ. Which you demonstrate with nearly every post. Below is why this flap yap concerning the temperature today is fucking stupid.

Climate Change and Minnesota: Minnesota DNR

Climate Change and Minnesota
DNR's Key Messages
  • Minnesota's climate is already changing rapidly and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. Temperatures are increasing, especially in winter, and larger, more frequent extreme precipitation events are occurring.
  • Climate changes are impacting Minnesota's wildlife, plants, waters, historic resources, infrastructure, and available outdoor recreation activities.
  • We have a responsibility to adapt to climate changes. We will continue to manage Minnesota's wildlife, plants, waters, historic resources, infrastructure, and available outdoor recreation activities to ensure ongoing enjoyment and protection of these resources.
  • We take our contributions to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions seriously. We are investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency and will continue our good stewardship of public lands to limit and offset these emissions.
  • We need your help to adapt to the changing climate and reduce its impact on Minnesota's resources and people.
Seriously, just for sec, drop the partisan pissing-match, and tell me honestly. Do you really think that one cold day, or even one cold season, means that the well-documented, overal trend isn't there? Do all the stats and averages just go way because of one anomaly? You're not really that stupid, are you?

You mean an overall trend that has to be adjusted up to match hypothesis? That can't yield a model that reflects reality? Read what I posted moron. I said if there is a cooling trend it can lead to climate change. I did not say oh it was cold today, so the climate changed. None of this make humans the cause.

Ok, fair enough. But that is the suggestion of the OP, of all these silly threads that cite one data point as proof that climate change is hoax. Climate change may very well be bogus, I don't know. But the notion that "it's cold out so clearly climate change is wrong", however popular, is utterly ignorant.

The utterly ignorant don't Realize the climate has been changing on

Planet Earth since it was a Rock............
Look, you are the last person to call anyone else ignorant. You have demonstrated that you know nothing of what has been happening in Minnesota as far as weather goes in the last hundred years. You have also demonstrated that you know nothing of science. You have the greatest instrument for research ever invented sitting right in front of you, yet you just post flap yap that has nothing to do with reality. You are a fool.

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