CNN: On Eve of Impeachment, Support For Impeachment / Removal From Office Falls


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Support for impeaching and removing President Trump from office has decreased, according to a new survey released as the House prepares to take a full vote on the articles of impeachment this week.'

The Democrats are on the verge of making U.S. History - the 1st-ever admitted Political Impeachment of a President of the United States.

Elected Federal Officials are suppose to REPRESENT their constituents, to be the voice of the American people; however, despite the majority of Americans opposing the Democrats' Impeachment the Democrats in the House of (NON-)Representatives will be representing THEMSELVES and THEIR PARTY when they vote on Impeachment, the representative form of government established by the Constitution and will of the American people be damned.

This vote is for the Democratic party and represents NOT the 'will of the people' but rather the culmination of nearly a 4-year effort to affect the unwarranted removal of the President from office. It is also, admittedly, the Democrats' best hope for ensuring President Trump, the most successful President in the last half Century, does not win re-election and remain President for another 4 years.

Hypocritically, both the Speaker fo the House, Nancy Pelosi, and the D-House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Jerry Nadler, have made declared in the past that an attempt to remove a U.S. President through Impeachment so close to an election equates to attempting to strip from the American peoples their Constitutional Right to vote and decide for themselves who should lead the country.

Stripping the American people of the President they chose in a democratic election, un-doing the 2016 election, however, is exactly what they have been attempting ... and failing ... to do for 3 1/2 years now.

Support for the Democrats' Impeachment of the President has continued to fall in the last month, as both Democrats Schiff and Nadler failed to produce a crime, evidence of a crime, or witnesses in their respective House Intel Committee and House Judiciary Committee Impeachment hearings.

Instead, in the last month and a half the American people have witnessed D-Adam Schiff continue to lie, attempt to pass a personally-authored fictional 'transcript' off as 'evidence', and have seen both Schiff and Nadler intentionally mis-quote the President in their push for rushed Impeachment. The latest case of attempting to manufacture evidence / a case was just recently when Nadler's and his Committee's mis-quoted the President in the 2nd Article of Impeachment they will be voting on soon.

Democrat Constitutional Scholar Turley, testifying before D-Nadler's House Judiciary Committee during its Impeachment hearing declared that the Democrats' rush to Impeach is the FASTEST IN US HISTORY, their case for Impeachment of a US President is the WEAKEST IN US HISTORY, that Constitutionally and legally the President neither abused his power on committed any crime, and that the only ones who have Constitutionally abused their powers have been THE DEMOCRATS!

Even CNN - the Democrat Party's leading surrogate fake news / propaganda-pushing media entity - is now reporting that the Democrats in the House of Representatives are no longer representing the American people's wishes by voting for Impeachment.

In the last 48 hours alone we have seen the backlash against the Democrats begin as Americans have protested their support for Impeachment, have challenged them, booed them at Townhall meetings - even Schiff was shouted down and rightfully called a 'LIAR'. One of the Democrats' own members abandoned the Party over their attempt at unwarranted removal of the President from office.

As the backlash grows and more and more support is lost the closer they come to casting their historic vote one has to remember the old adage, 'Be Careful what you wish for - you just might get it.'

Almost every attempt to take down the resident has backfired on the Democrats along he way. An investigation in the Senate, which would most probably include high-ranking Democrats like Schiff, Nadler, and the Bidens be subpoenaed to testify under oath, more importantly, the Democrats could end up SETTING A PRECEDENCE for political, biased Impeachments of an opposing political party's President in the future.

Support falls for Trump's impeachment, removal from office: CNN poll


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