Col. Macgregor: Ukraine's WORST NIGHTMARE Has Been Exposed


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells Stephen Gardner how Ukraine's worst nightmare has been exposed. Hundreds of thousands of freshly dug graves are showing up on satellite images, proving to the west that Ukraine is being wiped out by Putin and Russia. This is now a humanitarian crisis that needs to be stopped. Ukraine will run out of bullets and bodies to throw at Putin. Meanwhile, Putin has over 300,000 men and women in training just waiting to be released on the battlefield

There are reports that 60,000 Ukrainians have had to have limbs amputated. Many Ukrainians are brave, but some have no battle experience and are reportedly being pulled from their homes kicking and screaming, thrown into vans ..given 10 or 20 days of training, and then sent onto the battlefield.

Col McGregor says that the Russian military is treating the Ukrainian POWs with great respect. So that is somewhat of a bright side to this… Ukrainians who are surrendering because they run out of ammo are able to be treated with respect. I also cannot fathom why some people are so racist against Russians. Do they actually think that a Russian soldier is somehow not a human being and that somehow maybe that they’re aliens, whereas the American soldiers are perfect.

It’s quite blatantly obvious that Americans and Russians and Ukrainians have a ton in common. Well they’re all human beings in the first place. Also many are Christians and have integrity and honor.

I don’t understand how my fellow American Democrats have turned into what They argued against 20 years ago. They are like zombies, agreeing with everything the neocons tell them and because perhaps they are on drugs, or out of shape, are simply saying to anybody who does not tow the Warhawks line that they are a Russian Agent. They call people “Russian agents” because they cannot formulate an argument, and they mimic whatever they hear on CNN or Fox News when it comes to the war in Ukraine.

On the bright side It’s great to see now according to a CNN poll, that the majority of Americans are against funding the war in Ukraine.
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Biden and Putin need to get together and work something out here.
Putin's already working something out, in Africa. The liberal West got played like chumps. They depleted their surpluses to arm neo-nazis and will lose all their influence and leverage in Africa. Time for America to look after itself and end our pathetic relationships with the Eurotrash countries that offer us nothing.
Putin's already working something out, in Africa. The liberal West got played like chumps. They depleted their surpluses to arm neo-nazis and will lose all their influence and leverage in Africa. Time for America to look after itself and end our pathetic relationships with the Eurotrash countries that offer us nothing.
We really don't seem to benefit much from Europe. We spend billions and billions so they can talk shit and not appreciate us.
Biden and Putin need to get together
and work something out here.


Franklin's heart is in the right place. He wants to stop this horrendous massacre of young ukrainians and russians but Biden had already taken his decision in December-February 2022 when he dismissed Putin's draft agreement on NATO-Ukraine.

Faced with a choice between war and a microscopic change in US foreign policy he not only chose war but turned what would be a short conflict into the wholesale bloodbath and destruction of Ukraine.

A senior Biden administration official recently admitted that prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States made no effort to address one of Vladimir Putin’s most often stated top security concerns — the possibility of Ukraine’s membership into NATO.

Biden official admits US refused to address Ukraine and NATO before Russian invasion - Responsible Statecraft
I don’t understand how my fellow American Democrats have turned into
what They argued against 20 years ago. They are like zombies,
agreeing with everything the neocons tell them


So true, Franklin.

NATO expansion (aka, the military encirclement of european Russia) is the ultimate, supreme neocon policy.

If you told John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz back in the 90's that 30 years later american leftists would be passionate supporters of the imperialist, gratuitous, unprovoked policy they created they would call you crazy.
We really don't seem to benefit much from Europe. We spend billions and billions so they can talk shit and not appreciate us.
What exactly do you believe these days that you have and that we should be looking harder to see and appreciate? I can think of absolutely nothing that you can presently offer which would add to our lives , extend our culture or make us better people in a better country . Your cruel and selfish reign is near to disappearing and once things settle I doubt there will be many shed tears in Europe or the UK .
What exactly do you believe these days that you have and that we should be looking harder to see and appreciate? I can think of absolutely nothing that you can presently offer which would add to our lives , extend our culture or make us better people in a better country . Your cruel and selfish reign is near to disappearing and once things settle I doubt there will be many shed tears in Europe or the UK .
We pay the bill for your protection, and your governments aren't trying to have that change any time soon. You flowers from Europe wouldn't be so comfortable if you actually had to take care of yourselves rather than be taken care of.
Putin's already working something out, in Africa. The liberal West got played like chumps. They depleted their surpluses to arm neo-nazis and will lose all their influence and leverage in Africa. Time for America to look after itself and end our pathetic relationships with the Eurotrash countries that offer us nothing.

Let me get this straight. We should sacrifice Europe to keep our influence, as if we have any, in Africa.
We pay the bill for your protection, and your governments aren't trying to have that change any time soon. You flowers from Europe wouldn't be so comfortable if you actually had to take care of yourselves rather than be taken care of.
That is immature rubbish if you really believe it . Do you think Russia is ever going to invade the UK? Are you cream crackers? You give us absolutely zero in terms of protection( from what) and if your Neocon lunatics want to bankrupt your country for their own selfish and terrorist reasons , we just think how idiotic you are . BTW . Many British forces refuse to fight with Americans -- most widespread in Iraq . You were judged unreliable and frankly not very sound .My little flowerpot .Same in WW2 I gather .We often had to hold you by the hand as we walked you to Berlin .
Let me get this straight. We should sacrifice Europe to keep our influence, as if we have any, in Africa.
You should have thought about that at least two decades ago .Now it is probably too late . China and Russia have lapped you and you also suffer from extreme unpopularity across the globe .
Good question. My answer is I don't care. I want us to pull all of our stuff out of European territory and let you people fend for yourselves.
Fine in principle and even better if you then work in co-operation for mutually helpful reasons and shared goals . Are you aware you have over 170 military missions across the globe ? And if you imagine that they only deal with military matters I would think you very gullible .Learn from the Chinese and Russians . At least be relevant , cunning and successful .
You should have thought about that at least two decades ago .Now it is probably too late . China and Russia have lapped you and you also suffer from extreme unpopularity across the globe .

Yeah. Those darned principles keep getting in the way of influence. For example. Right now we are refusing to recognize the Coup leaders in Niger as the legitimate Government.

But you are sort of right. For years now I’ve believed we should recognize the Republic of China as an independent nation. This would certainly enrage the PRC and my feelings on that are summed up as. “So?”

As for Russia. They are continuing to descend into irrelevance and to that I say. Good.

Their economy is in the crapper. They have a serious hard currency shortage. They’ve undone the work of a generation to make Russia a serious player in international commerce. Aeroflot has defaulted on hundreds of aircraft leases. What that means is if they managed to settle Ukraine today. It would be fifty years before they found anyone to lease them an aircraft again, much less extend them credit.

I still believe Russia will eventually take Ukraine, and with Finland and Sweden joining NATO in response, the threat of encirclement that Russia tried to use to justify their greed has backfired immensely. They are more encircled now, than they were before they invaded.

The only thing Russia has left is the threat of Nukes. And those don’t scare me. The way Russian equipment has worked in this war I doubt many of the missiles would fly anyway.
I don’t understand how my fellow American Democrats have turned into
what They argued against 20 years ago. They are like zombies,
agreeing with everything the neocons tell them


So true, Franklin.

NATO expansion (aka, the military encirclement of european Russia) is the ultimate, supreme neocon policy.

If you told John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz back in the 90's that 30 years later american leftists would be passionate supporters of the imperialist, gratuitous, unprovoked policy they created they would call you crazy.
^ Thread win.
Let me get this straight. We should sacrifice Europe to keep our influence, as if we have any, in Africa.
Wrong. We shouldn't be wasting our strength in Europe to begin with. As to Africa, we should leave them to govern themselves and seek only trade and positive relations. We would be more secure as a country with less intervention. Our efforts should be focused on North and South America.
Yeah. Those darned principles keep getting in the way of influence. For example. Right now we are refusing to recognize the Coup leaders in Niger as the legitimate Government.

But you are sort of right. For years now I’ve believed we should recognize the Republic of China as an independent nation. This would certainly enrage the PRC and my feelings on that are summed up as. “So?”

As for Russia. They are continuing to descend into irrelevance and to that I say. Good.

Their economy is in the crapper. They have a serious hard currency shortage. They’ve undone the work of a generation to make Russia a serious player in international commerce. Aeroflot has defaulted on hundreds of aircraft leases. What that means is if they managed to settle Ukraine today. It would be fifty years before they found anyone to lease them an aircraft again, much less extend them credit.

I still believe Russia will eventually take Ukraine, and with Finland and Sweden joining NATO in response, the threat of encirclement that Russia tried to use to justify their greed has backfired immensely. They are more encircled now, than they were before they invaded.

The only thing Russia has left is the threat of Nukes. And those don’t scare me. The way Russian equipment has worked in this war I doubt many of the missiles would fly anyway.
We agree over China but I could not disagree more over Russia . They have no obvious financial weakness and because they are self reliant from natural resources, the present currency exchange situation is barely noticed --- a weaker rouble means easier entrance to new markets and increased competitiveness in existing ones. Recent figures show that sanctions have not prevented growth and there are more countries wanting their exports than those refusing them . Because everything is buoyant or better I suspect they allowed the Aeroflot situation to happen because it is just a simple capital cost write- off due to sanctions -- one of the very few difficult areas for Moscow . In miltary terms Russia is long way ahead , because they have been planning and preparing for at least a decade and because nobody has any possible answer to their Hyper Missiles . It could take the US up to a decade just to catch-up to the present Russian position . Finally, if it ever came to nuclear activity, Russia is much better placed in terms of recovery --- they have a geograhical natural advantage but they have been building shelters on a massive scale for more than a decade Shelters for many millions .Possibly tens of millions . I would be amazed if Russia wanted extra territoty -- Finland and the Baltic States -- other than for reasons of convenience . The Russian problem has nothing to do with expansion , it has everything to do with increasing population by at least 100 million -- the biggest land mass has only 140 million officially though many think that figure is exaggerated and is actually around 110 million . Believe me, the Bear is hugely strong and the Putins in Russia remember exactly whom the CIA worked with to rape them of their wealth in the nineties .In contrast , the US , IMF and EU are now broke , without military reserves and Nazi Kyiv is literally going under now for the third time .
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