Coffee Table Circulations : Select Post Collection Off Monk-Eye Compositions


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Coffee Table Circulations : Select Post Collection Off Monk-Eye Compositions "

* Explanation Off How A Personal Archive Works *


* Background Reasoning Media Communications *

Some vb forum web sites limit the depth of search to access the history of posted content .

A complete list of started threads is usually available for a particular moniker .

A list of recent posts does not retrieve a useful post .

Access to articulate references decreases time to communicate some content .

The intent for this collection of previous posts by this moniker is hopefully to present a surmise of useful concepts .
" Following The Trail "

* A Law Requires An Instance And Enforcement *

By definition , murder would not exist without legal fabrications stipulating when homicide is illegitimate aggression .
A law without an ability to issue a reprise by retort for violations of illegitimate aggression , or a law without an ability to prevent violations of illegitimate aggression , would be reductio ad absurdum concluding that such a law does not exist .

* Either Weigh Figure It Out *

My phone conversation with a missouri state legislator , about its attempt to ban abortion at 8 weeks , stumbled upon the legislator contending that all homicide was murder , including feticide , and that war was not homicide but simply killing .
Perhaps consensus with the term homicide emphatically equating with murder , as opposed to a general description for homicide as simply the killing of a hominid - how ever it occurs , may not be common place .
Thus , as not all homicide is murder , what would determine whether particular instances of homicide are murder ?

* Properties Of The Whole *

By considering monism as deduced from an identity element - a monad representing an infinitesimal , one may infer the characteristics of an infinite number to be intrinsic within nature .
An esoteric characteristic of an infinite number may be ascribed the property of being and becoming through some transition and all of nature emulates that eternal quality by induction .
One may attempt to conjecture that all homicide is murder , because an eternal quality is being violated ; however , as all of nature emulates an eternal quality , the original assertion is contradicted .

* Naturalism Might Suppose *

A perspective that nature itself maintains accounts of balances and reflexively exacts an idealistic response to given events does not provide a verifiable conclusion .
Naturalism could not conclude that a directive against homicide exists intrinsic to nature in part because the macrocosm of nature is supposed to be inchoate , by virtue of lacking sufficient sophistication in its interconnected states necessary for sentience , sapience and introspection .
Theists conjecture that subjective perspectives of a deity or deities determines when homicide is murder and issues a reprise for violations , though as to why an immediate enforcement would not be expected if such a law exists is clearly not forthcoming .
So it seems that whether homicide is murder relies on subjectivity , which is synonymous with a law having been written and capable of being enforced .
" When Life Or Death Depends On Unity Versus Division "

* Phenomenology And Repentance *
Have you ever smelled your own urine after having unprotected sex with a woman on her period ?
It is difficult to imagine what one might be doing to themselves with unprotected anal sex .
In religious societies , public policy often doubles for science and such things as allergic reactions to shellfish , or trichinosis from swine , led to directives against their consumption .
Likewise , anal sex is an act that does not facilitate progeny and is therefore considered unnatural and essentially unclean due to excrement .
Nature is reflexive , and something that modern societies often take for granted is safety and ability to mitigate affliction , while older societies equate deviance with susceptibility to curse - see Butterfly effect - Wikipedia .
" Challenging Missed Information "

* Update Revisions To Relate Factual Meaning *
Do you have anything else ignorant to offer ?
The sons of noah were a pseudo-scientific paradigm to distinguish between white , brown and black racial clads .
Arabs are lineal descendants of shem , which makes them semites and semitic , with a language founded by its ancestors that describes its semitic origins and not a racial clad classification of those who linguistically adopted it .
Ashkenazi are lineal descendants of japheth , which makes them japhites and japhetic .
Lineal descendants of ham are hamites and hamitic .

* Homogeneous Recessive Alleles *

Japheth - Wikipedia

* Homogeneous Dominant Alleles For Brown * [/b
Shem - Wikipedia

* Homogeneous Dominant Alleles For Black *
Ham (son of Noah) - Wikipedia
" Disregard For Authoritarian Histrionics "

* Blacklisting Whitelisting And Catch-all Rules *
The point seems to be going over your head that because a wright is not enumerated in the constitution does not mean it is not a constitutional wright .
Your perception of constitutional wrights is similar with that of a dictatorship and police states where anything not allowed by a government is not allowed by default ; that is not how the constitution is devised .
A amendment entitling congress to prescribe or to proscribe abortion is not included in the enumerated powers of us constitution - Enumerated powers (United States) - Wikipedia .
The 9th amendment is raised for individualism as " anti-statism " against pretentious conjectures by " anti-federalists " who seek to override individual liberty at a state level through the 10th amendment .

* Reductio Ad Absurdum *
The majority opinion for roe v wade was written by blackmun whom stated thus , "Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." .
The statement of blackmun is a direct inference defining birth as a criteria for citizenship in the us 14th amendment , such that birth is consequently a criteria for a wright to life .
A fetus does not have constitutional protection for a wright to life , a citizen is not prohibited by constitution from acquiring an abortion , therefore a citizen is entitled to acquire an abortion .

* Colloquial Options *
These political forums . as public opinions , are based in sophistry .
When scholastic rules are required , conformance with its standards is followed .

* Advanced Topics *
Less tyrannical constitutions are devised in terms of negative and positive wrights , where negative wrights are phrased as proscriptions against government , and where positive wrights are phrased as prescriptions for government action .
From negative wrights and positive wrights , negative and positive liberties for individuals arise , where negative liberties are freedoms of individuals to act without interference from government , and where positive liberties are endowments to individuals from government .
Negative and positive rights - Wikipedia
Negative liberty - Wikipedia
Positive liberty - Wikipedia
" Dealing With Mortal Grief Projecting Leveraged Stones "

* Requirements Of Existence *
A sophisticated physical state is required for sentience , for sapience , for introspection and an afterlife , a chance for eternal life , being born again , reincarnation , transmutation of soles are all metaphors for genetic continuance , where failure to do so in perpetuity alludes to the metaphors of final judgment and eternal damnation .
If one cannot perceive that they are expending efforts in their own life so that others , both literally and figuratively as themselves , may have an opportunity to experience life as they themselves had , then a core understanding of nature is missing and or is absent .
Thankfully , maturing an understanding for psychopomp legends can be both figurative and literal , thus escaping abandonment .

* Faith Fell Relevant Distinctions *
Something to note is that the seven laws of noah are presented as " universal " - applicable to all , while the ten commandments of moses are city state laws only applying within the city state of israel .
See torahnism , qurayshism , fictional ishmaelism , antinomianism , non violence principles for an explanation .
Antinomianism expects its adherents to ablate legalism as a construct of public policy ; the implication is utopian and dystopian , a Paradox - Wikipedia .

End of Debate Over Whether To Reconcile

* Noah Hides For Goyim *
Seven Laws of Noah - Wikipedia
The Seven Laws of Noah (Hebrew: Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach), also referred to as the Noahide Laws or the Noachide Laws (from the Hebrew pronunciation of "Noah"), are a set of imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God[1] as a binding set of laws for the "children of Noah" – that is, all of humanity.[2][3]
According to Jewish tradition, non-Jews who adhere to these laws because they were given by Moses[4] are said to be followers of Noahidism and regarded as righteous gentiles, who are assured of a place in Olam Haba (עולם הבא, the world to come), the final reward of the righteous.[5][6]
The Seven Laws of Noah include prohibitions against worshipping idols, cursing God, murder, adultery and sexual immorality, theft, eating flesh torn from a living animal, as well as the obligation to establish courts of justice.

* Mu Sa Is Ra El City State Law *
Ten Commandments - Wikipedia
The Ten Commandments (Hebrew: Aseret ha'Dibrot), also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in the Abrahamic religions. The Ten Commandments appear twice in the Hebrew Bible, in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy.
Then, We gave Musa (Moses) the Book, to complete (Our Favour) upon those who would do right, and explaining all things in detail and a guidance and a mercy that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.[111]
Goethe thus argued that the Ten Commandments revealed to Moses at Mt. Sinai would have emphasized rituals, and that the "ethical" Decalogue Christians recite in their own churches was composed at a later date, when Israelite prophets had begun to prophesy the coming of the messiah.

* Lost Is Knot Awl *
If a background is absent a review of antinomianism , please review Antinomianism - Wikipedia .

* An Other Pivotal Point *
Perspectivism - Wikipedia
This is often taken to imply that no way of seeing the world can be taken as definitively "true", but does not necessarily entail that all perspectives are equally valid.
This view differs from many types of relativism which consider the truth of a particular proposition as something that altogether cannot be evaluate, ...

*Less Equally Valid Against Non Violence Principles *
Reviewing the arcane legal system of Code of Hammurabi - Wikipedia is political comedy goal .
" Answering Fore Yearn Own Haploid Iteration "

* Obviously In Kneed Of Greater Informed Consent *

" Curiosity Compulsion "

* Proclivities Probing *

Good information is that " I promise not to cum in you . I will pull out . " is highly unreliable , and is not something that will make sense at the time .
When it comes to facts with brains and glands , are you advocating Non-penetrative sex - Wikipedia , or oral , or anal with condoms ?

* Clearly State Expectations *
Describe how protestantism would apply antinomianism and salvific faith to ensure that fidelity is retained within the civil contract of marriage .

Antinomianism - Wikipedia
Antinomianism has been a point of doctrinal contention in the history of Christianity, especially in Protestantism, given the Protestant belief in justification through faith alone versus justification on the basis of merit or good works or works of mercy. Most Protestants consider themselves saved without having to keep the commandments of the Mosaic law as a whole; that is, their salvation does not depend upon keeping the Mosaic law. However, salvific faith is generally seen as one that produces obedience, consistent with the reformed formula, "We are justified by faith alone but not by a faith that is alone," in contrast to rejecting moral constraint.[10]

Puritans - Wikipedia
In current English, puritan often means "against pleasure". In such usage, hedonism and puritanism are antonyms.[13] In fact, Puritans embraced sexuality but placed it in the context of marriage. Peter Gay writes of the Puritans' standard reputation for "dour prudery" as a "misreading that went unquestioned in the nineteenth century", commenting how unpuritanical they were in favour of married sexuality, and in opposition to the Catholic veneration of virginity, citing Edward Taylor and John Cotton.[14] One Puritan settlement in western Massachusetts banished a husband because he refused to fulfill his sexual duties to his wife.[15]

* Missing A Torahnism Explanation *

Seven Laws of Noah - Wikipedia
Nicene Creed - Wikipedia
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" Despots Seeking Uncontested Demands "

* Answer And Question *
For media marketing , mass shootings are sensational news , while mass shootings make dramatic banter for gun control propagandists .
In opposition are statistics indicating that mass shootings , with mass assault weapons , are insignificant when compared with the total number of homicides from firearms , excluding suicides .

* Fear Little Old Ladies *
Without great equalizers , individuals become intimidated subjects of corrupt hierarchies , whether private or public .

* More All Relatives *
Prior to entering into a social civil contract according to a constitution , one is subject to natural freedoms inherited from relativism in nature .
To improve safety , security and quality of life , one exchanges natural freedoms for citizen membership in a social civil contract according to a constitution .
Whether or not society reverts to natural freedoms , individuals are responsible for self defense of their own self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents ) when subjected to illegitimate aggression that is violence .
" Opining For Representation "

* Disseminating Persuasion *
The court of public opinion relies upon informed consent .

Neither the right nor the left will challenge to debate the actual constitutional basis of roe v wade and the legality of abortion , as it is too much of a challenge for their base - beyond the forte of either , and each is comfortable with its insulated conventions of poorly articulated and insufficiently decisive narratives .

" Live And Let Live "

* Succinct And Invective *
Good luck getting around blackmum majority opinion for roe v wade , "Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." .

There are many pro-choice republicans and there are many pro-choice democrats who disagree with ideological absurdities of other democrat party members .

" Reflections On Myopic Vanity Of Sanctimonious Hubris "

* Egalitarian Democracy Verses Representative Republic *
To make it clearer , cognizance is a plausible standard , a distinct truth , whereby perspectivism inquires , " Which is a more valid truth by which to set public policy , autonomic or cognizant ? " .

Individuals are responsible for self ownership and that include its exercise through progeny .

A bureaucratic collective representing some greater individual would be violating self ownership of individualism if as a state it were to dictate choices for progeny to individuals .

* Fiscal Buffoonery *
In one estimate , approximately 75% of abortions were requested by those between 0% and 200% of the poverty line , which are perhaps individuals less likely to self manage birth control behavior leading to unwanted pregnancies ; and the abortions are elective decisions given socioeconomic constraints .

Who do anti-choice pundits believe will pay for social expenses related with mandates into poverty ; damned straight - the taxpayer !

As per Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia , " ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. " is remanded of bureaucratic collective institutions .

It being that a fetus is without constitutional protections , it not having met a qualifying criteria for equal protection - birth , a fetus is private property of the mother ; therefore , which evidence is available as justification for a state to barter over a fetus as private property ?

Is a war of attrition or some numerical incidence of under representation ensuing ?

* Non Nomian Practices *
Simple facts are that practicing what one preaches often requires that one understand what one is actually preaching .

Non Nomian Truth Or Consequences Constructed Qurayshism Crossed Logic

" Certain That Nothing Is Guaranteed "

* On Both Rails Of One Track *
The citations are accurate for theories on the current definition of " natural law " as it relates to " natural rights ( sic ) " .

* Subjective Differences For Design *
My suppositions for attributes of individual liberty are self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents ) .

Perspectivism cedes there to be multiple truths and that one truth may be more valid than an other truth .

Given evidence of entropy and relativism within nature , to allege any complex system cannot be alienated must be a disingenuous effort to promote foolishness .

" Contention Over Reference To The Term Natural "

* Common Political Lexicon Contesting Moral Relativity *
Such a response would be expected of any unaware for distinctions between pundits of natural law and pundits of legal positivism .

The foundations of " natural rights ( sic ) " are constructed from references to theism , while foundations of legal positivism are constructed from references to perspectivism .

Natural law - Wikipedia
Natural law (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is law that is held to exist independently of the positive law of a given political order, society or nation-state. As determined by nature, the law of nature is implied to be objective and universal;[1] it exists independently of human understanding, and of the positive law of a given state, political order, legislature or society at large. Historically, natural law refers to the use of reason to analyze human nature to deduce binding rules of moral behavior from nature's or God's creation of reality and mankind.

Legal positivism - Wikipedia
Historically, legal positivism sits in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality.

" Opposing Nomian Legalism From The Is Them "

* Applying The Crux Of Arguments With A Single Word *
Certainly , and opportunities to address validity for application and use of the term wright , or rite , or right , write , is always goaded and purposeful .

The term wright alludes to craftsmen , such that a ship wright crafts ships , such that a legal wright crafts legalism , and both legal positivism and perspictivism support that use of the term wrights is more valid than use of the term rights .

Legal positivism - Wikipedia
Legal positivism is a school of thought of analytical jurisprudence largely developed by legal thinkers in the 18th and 19th centuries, such as Jeremy Bentham and John Austin. While Bentham and Austin developed legal positivist theory, empiricism set the theoretical foundations for such developments to occur. The most prominent legal positivist writer in English has been H. L. A. Hart, who, in 1958, found common usages of "positivism" as applied to law to include the contentions that:

  • laws are commands of human beings;
  • there is no necessary connection between law and morality, that is, between law as it is and as it ought to be;
  • analysis (or study of the meaning) of legal concepts is worthwhile and is to be distinguished from history or sociology of law, as well as from criticism or appraisal of law, for example with regard to its moral value or to its social aims or functions;
  • a legal system is a closed, logical system in which correct decisions can be deduced from predetermined legal rules without reference to social considerations;
  • moral judgments, unlike statements of fact, cannot be established or defended by rational argument, evidence, or proof ("noncognitivism" in ethics).[1]

Historically, legal positivism sits in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality.

Perspectivism - Wikipedia
There are many possible conceptual schemes, or perspectives in which judgment of truth or value can be made. This is often taken to imply that no way of seeing the world can be taken as definitively "true", but does not necessarily entail that all perspectives are equally valid.

Perspectivism rejects objective metaphysics, claiming that no evaluation of objectivity can transcend cultural formations or subjective designations.[1] Therefore, there are no objective facts, nor any knowledge of a thing-in-itself. Truth is separated from any particular vantage point, and so there are no ethical or epistemological absolutes.[2] Rules (i.e., those of philosophy, the scientific method, etc.) are constantly reassessed according to the circumstances of individual perspectives.[3] "Truth" is thus created by integrating different vantage points together.

People always adopt perspectives by default – whether they are aware of it or not – and the concepts of one's existence are defined by the circumstances surrounding that individual. Truth is made by and for individuals and peoples.[4] This view differs from many types of relativism which consider the truth of a particular proposition as something that altogether cannot be evaluated with respect to an "absolute truth", without taking into consideration culture and context.[5]

* Defining Socially Normal *

One may consider the term right is commonly referred as a perpendicular to a surface , at a 90 degree angle , at a right angle , which is more generally understood as a mathematical norm - Norm (mathematics) - Wikipedia .

One might propose that a law is analogous with a norm and suggest therefore that application of the term right is more valid than an application of the term wright to describe laws .

Ultimately , however , use of the term wright serves a very specific purpose of dissociating a pretense that a right is an absolute truth ( nomian ) rather than a right being a social norm crafted by mammon .

* Seed On Rocky Ground *
Many have been working to succeed here Would A Legal Challenge of Subject To Contract Clause Of Us 14th Amendment Succeed ? .
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" Thanks For Trying There Are Consolation Prizes Waiting At The Door "

* Correction Four A Misappropriated Focal Point *
The constitutional and legal issue has nothing to do with when life begins .

The constitutional and legal issue has everything to with when an individual receives constitutional protections by a state .

A state is comprised of citizens and a state is concerned with wrights of citizens .

Birth is a requirement for citizenship , and therefore birth is required for equal protection .

The decision of roe v wade is a ruling that is 100% consistent with the letter of law in the constitution , as well roe v wade decision is 100% consistent with ethical valuations regarding public policy .

A reason to intervene on behalf of another by legal proxy is empathy , which supposes that sentience is a requirement for suffering to occur , and the onset of sentience is consistent with the time line for the onset of viability .

From the roe v wade decision the standard of parturition ( live birth ) was determined to be relative after an onset of viability ; and , states could proscribe ( outlaw ) abortion beginning in the third trimester .

The majority opinion of roe v. wade was written by blackmun a
nd included the following comment , "Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth."

* Risk Management Of You Are Nowhere Near Extinct *
Try not to break out into tears when others by legal proxy intercede to defend eagles against illegitimate aggression exacted upon their self ownership ( progeny ) by the hue mammon species .

" Professional Gun Choice Advocate "

* Necessity Of Introspection For Satisfying Tautologies *

An after life , a chance for eternal life , reincarnation , transmutation of soles , and other figurative allusions to being born again , are metaphors for literal genetic continuance to propagate a sophisticated physical state known to include a capacity for sentience , for sapience , for introspection , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed such metaphors as final judgment and as eternal damnation .

* Should Have Kept It Away From The Hole Life Choices *

Because a fetus does not have constitutional protections , a fetus is the private property of the mother , from which a wright to privacy follows , and the mother presides over at least nine tenths of the law by being in possession of that property .

The Contract with America - Wikipedia reformed generational welfare that included addressing the issue of dead beat dads .

Are you upset that individual accountability for self preservation is exacted when it can be extended against the self determination ( private property , willful intent ) other individuals ( public charge ) and may indirectly affect a capacity for other individuals to practice self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) ?

" Physical Capacity For Sentience Prerequisite For Sapience Classification As Homo Sapiens "

* Persuasive Ineptitude Of Shadow Puppets *
An amendment to revise us 14th amendment would not change that a state is beholden to constitutional protections for its individual citizens .

Article Five of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.[3]

* Intransigent Science From Journal Of American Medical Association *

A time line for the onset of Thalamocortical radiations - Wikipedia that are necessary for sentience by bridging the autonomic nervous system of the thalamus with the higher order thinking available via the cerebral cortex is well established by Histology - Wikipedia

Fetal Pain .
Thalamocortical fibers begin appearing between 23 to 30 weeks’ gestational age, while electroencephalography suggests the capacity for functional pain perception in preterm neonates probably does not exist before 29 or 30 weeks.

" Fantasizing About Delusions Of Grandeur "

* Disingenuous Sycophants Arguing For Retort Against A Logical Deduction *
The supreme court no doubt understands abortion with respect to the constitution as it was related by blackmun whom wrote the majority opinion of roe v wade , "Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth." .
" Not Enough Manufacturing And High Tech Industry With Too Much Population Fluff "

* Cordial Request Congenial Accommodation *

Individuals purchase private health insurance to have adequate health care and to avert debilitating debt .

Health insurance companies collect premiums and apply them as capital investments to offset expenditures and make a profit .

There are demands on government to socialize health care for some portion of the demographic .

Would it be acceptable for the government to collect premiums as an insurance company and make capital investments to offset expenditures and make profit ?

Would it make sense for government to purchase health insurance to cover some portion of the demographic to avert debilitating federal debt ?

* Immigration And Market Indicators *[/b

Browse Topics | Congressional Budget Officehealth-care
The 2019 Long-Term Budget Outlook | Congressional Budget Office
Report The 2019 Long-Term Budget Outlook- June 25, 2019
If current laws generally remained unchanged, large budget deficits would boost federal debt to unprecedented levels over the next 30 years, CBO projects.

Federal Subsidies for Health Insurance Coverage for People Under Age 65: 2019 to 2029 | Congressional Budget Office
Report Federal Subsidies for Health Insurance Coverage for People Under Age 65: 2019 to 2029 May 2, 2019
CBO and JCT project that federal subsidies, taxes, and penalties associated with health insurance coverage for people under age 65 will result in a net subsidy from the federal government of $737 billion in 2019 and $1.3 trillion in 2029.

" Over Arching Scope "

* Motivated By Strife *

Neither the pro-choice nor anti-choice pundits on abortion will explain the constitutional basis for roe v wade , as abortion is a strategy piece to manipulate fools in a game run by political hacks who do not want the issue removed as a status for party allegiance .

* Abandonment Issues *

The demonicrats raise the deficit by promoting social spending on aimless welfare programs and by offshoring industry .

The repugnicans raise the deficit by promoting aimless tax incentives for oligarchs and by offshoring industry .

United States balance of trade - Wikipedia
On June 26, 2009, Jeff Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, called for the U.S. to increase its manufacturing base employment to 20% of the workforce, commenting that the U.S. has outsourced too much in some areas and can no longer rely on the financial sector and consumer spending to drive demand.[14]

* Partisan Blindness *

That it is unintelligible to you does not mean it is not intelligible to others .

" Private Property "

* Self Ownership Versus Self Determination *

Since a fetus does not have constitutional protections , a fetus is the private property of the mother from which privacy protections of the constitution follow .

Now , when it comes to health care , the issue becomes " whose money is it ? " .

What ever became of the political banter from both parties that health care costs funded by the government needed to be reigned in to mitigate the growing national debt ?

As the government does not take in premiums and invest them to offset losses , which those opposed to state capitalism ( some forms of socialism and all communism ) do not want bureaucrats to practice , rather than " bleed out the nose " , the affordable care act shifted dealing with private health providers away from government to private insurance providers by negotiating insurance policies offered through exchanges by which individuals between 100% and 400% of the poverty line would only be responsible for no more than some percentage ( progressive up to approximately 4% ) of their total income for the plans .

The scheme was to change the statistic by which government was obligated to public health care , which is as most expect for themselves when purchasing insurance , to stave off catastrophic expense .

A problem with health care is that the costs of procedures are all over the map and the private industries ( health care providers and insurers ) are not in the business of minimizing patient costs for procedures or premiums , whereas the government schedules limited those expenditures for government , with private health care providers being obligated to write off the differences .

The individual mandate was included to prevent those within the 100% to 400% of the poverty line from shirking financial responsibility and optioning to walk into healthcare facilities that reverts management costs and payment back to the government rather than through private insurance providers .
"Does Non Violence Principles Correct Non Aggression Principles Lexicon ? "

* Definition Buy Explanation *

Social systems include allowable limits of aggression ; thus , by definition , violence is illegitimate aggression .

This is a call to correctly annotate an understanding for terms .

A non violence principle would be defined as a tenet of creed ceding that any subjected to violence be entitled to self defense sufficient to abate the illegitimate aggression .

A non aggression principle would be defined as a tenet of creed not ceding that any subjected to violence is entitled to issue self defense sufficient to abate the illegitimate aggression .

This opening post seeks to persuade that the contemporary definition and lexicon are broken , as some posit an equivalence between non violence and pacifism , as some posit an equivalence between any aggression and violence .

* Poll Question *

Should contemporary definitions of non aggression principles versus non violence principles be corrected ?

" Strange Confusions Within Antinomian Paradox Oh Watt Two Due "

* Indeterminate Meanings Inn Illegitimate Aggression *

As self defense against illegitimate aggression is legitimate aggression , then by definition of violence as illegitimate aggression , not all killing may be denoted as violence .
" When Demagogues Of Dogma Wield Authority "

* Informed Consent Of Missed Perceptions *

The torah does not apply outside of isreal and the gospel does not include such directives .

There is not a difference between religion and creed and there is not a religious exception for tenets of creed which violate non violence principles .

Clearly , threats to " execute " individuals for acts which are not violence is illegitimate and itself violence .

Any subject to illegitimate aggression ( violence ) is entitled to self defense .

Not withstanding , the scope of aggressive acts deemed illegitimate is not completely clear , as some acts deemed violence according to the contemporary definition are in fact legitimate aggression and better classified as principles of non aggression .

As such , theories on non aggression and non violence should be revised to more correctly address the disparities - Does Non Violence Principles Correct Non Aggression Principles Lexicon ? .
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" US Discussion - Religion And Ethics "

* Five One *

* Freak Show Images Of Hue Mammon Apes *

* Weighs Of The Word And Success Criteria For Survival *

Supposing a sapient being devised a garden east of eden where in hue mammon resides as an image of itself , then would such a sapient being also be bound with procreation and genetic continuance to perpetuate its own sentience , sapience and introspection ?

Where pleasures of the flesh are available , cramming feces into ones phallus is hardly a matter of phobia any more than denying that procreation is a means by which sentience and sapience of introspection are perpetuated so that a strong anthropic principle can be validated .

The elevated purview for aggression and domination by males originates as a primal nature from an anxiety for not knowing with absolute certainty that offspring from that of a female is in fact their own , whereas such an anxiety is requite in females .

* Promoting Endemic Growth Versus Immigration Replacement *

May one presume deism or deities as potential states charged from common mind ?

Who maintains affiliations to account for numerical representation and regional occupation for the disparate Y haploid clads correlated with kindred through phenotype - Y chromosome - Wikipedia ?

Family policy in Hungary refers to government measures in order to increase the national birthrate and stop the decline of Hungary's population. Hungary's family policy seeks to make childcare economically easier for new parents.

* Genetic Religions Of Torahnism And Qurayshism *

An invocation of ha shem imports genetic continuance as necessary for continuation of an eponymous patriarchal lineage , where an edict of creed as religion directs that descendants of an eponymous patriarchal lineage immigrate to and be bound with a geographic region .

Even within the levant region when japhetic byzantine ruled there , descendants for a patriarchal lineage of eponymous isaac were following an edict from tenet to coalesce and collaborate by immigration to establish a religious polity for perpetuation of a kindred Y haploid , irrespective of X haploid though mu ham ad is an hamitic reference to X haploid .

The list of 70 names introduces for the first time a number of well known ethnonyms and toponyms important to biblical geography,[3] such as Noah's three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth, from which 18th century German scholars at the Göttingen School of History derived the race terminology Semites, Hamites and Japhetites.

Semites, Semitic peoples or Semitic cultures was a term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group.[2][3][4][5]
First used in the 1770s by members of the Göttingen School of History, this Biblical terminology for race was derived from Shem (Hebrew: שם‎), one of the three sons of Noah in the Book of Genesis,[9] together with the parallel terms Hamites and Japhetites.

Hashem is a title used in Judaism to refer to God. It is also a given name and surname, common in Muslim societies.
In Judaism, HaShem (lit. 'the Name') is used to refer to God, particularly as an epithet for the Tetragrammaton, when avoiding God's more formal title, Adonai ('my master').

* Legalism Of Nomian Versus Non Nomian *

An establishment for the nomian , genetic , religions of torahnism and qurayshism within the respective city states of israel and hajez ( the barrier ) are limited in scope , though orchestrations to establish such religious polities may be more broad in scope .

A logical antonym to nomian legalism is antinomianism of which christianity purportedly ascribes .

Antinomianism (Ancient Greek: ἀντί, "against" and νόμος, "law") is any view which rejects laws or legalism and argues against moral, religious or social norms (Latin: mores), or is at least considered to do so.[1] The term has both religious and secular meanings.
In some Christian belief systems, an antinomian is one who takes the principle of salvation by faith and divine grace to the point of asserting that the saved are not bound to follow the moral law contained in the Ten Commandments.[2][3]
The distinction between antinomian and other Christian views on moral law is that antinomians believe that obedience to the law is motivated by an internal principle flowing from belief rather than from any external compulsion.

* Heuristic Maze God Versus Angry Man You *

The existence of Angra Mainyu was the source of all sin and misery in the universe. Zoroaster claimed that Ahura Mazda was not an omnipotent God, but used the aid of humans in the cosmic struggle against Angra Mainyu. Nonetheless, Ahura Mazda is Angra Mainyu's superior, not his equal. Angra Mainyu and his daevas, which attempt to attract humans away from the Path of Asha, would eventually be defeated.[8]

* Moral Relativism Of Nature Personified Through Apologue For Adversarial Dichotomy Confounded With Determinism *

Surah 14:22
And Satan will say when the matter has been concluded, “Indeed, God had promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. But I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; but blame yourselves. I cannot be called to your aid, nor can you be called to my aid. Indeed, I deny your association of me [with God] before. Indeed, for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment.”

Surah 35:8
Then is one to whom the evil of his deed has been made attractive so he considers it good [like one rightly guided]? For indeed, God sends astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. So do not let yourself perish over them in regret. Indeed, God is Knowing of what they do.

Surah 17:11 - 71:17
11. And We have certainly created you, [O mankind], and given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam”; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.
12. [God] said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?” [Satan] said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay [i.e., earth].”
13. [God] said, “Descend from it [i.e., Paradise], for it is not for you to be arrogant therein. So get out; indeed, you are of the debased.”
14. [Satan] said, “Reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.”
15. [God] said, “Indeed, you are of those reprieved.”
16. [Satan] said, “Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them [i.e., mankind] on Your straight path.
17. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].”

18. [God] said, “Get out of it [i.e., Paradise], reproached and expelled. Whoever follows you among them - I will surely fill Hell with you, all together.”
19. And “O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat from wherever you will but do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers.”
20. But Satan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, “Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become of the immortal.”
21. And he swore [by God] to them, “Indeed, I am to you from among the sincere advisors.”
22. So he made them fall, through deception. And when they tasted of the tree, their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to fasten together over themselves from the leaves of Paradise. And their Lord called to them, “Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that Satan is to you a clear enemy?”

* Six Two *
" Nature Of Health And Behavioral Consequences "

* Shitty Jobs *

An answer was not expected as reality is not an objective of your motivation - Colorectal papillomavirus infection in colorectal cancer patients .

* Six Three *
" Motivation And Serendipity "

* Melodramatic Relevance *

The byzantine empire was founded upon militarism and christianity was assimilated into it and there is not a directive in the gospel to kill to establish its religious polity .

Surah 9:111 - Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

* Six Nine *
" Pursuit Of A Sanctuary "

* Limited In Scope *

The torah is not the gospel .

Killing to assure genetic continuance has long been a way of the world , and assimilation in a geographic region with the establishment of a religious polity was implemented as a device to greater ensure that genetic continuance .

The scope for conquest to establish a reservation for those peoples and its religious polity was not expansionist or globalist in its expectations .

* Abstraction *
The meaning of an after life means to literally pass on ones genetic identity through ones offspring .

Allusions to a return of " christ " would only be a literal emulation of its expected behavior within social constructs .

* Logical Fallacy Of Appeal To Authority *
Include citations not non specific conjecture .

* Eight Two *
" Bias Of Affiliations Illustrating Definitive Lines "

* Legitimate Aggression And Creed Of Individualism Entitled Through Citizenship *

Those promoting equality often confuse equal protection from government with equal endowment through government , as the two are not the same .

* Rigorous Rules Necessary For Discussion *

By definition , violence is illegitimate aggression , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

According to theory for individualism , a definition of illegitimate aggression may be a valid threat to implement aggression , or an actual implementation of aggression , against the elements of self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) or self determination ( private property , willful intents - contracts ) .

A negative wright is a law phrased as a proscription for authoritarian action by government , whereby one obtains a negative liberty from government to act freely without its interference .

A positive wright is a law phrased as a prescription for authoritarian action by government , whereby one may obtain a negative liberty from other individuals to act freely without their interference , or whereby one may obtain a positive liberty from other individuals to not act freely without their interference .

Thus individuals would be equally protected to privately practice behavior of creed within ethical constructs of non violence principles .

* Equal Protection Against Illegitimate Aggression *

All individual members of a collective state are entitled to equal protection against illegitimate aggression when its constitution includes non violence principles as part of the social civil contract .

One may exercise the self determination element of individualism by not being prohibited through government from free use of private property , by entering into valid contracts , or by exercising power of attorney , or by exercising writs of willful intent .

* Legitimate Aggression Against Equal Endowment *

A purpose for extending social security coverage to spouses is account for procreation in a traditional family where a female as a home maker does not enter the employment market and is consequently allowed to receive social security dispensations based upon contributions from the male spouse .

Why would a lexicon of bread winner and home maker apply to individuals whose social civil contract ( civil union ) is physically unfounded in procreation ?

* Eight Six *
" Inquiring About Mythology When Deities Were Celestial Bodies "

* Questioning The Consistency Of Deistic Paradigm *

Does there appear to be a personification of hexagonal saturn ( jehovah , demiurge ) and morning start venus ( lucifer ) within gnosticism ?

Consider a tale of nomad star gazers ascribing that venus was a god cast down from high heaven , given that the crescent moon and " star " are symbols of sin mythology and luciferianism .

According to Petrement, Valentinus represented a moderation of the anti-Judaism of the earlier Hellenized teachers; the demiurge, widely regarded as a mythological depiction of the Old Testament God of the Hebrews (i.e. Jehova), is depicted as more ignorant than evil.[114]

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a destroyer, a guardian, liberator,[1] light bringer or guiding spirit to darkness,[2] or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.[3]

Crescents appearing together with a star or stars are a common feature of Sumerian iconography, the crescent usually being associated with the moon god Sin (Nanna) and the star with Ishtar (Inanna, i.e. Venus), often placed alongside the sun disk of Shamash.[6][7] In Late Bronze Age Canaan, star and crescent moon motifs are also found on Moabite name seals.[8]

Thyatira: From this church, those who overcome until the end, will be given power over the nations in order to dash them to pieces with the rule of a rod of iron; they will also be given the "morning star." (2:18–29)
  1. Praised for their works, love, service, faith, and patience.
  2. Admonished to repent for allowing a "prophetess" to promote sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols.
As one of the brightest objects in the sky, Venus has been a major fixture in human culture for as long as records have existed. It has been made sacred to gods of many cultures, and has been a prime inspiration for writers and poets as the morning star and evening star. Venus was the first planet to have its motions plotted across the sky, as early as the second millennium BC.[24]

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. Saturnalia was characterized by role reversals and behavioral license.[5] Slaves were treated to a banquet of the kind usually enjoyed by their masters.[5]

The Mishna and Talmud (Avodah Zara 8a) describe a pagan festival called Saturnura which occurs for eight days before the winter solstice. It is followed for eight days after the solstice with a festival called Kalenda culminating with the Kalends of January. The Talmud ascribes the origins of this festival to Adam, who saw that the days were getting shorter and thought it was punishment for his sin. He was afraid that the world was returning to the chaos and emptiness that existed before creation. He sat and fasted for eight days. Once he saw that the days were getting longer again he realized that this was the natural cycle of the world, so made eight days of celebration. The Talmud states that this festival was later turned into a pagan festival. Later on in the page, the Talmud calls it Saturnalia. [95][96]

Day time gods and night time gods are frequently deities of an "upper world" or "celestial world" opposed to the "netherworld" and earth ruled by other gods (underworld and earth gods are collectively known as chthonic deities).

The tripartite division of the world into sky/heaven/upper, earth/middle, and under/nether/lower seems to be a universal feature of all human religions.[citation needed] Sea gods may be included with chthonic deities or form a separate, third category. Water, both fresh and salt, is often associated with the earth/underworld, giving rise to an alternate tripartite division of sky, land, and sea, where sea seemingly takes the place of the underworld.

These terms were originally used in the geocentric cosmology of Claudius Ptolemy to differentiate as inferior those planets (Mercury and Venus) whose epicycle remained co-linear with the Earth and Sun, and as superior those planets (Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) that did not.[1]


* Eschatology Indeterminate In Time With Inevitability *

The " book of revelation " applies a common genre for ultimate contests of good versus evil with a motif that good ultimately triumphs over evil .

Events that could cause malthusian collapse are of interest as allusions to ages starring meteorites hurling down from heaven hitting the earth triggering earthquakes , volcanos , blankets of darkness ( crop death , starvation ) and ice ace changes in the environmental are of interest .

Much mentioned is bound to occur when andromeda and milky way galaxies collide in four billion years , though one would not need to suppose as far in the future to be concerned with disturbances in the kuipier belt or the theoretical ort cloud .

The Kuiper belt is distinct from the theoretical Oort cloud, which is a thousand times more distant and is mostly spherical. The objects within the Kuiper belt, together with the members of the scattered disc and any potential Hills cloud or Oort cloud objects, are collectively referred to as trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs).[12] Pluto is the largest and most massive member of the Kuiper belt, and the largest and the second-most-massive known TNO, surpassed only by Eris in the scattered disc.[a]

The Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Milky Way at about 110 kilometres per second (68 miles per second).[112] It has been measured approaching relative to the Sun at around 300 km/s (190 mi/s)[1] as the Sun orbits around the center of the galaxy at a speed of approximately 225 km/s (140 mi/s). Andromeda Galaxy's tangential or sideways velocity with respect to the Milky Way is relatively much smaller than the approaching velocity and therefore it is expected to collide directly with the Milky Way in about 4 billion years. A likely outcome of the collision is that the galaxies will merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy[114] or perhaps even a large disc galaxy.[19] Such events are frequent among the galaxies in galaxy groups. The fate of the Earth and the Solar System in the event of a collision is currently unknown. Before the galaxies merge, there is a small chance that the Solar System could be ejected from the Milky Way or join the Andromeda Galaxy.[115]

" US Discussion - US Constitution "

* Seven *

" Apply Correct Terminology Required "

* Over Drawn Claims By Political Science Simpletons *

The term equal wrights is a non specific over generalization .

There are negative wrights and positive wrights that are associated with negative liberties and positive liberties .

There are protections from government , protections from other individuals through government ( contentious ) , and endowments through government ( highly contentious ) .

The meaning of " equal wrights " supposes to account for the equal protection of negative liberties but it does not account for the unequal endowment of positive liberties .
" Us Discussion Religion And Ethics

* Four Five *
" Puritanical Prurience Formalizing Diction Contrasting Legitimate Versus Illegitimate Aggression "

* For An Other Caricature From A Self Reflection As A Cruel Impolite Villain *

Does such a supposition belie that impatience and unkindness should be or are necessarily included in the optioning of another to freely disassociate themselves within the limits of their self ownership and self determination ?

* Indifference With Bias Avoiding Association As Individual Preferences *

A principle of non violence defines violence as illegitimate aggression , while self defense against illegitimate aggression is legitimate aggression .

A principle of non violence principles obviously requires a definition for , or descriptions for , legitimate versus illegitimate aggression .

A proposed principle for a definition or description for illegitimate aggression also introduces a principle of individualism , whereby illegitimate aggression is defined as any action , or supposition for action by tenet or by edict of creed , to deprive an other individual of either self ownership or self determination ; where self ownership includes free roam , free association , progeny ; and , where self determination includes : private property , civil contracts , willful intents .

Am own interests include challenging an analysis of differences between legitimate versus illegitimate aggression as related with civil wrights and civil contracts , as related through the principles of non violence and individualism .

* Whack Key Ad-Hoc Aphorisms About Petty Spite As Shit House Career Counseling *

You is second person accusative , while one would due well to apply third person not accusative .

A more contentious legal preface based upon non violence principles and individualism would be this , " Clearly individuals exercising self determination of their private property , or self ownership through their free association , are entitled to legitimate aggression ; thus , when would an individual be committing illegitimate aggression by dissociating themselves both in body and divestment of property from another individual ? " .

For example , a corporation is an indirect extension of a legal individual , noting that a corporation is also itself a legal individual entitled to self ownership and self determination elements of individualism as it exercises free roam , free association , progeneration , private property , civil contracts and willful intents ; such is that , to which extent is an employer entitled to dissociate themselves in body and divestment of property of another individual ?
" Us Discussion - Us Constitution - Roe V Wade Getting Overturned "

* 4931 : Four Nine Three One *

" Quality Of Life Determinants And Nothing To Do With Prurience "

* Rib Bone Romance Movies Surmise From Cuckoo Clocks *

Wow , that is very bold of you to equate every circumstance of coitus with an " act of love " .

* Proving Private Claims For Valid Damages *

In supreme court response to texas' civil prosecution laws indicated that a plaintiff must demonstrate valid damages .

A neighbor would not be able to demonstrate valid damages upon discovering that another neighbor received an abortion .

A legal guardian may be able to demonstrate valid damages upon discovering that a practitioner issued an abortion without receiving its authorized consent .

* Keeping It Zipped Else Report Private Property Theft Near Rape *

Would a male be able to demonstrate valid damages upon discovering that a female sought an abortion ?

A fetus has not met a birth requirement for equal protection and is private property of the mother and any paternal interests are dispatched when private property semen is transferred to the female with consent of will .

While conceding to rape as illegitimate impregnation , there is a vast swath of males with missed perceptions that consent of a female to conjugate includes consent to deliver if impregnation occurs .

If the private property semen is transferred to the female without consent of will by the male , then the male must file an assault charge .

* Mythical Late Term Abortion Seeker Psychopath Versus Commonplace Just Cause Medical Treatment *

In a medication abortion, a patient takes a drug called mifepristone, also known as RU-486, followed by a second drug called misoprostol, to end a pregnancy rather than having a surgical procedure. Over half of abortions in the United States are medication abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute, an abortion rights advocacy research group.

Conclusion: The combination of 200 mg mifepristone and vaginally administered misoprostol is a safe, effective and noninvasive regimen for termination of pregnancy between 12 and 20 weeks.

Medication Abortion

* Four For Fore Nein Thrice Trice - 4933 :: 4 9 3 3 , 4 933 , 4 9 33 , 4 93 3 , 49 33 , 49 3 3 "
" Statistical Signification Of Specific Situations Relative With To The Majority Of Justifications "

* Comparative Statistics *

Oh , interesting .

Question 1 : At approximately how many weeks of development do you suppose the average female whom fails to trap a man then seeks an abortion ?

Question 2 : Which would you believe is more frequently occurring , the trapping of a man followed by abortion , or bride kidnapping followed by abortion ?

In most nations, bride kidnapping is considered a sex crime because of the implied element of rape, rather than a valid form of marriage.
In some cases, the woman cooperates with or accedes to the kidnapping, typically in an effort to save face for herself or her parents. In many jurisdictions, this used to be encouraged by so-called marry-your-rapist laws. Even in countries where the practice is against the law, if judicial enforcement is weak, customary law ("traditional practices") may prevail.

* Willful Ignorance Of Emergency Medical Requirements And Individual Liberty To Determine Self Ownership Through Fitness *

Several suppositions have been applied in legislation for determining public policy on abortion : conception at 0 weeks , a heart beat at 6 weeks , a quickening at 15 weeks , a sentience at 20 weeks , a viability at 24 weeks , a birth at 39 weeks .

Question 3 : After how many weeks of development do you suppose abortion should be outlawed for emergency medical requirements ?

Question 3 a : A fetus has a heartbeat , while the placenta is becoming detached and the fetus will die in utero ; should public policy be to discharge the woman with significant risk of hemorrhage , until the fetus is dead - anywhere from hours to days , or have an abortion performed immediately ?

Question 4 : At approximately how many weeks of development do you suppose abortion should be outlawed for fetal abnormalities ?

First trimester screening is a combination of tests completed between weeks 11 and 13 of pregnancy. It is used to look for certain birth defects related to the baby’s heart or chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome. This screen includes a maternal blood test and an ultrasound.

Second trimester screening tests are completed between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy. They are used to look for certain birth defects in the baby.
Second trimester screening tests include a maternal serum screen and a comprehensive ultrasound evaluation of the baby looking for the presence of structural anomalies (also known as an anomaly ultrasound).

* Four Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Five *
" Limiting Reasons For Applying Simplified Solutions To Diverse Situations With Complex Conditions Base On Deontology Irrespective Of Consequentialism "

* Expanding Narrow Scope For Outlaw Abortion Based On Precarious Incidence With Low Probability *

Question 5 : How much time should a man be given to claim that a woman confiscated his private property semen without his willful consent for purposes of becoming impregnated so as to avoid child support payments ?

Question 6 : Would a higher availability of pregnancy tests reduce the time before an abortion is sought and performed ?

Question 7 : Is an ability to seek an abortion without reporting a sexual assault encouraging less self effacing situations versus protracted confrontation through prosecution , or encouraging less reports of sexual assault , or encouraging more sexual assaults ?

* Propositions To Curtail Conjugal Exchange With Pregnancy Test Market Compulsions *

Question 8 : At which point of hue mammon development do you expect any abortion to be outlawed and correlated with which exceptions : at zygote conception at 0 weeks ? , at embryo heart beat at 6 weeks ? at fetus quickening at 15 weeks ? at sentience at 20 weeks ? at viability at 24 weeks ? at prior to birth ? for sexual assault ? for incest ? for adultery ? for fetal abnormality by type ?

* Narrow Wing Scope Of The Genetic Continuance Business Of Whose Who *

Question 9 : Given principles of individualism where self ownership includes free roam , free association and progeny , for sexual assault , would sterilization of a male be within the limits of applicable law according to us 8th amendment ?

* Moral Relativism In Nature Includes Cruelty Along With Providence *

Question 10 : Given an after life as a metaphor for genetic continuance , and given insistence for genetic continuance for hue mammon kind as an altruism is an insistence for the metaphor of eternal life , so is insistence that every instance on assurance of every hue mammon kind from the point of conception a necessary inclusion in an altruism that insists on eternal life for hue mammon kind ?

* Medicinal Induction To 20 Weeks *

In general, mifepristone should not be administered until the legal prerequisites imposed by the biased counseling law have been met. For a list of state biased counseling laws that impose a waiting period, see Table I. For a list of state laws that mandate counseling without a waiting period, see Table II.

* 4937 *
" Penchant For Applying Stateful References "

* Links Fore Fulcrum Leverage In Other Media *

Not all is lost as links can be embedded in other media with ease - Coffee Table Circulations : Select Post Collection Off Monk-Eye Compositions .
Last edited:
" USMB Office - Introduce Yourself - Zone1 "

* 46 For Four Fore Tee Tea Sax Sex Six Sox Sux Syx *

" Specifically Meaning What "

* Indifference Or Bias Are Not Racism *

The term racism necessarily implies that violence is occurring based on race , where violence is defined as illegitimate aggression .

A definition for illegitimate aggression could be valid threats for , or acts of , physical aggression against self ownership or self determination of an individual , where self ownership includes free roam , free association and progeny , and where self determination includes private property and willful intents by contract - made valid by informed consent .

A definition for illegitimate aggression could be valid threats for , or acts of , physical aggression against negative liberties of an individual , so long as the negative liberties of an individual are not disparaging the negative liberties of another individual - based on safety and security , where a negative liberty is freedom to act as another is obligated to a negative action , or non action , or no action .

Keeping in mind that a wright only exist because a greater individual such as a state is capable of issuing a retort for its violation , a republic founded on credo of e pluribus unum espouses individualism and expects an equal protection of negative liberties for those entitled to them .
" US Discussion - US Constitution - Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! '

* 5386 Five Three Eight Six *

" Earning Self Validating Compensation By Overcoming Informed Consent Ineptitude "

* Will Won Can Make Wall Standards *

Intervention by rational minded people is occurring in courts each day based on case claims for necessary liberties to manage life crisis imperatives in pursuit of happiness .

So one may conclude that principles of individualism are agreeable where its terms and depictions can be competently applied ?

From us 9th and 10th , equal protection of negative liberties is a non enumerated wright of the people and state interests beyond safety and security in protection of negative liberties are prohibited .

A state interest is prohibited from providing equal protection of negative liberties for any which has not met a birth requirement that is required of citizens .

A theory on principles of individualism includes self ownership and self determination : where self ownership expects free roam , free association and progeny ; and , where self determination expects private property , willful intents by contract made valid with informed consent .

Without constitutional protections , any of either a zygote , an embryo , or a fetus is are private property of the mother .

Allegory of us republic credo , e pluribus unum , expects individualism and independence through equal protection of negative liberties .

Allegory of us republic credo , e pluribus unum , expects individualism and independence through equal protection of negative liberties , among those entitled to equal protection of negative liberty through equitable doctrine of live birth requirement to become a citizen .

* Disparaging Pragmatic Resolution While Devising Expletive Excelsior Generalizations *

Partisan politics is very much like an adversarial debate so devised that each pundit presents only extremes of contrasting opinion .

* 5378 Five Three Seven Eight *

" Small Changes In Initial Conditions "

* Pet Peeve Crux Of Insufficient Vernacular *

An etymology of the term per son indicates a meaning of countable by census and male .

By declaration of independence , all men are created equal , thereby surreptitiously implying that women are not , which is corroborated by us 19th amendment .

Thus by us 14th amendment , any person may become a citizen implies that women are not categorically citizens of the us .

The credo of republic is e pluribus unum that is based in individualism and a correct annotation to replace the term person is individual , that also clarifies the birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen .

The anti-choice traitors seek to usurp a birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen by modifying the definition of a per son in title 1 section 8 of us code to include the pre-born ,

* 5377 Five Three Seven Seven *
" Moral Relativism Of Nature Versus Legal Positivism Of State Institution "

* Perspectivism For A Republic To Safeguard Individualism "

Though they were told for over 30 years that a wright to privacy was incidental and not principle to the basis for pro-choice public policy and for the basis of roe v wade decision , the pro-choice leadership remained complacent , arrogant and dismissive in refusing to adopt the actual constitutional basis that does not require stare decisis or precedent -
Demand Any Nomination For Us Supreme Court Justice Explain Blackmun ' Logically Of Course ' Statement From Roe V Wade .

To secure a position for a wright to privacy one must exclude / prohibit state interests by assuring equal protection of negative liberties - among those entitled by a birth requirement to receive it , and state interests are restricted to safety and security and not culpable to populism of democracy as tyranny by majority or tyranny by minority .

This should help -

* 5375 Five Three Seven Five *

" Empathy For The Inchoate "

* Inquiring Minds Want To Know *

Oh due tell us , what is the moral code of nature ?

* 5373 Five Three Seven Three *

" Fails To Explain All Of Nature And Ignores The Messages From Its Maker"

* Apex Predator Wants To Disregard Basic Realities *

Infanticide is disturbingly common in nature. It's typically committed by males that take over a pride or pack and kill whatever babies are present to make room for the ones they plan to father.

The explanation for such pitiless behavior is as cold as it is unavoidable: tamarin mothers are simply very good at balancing their genetic ledgers and know when they're heading for a loss. If they're raising babies that have a poor chance of surviving anyway, why make a pointless investment of time, resources and calories trying to keep them alive? Better to cut their losses, bag the babies and wait for a better season to breed.

When there were at least three assisting males in the troop, the researchers found, the survival rate for infants was an impressive 75%; when there were two or fewer males, the number fell to 42%. When a mother-to-be was the only gestating female in a group, the baby she gave birth to had an 80% chance of surviving at least three months. When there were two or more pregnancies, that forecast plunged to just 20%. "Births must be spaced by three months or more," the authors wrote, "in order to allow efficient helping behavior."

* 5371 Five Three Seven One *

" More Impotence From Neophyte Trolls With Poor Education And Over Aggrandized Self Worth "

* Too Arrogant To Care And Too Stupid To Anticipate *

The dullards are those who blubber about climate change , pollution , carrying capacity , extinction and limited resources without making a correlation between those and the gluttony of hue mammon over population in a closed system .

I may be correct about something but being right or left is piss poor diction as neither are valid connotations for correct or incorrect .

* Personality Disorders Of Wanna Be Dictators In Clown Suits *

The decision to proceed or to terminate a pregnancy based on fetal abnormalities is to be decided by the individual and not a bunch of sanctimonious haughty horror genre clowns .

* Go Brag About It To Mother Nature *

An afterlife , life to come , reincarnation , being born again , transmutation of soles , etc are metaphors with for passing on ones genetic identity through offspring so that another , both literally and figuratively as themselves , may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection that is afforded as life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement and eternal damnation .

* Whatever You Say Punk Bitch Nobody *

Those who attend understand and it is a matter of time before enough have heard and know .

* 5353 Five Three Five Three *

" Practical And Pragmatic About Moral Relativism Of Nature "

* Compassionate Indifference For None Of Yearn Interests *

Perhaps you could use some tweets .

You might get 100 years and somehow see empathy for mortality from an immortal perspective ! An over populated planet and taxpayers are forced to fund ABSTINENCE ONLY FAMILY PLANNING by sanctimonious disciples whose excuse for poverty from over population is they are communists !

The mandated debt of fetal abnormalities is not to be dictated by individuals which are delusional about the literal meaning in the metaphors of an after life , a chance for eternal life , a life to come , reincarnation , etc . as other than passing on ones genetic identity .

As a pro-choice REPUBLICAN , all i see are #TRAITORS who support #SEDITION by #SCOTUS for its #DOBBS decision . By US 14th amendment , birth is required for citizenship and , by induction and #ROEVWADE LOGICALLY , OF COURSE deduction , birth is required for equal protection !

* 5352 Five Three Five Two *

" Others Skulk Around Its Implications And Repeat Tripe "

* Dobbs Is Sedition And Intellectual Dumbfound *

* 5302 Five Three Zero Two *

" Freak Farms For The Weirdos To Help Them Feel Superior "

* Categorical Goof Balls With Dictatorial Penchant *

Few would characterize myself a leftist rather than a pro-choice republican whom despises the traitors who support the sedition against us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments implemented by scotus through he idiocy of its dobbs decision .

The dementia of your perspective is on par with horror film clowns whose sanctimonious psychotics dictating macabre fantasies of hell as heaven on earth posit a short term goal of reducing abortion for down syndrome by 50% .

Here is a freak for you to carry to term and keep for life , since you are far from realistic about the depravity in nature and are insolent to understand such choices for quality of life are entitled to individuals determining their own fates that are not to be decided by you or a state .

Miscarriage (also called early pregnancy loss) is when a baby dies in the womb (uterus) before 20 weeks of pregnancy. For women who know they’re pregnant, about 10 to 15 in 100 pregnancies (10 to 15 percent) end in miscarriage. Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester before the 12th week of pregnancy. Miscarriage in the second trimester (between 13 and 19 weeks) happens in 1 to 5 in 100 (1 to 5 percent) pregnancies.

Placental abruption can cause anemia and life threatening complications for a pregnant person. If it’s not diagnosed and treated immediately there can be hemorrhage and blood clotting complications for both, the baby and the pregnant person.

It’s a side of abortion seldom discussed in national debates — the termination of pregnancies because of fetal anomalies or other often-fatal medical problems. These terminations often happen in the second trimester, when women have already picked out names, bought baby clothes and felt kicking in their wombs. They’re far different from the most common abortions, performed earlier in pregnancies.

Women say these terminations for medical reasons don’t feel like a choice — instead they are forced upon them by the condition of the fetus they carry. And the constant drumbeat of new abortion bans, rulings and news since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade has reopened raw wounds. Such abortions were already shrouded in secrecy and guilt, the women say. They fear the path will be even tougher for those who follow.

There are no recent statistics on the frequency of terminations for fetal anomalies — including genetic or chromosomal abnormalities — in the U.S., but experts say it’s a small percentage of total procedures. They typically occur later than the 93% of abortions performed at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy.''

* 5252 Five Two Five Two *

" Religion Of Secular Humanism Raving Mad Authoritarian Anthropocentric Socialists Communists "

* Sounds Like Personal Decision Financial Problems *

A live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen and natural viability in roe versus wade - cast aside by imbeciles - was judicial activism setting a compromise whereby abortions without cause could be proscribed by a state in third trimester .

A 24 weeks time line is for sufficient time to disposition congenital anomalies with the fetus , while abortion beyond natural viability is expected for urgent incidents .

A 24 weeks time line is a median approximation to avoid financial obligations for anomalies , even if private organizations intend to fund the neonatal care and or extensive expenses from anomalies .

* 5116 Five One One Six *

" Sanctimonious Authoritarian Cry Babies "

* Blast Zone *

Don't get down range mo fo .

* 4962 Four Nine Six Two *

" Mind Your Own Sanctimonious Retarded Business "

* Individual Choices When Facing Complications *

Birth is required for citizenship and therefore birth is required for equal protection and any citizen has legal standing for an equal protection violation civil wrights suit to send the idiotic dobbs decision straight back to scotus .

Roe V Wade substituted post natural viability ( estimated at approximately 24 - 28 weeks ) in lieu of a live birth requirement and ruled that states could proscribe abortion in 3rd trimester , but that was not good enough for the ant-choice uniform fetish psychopaths , who now support sedition by scotus against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments by its dobbs decision and scotus should be charged .

Babies born earlier than the first day of the 22nd week are generally too immature to be successfully treated with intensive care and have almost no chance of survival. In such cases, clinicians will simply let the parents hold the baby immediately after birth until he or she dies, which often happens within minutes. This is called comfort or palliative care, akin to a very short hospice.

Chances of survivalfootnote1footnote2
Weeks of pregnancySurvival rates
Nearly 2 to 3 out of 10 survived (about 7 to 8 out of 10 died)
5 out of 10 survived (5 out of 10 died)
Nearly 8 out of 10 survived (about 2 out of 10 died)

Chances of having problems

Weeks of pregnancy, or birth weight

Number of infants who had problems later on

Weight less than 1000 g (2 lb)

Up to 4 out of 10 had one or more moderate or severe problems by the time they were age 8. footnote3 These problems included intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, blindness, and deafness.

23 to 25 weeks

At age 2½, about 3 out of 10 had one or more of the severe problems listed above. footnote4 This means that about 7 out of 10 did not get these problems. At age 6, about 5 out of 10 children born at these early ages were more likely than other children to have attention problems, behaviour problems, and problems adjusting to school. footnote5

25 to 26 weeks

Nearly 4 out of 10 had problems at age 19, including problems with hearing, sight, intellectual disability, and having a job. footnote6 This means that more than 6 out of 10 did not have these problems.
For a tool that can help estimate the outcome for babies born at 22 to 25 weeks of age, go to

* 4937 Four Nine Three Seven *

" Penchant For Applying Stateful References "

* Links Fore Fulcrum Leverage In Other Media *

Not all is lost as links can be embedded in other media with ease - Coffee Table Circulations : Select Post Collection Off Monk-Eye Compositions .

* 4935 Four Nine Three Five *

" Limiting Reasons For Applying Simplified Solutions To Diverse Situations With Complex Conditions Base On Deontology Irrespective Of Consequentialism "

* Expanding Narrow Scope For Outlaw Abortion Based On Precarious Incidence With Low Probability *

Question 5 : How much time should a man be given to claim that a woman confiscated his private property semen without his willful consent for purposes of becoming impregnated so as to avoid child support payments ?

Question 6 : Would a higher availability of pregnancy tests reduce the time before an abortion is sought and performed ?

Question 7 : Is an ability to seek an abortion without reporting a sexual assault encouraging less self effacing situations versus protracted confrontation through prosecution , or encouraging less reports of sexual assault , or encouraging more sexual assaults ?

* Propositions To Curtail Conjugal Exchange With Pregnancy Test Market Compulsions *

Question 8 : At which point of hue mammon development do you expect any abortion to be outlawed and correlated with which exceptions : at zygote conception at 0 weeks ? , at embryo heart beat at 6 weeks ? at fetus quickening at 15 weeks ? at sentience at 20 weeks ? at viability at 24 weeks ? at prior to birth ? for sexual assault ? for incest ? for adultery ? for fetal abnormality by type ?

* Narrow Wing Scope Of The Genetic Continuance Business Of Whose Who *

Question 9 : Given principles of individualism where self ownership includes free roam , free association and progeny , for sexual assault , would sterilization of a male be within the limits of applicable law according to us 8th amendment ?

* Moral Relativism In Nature Includes Cruelty Along With Providence *

Question 10 : Given an after life as a metaphor for genetic continuance , and given insistence for genetic continuance for hue mammon kind as an altruism is an insistence for the metaphor of eternal life , so is insistence that every instance on assurance of every hue mammon kind from the point of conception a necessary inclusion in an altruism that insists on eternal life for hue mammon kind ?

* Medicinal Induction To 20 Weeks *

In general, mifepristone should not be administered until the legal prerequisites imposed by the biased counseling law have been met. For a list of state biased counseling laws that impose a waiting period, see Table I. For a list of state laws that mandate counseling without a waiting period, see Table II.

* 4933 Four Nine Three Three *

" Statistical Signification Of Specific Situations Relative With To The Majority Of Justifications "

* Comparative Statistics *

Oh , interesting .

Question 1 : At approximately how many weeks of development do you suppose the average female whom fails to trap a man then seeks an abortion ?

Question 2 : Which would you believe is more frequently occurring , the trapping of a man followed by abortion , or bride kidnapping followed by abortion ?

In most nations, bride kidnapping is considered a sex crime because of the implied element of rape, rather than a valid form of marriage.
In some cases, the woman cooperates with or accedes to the kidnapping, typically in an effort to save face for herself or her parents. In many jurisdictions, this used to be encouraged by so-called marry-your-rapist laws. Even in countries where the practice is against the law, if judicial enforcement is weak, customary law ("traditional practices") may prevail.

* Willful Ignorance Of Emergency Medical Requirements And Individual Liberty To Determine Self Ownership Through Fitness *

Several suppositions have been applied in legislation for determining public policy on abortion : conception at 0 weeks , a heart beat at 6 weeks , a quickening at 15 weeks , a sentience at 20 weeks , a viability at 24 weeks .

Question 3 : After how many weeks of development do you suppose abortion should be outlawed for emergency medical requirements ?

Question 3 a : A fetus has a heartbeat , while the placenta is becoming detached and the fetus will die in utero ; should public policy be to discharge the woman with significant risk of hemorrhage , until the fetus is dead - anywhere from hours to days , or have an abortion performed immediately ?

Question 4 : At approximately how many weeks of development do you suppose abortion should be outlawed for fetal abnormalities ?

First trimester screening is a combination of tests completed between weeks 11 and 13 of pregnancy. It is used to look for certain birth defects related to the baby’s heart or chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome. This screen includes a maternal blood test and an ultrasound.

Second trimester screening tests are completed between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy. They are used to look for certain birth defects in the baby.
Second trimester screening tests include a maternal serum screen and a comprehensive ultrasound evaluation of the baby looking for the presence of structural anomalies (also known as an anomaly ultrasound).

* 4931 Four Nine Three One *

" Quality Of Life Determinants And Nothing To Do With Prurience "

* Rib Bone Romance Movies Surmise From Cuckoo Clocks *

Wow , that is very bold of you to equate every circumstance of coitus with an " act of love " .

* Proving Private Claims For Valid Damages *

In supreme court response to texas' civil prosecution laws indicated that a plaintiff must demonstrate valid damages .

A neighbor would not be able to demonstrate valid damages upon discovering that another neighbor received an abortion .

A legal guardian may be able to demonstrate valid damages upon discovering that a practitioner issued an abortion without receiving its authorized consent .

* Keeping It Zipped Else Report Private Property Theft Near Rape *

Would a male be able to demonstrate valid damages upon discovering that a female sought an abortion ?

A fetus has not met a birth requirement for equal protection and is private property of the mother and any paternal interests are dispatched when private property semen is transferred to the female with consent of will .

While conceding to rape as illegitimate impregnation , there is a vast swath of males with missed perceptions that consent of a female to conjugate includes consent to deliver if impregnation occurs .

If the private property semen is transferred to the female without consent of will by the male , then the male must file an assault charge .

* Mythical Late Term Abortion Seeker Psychopath Versus Commonplace Just Cause Medical Treatment *

In a medication abortion, a patient takes a drug called mifepristone, also known as RU-486, followed by a second drug called misoprostol, to end a pregnancy rather than having a surgical procedure. Over half of abortions in the United States are medication abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute, an abortion rights advocacy research group.

Conclusion: The combination of 200 mg mifepristone and vaginally administered misoprostol is a safe, effective and noninvasive regimen for termination of pregnancy between 12 and 20 weeks.

Medication Abortion

* 4531 Four Five Three One Fore Fife Tree Won *

" Overwhelmed By Us 1st Amendment Establishment Clause 9th 10th 14th Violations "

* Sum Rows Of How Dues Maybe *

Appearing to want a standard for state interests from a point of conception zygote at 0 weeks , such collectivists posit determinism by deontology through a writ of dictum from state coffers - against determinism of consequentialism by equal protection of negative liberties for independence of individuals , while asserting a distinct form of biological system is in existence .

Equitable doctrine stipulates state interests are prohibited beyond safety and security for equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by a live birth requirement of a citizen .

Appearing to want a standard for state interests from a point of heart beat embryo at 8 weeks , such collectivists posit determinism by deontology through a writ of dictum from state coffers - against determinism of consequentialism by equal protection of negative liberties for independence of individuals , while asserting a distinct form of biological system is in existence .

Equitable doctrine stipulates state interests are prohibited beyond safety and security for equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by a live birth requirement of a citizen .

Appearing to want a standard for state interests from a point of feet us at 15 weeks , such collectivists posit determinism by deontology through a writ of dictum from state coffers - against determinism of consequentialism by equal protection of negative liberties for independence of individuals , while asserting a quickening of sentience .

Equitable doctrine stipulates state interests are prohibited beyond safety and security for equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by a live birth requirement of a citizen .

Appearing to want a standard for state interests from a point of sentience at 20 weeks , such collectivists posit determinism by deontology through a writ of dictum from state coffers - against determinism of consequentialism by equal protection of negative liberties for independence of individuals , while asserting sentience and costs for resuscitation .

Equitable doctrine stipulates state interests are prohibited beyond safety and security for equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by a live birth requirement of a citizen .

Appearing to want a standard for state interests from a point of viability at 24 weeks , such collectivists posit determinism by deontology through a writ of dictum from state coffers - against determinism of consequentialism by equal protection of negative liberties for independence of individuals , while asserting an imminent live birth with sufficient potential for survival .

Equitable doctrine stipulates state interests are prohibited beyond safety and security for equal protection of negative liberties among those individuals entitled by a live birth requirement of a citizen .

Appearing to want a standard for state interests from a point of live birth , such Individualists posit determinism through consequentialism by equal protection of negative liberties for independence of individuals , while asserting an equitable doctrine through a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen .

In generality , abortions occurring prior to 15 weeks represent nearly all abortions without medical necessity , ultrasounds begin around 13 weeks with 15 to 20 weeks when fetal anomalies are identified and 24 weeks is a better delimiter , while 24 weeks to parturition addresses fetal or maternal anomalies .

In generality , the cutoffs indicated above are maintained by public nature , as after 15 weeks abortion for fetal anomalies has remained a medical community standard of public policy , without provocation for a state to issue magistrates for enforcement , and medical necessities include an agreement for well being based on informed consent between the medical facilities and the individual patient .

* 4382 Four Three Eight Two *

" Here On Constitutional Principles And Not A Partisan Popularity Contest "

* Confused By Example *

Thus far many have been gullible enough to join in as traitors in support of sedition by scotus .

The public at large has been negligently and purposely deprived of informed consent regarding blackmun's " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest ... not .. prior to live birth . " by which to establish a valid consensus .

No legal community or system of information should be allowed to exercise such stupidity and deceit .

* 4367 Four Three Six Seven *

" Macabre Of Waste Not Without A Valid Basis For Empathy Based On Sufferng "

* Biology Can Graphic And Grotesque *

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells capable of being used to regenerate tissue and cells to improve the quality of life in those already born and entitled to equal protection .

* Disingenuous Debase Accusations Of Murder *

A state interest is not in when life begins , or whether life exists at all ; a state interest is in whether a wright to life exists .

A fetus has not met a birth requirement to receive constitutional protections that would include a wright to life and any sentenced to death is no longer entitled to a wright to life , albeit the wright is removed by due process and necessary contingency for having removed a wright to life of another .

* 4366 Four Three Six Six *

" Sanctimonious Song Of Traitors Remains The Same With Ignorance And Deceit "

* SCROTUS Over Ruled To Commit Sedition *

Just as any potentate or despot which usurped us constitution and directed force against implementation of us law , scotus committed sedition .

* Needs A Bib To Be Fed The Obvious *

Non-citizens which have been born are entitled to equal protection ; it is not wise to be arrogant and them prove how categorically ignorant you are .

* Allegiance To The Republic Over Enemies Foreign And Domestic *

Candid categorization of traitors and purveyors of sedition will continue to be forwarded here .

* Half Wit Ideology Wrapped In Aggrandized Allegiance *

The declaration of independence indicates that all men are created equal , that surreptitiously implie women are not created equal -- see us 19th .

The etymology of person is per ( countable by census - hence born ) and son ( male ) , such that by letter of law in us 14th - any person born or naturalized implies that women are not citizens .

The credo of this republic is e pluribus unum that aspires for individualism , independence and protection of negative liberties .

The liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery that causes mental retardation of society .

* 4363 Four Three Six Three *

" Constitutional Neophyte Traitors Supporting Sedition of SCROTUS "

* Mirrors Of Reflection Shoved Way Up Their Ass So They Can See Themselves *

Compared to traitors such as yourself who support sedition by scotus ?

There is nothing ambiguous or fabricated about a state and the constitutional protections it includes being comprised of citizens and that citizens must be born therefore birth is required for equal protection .

I am a citizen which has met the birth requirement , and a zef has not so tough shit , shut up and salute the flag !

As for the shit for brains fabrication of 10th amendment state wrights as populism for democracy as tyranny by majority that stands against this republic based based on individual liberty and protections of negative liberty - to be left alone by other individuals and by a state , except where individuals are disparaging the negative liberties of other individuals which are entitled to equal protections , the boot licking traitors are clearly in your mob .

* 4361 Four Three Six One *

" Dealing With Despotic Enemies Foreign And Domestic "

* When Criminals Hide Behind Traitors *

A grand jury is good by me .

It is still allowed in the us .

* 4355 Four Three Five Five *

" Tracking Down The Traitorous Outlaws Of Sedition "

* Working On Shitting In Their Cereal *

The traitors to us constitution , which by egregious contempt issued a ruling of sedition that states may implement force against implementation of us law - its 1st , 9th and 14th amendments , those arbiters of incompetence and deceit which do not understand the pretentious term right as applied in linguistic slang for correct , tell it to that scotus ?

* 4351 Four Three Five One *

" E Pluribus Unum Is Credo For A Republic Based On Individualism "

* Female Chattel Are No Longer Yearn Property *

A fetus is private property of the mother more in the sense of self ownership from principles individualism .

Enslavement of hue mammon presumes sapient beings whose self ownership and self determination are being deprived .

Prior to entering into a social civil contract to improve ones quality of life and opportunity for survival , one is subject to the natural freedoms and moral relativism in nature .

A law exists because there is a force or entity capable or issuing a retort or reprise for its violation .

Thus , protection of negative liberties or endowment of positive liberties exist only within the domain and realms of such institutions .

Perspectivism asserts agaiinst epistomological absolutes however , also , that not all interpretations are equally valid .

One perspective is that a social civil agreement for an institution based on individualism is more valid than nearly any other .

* 4338 Four Three Three Eight *

" Till Death Due Us Part "

* Dear Psychopomp Help Us To Pass On Our Genetic Identity Forever *

The number one reason for a hue mammon life ending is being alive in the first place so go whimper to your gawd .

* 4337 Four Three Three Seven *

" Rules Of Engagement From A Pro Choice Republican "

* Hard Legs Without Legal Interest *

What the fuck is a liberal ?

The liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery - Political Science Terminology : Negative / Positive : Wrights / Liberties : Protections / Endowments .

As the fetus has not met a birth requirement for equal protection , it is private property of the mother .

Consent to have sex is not consent to conceive or to delivery .

If a male does not wish to willfully transfer its private property semen to a female , then keep it zipped .

If for some reason a male feels that its private property semen was forcibly removed , then they can carry their behinds down to the local magistrate and claim rape , so that they may not have to pay child support .

* 4252 Four Two Five Two *

" Establishment Clause Violators Selling Shit To Imbeciles "

* Mantra Of Traitors Who Support scotus Sedition *

A fetus does not have a wright to life because it has not met a birth requirement to receive one .

SCROTUS has committed sedition by the dobbs decision , as would any other potentate that usurped us constitution , by ruling that states may issue force against implementation of us law - us 1st , 9th and 14th , and SCROTUS should be prosecuted , while traitors of us 1st , 9th and 14th amendments support its seditious decision .

Us 9th amendment , non enumerated wrights , do not need to be enumerated and any assertion that they must be is a mountain of bull shit supported by sanctimonious traitorous psychopaths trying to implement populism as tyranny by majority to deprive individuals of their equal protections of law - equal protection of negative liberties .

Us 10th amendment state interests begin with citizens or with any which has met a birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , and state interests cannot be based in whimsy or populism as tyranny by majority , rather a state interests are limited to protection of negative liberties not only from the state but also between individuals .

The negative liberties of the anti-choice are not being disparaged by abortion seekers or abortion provides and states do not have an interest in protecting a wright to life of a zygote / emrbyo / fetus which dos not have a wright to life by virtue of not having met a birth requirement to receive one .

* 4245 Four Two Four Five *

" Scapegoating With False Murder Accusations To Make Oneself Seem More Relevant "

* Loose Goose Terminology Of Mindless Valiance *

By equal wrights to you mean to reference the equal endowment of positive liberties or equal protection of negative liberties ?

Negative wrights are protections against government action ( non action ) by which one receives negative liberties from government .

Positive wrights direct authoritarian , assertive actions by government that may provide protections of negative liberties - to be left alone by other individuals , as independence and individualism , or that may provide positive liberties as endowments , dependence and collectivism .

Murder is a legal construct meaning unlawful killing and by legal positivism there is not a correlation between law and morality .

As for the ethics of abortion , it is ethical in many respects .

Irrespective of debates over ethics , birth is required for equal protection with a citizen as birth is required to become a citizen and therefore a fetus does not have a wright to life and abortion is not murder .

* 4242 Four Two Four Two *

" They Demand Blue And Red Jerseys To Ignore Political Science "

* Parrots Of Mental Retardation For Populism And Tyranny By Majority Over Protection Of Individualism *

What the fuck is a liberal ?

The liberal versus conservative paradigm is intellectual buffoonery .

* 4239 Four Two Three Nine *

" Definitely Working On It "

* Stale Response *

That's nice , it is not a state issue and SCOTUS has a conflict of interest ; us attorney general is entitled to prosecute them for sedition .

* 4236 Four Two Three Six *

" Putting Them Out Of Hour Misery "

* Knot Not Eye *

Depending upon the nature of their homicide , my preference is to subject them to the natural freedoms and moral relativism that exists prior to entering into this social civil contract and end their life , as after all , life will end at some point and nothing is more consoling to victims than their being alive without having to rationalize that their attackers are enjoying the privileges of time .

* 4232 Four Two Three Two *

" Forget About Demanding Challenges To Quality Of Life And Health Concerns Simply Dismiss It All For Pent Up Sanctimonious Perverts "

* Ascetics Stoicism And Communion *

Oh dear , animalistic spontaneous sex , well aren't we the pent up fire and brimstone preacher trying to violate the establishment clause while looking for salvation participants willing to let him express his private lusts , perhaps try not to pay too close of attention to your own fantasies .

Maybe listen pay attention to lyric from sundown by gordon lightfoot , " getting lost in her loving is your first mistake " .

* 4230 Four Two Three Zero *

" Elaboration Of The Same "

* Lost In Translation *

As per son means male ( son ) and countable by census ( per ) , women are not citizens of the united states by letter of law .

The declaration of independence references that all men are created equal , which surreptitiously implies that women are not - see us 19th amendment , and the declaration of independence is supposedly the foundation of whatever in the hell the conservative movement is as per the intellectual buffoonery of the conservative versus liberal paradigm .

The suggestion is therefore to replace per son with individual to make the terminology consistent with us credo of e pluribus unum that is based in the foundation of individualism and equal protection of negative liberties for individuals against the populism of tyranny by majority .

Otherwise , by us 14th amendment a citizen must be born and therefore by induction , by logically of course deduction , birth is required for equal protection , so i am not certain what your statement may be implying .

The only other option of the Roe v Wade court than to substitute viability in lieu of live birth was to return a ruling that abortion could not be outlawed and that a 2/3 constitutional amendment was required to codify it being outlawed .

The definition of per son was stated in title 1 section 8 of us code as any born at any state of development , which is simply a clarification of the birth requirement for equal protection , and scotus ignored all of it and committed sedition .

* 4228 Four Two Two Eight *

" Dictating And Minding None Of Your Own Business "

* Deontology Presumptions From Antiquity Versus Contemporary Consequentialism *

Back then women died in droves due to childbirth and having children was a matter of survival , whereas now the planet is full .

Late term abortions are not about killing an otherwise healthy fetus simply for convenience , rather such choices are - or at least should be - based on fitness for quality of life and for satisfying the requirements of an afterlife that presumes individual choice regarding fetal abnormalities and maternal health .

* 4222 Four Two Two Two *

" Speaks Out Of One Side Of Mouth "

* Violators Of Us Establishment Clause *

Capital punishment ends a life , where do you stand on that one ?

A state is not concerned with when a life exists , or whether life exists at all , rather a state interest is in whether a wright to life exists .

A fetus has not acquired a wright to life by virtue of not having met a birth requirement to receive it and any sentenced to death has had its wright to life removed , albeit by due process with a necessary contingency of removing a wright to life of another - a double entendre .

Fetal protection laws do not include a capital punishment because a fetus does not have a wright to life and it would not stand constitutional challenge based on live birth as a requirement for equal protection .

* 4188 Four One Eight Eight *

" Cowards Protected By The Flippant *

* Despots Hiding Behind The Walls Of Injustice *

In time , those traitorous reprobates of sedition are going to answer and be disgraced .

How is it that supposedly educated adjudicators are placed in charge of defending the citizens of this republic , yet they are too categorically stupid to understand imminent birth as potential life , where viability is substitute in lieu of live birth , where live birth is required for equal protection , because they supposedly need someone to spoon feed them the meaning of " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest .. not .. prior to live birth . " written by another supreme court justice ?

As all clearly understand the obvious induction and logically of course deduction of a live birth requirement for equal protection by Blackmun's " Logically , of course " statement , and equal protection of negative liberties for those entitled to equal protection , facts are that the justices cannot be that mentally retarded and they are in fact traitors who have knowingly committed sedition !

* 4184 Four One Eight Four *

" What Gawd Has To Say About Genetic Continuance In The Animal Kingdom "

* Individuals Are Accountable For Their Genetic Self Ownership *

Infanticide is disturbingly common in nature. It's typically committed by males that take over a pride or pack and kill whatever babies are present to make room for the ones they plan to father. It's not nearly as common for parents to behave murderously toward their own babies, and it's much rarer still for a mother to be the attacker — especially among primates.

The only thing that makes the work tolerable is that tamarin troops cooperate to rear young, but the conditions have to be right. There must be plenty of males to do the protecting and provisioning, and there can't be too many other females with babies of their own that also require attention.

When there were at least three assisting males in the troop, the researchers found, the survival rate for infants was an impressive 75%; when there were two or fewer males, the number fell to 42%. When a mother-to-be was the only gestating female in a group, the baby she gave birth to had an 80% chance of surviving at least three months. When there were two or more pregnancies, that forecast plunged to just 20%. "Births must be spaced by three months or more," the authors wrote, "in order to allow efficient helping behavior."

The explanation for such pitiless behavior is as cold as it is unavoidable: tamarin mothers are simply very good at balancing their genetic ledgers and know when they're heading for a loss. If they're raising babies that have a poor chance of surviving anyway, why make a pointless investment of time, resources and calories trying to keep them alive? Better to cut their losses, bag the babies and wait for a better season to breed.

* 4157 Four One Five Seven *

" Fangoria Goofs "

* Aborting Dead On Arrival *

Your delusions that some psychopath wanting to kill their own healthy offspring just for the hell of it make you a ghoul .

Roe v Wade substituted viability in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection and ruled that state interest could begin in 3rd trimester and could proscribed abortion from that point onward .

The sanctimonious psychopaths who adhere to an egocentric myopia of anthropocentric delusion that hue mammon life is to be religiously dictated from conception were also too deceitful to understand Roe v Wade and they insidiously usurped us constitution as traitors with a scotus that has committed sedition .

* 4134 Four One Three Four *

" Individualism In Pursuit Of Virtue "

* Empathy And Law *

Empathy for sentience with equal protection of negative liberties for those which have been born is a basis for abating slavery .

Complying with the principles of individualism for self ownership and self determination is a basis for abating slavery , where self ownership cannot be exchanged to cover a debt incurred by self determination , where self ownership includes free roam , free association and progeny , where self determination includes private property and willful intents by contract made valid through informed consent .

A fetus is not sentient until some point in development , the point after which 98% of elective abortions without justification are complete , while the remaining abortions with justification are for fetal abnormalities or health risks to the mother , whereby anesthesia is already issued to mitigate suffering .

A fetus has not met a birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen .

Individuals are accountable for self ownership to include when and whether to pass on their genetic identity , and individuals are not accountable to whims of states whose interests are limited to protecting the negative liberties between individuals which are entitled to equal protection .

* 4085 Four Zero Eight Five *

" Genetic Perpetuity For An After Life "

* Mortals Speaking With Conjectural Understanding For Perceptions Of A Personified Eternal Being "

Capital punishment ends a life and war ends many lives , so go blubber the clap trap to eschatologists .

In capital punishment , a wright to life is removed and one is subject to the natural freedoms and moral relativism that exists in nature before entering into this social civil contract , and the only reason a wright exists is because there is an institution capable of reprising its violation .

A fetus has not met a birth requirement for equal protection and a state interest does not exist in defending a wright to life that does not exist , thus a state is only concerned with whether a wright to life exists and not when life begins or if it exists at all .

Simple facts are that nature does not include your petty anthropocentric delusions , and all the pretentious bullshit from sanctimonious cry babies for a uniform fetish to quell an anxiety about not waking up from a dirt nap is ridiculous .

There are +7 billion individuals in this closed system and survival of human life is not in jeopardy , while ts qualify of life could be , due to limits in economic and environmental carrying capacity , so as the authoritarian psychopathic ascetics disregard the struggle to make ends meet , its institutions have historically applied the excuse for creating poverty through over population that they are communists .

* 4080 Four Zero Eight Zero *

" Establishment Clause Equal Protection Of Negative Liberty Clause And Birth Requirement For Equal Protection Clause Violated *

* All Eat Toe scotus Is Proven To Be Seditious Traitorous Imbeciles *

It will not be pretty for them when i do .

* 4074 Four Zero Seven Four *

" Step Aside And Give The Legislative Public Question And Answer Stage To Someone With Actual Competence "

* Punk Ass Cowardice Answer For Sanctimonious Traitors To The Republic *

Yeah , that is a major problem ; isn't it ?

The courts , legislators and fee press are out of touch to the point of being absolutely unaware of its vapid stupidity and traitorous support of scotus sedition .

In the eight hours of congressional and senate hearings on post Roe V Wade , not once was the actual constitutional basis provided , while incompetent legal scholars could not answer simple questions directly to dispatch the anti-choice nonsense ; it was disgraceful .

" When does life begin ? " was asked and the correct answer is " A state is not concerned with when life begins , rather a state is concerned with whether a wright to life exists and consequently , since birth is required to become a citizen , birth is required for equal protection - that includes a wright to life . " .

One congressman challenged whether a fetus was a person , while another challenged about the constitutional entitlements of a fetus once it had been born .

From long standing debates and my asserting that " per son " meant male and countable census - including anti-choice contention that " per son " was not defined ( at the time ) - it is even mentioned as such in roe v wade , the legislature define " per son " in title 1 section 8 as any born at any point of development as an affirmation of a birth requirement for state interests .

The per son answer should have been direct to include that any born is entitled to equal protection , but the only response from the half wits is that they trust women to make the best choice about their health care ; really , what the fuck ?

The letter of law from us 14th and title 1 section 8 was blatantly ignored and purposely usurped by the scotus to traitorously implement its sedition .

The scotus , the legal community , the political community and the fee press place themselves beyond the reach of any except to their inner circle of confidants and platform donors .

* 4057 Four Zero Five Seven *

" Neighborhood Theistic Dictators Issue Religious Fatwas With Fat Wads "

* No State Interest In Protecting A Wright To Life That Does Not Exist *

So state traitors to us 9th amendment who support sedition against us constitution .

According to such idiocy , a state can dictate any whimsical law it wants as long as there is tyranny by majority to dictate it .

Wow , way to throw the foundations of the constitution and of this republic into a shit hole .

* 4045 Four Zero Four Five *

" Histrionics With Delusional Words "

* Rhetorical Hubris *

By all means , ban baby murder , as babies have been BORN and any born is entitled to equal protection of law .

* 4036 Four Zero Three Six *

" Per Son Is Male And Countable By Census And The More Accurate Term Is Individual "

* Fabricating Personification *

There are laws against animal cruelty based on the nature of the act , but none are over aggrandizing that the animal has constitutional protections .

The unborn fetal protection laws have exceptions for abortion , however capital punishment is specifically forbidden by statute , because to receive a sentence of death for removing a wright to life of another , the other must have a wright to life removed and a fetus does not have one .

Had capital punishment been an option , the entire pretentious bullshit and deceit , of forsaking us public of its informed consent , would have hit the high court and have been exposed .

It is not necessary to disregard the technical elements of the law , that a fetus is without constitutional protections - see exceptions for abortion , from a just penalty applied to extenuating circumstances and nature of an offense against the private property of the mother .

* 4030 Four Zero Three Zero *

" Sanctimonious Anthoropocentrism Clap Trap *

* Traitors To Us Constitution Support Sedition By SCOTUS *

Capital punishment involves a life , however a state is only concerned with whether a wright to life exists and any sentenced to death has had their wright to life removed .

By induction and , logically , of course , deduction , a state interest begins with a citizen and as birth is required to become a citizen , birth is required for equal protection that includes a wright to life .

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