CNN panel erupts in laughter about Hillary's 'achievement gap'

She has no "Gag" reflex and can touch her nose with her tongue.

"That's mean Crazed!!! You should be ashamed of yourself."
The truth is the best Secretary of State have very little happen during their time at that post. Or so it seems. When a war is averted, an invasion averted, when tensions are defused before they become a full grown conflagration, they aren't news. Because the problem was averted. So it never fully materialized.

Now imagine Republicans had listened to Mrs. Clinton and not cut her security budget. And imagine the Ambassador hadn't rejected military aid twice, Benghazi never would have become "news". The real news is Republicans increased embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed. If it wasn't needed before Benghazi, then why was it needed after? You think she won't ask that question when attacked by right wingers?
Well she graduated from Wellesley College and Yale with a Juris Doctor degree, she cofounded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, she became the first femal chair of the Legal Services Corporation, and was twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential Lawyers in America. After that she became the First Lady of Arkansas and then the United States.

After that she became the first ever female Senator from New York and then became the Secratary of State.

Are those achievements not good enough? :dunno:

I don't understand, your list is mostly made up of "first female" but no actual achievements. Winning an award, election, getting hired or obtaining a position due to being a wife of someone that won an election are not real achievements.

Fixing problems when you are hired for a position is an achievement... Anyone can be hired, elected or be the spouse of someone "important."
Well she graduated from Wellesley College and Yale with a Juris Doctor degree, she cofounded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, she became the first femal chair of the Legal Services Corporation, and was twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential Lawyers in America. After that she became the First Lady of Arkansas and then the United States.

After that she became the first ever female Senator from New York and then became the Secratary of State.
In other words, she didn't do a damned thing in public office, except marry the right guy, ride his coattails into the White House (where she did nothing but engineer a Health Care scheme that got her party thrown out of every majority in the govt for the first time in our lifetimes), and then ride her name recognition into a Senatorship and Secretary of State post where, once again, she did nothing.

Are those achievements not good enough? :dunno:
What achievements?

If she has no political achievements, Conservatives and Libertarians should love her.

I think it would be funny as hell if she ran... I bet Dems get historical low turnout. Fuck, Obama lost 4 million voters in just 4 years, when you're only pulling in the 60 million that's a shit ton.
What kind of achievements are you looking for?

They are looking for a list comparable to the lists they frequently cite for the accomplishments of Secretaries of State like Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice.


I don't understand, did you just compare and make equal people you hate to that of a person you would without thought vote for?

It's odd how much you just made a fool of yourself yet you won't even allow yourself to see it.
I thought I would help by listing Hillary Clinton's acomplishments.

How about we start with her doing a great job of covering up her anti-semetism, look at this statement by HITLERY:

"You f*cking Jew b@stard." -- Hillary Clinton to political operative Paul Fray. This was revealed in "State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton" and has been verified by Paul Fray and three witnesses.

Then there is her covering up her racism by joking that Ghandi ran a gas station in St. Louis. But this is no surprise, she's married to racist Bill Clinton who joked with Ted Kennedy about Obama: "a few years ago this guy would've been carrying our bags"

Oh, and never forget, Hillary was the original birther!

Then another big accomplishment of Hillary is her duping dumb women into thinking she is for women all while standing by Bill in spite of his raping Juanita Broderick, and sexually assaulting Kathleen Willy. Good ol Hillary was a co-conspirator in Bill's war on women.

Whitewater was a big accomplishment, too.

Hillary also got people killed in Benghazi, but what difference does it make.

Great list of accomplishments by this ancient washed up old 60's radical.
The truth is the best Secretary of State have very little happen during their time at that post. Or so it seems. When a war is averted, an invasion averted, when tensions are defused before they become a full grown conflagration, they aren't news. Because the problem was averted. So it never fully materialized.

Now imagine Republicans had listened to Mrs. Clinton and not cut her security budget. And imagine the Ambassador hadn't rejected military aid twice, Benghazi never would have become "news". The real news is Republicans increased embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed. If it wasn't needed before Benghazi, then why was it needed after? You think she won't ask that question when attacked by right wingers?

Dean, I know we kid around a lot, but you're a fucking lunatic. Obama destabilized the entire Middle East, and you keep lying about Embassy Security. It's been shown to be a lie every time you try it, but you keep lying
Seems no one, not even Hillary herself, can name a single achievement of hers. This is going to be an issue from now till the next presidential election. Many still want an explanation on Benghazi.

Meanwhile, the desperate Dems face angry voters over Obamacare, lack of jobs, a bad economy and inflation. No wonder all of them, including Obama, have ramped up the vicious rhetoric.

Unless one of the parrots dreams up some success stories for Hillary, there is nothing. And I do expect that the libs will find some small thing and exaggerate the hell out of it to make her look good. Or maybe they'll appeal to Bill's fans and her slogan can be, "Vote for me and you'll get Slick Willy back in the WH."

What's most notable about this issue is the fact that - as these stories continue to pop-up -no one is refuting it. None of Hillary's allies have stepped up to the plate and said "that's a cheap shot, here are her achievements." That's very telling because; if they're having a hard time dealing with this now, it's only going to get worse when the 2016 pressure begins to mount....

CNN panel erupts in laughter about Hillary's 'achievement gap'

Politics: CNN panel erupts in laughter about Hillary's 'achievement gap' | Best of Cain

Were all laughing about that but as the election of Obama proved achievements and a strong resume are not necessary to become President.
The truth is the best Secretary of State have very little happen during their time at that post. Or so it seems. When a war is averted, an invasion averted, when tensions are defused before they become a full grown conflagration, they aren't news. Because the problem was averted. So it never fully materialized.

Now imagine Republicans had listened to Mrs. Clinton and not cut her security budget. And imagine the Ambassador hadn't rejected military aid twice, Benghazi never would have become "news". The real news is Republicans increased embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed. If it wasn't needed before Benghazi, then why was it needed after? You think she won't ask that question when attacked by right wingers?

Dean, I know we kid around a lot, but you're a fucking lunatic. Obama destabilized the entire Middle East, and you keep lying about Embassy Security. It's been shown to be a lie every time you try it, but you keep lying

Obama destabilized the Middle East?????

And you call me a fucking lunatic????

You're a fucking TARD!!!!

When Bush and the Republicans invaded Iraq, THAT IS WHAT DESTABILIZED THE MIDDLE EAST. TARD!

Hillary Clinton Warned GOP Cuts would Affect National Security | Politics News

Jan. 23, 2013 After a scathing attack on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the facts are straight up that she warned Republicans in the House and the Senate of the negative effects of cuts to Embassy security.

Last year in 2012 Secty of State Hillary Clinton actually warned republicans that cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” and they still made the cuts.


OK idiot Tard, did you learn anything?
The truth is the best Secretary of State have very little happen during their time at that post. Or so it seems. When a war is averted, an invasion averted, when tensions are defused before they become a full grown conflagration, they aren't news. Because the problem was averted. So it never fully materialized.

Now imagine Republicans had listened to Mrs. Clinton and not cut her security budget. And imagine the Ambassador hadn't rejected military aid twice, Benghazi never would have become "news". The real news is Republicans increased embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed. If it wasn't needed before Benghazi, then why was it needed after? You think she won't ask that question when attacked by right wingers?

Oh now I remember another GREAT achievement of the grey Hillary Clinton!!! She LOST 6 Billion Dollars!!! Great way to "lead" from behind fat ass!!
I can't believe these right wingers have the nerve to blame the middle east fiasco on Obama.

There are a significant number of Republicans who say people suffered after Katrina because Obama was slow to bring aid. These people don't take responsibility for anything they do. No matter how awful or low down.

List of Bush Scandals
I can't believe these right wingers have the nerve to blame the middle east fiasco on Obama.

There are a significant number of Republicans who say people suffered after Katrina because Obama was slow to bring aid. These people don't take responsibility for anything they do. No matter how awful or low down.

List of Bush Scandals

Yeah, we know.....every ill that man has suffered over the last 500 years is all BOOOOOOSH's fault!:lol::lol::lol: What a 'tard.
The truth is the best Secretary of State have very little happen during their time at that post. Or so it seems. When a war is averted, an invasion averted, when tensions are defused before they become a full grown conflagration, they aren't news. Because the problem was averted. So it never fully materialized.

Now imagine Republicans had listened to Mrs. Clinton and not cut her security budget. And imagine the Ambassador hadn't rejected military aid twice, Benghazi never would have become "news". The real news is Republicans increased embassy security by $2,000,000,000.00 after saying it wasn't needed. If it wasn't needed before Benghazi, then why was it needed after? You think she won't ask that question when attacked by right wingers?

Oh now I remember another GREAT achievement of the grey Hillary Clinton!!! She LOST 6 Billion Dollars!!! Great way to "lead" from behind fat ass!!

No, it was 9 billion and it was lost by Bush and the Republicans. That was on top of the three trillion they threw away. - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005


Missing Iraq money may be as much as $18 billion

In 2004, the Bush administration flew twenty billion dollars of shrink-wrapped cash into Iraq on pallets. Now the bulk of that money has disappeared.

The Iraqi government argues that U.S. forces were supposed to safeguard the cash under a 2004 agreement, making Washington responsible for the money’s disappearance. Pentagon officials claim that given time to track down the records they can account for all of the money, but the U.S. has already audited the money three times and no trace of what happened to it can be found.


No body fucks up like Republicans. No body. They are in a class all their own.
I can't believe these right wingers have the nerve to blame the middle east fiasco on Obama.

There are a significant number of Republicans who say people suffered after Katrina because Obama was slow to bring aid. These people don't take responsibility for anything they do. No matter how awful or low down.

List of Bush Scandals

Yeah, we know.....every ill that man has suffered over the last 500 years is all BOOOOOOSH's fault!:lol::lol::lol: What a 'tard.

No, just since 2000. Do the math.
I can't believe these right wingers have the nerve to blame the middle east fiasco on Obama.

There are a significant number of Republicans who say people suffered after Katrina because Obama was slow to bring aid. These people don't take responsibility for anything they do. No matter how awful or low down.

List of Bush Scandals

Yeah, we know.....every ill that man has suffered over the last 500 years is all BOOOOOOSH's fault!:lol::lol::lol: What a 'tard.

No, just since 2000. Do the math.

So, Obama's been prez for 5 years.....when will he start getting credit for his fuck ups? Just wondering...
What kind of achievements are you looking for?

Getting an education is great. Getting jobs is great. But it's nice to see someone excel and change things for the better once they are in a position to do so. When a person is looking to become the leader of this country, they shouldn't have so much trouble explaining why they are suited for the job. They should be exceptional. Sadly, our standards have lowered over the years and it's become a popularity contest where the wittiest or the one promising more free shit wins.

If Hillary was elected, Obama would pass the liberal agenda to her and she'd continue on the same path. It doesn't really take any thought. Cloward-Piven and Saul Alinsky laid out a detailed map to socialism and the leftwing nuts have followed instructions to the letter. No real leadership or thinking required. Seriously, just spit out a few fancy speeches and promise increased welfare and amnesty and people will vote for you, more than once in many cases.

Hillary's last job performance left a lot to be desired. The handling of the Benghazi attack was shameful. The State Dept. spent billions that are completely unaccounted for because of sloppy record keeping, probably due to a lot of fraud. Nothing changed for the better and she let people down. She wasn't capable of handling serious matters like Benghazi, but was quick to join Obama in lying about it. If that's any indication of how dependable she'll be in the next job then no thanks. She could just retire and learn to be a jolly grandma who bakes cookies. Or she can take up knitting. What difference does it make?

Neither Hillary or any of her biggest supporters can name any achievements. That is telling when the question completely stumps all of them. And you want someone here to answer the question?

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