CNN over and over "has Trump done enough to reach out to those who didn't vote for him"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
They will keep pounding this message in hopes Trump will wake up and become Hillary Clinton. The federal governments job is to create a good environment in which businesses can thrive, it's up to you as an individual to engage in the Pursuit of Happiness and you provide for yourself, choose the state in the union that best matches your views and lifestyle etc.

He is under no obligation to reach out to every fringe group and whining entitlement protester. Americans should be working hard for their country, not expecting Big Government, Big Intervention and the like. Big federal government is what other failed nations have America voted against this.

How about CNN ask the question over and over "have those who didn't vote for Trump done enough to contribute to the country, or is their ultimate home to be Canada or Cuba?"
They will keep pounding this message in hopes Trump will wake up and become Hillary Clinton. The federal governments job is to create a good environment in which businesses can thrive, it's up to you as an individual to engage in the Pursuit of Happiness and you provide for yourself, choose the state in the union that best matches your views and lifestyle etc.

He is under no obligation to reach out to every fringe group and whining entitlement protester. Americans should be working hard for their country, not expecting Big Government, Big Intervention and the like. Big federal government is what other failed nations have America voted against this.

How about CNN ask the question over and over "have those who didn't vote for Trump done enough to contribute to the country, or is their ultimate home to be Canada or Cuba?"
You`re telling us what the federal governments job is? You know nothing actually. He`s giving the military an enormous entitlement and they can`t account for the money that they already have. This is our most expensive welfare program.
Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Well he's trying his best to bitch slap all 52% who didn't vote for him, but his HANDS ARE SO TINY. Stop picking on Donald Trump.

Elections have consequences... you can come along for the ride, but you have to get in the back of the bus.
All of the CNN special interest gang voted for Hillary.

They are saying Trump should give them more favors. Problem is, Trump was elected to stop their parasitical leeching.
They will keep pounding this message in hopes Trump will wake up and become Hillary Clinton. The federal governments job is to create a good environment in which businesses can thrive, it's up to you as an individual to engage in the Pursuit of Happiness and you provide for yourself, choose the state in the union that best matches your views and lifestyle etc.

He is under no obligation to reach out to every fringe group and whining entitlement protester. Americans should be working hard for their country, not expecting Big Government, Big Intervention and the like. Big federal government is what other failed nations have America voted against this.

How about CNN ask the question over and over "have those who didn't vote for Trump done enough to contribute to the country, or is their ultimate home to be Canada or Cuba?"
There is NOTHING in our Constitution that even suggests that the government should create a good environment for business. Where are you getting that kind of crap? There is nothing in our Constitution that mandates capitalism. You have know idea wtf you`re babbling about.
He is under no obligation to reach out to every fringe group and whining entitlement protester.

Hey, nitwit......THREE MILLION more voters voted for someone else......"Under no obligation" ????
Wait until republicans in congress turn against him to save their own sorry hides in our mid term election next year.
Well he's trying his best to bitch slap all 52% who didn't vote for him, but his HANDS ARE SO TINY. Stop picking on Donald Trump.

Elections have consequences... you can come along for the ride, but you have to get in the back of the bus.

Yep, and traitorous collusion with our enemy has consequences too. The congress likes Pence, and is embarrassed by Trump. It's just a matter of time.
CNN continues to defend it's recent deservedly-earned LAST PLACE among it's competitors / peers....
Does CNN ever specify what it is they think Trump should do to reach out to those who didn't vote for him? I suspect the answer is no because in the collective mind of CNN he will never do enough.
An infamous Obama quote shortly after he was elected with a democrat majority in both houses of congress: "Republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back". How's that for "reaching out to those who didn't vote for him"?
They will keep pounding this message in hopes Trump will wake up and become Hillary Clinton. The federal governments job is to create a good environment in which businesses can thrive, it's up to you as an individual to engage in the Pursuit of Happiness and you provide for yourself, choose the state in the union that best matches your views and lifestyle etc.

He is under no obligation to reach out to every fringe group and whining entitlement protester. Americans should be working hard for their country, not expecting Big Government, Big Intervention and the like. Big federal government is what other failed nations have America voted against this.

How about CNN ask the question over and over "have those who didn't vote for Trump done enough to contribute to the country, or is their ultimate home to be Canada or Cuba?"
There is NOTHING in our Constitution that even suggests that the government should create a good environment for business. Where are you getting that kind of crap? There is nothing in our Constitution that mandates capitalism. You have know idea wtf you`re babbling about.

If you want to go by the letter of the Constitution, America would be far more libertarian than most Snowflakes and alt-left could ever imagine or handle.

It certainly isn't the role of the government to intervene and dictate across state lines and to weaken state powers. Furthermore, the constitution doesn't cover administration process, it isn't that detailed. Much of what America WAS and should be, and hopefully what Trump and his team will recover to, is insinuated and accepted as "The American Way" per se.

In short,in my opinion and many others far smarter than I; the U.S Constitution is not copacetic with socialism or communism. The Bill of Rights alone illustrates this:

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms.

The Third Amendment prohibits the government from quartering troops in private homes, a major grievance during the American Revolution.

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizure. The government may not conduct any searches without a warrant, and such warrants must be issued by a judge and based on probable cause.

The Fifth Amendment provides that citizens not be subject to criminal prosecution and punishment without due process. Citizens may not be tried on the same set of facts twice, and are protected from self-incrimination (the right to remain silent). The amendment also establishes the power of eminent domain, ensuring that private property is not seized for public use without just compensation.

The Sixth Amendment assures the right to a speedy trial by a jury of one's peers, to be informed of the crimes with which they are charged, and to confront the witnesses brought by the government. The amendment also provides the accused the right to compel testimony from witnesses, and to legal representation.

The Seventh Amendment provides that civil cases also be tried by jury.

The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishments.

The Ninth Amendment states that the list of rights enumerated in the Constitution is not exhaustive, and that the people retain all rights not enumerated.

The Tenth Amendment assigns all powers not delegated to the United States, or prohibited to the states, to either the states or to the people.

What in any of this suggests that Big Government, socialism, "free" everything, excessive debt and unsustainable debt on the backs of future generations is the job of the government?
An infamous Obama quote shortly after he was elected with a democrat majority in both houses of congress: "Republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back". How's that for "reaching out to those who didn't vote for him"?

MORON....once and for all, LEARN the TRUTH (first of all, the MIS-quote was from a campaign speech)....APOLOGIZE if you have an ounce of integrity.

FACT: No, President Obama Did NOT Say Anything About "The Back Of The Bus"

On the campaign trail, President Obama and other Democrats often use an extended metaphor about government as a car, and elections deciding who drives and who sits in the back seat. The phrase "back of the bus" has clear racial overtones, and despite the fact that Obama has used the car metaphor for months without mentioning any buses, Glenn Beck and Fox News claimed that Obama was attempting to stir up racial divides.

Here's what Obama ACTUALLY stated:

President Obama In Philadelphia: Republicans "Don't Know How To Drive. They Can Ride With Us If They Want To, But They Got To Get In The Back Seat." In a stump speech in Philadelphia, President Obama said:
There is NOTHING in our Constitution that even suggests that the government should create a good environment for business. Where are you getting that kind of crap? There is nothing in our Constitution that mandates capitalism. You have know idea wtf you`re babbling about.
Well, most of them were businessmen. Some very wealthy. However, with freedom comes capitalism. If you want to make and sell a product or service that's your right. Government can and does regulate the marketplace so you will need to hop through some legal hoops. Therefore capitalism is the default economic system for a free people, citizens. Subjects are forced to do the will of the state.
Well he's trying his best to bitch slap all 52% who didn't vote for him, but his HANDS ARE SO TINY. Stop picking on Donald Trump.

Elections have consequences... you can come along for the ride, but you have to get in the back of the bus.

Yep, and traitorous collusion with our enemy has consequences too. The congress likes Pence, and is embarrassed by Trump. It's just a matter of time.

Oh please... let it go. You come off nuttier than the birthers.
An infamous Obama quote shortly after he was elected with a democrat majority in both houses of congress: "Republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back". How's that for "reaching out to those who didn't vote for him"?

MORON....once and for all, LEARN the TRUTH (first of all, the MIS-quote was from a campaign speech)....APOLOGIZE if you have an ounce of integrity.

FACT: No, President Obama Did NOT Say Anything About "The Back Of The Bus"

On the campaign trail, President Obama and other Democrats often use an extended metaphor about government as a car, and elections deciding who drives and who sits in the back seat. The phrase "back of the bus" has clear racial overtones, and despite the fact that Obama has used the car metaphor for months without mentioning any buses, Glenn Beck and Fox News claimed that Obama was attempting to stir up racial divides.

Here's what Obama ACTUALLY stated:

President Obama In Philadelphia: Republicans "Don't Know How To Drive. They Can Ride With Us If They Want To, But They Got To Get In The Back Seat." In a stump speech in Philadelphia, President Obama said:

WHAT ????? No apology from a right wing dimwit???? Amazing....LOL

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