Col Yisrael Shomer - Murderer

You still utterly fail to address the issue. Why is it the Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back but the Jewish stone throwers don't? Why do you guys just make excuses or justifications?

I could be wrong - maybe you can find an account of a Jewish stone throwing youth getting shot.

Exactly how many Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?
Here's a list of fatalities attributed to them:

Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Again - why do the Palestinian stone throwers get shot while the Jewish ones do not? That's the thing with you guys. You continously make excuses for these double standards.

Palestinian teen killed by IDF in West Bank after throwing rocks The Times of Israel
Palestinian teenager shot in back by senior Israeli soldier while fleeing World news The Guardian
Shooting to injure Israeli crowd control tactic crippling young Palestinians - The Seattle Globalist

I can't find a single account of a Jewish stone thrower being shot though I can find plenty accounts of then throwing stones.
Settlers throw stones at US Consulate staff in West Bank The Times of Israel
Jewish settlers allegedly throw stones and injure Palestinian girl i24news - See beyond
WATCH IDF stands idly by as settlers throw stones at Palestinians - National News - Jerusalem Post

You asked the question, "Why is it the Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back but the Jewish stone throwers don't?" To which I responded, "Exactly how many Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?" You failed to answer the question but you did fill an entire page trying to avoid it.
Can you say defection?

Nope. I provided several articles of incidences. many Jewish stone throwers get shot? Can you answer that?

Nope, you still have not answered the question: How many of the thousands of Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?

According to Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces in the West Bank after operation Cast Lead B Tselem 11 were shot for throwing stones 2014-15. 3 in the back, including a 10 year old child. 6 were shot in 2013, one in the back. Many were shot in the abdoman. 2012 saw only one fatality. 2011 saw 4 fatalities. In just 4.5 years that is 22 people shot for throwing stones.

Now, as to the thousands of people killed by stone throwers: In the last 26 years, according to Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - 14 people have directly or indirectly from the actions of Palestinian stone throwers.

And the thousands of Jewish settler stone throwers killed for throwing stones...can't find any.

Stone throwing and Media coverage: Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In certain documented cases, Israeli undercover units have thrown stones at uniformed IDF and police alongside Palestinians.[136][137][138][139] According to a Haaretz investigation, police testifying about clashes with protesters in Bil'in have in a number of cases given false testimony by claiming that rocks were being thrown in what were, on analysis, peaceful protests. In other cases in that village Israel Border Police were, nonetheless, injured by rock-throwing.[140] At times false reports of Israelis being injured or killed by Palestinian stone-throwers have circulated. On April 4, 1988 an Israeli teenager, Tirza Porat from the settlement of Elon Moreh was said to have been killed by a stone thrown at a busload of teenagers passing through the village of Beita. Settlers called for the village to be razed, and 13 houses were demolished. Two days later, it emerged she had been shot in the head by a Jewish guard’s bullet.[141][142] Reports of stone-throwing that lead to court cases have at times been dismissed, as trumped-up charges. A soldier, under arrest, swore in an affidavit that a certain Palestinian had thrown stones at him. The accused was shown to be physically disabled, and the case was dismissed, as was another in which a settler identified the defense lawyer, not his client, as the person who threw stones at him.-[143]

According to the testimony of a Courage to Refuse IDF soldier:

During our reserve service at A-Ram junction, near Ramallah, we were joined by a Mistaravim unit (undercover unit of soldiers disguised as Arabs), whose assignment was to catch people who were throwing stones at Israeli vehicles that passed by on the road. The stone throwers were children, who engaged in this practice every morning on the way to school. One of the Mistaravim started to chase a boy, shouted at him to stop, fired in the air, and when the boy did not stop, shot and killed him. The boy's body - he was about nine.was brought to our outpost. After half an hour, the boy's father arrived. No one wanted to tell him what happened to his son, and the father paced anxiously back and forth for some time next to the gate. Two hours later I heard the news on the radio, including an IDF spokesman's announcement: "A group of Palestinians this morning attacked soldiers with stones at A-Ram Junction. A 14-year-old Palestinian youth was killed in the disturbances".'[144]

Jewish Settlers and Stone Throwing:
When youths from Ein Yabrud threw stones at passing cars in October 1992, settlers assailed the village, using the same method, of throwing stones.[151] Settlers from Gush Katif retaliated to stone-throwing by a young man from Shuja'iyya by shooting him dead on January 19, 1993. On 2 March 1993, a Jewish truck driver responded similarly, killing a stone-thrower from Ras al-Amud. 11 January 1988 Pinchas Wallerstein, head of Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, and his guard reacted to stone-throwing by killing one, and wounding another Palestinian involved. On 30 September 1988 Rabbi Moshe Levinger after one such incident, got out of his car, walked back down a road and shot not at the stone-throwers but at shopwindows, killing a shopkeeper across the road unconnected to the episode.[151][152] The similarities produced different responses from the IDF. In Hebron. where stone throwing is frequent, when settler youths stone both Palestinians or Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), the IDF responds to complaints by saying that the stone-throwers are ‘only kids’, and arrests or interventions are rare. Where Hebron Palestinian youths throw stones, the same units do not hesitate to arrest the culprits and blame their parents.[153] Settlers organized ‘independent armed patrols’ employing firearms to shoot when they encountered stoning or road blocks. The situation was summed up by an IDF commander, who stated that, ‘Almost any event of Palestinian attack elicits ad hoc a violent response that is organized by the settlers’.[151]

Settlers are know to set ambushes and throw rocks at cars with Palestinian number plates, according to Neve Gordon, in order to terrorize them into not resisting their dispossession or to “persuade” them to leave certain areas.[154] Yitzhar youths have stoned police cars entering their settlement.[155] One soldier, who helped create Breaking the Silence, mentioned an elderly woman being stoned by young settler girls as she carried her groceries past them, and that there explanation was to ask him if he knew what the aged Palestinian had done during the 1929 Hebron massacre.[156] In the Hebron Hills, at places like Al Bowereh, settlers frequently stone Palestinian children on their way to school, since their parents cannot use cars, and IDF guards or CPT members escort them.[157]
Remind me of all the human experiments the Palestinians did on children, twins and adults. I can't seem to find anything on that.
Instead, I'll remind you of the lovely Hitler Youth camps run by the Nazi's to instill those wholesome values of Nazi fascism and insensate Joooooo hatred.

The Pali's have similar Hitler Youth.... Err, I mean Pali Youth camps to teach exactly the same fascistic, Islamist doctrines of hate and loathing for the Joooos.

Isn't it great that your conversion to Islamism carries with it a built-in doctrine of Jooooo hatreds?

Nazi Medical Experiments
Unethical medical experimentation carried out during the Third Reich may be divided into three categories. The first category consists of experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis military personnel. In Dachau, physicians from the German air force and from the German Experimental Institution for Aviation conducted high-altitude experiments, using a low-pressure chamber, to determine the maximum altitude from which crews of damaged aircraft could parachute to safety. Scientists there carried out so-called freezing experiments using prisoners to find an effective treatment for hypothermia. They also used prisoners to test various methods of making seawater potable.

The second category of experimentation aimed at developing and testing pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for injuries and illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field. At the German concentration camps of Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Natzweiler, Buchenwald, and Neuengamme, scientists tested immunization compounds and sera for the prevention and treatment of contagious diseases, including malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and infectious hepatitis. The Ravensbrueck camp was the site of bone-grafting experiments and experiments to test the efficacy of newly developed sulfa (sulfanilamide) drugs. At Natzweiler and Sachsenhausen, prisoners were subjected to phosgene and mustard gas in order to test possible antidotes.

The third category of medical experimentation sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview. The most infamous were the experiments of Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. Mengele conducted medical experiments on twins. He also directed serological experiments on Roma (Gypsies), as did Werner Fischer at Sachsenhausen, in order to determine how different "races" withstood various contagious diseases. The research of August Hirt at Strasbourg University also intended to establish "Jewish racial inferiority."

Other gruesome experiments meant to further Nazi racial goals were a series of sterilization experiments, undertaken primarily at Auschwitz and Ravensbrueck. There, scientists tested a number of methods in their effort to develop an efficient and inexpensive procedure for the mass sterilization of Jews, Roma, and other groups Nazi leaders considered to be racially or genetically undesirable.

What Part Of The Word Genocide Do You Not Understand?
Mengeles Twin experiments: New Page 1

Oh yes, please keep on telling us how the Palestinians are just like the Nazi's. The fact that you have to devolve into "joooooos" and similar retarded utterances when making your faux comparisons pretty much sums up your ignorance.

Your denial is stereotypical for goofy converts.

Here's what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like

Here s what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like - The Washington Post

I'm trying to figure out exactly how this is comparable to the horrible conditions in Auschwitz, the mass graves, the horrific human experimentation....Holly...your attempt here is pathetic. Admit it and move on.
You poor, dear. You can't acknowledge that "Palestinians" run the same summer camps of indoctrinal elements of hate and derision that were prototyped by the Nazi's.

Your attempts at evasion are pathetic.

Palestinians Nazi-Style Youth Movement Prepares for Jihad

13 000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate jihad martyrdom suicide killers

Again, you're equating something from the Gatestone Institute no less - with genocide, mass murder, human experimentation, concentration camps, and racist ideology that resulted in millions of deaths. I think that says all that needs said about you :)
Instead, I'll remind you of the lovely Hitler Youth camps run by the Nazi's to instill those wholesome values of Nazi fascism and insensate Joooooo hatred.

The Pali's have similar Hitler Youth.... Err, I mean Pali Youth camps to teach exactly the same fascistic, Islamist doctrines of hate and loathing for the Joooos.

Isn't it great that your conversion to Islamism carries with it a built-in doctrine of Jooooo hatreds?

Nazi Medical Experiments
Unethical medical experimentation carried out during the Third Reich may be divided into three categories. The first category consists of experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis military personnel. In Dachau, physicians from the German air force and from the German Experimental Institution for Aviation conducted high-altitude experiments, using a low-pressure chamber, to determine the maximum altitude from which crews of damaged aircraft could parachute to safety. Scientists there carried out so-called freezing experiments using prisoners to find an effective treatment for hypothermia. They also used prisoners to test various methods of making seawater potable.

The second category of experimentation aimed at developing and testing pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for injuries and illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field. At the German concentration camps of Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Natzweiler, Buchenwald, and Neuengamme, scientists tested immunization compounds and sera for the prevention and treatment of contagious diseases, including malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and infectious hepatitis. The Ravensbrueck camp was the site of bone-grafting experiments and experiments to test the efficacy of newly developed sulfa (sulfanilamide) drugs. At Natzweiler and Sachsenhausen, prisoners were subjected to phosgene and mustard gas in order to test possible antidotes.

The third category of medical experimentation sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview. The most infamous were the experiments of Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. Mengele conducted medical experiments on twins. He also directed serological experiments on Roma (Gypsies), as did Werner Fischer at Sachsenhausen, in order to determine how different "races" withstood various contagious diseases. The research of August Hirt at Strasbourg University also intended to establish "Jewish racial inferiority."

Other gruesome experiments meant to further Nazi racial goals were a series of sterilization experiments, undertaken primarily at Auschwitz and Ravensbrueck. There, scientists tested a number of methods in their effort to develop an efficient and inexpensive procedure for the mass sterilization of Jews, Roma, and other groups Nazi leaders considered to be racially or genetically undesirable.

What Part Of The Word Genocide Do You Not Understand?
Mengeles Twin experiments: New Page 1

Oh yes, please keep on telling us how the Palestinians are just like the Nazi's. The fact that you have to devolve into "joooooos" and similar retarded utterances when making your faux comparisons pretty much sums up your ignorance.

Your denial is stereotypical for goofy converts.

Here's what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like

Here s what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like - The Washington Post

I'm trying to figure out exactly how this is comparable to the horrible conditions in Auschwitz, the mass graves, the horrific human experimentation....Holly...your attempt here is pathetic. Admit it and move on.
You poor, dear. You can't acknowledge that "Palestinians" run the same summer camps of indoctrinal elements of hate and derision that were prototyped by the Nazi's.

Your attempts at evasion are pathetic.

Palestinians Nazi-Style Youth Movement Prepares for Jihad

13 000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate jihad martyrdom suicide killers

Again, you're equating something from the Gatestone Institute no less - with genocide, mass murder, human experimentation, concentration camps, and racist ideology that resulted in millions of deaths. I think that says all that needs said about you :)
Again, you're not honest enough to address the obvious parallels between Nazi fascism, their youth camps for molding children into future fascists and the Pal-Arab camps doing precisely the same thing.

How wonderful that your conversion to islamism allows you to embrace a fascist ideology. That says a lot about you. :)

You asked the question, "Why is it the Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back but the Jewish stone throwers don't?" To which I responded, "Exactly how many Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?" You failed to answer the question but you did fill an entire page trying to avoid it.
Can you say defection?

Nope. I provided several articles of incidences. many Jewish stone throwers get shot? Can you answer that?

Nope, you still have not answered the question: How many of the thousands of Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?

According to Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces in the West Bank after operation Cast Lead B Tselem 11 were shot for throwing stones 2014-15. 3 in the back, including a 10 year old child. 6 were shot in 2013, one in the back. Many were shot in the abdoman. 2012 saw only one fatality. 2011 saw 4 fatalities. In just 4.5 years that is 22 people shot for throwing stones.

Now, as to the thousands of people killed by stone throwers: In the last 26 years, according to Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - 14 people have directly or indirectly from the actions of Palestinian stone throwers.

And the thousands of Jewish settler stone throwers killed for throwing stones...can't find any.

Stone throwing and Media coverage: Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In certain documented cases, Israeli undercover units have thrown stones at uniformed IDF and police alongside Palestinians.[136][137][138][139] According to a Haaretz investigation, police testifying about clashes with protesters in Bil'in have in a number of cases given false testimony by claiming that rocks were being thrown in what were, on analysis, peaceful protests. In other cases in that village Israel Border Police were, nonetheless, injured by rock-throwing.[140] At times false reports of Israelis being injured or killed by Palestinian stone-throwers have circulated. On April 4, 1988 an Israeli teenager, Tirza Porat from the settlement of Elon Moreh was said to have been killed by a stone thrown at a busload of teenagers passing through the village of Beita. Settlers called for the village to be razed, and 13 houses were demolished. Two days later, it emerged she had been shot in the head by a Jewish guard’s bullet.[141][142] Reports of stone-throwing that lead to court cases have at times been dismissed, as trumped-up charges. A soldier, under arrest, swore in an affidavit that a certain Palestinian had thrown stones at him. The accused was shown to be physically disabled, and the case was dismissed, as was another in which a settler identified the defense lawyer, not his client, as the person who threw stones at him.-[143]

According to the testimony of a Courage to Refuse IDF soldier:

During our reserve service at A-Ram junction, near Ramallah, we were joined by a Mistaravim unit (undercover unit of soldiers disguised as Arabs), whose assignment was to catch people who were throwing stones at Israeli vehicles that passed by on the road. The stone throwers were children, who engaged in this practice every morning on the way to school. One of the Mistaravim started to chase a boy, shouted at him to stop, fired in the air, and when the boy did not stop, shot and killed him. The boy's body - he was about nine.was brought to our outpost. After half an hour, the boy's father arrived. No one wanted to tell him what happened to his son, and the father paced anxiously back and forth for some time next to the gate. Two hours later I heard the news on the radio, including an IDF spokesman's announcement: "A group of Palestinians this morning attacked soldiers with stones at A-Ram Junction. A 14-year-old Palestinian youth was killed in the disturbances".'[144]

Jewish Settlers and Stone Throwing:
When youths from Ein Yabrud threw stones at passing cars in October 1992, settlers assailed the village, using the same method, of throwing stones.[151] Settlers from Gush Katif retaliated to stone-throwing by a young man from Shuja'iyya by shooting him dead on January 19, 1993. On 2 March 1993, a Jewish truck driver responded similarly, killing a stone-thrower from Ras al-Amud. 11 January 1988 Pinchas Wallerstein, head of Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, and his guard reacted to stone-throwing by killing one, and wounding another Palestinian involved. On 30 September 1988 Rabbi Moshe Levinger after one such incident, got out of his car, walked back down a road and shot not at the stone-throwers but at shopwindows, killing a shopkeeper across the road unconnected to the episode.[151][152] The similarities produced different responses from the IDF. In Hebron. where stone throwing is frequent, when settler youths stone both Palestinians or Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), the IDF responds to complaints by saying that the stone-throwers are ‘only kids’, and arrests or interventions are rare. Where Hebron Palestinian youths throw stones, the same units do not hesitate to arrest the culprits and blame their parents.[153] Settlers organized ‘independent armed patrols’ employing firearms to shoot when they encountered stoning or road blocks. The situation was summed up by an IDF commander, who stated that, ‘Almost any event of Palestinian attack elicits ad hoc a violent response that is organized by the settlers’.[151]

Settlers are know to set ambushes and throw rocks at cars with Palestinian number plates, according to Neve Gordon, in order to terrorize them into not resisting their dispossession or to “persuade” them to leave certain areas.[154] Yitzhar youths have stoned police cars entering their settlement.[155] One soldier, who helped create Breaking the Silence, mentioned an elderly woman being stoned by young settler girls as she carried her groceries past them, and that there explanation was to ask him if he knew what the aged Palestinian had done during the 1929 Hebron massacre.[156] In the Hebron Hills, at places like Al Bowereh, settlers frequently stone Palestinian children on their way to school, since their parents cannot use cars, and IDF guards or CPT members escort them.[157]
The board policy is to post a link - not to cut and paste half the contents of the internet.
Nazi Medical Experiments
Unethical medical experimentation carried out during the Third Reich may be divided into three categories. The first category consists of experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis military personnel. In Dachau, physicians from the German air force and from the German Experimental Institution for Aviation conducted high-altitude experiments, using a low-pressure chamber, to determine the maximum altitude from which crews of damaged aircraft could parachute to safety. Scientists there carried out so-called freezing experiments using prisoners to find an effective treatment for hypothermia. They also used prisoners to test various methods of making seawater potable.

The second category of experimentation aimed at developing and testing pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for injuries and illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field. At the German concentration camps of Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Natzweiler, Buchenwald, and Neuengamme, scientists tested immunization compounds and sera for the prevention and treatment of contagious diseases, including malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and infectious hepatitis. The Ravensbrueck camp was the site of bone-grafting experiments and experiments to test the efficacy of newly developed sulfa (sulfanilamide) drugs. At Natzweiler and Sachsenhausen, prisoners were subjected to phosgene and mustard gas in order to test possible antidotes.

The third category of medical experimentation sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview. The most infamous were the experiments of Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. Mengele conducted medical experiments on twins. He also directed serological experiments on Roma (Gypsies), as did Werner Fischer at Sachsenhausen, in order to determine how different "races" withstood various contagious diseases. The research of August Hirt at Strasbourg University also intended to establish "Jewish racial inferiority."

Other gruesome experiments meant to further Nazi racial goals were a series of sterilization experiments, undertaken primarily at Auschwitz and Ravensbrueck. There, scientists tested a number of methods in their effort to develop an efficient and inexpensive procedure for the mass sterilization of Jews, Roma, and other groups Nazi leaders considered to be racially or genetically undesirable.

What Part Of The Word Genocide Do You Not Understand?
Mengeles Twin experiments: New Page 1

Oh yes, please keep on telling us how the Palestinians are just like the Nazi's. The fact that you have to devolve into "joooooos" and similar retarded utterances when making your faux comparisons pretty much sums up your ignorance.

Your denial is stereotypical for goofy converts.

Here's what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like

Here s what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like - The Washington Post

I'm trying to figure out exactly how this is comparable to the horrible conditions in Auschwitz, the mass graves, the horrific human experimentation....Holly...your attempt here is pathetic. Admit it and move on.
You poor, dear. You can't acknowledge that "Palestinians" run the same summer camps of indoctrinal elements of hate and derision that were prototyped by the Nazi's.

Your attempts at evasion are pathetic.

Palestinians Nazi-Style Youth Movement Prepares for Jihad

13 000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate jihad martyrdom suicide killers

Again, you're equating something from the Gatestone Institute no less - with genocide, mass murder, human experimentation, concentration camps, and racist ideology that resulted in millions of deaths. I think that says all that needs said about you :)
Again, you're not honest enough to address the obvious parallels between Nazi fascism, their youth camps for molding children into future fascists and the Pal-Arab camps doing precisely the same thing.

How wonderful that your conversion to islamism allows you to embrace a fascist ideology. That says a lot about you. :)

Again, you incapable understanding propoganda on a very small scale and genocide/human experimentation/systemic murder - on a continental scale that claimed billions of lives. If you can't comprehend the differences, then there is no way to enlighten you.

You asked the question, "Why is it the Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back but the Jewish stone throwers don't?" To which I responded, "Exactly how many Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?" You failed to answer the question but you did fill an entire page trying to avoid it.
Can you say defection?

Nope. I provided several articles of incidences. many Jewish stone throwers get shot? Can you answer that?

Nope, you still have not answered the question: How many of the thousands of Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?

According to Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces in the West Bank after operation Cast Lead B Tselem 11 were shot for throwing stones 2014-15. 3 in the back, including a 10 year old child. 6 were shot in 2013, one in the back. Many were shot in the abdoman. 2012 saw only one fatality. 2011 saw 4 fatalities. In just 4.5 years that is 22 people shot for throwing stones.

Now, as to the thousands of people killed by stone throwers: In the last 26 years, according to Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - 14 people have directly or indirectly from the actions of Palestinian stone throwers.

And the thousands of Jewish settler stone throwers killed for throwing stones...can't find any.

Stone throwing and Media coverage: Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In certain documented cases, Israeli undercover units have thrown stones at uniformed IDF and police alongside Palestinians.[136][137][138][139] According to a Haaretz investigation, police testifying about clashes with protesters in Bil'in have in a number of cases given false testimony by claiming that rocks were being thrown in what were, on analysis, peaceful protests. In other cases in that village Israel Border Police were, nonetheless, injured by rock-throwing.[140] At times false reports of Israelis being injured or killed by Palestinian stone-throwers have circulated. On April 4, 1988 an Israeli teenager, Tirza Porat from the settlement of Elon Moreh was said to have been killed by a stone thrown at a busload of teenagers passing through the village of Beita. Settlers called for the village to be razed, and 13 houses were demolished. Two days later, it emerged she had been shot in the head by a Jewish guard’s bullet.[141][142] Reports of stone-throwing that lead to court cases have at times been dismissed, as trumped-up charges. A soldier, under arrest, swore in an affidavit that a certain Palestinian had thrown stones at him. The accused was shown to be physically disabled, and the case was dismissed, as was another in which a settler identified the defense lawyer, not his client, as the person who threw stones at him.-[143]

According to the testimony of a Courage to Refuse IDF soldier:

During our reserve service at A-Ram junction, near Ramallah, we were joined by a Mistaravim unit (undercover unit of soldiers disguised as Arabs), whose assignment was to catch people who were throwing stones at Israeli vehicles that passed by on the road. The stone throwers were children, who engaged in this practice every morning on the way to school. One of the Mistaravim started to chase a boy, shouted at him to stop, fired in the air, and when the boy did not stop, shot and killed him. The boy's body - he was about nine.was brought to our outpost. After half an hour, the boy's father arrived. No one wanted to tell him what happened to his son, and the father paced anxiously back and forth for some time next to the gate. Two hours later I heard the news on the radio, including an IDF spokesman's announcement: "A group of Palestinians this morning attacked soldiers with stones at A-Ram Junction. A 14-year-old Palestinian youth was killed in the disturbances".'[144]

Jewish Settlers and Stone Throwing:
When youths from Ein Yabrud threw stones at passing cars in October 1992, settlers assailed the village, using the same method, of throwing stones.[151] Settlers from Gush Katif retaliated to stone-throwing by a young man from Shuja'iyya by shooting him dead on January 19, 1993. On 2 March 1993, a Jewish truck driver responded similarly, killing a stone-thrower from Ras al-Amud. 11 January 1988 Pinchas Wallerstein, head of Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, and his guard reacted to stone-throwing by killing one, and wounding another Palestinian involved. On 30 September 1988 Rabbi Moshe Levinger after one such incident, got out of his car, walked back down a road and shot not at the stone-throwers but at shopwindows, killing a shopkeeper across the road unconnected to the episode.[151][152] The similarities produced different responses from the IDF. In Hebron. where stone throwing is frequent, when settler youths stone both Palestinians or Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), the IDF responds to complaints by saying that the stone-throwers are ‘only kids’, and arrests or interventions are rare. Where Hebron Palestinian youths throw stones, the same units do not hesitate to arrest the culprits and blame their parents.[153] Settlers organized ‘independent armed patrols’ employing firearms to shoot when they encountered stoning or road blocks. The situation was summed up by an IDF commander, who stated that, ‘Almost any event of Palestinian attack elicits ad hoc a violent response that is organized by the settlers’.[151]

Settlers are know to set ambushes and throw rocks at cars with Palestinian number plates, according to Neve Gordon, in order to terrorize them into not resisting their dispossession or to “persuade” them to leave certain areas.[154] Yitzhar youths have stoned police cars entering their settlement.[155] One soldier, who helped create Breaking the Silence, mentioned an elderly woman being stoned by young settler girls as she carried her groceries past them, and that there explanation was to ask him if he knew what the aged Palestinian had done during the 1929 Hebron massacre.[156] In the Hebron Hills, at places like Al Bowereh, settlers frequently stone Palestinian children on their way to school, since their parents cannot use cars, and IDF guards or CPT members escort them.[157]
The board policy is to post a link - not to cut and paste half the contents of the internet.

The board policy is to source material, and post a small to medium section of the article. You are familiar with using sources are you not? Next time, review the rules before mini-modding :)
Nazi Medical Experiments
Unethical medical experimentation carried out during the Third Reich may be divided into three categories. The first category consists of experiments aimed at facilitating the survival of Axis military personnel. In Dachau, physicians from the German air force and from the German Experimental Institution for Aviation conducted high-altitude experiments, using a low-pressure chamber, to determine the maximum altitude from which crews of damaged aircraft could parachute to safety. Scientists there carried out so-called freezing experiments using prisoners to find an effective treatment for hypothermia. They also used prisoners to test various methods of making seawater potable.

The second category of experimentation aimed at developing and testing pharmaceuticals and treatment methods for injuries and illnesses which German military and occupation personnel encountered in the field. At the German concentration camps of Sachsenhausen, Dachau, Natzweiler, Buchenwald, and Neuengamme, scientists tested immunization compounds and sera for the prevention and treatment of contagious diseases, including malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and infectious hepatitis. The Ravensbrueck camp was the site of bone-grafting experiments and experiments to test the efficacy of newly developed sulfa (sulfanilamide) drugs. At Natzweiler and Sachsenhausen, prisoners were subjected to phosgene and mustard gas in order to test possible antidotes.

The third category of medical experimentation sought to advance the racial and ideological tenets of the Nazi worldview. The most infamous were the experiments of Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. Mengele conducted medical experiments on twins. He also directed serological experiments on Roma (Gypsies), as did Werner Fischer at Sachsenhausen, in order to determine how different "races" withstood various contagious diseases. The research of August Hirt at Strasbourg University also intended to establish "Jewish racial inferiority."

Other gruesome experiments meant to further Nazi racial goals were a series of sterilization experiments, undertaken primarily at Auschwitz and Ravensbrueck. There, scientists tested a number of methods in their effort to develop an efficient and inexpensive procedure for the mass sterilization of Jews, Roma, and other groups Nazi leaders considered to be racially or genetically undesirable.

What Part Of The Word Genocide Do You Not Understand?
Mengeles Twin experiments: New Page 1

Oh yes, please keep on telling us how the Palestinians are just like the Nazi's. The fact that you have to devolve into "joooooos" and similar retarded utterances when making your faux comparisons pretty much sums up your ignorance.

Your denial is stereotypical for goofy converts.

Here's what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like

Here s what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like - The Washington Post

I'm trying to figure out exactly how this is comparable to the horrible conditions in Auschwitz, the mass graves, the horrific human experimentation....Holly...your attempt here is pathetic. Admit it and move on.
You poor, dear. You can't acknowledge that "Palestinians" run the same summer camps of indoctrinal elements of hate and derision that were prototyped by the Nazi's.

Your attempts at evasion are pathetic.

Palestinians Nazi-Style Youth Movement Prepares for Jihad

13 000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate jihad martyrdom suicide killers

Again, you're equating something from the Gatestone Institute no less - with genocide, mass murder, human experimentation, concentration camps, and racist ideology that resulted in millions of deaths. I think that says all that needs said about you :)
Again, you're not honest enough to address the obvious parallels between Nazi fascism, their youth camps for molding children into future fascists and the Pal-Arab camps doing precisely the same thing.

How wonderful that your conversion to islamism allows you to embrace a fascist ideology. That says a lot about you. :)
what's your feeling on the idf? seems like a pretty bit youth camp to me. mandatory even.
Your denial is stereotypical for goofy converts.

Here's what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like

Here s what a Hamas training camp for teens looks like - The Washington Post

I'm trying to figure out exactly how this is comparable to the horrible conditions in Auschwitz, the mass graves, the horrific human experimentation....Holly...your attempt here is pathetic. Admit it and move on.
You poor, dear. You can't acknowledge that "Palestinians" run the same summer camps of indoctrinal elements of hate and derision that were prototyped by the Nazi's.

Your attempts at evasion are pathetic.

Palestinians Nazi-Style Youth Movement Prepares for Jihad

13 000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate jihad martyrdom suicide killers

Again, you're equating something from the Gatestone Institute no less - with genocide, mass murder, human experimentation, concentration camps, and racist ideology that resulted in millions of deaths. I think that says all that needs said about you :)
Again, you're not honest enough to address the obvious parallels between Nazi fascism, their youth camps for molding children into future fascists and the Pal-Arab camps doing precisely the same thing.

How wonderful that your conversion to islamism allows you to embrace a fascist ideology. That says a lot about you. :)

Again, you incapable understanding propoganda on a very small scale and genocide/human experimentation/systemic murder - on a continental scale that claimed billions of lives. If you can't comprehend the differences, then there is no way to enlighten you.
Again, you are not honest enough to make objective assessments regarding Nazi ideology related to fascist youth camps and the Pal-Arab death cult using that model to poison their vacant minded youth.

Its not at all uncommon for goofy converts to Islamism to use that fascist ideology as a vehicle for their insensate Joooooo hatreds and self-loathing.
You asked the question, "Why is it the Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back but the Jewish stone throwers don't?" To which I responded, "Exactly how many Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?" You failed to answer the question but you did fill an entire page trying to avoid it.
Can you say defection?

Nope. I provided several articles of incidences. many Jewish stone throwers get shot? Can you answer that?

Nope, you still have not answered the question: How many of the thousands of Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?

According to Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces in the West Bank after operation Cast Lead B Tselem 11 were shot for throwing stones 2014-15. 3 in the back, including a 10 year old child. 6 were shot in 2013, one in the back. Many were shot in the abdoman. 2012 saw only one fatality. 2011 saw 4 fatalities. In just 4.5 years that is 22 people shot for throwing stones.

Now, as to the thousands of people killed by stone throwers: In the last 26 years, according to Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - 14 people have directly or indirectly from the actions of Palestinian stone throwers.

And the thousands of Jewish settler stone throwers killed for throwing stones...can't find any.

Stone throwing and Media coverage: Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In certain documented cases, Israeli undercover units have thrown stones at uniformed IDF and police alongside Palestinians.[136][137][138][139] According to a Haaretz investigation, police testifying about clashes with protesters in Bil'in have in a number of cases given false testimony by claiming that rocks were being thrown in what were, on analysis, peaceful protests. In other cases in that village Israel Border Police were, nonetheless, injured by rock-throwing.[140] At times false reports of Israelis being injured or killed by Palestinian stone-throwers have circulated. On April 4, 1988 an Israeli teenager, Tirza Porat from the settlement of Elon Moreh was said to have been killed by a stone thrown at a busload of teenagers passing through the village of Beita. Settlers called for the village to be razed, and 13 houses were demolished. Two days later, it emerged she had been shot in the head by a Jewish guard’s bullet.[141][142] Reports of stone-throwing that lead to court cases have at times been dismissed, as trumped-up charges. A soldier, under arrest, swore in an affidavit that a certain Palestinian had thrown stones at him. The accused was shown to be physically disabled, and the case was dismissed, as was another in which a settler identified the defense lawyer, not his client, as the person who threw stones at him.-[143]

According to the testimony of a Courage to Refuse IDF soldier:

During our reserve service at A-Ram junction, near Ramallah, we were joined by a Mistaravim unit (undercover unit of soldiers disguised as Arabs), whose assignment was to catch people who were throwing stones at Israeli vehicles that passed by on the road. The stone throwers were children, who engaged in this practice every morning on the way to school. One of the Mistaravim started to chase a boy, shouted at him to stop, fired in the air, and when the boy did not stop, shot and killed him. The boy's body - he was about nine.was brought to our outpost. After half an hour, the boy's father arrived. No one wanted to tell him what happened to his son, and the father paced anxiously back and forth for some time next to the gate. Two hours later I heard the news on the radio, including an IDF spokesman's announcement: "A group of Palestinians this morning attacked soldiers with stones at A-Ram Junction. A 14-year-old Palestinian youth was killed in the disturbances".'[144]

Jewish Settlers and Stone Throwing:
When youths from Ein Yabrud threw stones at passing cars in October 1992, settlers assailed the village, using the same method, of throwing stones.[151] Settlers from Gush Katif retaliated to stone-throwing by a young man from Shuja'iyya by shooting him dead on January 19, 1993. On 2 March 1993, a Jewish truck driver responded similarly, killing a stone-thrower from Ras al-Amud. 11 January 1988 Pinchas Wallerstein, head of Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, and his guard reacted to stone-throwing by killing one, and wounding another Palestinian involved. On 30 September 1988 Rabbi Moshe Levinger after one such incident, got out of his car, walked back down a road and shot not at the stone-throwers but at shopwindows, killing a shopkeeper across the road unconnected to the episode.[151][152] The similarities produced different responses from the IDF. In Hebron. where stone throwing is frequent, when settler youths stone both Palestinians or Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), the IDF responds to complaints by saying that the stone-throwers are ‘only kids’, and arrests or interventions are rare. Where Hebron Palestinian youths throw stones, the same units do not hesitate to arrest the culprits and blame their parents.[153] Settlers organized ‘independent armed patrols’ employing firearms to shoot when they encountered stoning or road blocks. The situation was summed up by an IDF commander, who stated that, ‘Almost any event of Palestinian attack elicits ad hoc a violent response that is organized by the settlers’.[151]

Settlers are know to set ambushes and throw rocks at cars with Palestinian number plates, according to Neve Gordon, in order to terrorize them into not resisting their dispossession or to “persuade” them to leave certain areas.[154] Yitzhar youths have stoned police cars entering their settlement.[155] One soldier, who helped create Breaking the Silence, mentioned an elderly woman being stoned by young settler girls as she carried her groceries past them, and that there explanation was to ask him if he knew what the aged Palestinian had done during the 1929 Hebron massacre.[156] In the Hebron Hills, at places like Al Bowereh, settlers frequently stone Palestinian children on their way to school, since their parents cannot use cars, and IDF guards or CPT members escort them.[157]
The board policy is to post a link - not to cut and paste half the contents of the internet.

The board policy is to source material, and post a small to medium section of the article. You are familiar with using sources are you not? Next time, review the rules before mini-modding :)
Consider abiding by the very board policy you chose to ignore with your various spamming by cutting and pasting of volumes of material.

Post a link. Not a dozen paragraphs.
I'm trying to figure out exactly how this is comparable to the horrible conditions in Auschwitz, the mass graves, the horrific human experimentation....Holly...your attempt here is pathetic. Admit it and move on.
You poor, dear. You can't acknowledge that "Palestinians" run the same summer camps of indoctrinal elements of hate and derision that were prototyped by the Nazi's.

Your attempts at evasion are pathetic.

Palestinians Nazi-Style Youth Movement Prepares for Jihad

13 000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate jihad martyrdom suicide killers

Again, you're equating something from the Gatestone Institute no less - with genocide, mass murder, human experimentation, concentration camps, and racist ideology that resulted in millions of deaths. I think that says all that needs said about you :)
Again, you're not honest enough to address the obvious parallels between Nazi fascism, their youth camps for molding children into future fascists and the Pal-Arab camps doing precisely the same thing.

How wonderful that your conversion to islamism allows you to embrace a fascist ideology. That says a lot about you. :)

Again, you incapable understanding propoganda on a very small scale and genocide/human experimentation/systemic murder - on a continental scale that claimed billions of lives. If you can't comprehend the differences, then there is no way to enlighten you.
Again, you are not honest enough to make objective assessments regarding Nazi ideology related to fascist youth camps and the Pal-Arab death cult using that model to poison their vacant minded youth.

Its not at all uncommon for goofy converts to Islamism to use that fascist ideology as a vehicle for their insensate Joooooo hatreds and self-loathing.

"objective assessments" (not that I'm convinced you know what that means) - are not necessary. A simple review of what you (should have) learned in a highschool history class provides all the evidence necessary to realize that there is no comparison here - much as you desperately want to make it so :lol:
OK -- I found the press coverage. Got my answers --- or at least some of them.

What's really appalling in this particular story is that the father is dealing with his 3rd son to be killed in this fashion..
Two previous sons dead from "stone-throwing resistance". All under 18 yrs of age. I don't know how to react to that exactly. Will take awhile to TRY and understand how that happens. But one father losing 3 sons for ineffectual protest is mind boggling..

All I can think of is Baltimore and those school kids backing off police in complete riot gear with rocks. That was ONE DAY of "protest". And I don't doubt that our law and order sensibilities wouldn't ever let that escalate to YEARS of the same routine.. Even with the moron mayor "leaving them space for creative destruction"..

Also read an article that states the IDF has propagated new rules for equal treatment of "stone-throwers" since 2014. And that with the release of this video -- PERHAPS the IDF involved will be disciplined for their actions. I would hope so.

Larger issue is the difference in justice is largely the difference between Civil policing and Military policing. Israeli kids handled under civil law, Pali kids handled under military law. Prior to the effective dissolution of Palestinian unity -- there was great progress being made to train and sanction PA policing. Everything has moved in the wrong direction. We are now back to an occupation run badly --- rather than a serious effort to consolidate Pali Nationalism and self-government.
Nope. I provided several articles of incidences. many Jewish stone throwers get shot? Can you answer that?

Nope, you still have not answered the question: How many of the thousands of Palestinian stone throwers get a bullet in the back?

According to Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces in the West Bank after operation Cast Lead B Tselem 11 were shot for throwing stones 2014-15. 3 in the back, including a 10 year old child. 6 were shot in 2013, one in the back. Many were shot in the abdoman. 2012 saw only one fatality. 2011 saw 4 fatalities. In just 4.5 years that is 22 people shot for throwing stones.

Now, as to the thousands of people killed by stone throwers: In the last 26 years, according to Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - 14 people have directly or indirectly from the actions of Palestinian stone throwers.

And the thousands of Jewish settler stone throwers killed for throwing stones...can't find any.

Stone throwing and Media coverage: Palestinian stone-throwing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In certain documented cases, Israeli undercover units have thrown stones at uniformed IDF and police alongside Palestinians.[136][137][138][139] According to a Haaretz investigation, police testifying about clashes with protesters in Bil'in have in a number of cases given false testimony by claiming that rocks were being thrown in what were, on analysis, peaceful protests. In other cases in that village Israel Border Police were, nonetheless, injured by rock-throwing.[140] At times false reports of Israelis being injured or killed by Palestinian stone-throwers have circulated. On April 4, 1988 an Israeli teenager, Tirza Porat from the settlement of Elon Moreh was said to have been killed by a stone thrown at a busload of teenagers passing through the village of Beita. Settlers called for the village to be razed, and 13 houses were demolished. Two days later, it emerged she had been shot in the head by a Jewish guard’s bullet.[141][142] Reports of stone-throwing that lead to court cases have at times been dismissed, as trumped-up charges. A soldier, under arrest, swore in an affidavit that a certain Palestinian had thrown stones at him. The accused was shown to be physically disabled, and the case was dismissed, as was another in which a settler identified the defense lawyer, not his client, as the person who threw stones at him.-[143]

According to the testimony of a Courage to Refuse IDF soldier:

During our reserve service at A-Ram junction, near Ramallah, we were joined by a Mistaravim unit (undercover unit of soldiers disguised as Arabs), whose assignment was to catch people who were throwing stones at Israeli vehicles that passed by on the road. The stone throwers were children, who engaged in this practice every morning on the way to school. One of the Mistaravim started to chase a boy, shouted at him to stop, fired in the air, and when the boy did not stop, shot and killed him. The boy's body - he was about nine.was brought to our outpost. After half an hour, the boy's father arrived. No one wanted to tell him what happened to his son, and the father paced anxiously back and forth for some time next to the gate. Two hours later I heard the news on the radio, including an IDF spokesman's announcement: "A group of Palestinians this morning attacked soldiers with stones at A-Ram Junction. A 14-year-old Palestinian youth was killed in the disturbances".'[144]

Jewish Settlers and Stone Throwing:
When youths from Ein Yabrud threw stones at passing cars in October 1992, settlers assailed the village, using the same method, of throwing stones.[151] Settlers from Gush Katif retaliated to stone-throwing by a young man from Shuja'iyya by shooting him dead on January 19, 1993. On 2 March 1993, a Jewish truck driver responded similarly, killing a stone-thrower from Ras al-Amud. 11 January 1988 Pinchas Wallerstein, head of Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, and his guard reacted to stone-throwing by killing one, and wounding another Palestinian involved. On 30 September 1988 Rabbi Moshe Levinger after one such incident, got out of his car, walked back down a road and shot not at the stone-throwers but at shopwindows, killing a shopkeeper across the road unconnected to the episode.[151][152] The similarities produced different responses from the IDF. In Hebron. where stone throwing is frequent, when settler youths stone both Palestinians or Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), the IDF responds to complaints by saying that the stone-throwers are ‘only kids’, and arrests or interventions are rare. Where Hebron Palestinian youths throw stones, the same units do not hesitate to arrest the culprits and blame their parents.[153] Settlers organized ‘independent armed patrols’ employing firearms to shoot when they encountered stoning or road blocks. The situation was summed up by an IDF commander, who stated that, ‘Almost any event of Palestinian attack elicits ad hoc a violent response that is organized by the settlers’.[151]

Settlers are know to set ambushes and throw rocks at cars with Palestinian number plates, according to Neve Gordon, in order to terrorize them into not resisting their dispossession or to “persuade” them to leave certain areas.[154] Yitzhar youths have stoned police cars entering their settlement.[155] One soldier, who helped create Breaking the Silence, mentioned an elderly woman being stoned by young settler girls as she carried her groceries past them, and that there explanation was to ask him if he knew what the aged Palestinian had done during the 1929 Hebron massacre.[156] In the Hebron Hills, at places like Al Bowereh, settlers frequently stone Palestinian children on their way to school, since their parents cannot use cars, and IDF guards or CPT members escort them.[157]
The board policy is to post a link - not to cut and paste half the contents of the internet.

The board policy is to source material, and post a small to medium section of the article. You are familiar with using sources are you not? Next time, review the rules before mini-modding :)
Consider abiding by the very board policy you chose to ignore with your various spamming by cutting and pasting of volumes of material.

Post a link. Not a dozen paragraphs.

If you think it's against the rules Hollie, then report it, or pm one of the staff. Otherwise - get back to the topic.
You poor, dear. You can't acknowledge that "Palestinians" run the same summer camps of indoctrinal elements of hate and derision that were prototyped by the Nazi's.

Your attempts at evasion are pathetic.

Palestinians Nazi-Style Youth Movement Prepares for Jihad

13 000 teens complete Hamas training camps to emulate jihad martyrdom suicide killers

Again, you're equating something from the Gatestone Institute no less - with genocide, mass murder, human experimentation, concentration camps, and racist ideology that resulted in millions of deaths. I think that says all that needs said about you :)
Again, you're not honest enough to address the obvious parallels between Nazi fascism, their youth camps for molding children into future fascists and the Pal-Arab camps doing precisely the same thing.

How wonderful that your conversion to islamism allows you to embrace a fascist ideology. That says a lot about you. :)

Again, you incapable understanding propoganda on a very small scale and genocide/human experimentation/systemic murder - on a continental scale that claimed billions of lives. If you can't comprehend the differences, then there is no way to enlighten you.
Again, you are not honest enough to make objective assessments regarding Nazi ideology related to fascist youth camps and the Pal-Arab death cult using that model to poison their vacant minded youth.

Its not at all uncommon for goofy converts to Islamism to use that fascist ideology as a vehicle for their insensate Joooooo hatreds and self-loathing.

"objective assessments" (not that I'm convinced you know what that means) - are not necessary. A simple review of what you (should have) learned in a highschool history class provides all the evidence necessary to realize that there is no comparison here - much as you desperately want to make it so :lol:

Why yes. Objective assessments of the very ideals that the Nazi leadership used to mold their youth into little hate-bots.

15 000 young Gazans complete Hamas terror training camps The Times of Israel
15,000 young Gazans complete Hamas terror training camps
Recruits aged 15 and up taught how to kidnap soldiers, use weapons, and infiltrate into Israel through tunnels

The Pal -Arab death cult has simply used the prototype of the Nazi Hitler Youth and their use of the Jews as an external enemy to justify their own model of Hitler / Pali "camps for future splodeydopes"

According to this article: West Bank video shows IDF officer shot Palestinian teen Mohammad Kosba in the back
He can be seen in the security camera video from a nearby gas station charging an IDF vehicle and hurling a stone at it, before running away – swiftly chased by soldiers.

"The forces called the suspect to halt and shot warning shots in the air. Once he continued hurling rocks at close range and in response to the imminent danger, the forces fired towards the suspect," an IDF spokeswoman told AFP after the incident.

B'Tselem said the video and forensic evidence suggest this was not the case. The group claimed that, according to its investigation, Kosba died from three bullet wounds to his upper body, including two at the back.

"The claim that Kosba posed a mortal threat to the soldiers at the time of the shooting, having fled the scene, is unreasonable," B'Tselem said.

"There is no doubt that the shattering of the jeep's front window with a stone endangered the passengers when it happened. However, Kosba was shot in the back after the fact, when he was already running away and posing no 'mortal threat' to the soldiers. Feeling a sense of danger is not enough to justify any action."

The group also quoted eyewitness as saying the officer failed to provide first aid to the teenager, leaving the scene just after the shooting.

"Col Shomer shot Ali-Kosba from a distance of some 10m and then went up to him and moved him with his leg. Then, instead of obtaining medical aid for the injured youth, the soldiers drove off," the group said.

When I was looking for information on stone throwing, one thing became rather glaring - in the last couple of years there has been a marked increase in the number of fatal shootings.
How do you know, are you a member of the Israeli police force. Or is it because they don't run away when seen and take the slapped wrist

You know all this for a fact?

They don't run away?

Why is it that it's the death penalty for Palestinian stone throwers and a slap on the wrist for Jewish stone throwers? Some justice system isn't it?

Ever tried throwing stone on a US cop?

Why is it when a Palestinian throws stones he gets the death penalty but his Jewish counterpart does not?

Anyone who dares to raise a stone on an IDF soldier deserves a bullet. Even more if said someone was Jewish.

Hope I cleared that point.

Not at all. Jewish kids don't throw stones at the IDF. They save it for Palestinians.

Throwing stones is not or should not be a capital offense. Of course, the point is - in reality, only the Palestinian gets the bullet.

Should not be a capital offense? Thank God my leaders don't share the same view. We lost lives to stone throwers, stone throwing equals murder in our book.
You know all this for a fact?

They don't run away?

Why is it that it's the death penalty for Palestinian stone throwers and a slap on the wrist for Jewish stone throwers? Some justice system isn't it?

Ever tried throwing stone on a US cop?

Why is it when a Palestinian throws stones he gets the death penalty but his Jewish counterpart does not?

Anyone who dares to raise a stone on an IDF soldier deserves a bullet. Even more if said someone was Jewish.

Hope I cleared that point.

Not at all. Jewish kids don't throw stones at the IDF. They save it for Palestinians.

Throwing stones is not or should not be a capital offense. Of course, the point is - in reality, only the Palestinian gets the bullet.

Should not be a capital offense? Thank God my leaders don't share the same view. We lost lives to stone throwers, stone throwing equals murder in our book.

In the movie "David and Bathsheba" (1951), she is afraid of being stoned to death. Throwing stones can definitely kill someone.
You know all this for a fact?

They don't run away?

Why is it that it's the death penalty for Palestinian stone throwers and a slap on the wrist for Jewish stone throwers? Some justice system isn't it?

Ever tried throwing stone on a US cop?

Why is it when a Palestinian throws stones he gets the death penalty but his Jewish counterpart does not?

Anyone who dares to raise a stone on an IDF soldier deserves a bullet. Even more if said someone was Jewish.

Hope I cleared that point.

Not at all. Jewish kids don't throw stones at the IDF. They save it for Palestinians.

Throwing stones is not or should not be a capital offense. Of course, the point is - in reality, only the Palestinian gets the bullet.

Should not be a capital offense? Thank God my leaders don't share the same view. We lost lives to stone throwers, stone throwing equals murder in our book.

It's only a capital offense when it's a Palestinian stone thrower.
Ever tried throwing stone on a US cop?

Why is it when a Palestinian throws stones he gets the death penalty but his Jewish counterpart does not?

Anyone who dares to raise a stone on an IDF soldier deserves a bullet. Even more if said someone was Jewish.

Hope I cleared that point.

Not at all. Jewish kids don't throw stones at the IDF. They save it for Palestinians.

Throwing stones is not or should not be a capital offense. Of course, the point is - in reality, only the Palestinian gets the bullet.

Should not be a capital offense? Thank God my leaders don't share the same view. We lost lives to stone throwers, stone throwing equals murder in our book.

It's only a capital offense when it's a Palestinian stone thrower.

What a shame that the "Palestinian" Arab culture of hate teaches, nurtures and promotes such behavior.
Why is it when a Palestinian throws stones he gets the death penalty but his Jewish counterpart does not?

Anyone who dares to raise a stone on an IDF soldier deserves a bullet. Even more if said someone was Jewish.

Hope I cleared that point.

Not at all. Jewish kids don't throw stones at the IDF. They save it for Palestinians.

Throwing stones is not or should not be a capital offense. Of course, the point is - in reality, only the Palestinian gets the bullet.

Should not be a capital offense? Thank God my leaders don't share the same view. We lost lives to stone throwers, stone throwing equals murder in our book.

It's only a capital offense when it's a Palestinian stone thrower.

What a shame that the "Palestinian" Arab culture of hate teaches, nurtures and promotes such behavior.

Oddly, it doesn't seem confined to the "Palestinian Arab culture".
Anyone who dares to raise a stone on an IDF soldier deserves a bullet. Even more if said someone was Jewish.

Hope I cleared that point.

Not at all. Jewish kids don't throw stones at the IDF. They save it for Palestinians.

Throwing stones is not or should not be a capital offense. Of course, the point is - in reality, only the Palestinian gets the bullet.

Should not be a capital offense? Thank God my leaders don't share the same view. We lost lives to stone throwers, stone throwing equals murder in our book.

It's only a capital offense when it's a Palestinian stone thrower.

What a shame that the "Palestinian" Arab culture of hate teaches, nurtures and promotes such behavior.

Oddly, it doesn't seem confined to the "Palestinian Arab culture".

Not surprisingly, the Pal-Arab death cult which teaches values consistent with the Hitler Youth program promotes such behavior..

Teaching Terror - How Hamas Radicalizes Palestinian Society - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

One study of Palestinian suicide bombers reveals the critical role played by the Hamas dawa - Hamas's social-welfare infrastructure of clinics, schools, mosques and charities - in pushing angry and frustrated Palestinians to the point of committing acts of terrorism.

Breeding hateful little islamo-bots is what Pal-Arabs do. I know of no other society that has such slogans as " you love life, we love death"

Its a grotesque sickness.

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