CNN Host Criticizes Biden for Not Appearing on Any Sunday Shows This Year

Why are you talking about trump?! We were discussing the fake Biden story

Yes fake. The criminal allegations are a spun up distraction. It is painfully obvious. Just do 5 minutes of research

been looking around all am but people are hung up on surface level crap and not really digging into details. part of this is on me cause i don't understand the entire scope of these events but on the surface, i ask again - by what authority to we tell other countries how to do this?

what as trumps role in this and why is he suddenly the bad guy when bidens son was making bank over there. in a world of investigations, let's investigate why biden pushed for the firing.

why? why did he want it, if not to protect his son?

I’m glad you are digging, that’s what we all should do, I’m seeing so much spin in this situation as the narrative that Biden did this to cover for his son gets pushed out. That’s a lie and can be easily proven by 2 minutes of research. This was a policy position of the USA and EU and Biden was the point man

Trumps situation is quite different. Right now it’s just accusations so the facts aren’t out there yet. But the accusation is that he withheld military aid to push the Ukraine to get dirt on Biden... that’s a whole new level of corrupt if true. But again, it’s not proven to be true, all I know is that he withheld the aid, spoke to the president 8 times, and then released the aid after the whistle blower story came out.

as for "a lie that can be proven" - i find this on

"But Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn’t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia."

so you get someone fired who is leading the investigation on your son and this isn't an issue for you? hell the dems want to impeach trump for getting rid of comey yet now - it's not a problem?

this reeks of "ok if we do it but you are FIRED" and that's the very shit i'm sick of.

I read that article on the hill and it is in line with the narrative that trump and Rudy are pushing... it is trying to paint Biden’s actions as a cover for his son and it ignores the fact that this was an objective of the Obama administration and the EU for months leading up to the meeting in question.

This was not an individual act by Biden. The narrative from Trump is totally dishonest. Watch they are going to pivot to Biden’s sons business dealings with China next. It’s just a smear campaign based on spun up BS
Yes fake. The criminal allegations are a spun up distraction. It is painfully obvious. Just do 5 minutes of research
been looking around all am but people are hung up on surface level crap and not really digging into details. part of this is on me cause i don't understand the entire scope of these events but on the surface, i ask again - by what authority to we tell other countries how to do this?

what as trumps role in this and why is he suddenly the bad guy when bidens son was making bank over there. in a world of investigations, let's investigate why biden pushed for the firing.

why? why did he want it, if not to protect his son?
I’m glad you are digging, that’s what we all should do, I’m seeing so much spin in this situation as the narrative that Biden did this to cover for his son gets pushed out. That’s a lie and can be easily proven by 2 minutes of research. This was a policy position of the USA and EU and Biden was the point man

Trumps situation is quite different. Right now it’s just accusations so the facts aren’t out there yet. But the accusation is that he withheld military aid to push the Ukraine to get dirt on Biden... that’s a whole new level of corrupt if true. But again, it’s not proven to be true, all I know is that he withheld the aid, spoke to the president 8 times, and then released the aid after the whistle blower story came out.
please. given what the left did to get dirt on trump - again. zero credibility.

if you hate trump you'll make this as big as you can cause THIS will do him in.
I’m not sure what your trying to say here. Are you saying it’s not a big deal if trump did this because of the Russia investigation and media coverage against trump?
i'm saying our media sucks and finding just straight information on either side is near impossible. what i am finding, in short, is biden told the ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was leading the investigation into his son or lose funding.
Agreed. But look up the specifics on the “investigation on Biden’s son” and also look up the position of the Obama administration and EU if they supported getting this guy out of office
A country can certainly leverage funds to out a corrupt prosecutor... especially when it is the consensus of the executive branch and our EU allies. Why would you think that’s illegal?

I totally agree about not following the headlines. You do realize this is another shiny object distraction don’t you? A whistleblower spills on some shit about trump and when the heat comes it’s the old “don’t look at me, look at the dems” tactic.
given they go after trump for stolen pancakes, i don't trust the media or the dems motives. so forgive me if i doubt their intentions based on all the bullshit they've pulled to date.

russia - nothing found after 2 years, they still won't let go.
kavanaugh - a bullshit lie that took the country through what again?

they invent reasons to go after trump. this is on THEM. not trump and anyone else. if they would stop acting like whiney ass titty babies who lost their binky they would have some sort of credibility here. but they keep going after trump for arguably the shit they do so i can just as easily say the left keeps deflecting and trying to pin their activities on trump and be just as valid as your points here.
I am curious though... let’s assume that Trump did withhold military aid from Ukraine to leverage them to get dirt on Biden. Would you have a problem with that if it were true?
in this day in age it would be hard.

if i said hillary deleted 33k mails right after being told to send them in for review, would you have a problem with that? i know we've been through it all and i'm NOT asking to go through it again, but given no one seems to give a shit what THEIR side does that puts us all in a pretty bad spot.

i'll wait for official news. not or the like that is going to spin this one way or another. i won't pre-set scenarios either to play "what if" cause when people do that they tend to warp reality so they can "be right".
I agree... reality gets warp on both sides now a days and at this point there is not proof about what Trump said to Ukraine.

If there is a recording that shows he did leverage military aid for dirt on Biden there is going to be a shit storm that is going to last through the election.
but no shitstorm if biden gets a prosecutor fired who is looking into his son.

no. i am not going to play that game.
If Biden leveraged loans to fire a prosecutor and cover for his son and he acted on his own then a shitstorm should ensue. But this is not what happened

Yes fake. The criminal allegations are a spun up distraction. It is painfully obvious. Just do 5 minutes of research

been looking around all am but people are hung up on surface level crap and not really digging into details. part of this is on me cause i don't understand the entire scope of these events but on the surface, i ask again - by what authority to we tell other countries how to do this?

what as trumps role in this and why is he suddenly the bad guy when bidens son was making bank over there. in a world of investigations, let's investigate why biden pushed for the firing.

why? why did he want it, if not to protect his son?

I’m glad you are digging, that’s what we all should do, I’m seeing so much spin in this situation as the narrative that Biden did this to cover for his son gets pushed out. That’s a lie and can be easily proven by 2 minutes of research. This was a policy position of the USA and EU and Biden was the point man

Trumps situation is quite different. Right now it’s just accusations so the facts aren’t out there yet. But the accusation is that he withheld military aid to push the Ukraine to get dirt on Biden... that’s a whole new level of corrupt if true. But again, it’s not proven to be true, all I know is that he withheld the aid, spoke to the president 8 times, and then released the aid after the whistle blower story came out.

as for "a lie that can be proven" - i find this on

"But Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn’t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia."

so you get someone fired who is leading the investigation on your son and this isn't an issue for you? hell the dems want to impeach trump for getting rid of comey yet now - it's not a problem?

this reeks of "ok if we do it but you are FIRED" and that's the very shit i'm sick of.

I read that article on the hill and it is in line with the narrative that trump and Rudy are pushing... it is trying to paint Biden’s actions as a cover for his son and it ignores the fact that this was an objective of the Obama administration and the EU for months leading up to the meeting in question.

This was not an individual act by Biden. The narrative from Trump is totally dishonest. Watch they are going to pivot to Biden’s sons business dealings with China next. It’s just a smear campaign based on spun up BS

and you seem to ignore the fact and again give the left a bye in their actions because you find some place to hide info.

only question i am really concerned with - did biden use financial influence to get the prosecutor fired who was about to investigate his son?

ALSO - you always seem to say journalism is biased when it goes against what you think. i gave you step by step timelines in hillary deleting mail and you didn't care. she was innocent and sharyl attkisson had an agenda or something.

i've never seen you hold the left accountable for questionable activities, just excuse them and divert back to trump. THIS is why i don't trust our "debates" very well.
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given they go after trump for stolen pancakes, i don't trust the media or the dems motives. so forgive me if i doubt their intentions based on all the bullshit they've pulled to date.

russia - nothing found after 2 years, they still won't let go.
kavanaugh - a bullshit lie that took the country through what again?

they invent reasons to go after trump. this is on THEM. not trump and anyone else. if they would stop acting like whiney ass titty babies who lost their binky they would have some sort of credibility here. but they keep going after trump for arguably the shit they do so i can just as easily say the left keeps deflecting and trying to pin their activities on trump and be just as valid as your points here.
I am curious though... let’s assume that Trump did withhold military aid from Ukraine to leverage them to get dirt on Biden. Would you have a problem with that if it were true?
in this day in age it would be hard.

if i said hillary deleted 33k mails right after being told to send them in for review, would you have a problem with that? i know we've been through it all and i'm NOT asking to go through it again, but given no one seems to give a shit what THEIR side does that puts us all in a pretty bad spot.

i'll wait for official news. not or the like that is going to spin this one way or another. i won't pre-set scenarios either to play "what if" cause when people do that they tend to warp reality so they can "be right".
I agree... reality gets warp on both sides now a days and at this point there is not proof about what Trump said to Ukraine.

If there is a recording that shows he did leverage military aid for dirt on Biden there is going to be a shit storm that is going to last through the election.
but no shitstorm if biden gets a prosecutor fired who is looking into his son.

no. i am not going to play that game.
If Biden leveraged loans to fire a prosecutor and cover for his son. And he acted on his own then a shitstorm should ensue. But this is not what happened

then what happened? why did we care who the prosecutor in the ukraine was to the point where we had to withold 1.8 billion? why did we care?
Have you not seen the video of Biden threatening Ukraine with holding money if they didn’t fire the one investigating his son??
Yes I saw the video. It’s old news and there was nothing wrong in it. Why is it that you think is a big deal?
It is now since you want to fuck with trump,, now joe goes to jail
Joe goes to jail for what?!
Using air force 2 to secure a deal with China for his son for a billion
Are you claiming that Biden did all that on his own?! Man you need to read more... the Obama administration along with allied countries wanted that prosecutor fired and it had been an ongoing position for several months leading up to that meeting. You really need to do some research before you regurgitate the crap trump tries to fling out there.
It was joe that threatened to with hold a billion if the guy wasn't fired. Biden admitted he did it. So he doesn't deserves to be prosecuted?
You don’t need to believe the reports about Trump. I just said the facts aren’t there yet. It’s good to be skeptical. But the Biden situation is clearly a bullshit distraction. That’s obvious.
The Bullshit is you calling it a distraction.

Biden: "If the prosecutor isn't fired in six hours you're not getting the money."
You don’t need to believe the reports about Trump. I just said the facts aren’t there yet. It’s good to be skeptical. But the Biden situation is clearly a bullshit distraction. That’s obvious.
The Bullshit is you calling it a distraction.

Biden: "If the prosecutor isn't fired in six hours you're not getting the money."

Yes a total distraction. You need to read more. It’s all been explained
Yes fake. The criminal allegations are a spun up distraction. It is painfully obvious. Just do 5 minutes of research
been looking around all am but people are hung up on surface level crap and not really digging into details. part of this is on me cause i don't understand the entire scope of these events but on the surface, i ask again - by what authority to we tell other countries how to do this?

what as trumps role in this and why is he suddenly the bad guy when bidens son was making bank over there. in a world of investigations, let's investigate why biden pushed for the firing.

why? why did he want it, if not to protect his son?
I’m glad you are digging, that’s what we all should do, I’m seeing so much spin in this situation as the narrative that Biden did this to cover for his son gets pushed out. That’s a lie and can be easily proven by 2 minutes of research. This was a policy position of the USA and EU and Biden was the point man

Trumps situation is quite different. Right now it’s just accusations so the facts aren’t out there yet. But the accusation is that he withheld military aid to push the Ukraine to get dirt on Biden... that’s a whole new level of corrupt if true. But again, it’s not proven to be true, all I know is that he withheld the aid, spoke to the president 8 times, and then released the aid after the whistle blower story came out.
as for "a lie that can be proven" - i find this on

"But Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn’t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia."

so you get someone fired who is leading the investigation on your son and this isn't an issue for you? hell the dems want to impeach trump for getting rid of comey yet now - it's not a problem?

this reeks of "ok if we do it but you are FIRED" and that's the very shit i'm sick of.
I read that article on the hill and it is in line with the narrative that trump and Rudy are pushing... it is trying to paint Biden’s actions as a cover for his son and it ignores the fact that this was an objective of the Obama administration and the EU for months leading up to the meeting in question.

This was not an individual act by Biden. The narrative from Trump is totally dishonest. Watch they are going to pivot to Biden’s sons business dealings with China next. It’s just a smear campaign based on spun up BS
and you seem to ignore the fact and again give the left a bye in their actions because you find some place to hide info.

only question i am really concerned with - did biden use financial influence to get the prosecutor fired who was about to investigate his son?

ALSO - you always seem to say journalism is biased when it goes against what you think. i gave you step by step timelines in hillary deleting mail and you didn't care. she was innocent and sharyl attkisson had an agenda or something.

i've never seen you hold the left accountable for questionable activities, just excuse them and divert back to trump. THIS is why i don't trust our "debates" very well.
Let’s stay on subject and not go down the Hillary rabbit hole again...

So the answer is yes Biden used financial influence to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. This was the agenda of the US government and the EU. I don’t see a crime there, that was his job and his objective.

And yes the prosecutor had been looking into the owner of a company that Biden’s son was on the board for. It wasn’t an investigation into Biden’s son like the spinners like to say. That investigation was also dormant at the Biden negotiated the guys firing according to a Bloomberg report.

So what’s your take? Clean or dirty or still have questions?
I am curious though... let’s assume that Trump did withhold military aid from Ukraine to leverage them to get dirt on Biden. Would you have a problem with that if it were true?
in this day in age it would be hard.

if i said hillary deleted 33k mails right after being told to send them in for review, would you have a problem with that? i know we've been through it all and i'm NOT asking to go through it again, but given no one seems to give a shit what THEIR side does that puts us all in a pretty bad spot.

i'll wait for official news. not or the like that is going to spin this one way or another. i won't pre-set scenarios either to play "what if" cause when people do that they tend to warp reality so they can "be right".
I agree... reality gets warp on both sides now a days and at this point there is not proof about what Trump said to Ukraine.

If there is a recording that shows he did leverage military aid for dirt on Biden there is going to be a shit storm that is going to last through the election.
but no shitstorm if biden gets a prosecutor fired who is looking into his son.

no. i am not going to play that game.
If Biden leveraged loans to fire a prosecutor and cover for his son. And he acted on his own then a shitstorm should ensue. But this is not what happened

then what happened? why did we care who the prosecutor in the ukraine was to the point where we had to withold 1.8 billion? why did we care?
Because there was massive corruption in Ukraine and the US and EU wanted to help them clean house as they were allying with them to stand up to Russia.
Yes I saw the video. It’s old news and there was nothing wrong in it. Why is it that you think is a big deal?
It is now since you want to fuck with trump,, now joe goes to jail
Joe goes to jail for what?!
Using air force 2 to secure a deal with China for his son for a billion
Are you claiming that Biden did all that on his own?! Man you need to read more... the Obama administration along with allied countries wanted that prosecutor fired and it had been an ongoing position for several months leading up to that meeting. You really need to do some research before you regurgitate the crap trump tries to fling out there.
It was joe that threatened to with hold a billion if the guy wasn't fired. Biden admitted he did it. So he doesn't deserves to be prosecuted?
Of course not. That’s not a crime. It was his objective. It was the objective of the US government and the EU
been looking around all am but people are hung up on surface level crap and not really digging into details. part of this is on me cause i don't understand the entire scope of these events but on the surface, i ask again - by what authority to we tell other countries how to do this?

what as trumps role in this and why is he suddenly the bad guy when bidens son was making bank over there. in a world of investigations, let's investigate why biden pushed for the firing.

why? why did he want it, if not to protect his son?
I’m glad you are digging, that’s what we all should do, I’m seeing so much spin in this situation as the narrative that Biden did this to cover for his son gets pushed out. That’s a lie and can be easily proven by 2 minutes of research. This was a policy position of the USA and EU and Biden was the point man

Trumps situation is quite different. Right now it’s just accusations so the facts aren’t out there yet. But the accusation is that he withheld military aid to push the Ukraine to get dirt on Biden... that’s a whole new level of corrupt if true. But again, it’s not proven to be true, all I know is that he withheld the aid, spoke to the president 8 times, and then released the aid after the whistle blower story came out.
as for "a lie that can be proven" - i find this on

"But Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn’t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia."

so you get someone fired who is leading the investigation on your son and this isn't an issue for you? hell the dems want to impeach trump for getting rid of comey yet now - it's not a problem?

this reeks of "ok if we do it but you are FIRED" and that's the very shit i'm sick of.
I read that article on the hill and it is in line with the narrative that trump and Rudy are pushing... it is trying to paint Biden’s actions as a cover for his son and it ignores the fact that this was an objective of the Obama administration and the EU for months leading up to the meeting in question.

This was not an individual act by Biden. The narrative from Trump is totally dishonest. Watch they are going to pivot to Biden’s sons business dealings with China next. It’s just a smear campaign based on spun up BS
and you seem to ignore the fact and again give the left a bye in their actions because you find some place to hide info.

only question i am really concerned with - did biden use financial influence to get the prosecutor fired who was about to investigate his son?

ALSO - you always seem to say journalism is biased when it goes against what you think. i gave you step by step timelines in hillary deleting mail and you didn't care. she was innocent and sharyl attkisson had an agenda or something.

i've never seen you hold the left accountable for questionable activities, just excuse them and divert back to trump. THIS is why i don't trust our "debates" very well.
Let’s stay on subject and not go down the Hillary rabbit hole again...

So the answer is yes Biden used financial influence to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. This was the agenda of the US government and the EU. I don’t see a crime there, that was his job and his objective.

And yes the prosecutor had been looking into the owner of a company that Biden’s son was on the board for. It wasn’t an investigation into Biden’s son like the spinners like to say. That investigation was also dormant at the Biden negotiated the guys firing according to a Bloomberg report.

So what’s your take? Clean or dirty or still have questions?
the left screams conflict of interest at every opportunity. at a BARE MINIMUM there was a pretty serious conflict of interest with bidens some even being on that board.

and when you apply the thought process consistently and not always "attack one way, defend the other" i'll give more leeway. til then, all bets are open. i guess i use the hillary example to find out if the other side is pulling a "full of shit" 7-11 scenario you like to do.
in this day in age it would be hard.

if i said hillary deleted 33k mails right after being told to send them in for review, would you have a problem with that? i know we've been through it all and i'm NOT asking to go through it again, but given no one seems to give a shit what THEIR side does that puts us all in a pretty bad spot.

i'll wait for official news. not or the like that is going to spin this one way or another. i won't pre-set scenarios either to play "what if" cause when people do that they tend to warp reality so they can "be right".
I agree... reality gets warp on both sides now a days and at this point there is not proof about what Trump said to Ukraine.

If there is a recording that shows he did leverage military aid for dirt on Biden there is going to be a shit storm that is going to last through the election.
but no shitstorm if biden gets a prosecutor fired who is looking into his son.

no. i am not going to play that game.
If Biden leveraged loans to fire a prosecutor and cover for his son. And he acted on his own then a shitstorm should ensue. But this is not what happened

then what happened? why did we care who the prosecutor in the ukraine was to the point where we had to withold 1.8 billion? why did we care?
Because there was massive corruption in Ukraine and the US and EU wanted to help them clean house as they were allying with them to stand up to Russia.
so "do what we want or you don't get the money" is a valid tactic? no opinion just yet, looking for a baseline that we can apply evenly to all events.
I agree... reality gets warp on both sides now a days and at this point there is not proof about what Trump said to Ukraine.

If there is a recording that shows he did leverage military aid for dirt on Biden there is going to be a shit storm that is going to last through the election.
but no shitstorm if biden gets a prosecutor fired who is looking into his son.

no. i am not going to play that game.
If Biden leveraged loans to fire a prosecutor and cover for his son. And he acted on his own then a shitstorm should ensue. But this is not what happened

then what happened? why did we care who the prosecutor in the ukraine was to the point where we had to withold 1.8 billion? why did we care?
Because there was massive corruption in Ukraine and the US and EU wanted to help them clean house as they were allying with them to stand up to Russia.
so "do what we want or you don't get the money" is a valid tactic? no opinion just yet, looking for a baseline that we can apply evenly to all events.

Valid? Who the fuck knows but it sure is common and has been going on as long as I have been alive.

I remember the Fed Govt saying to the state of Florida...”raise your drinking age or you don’t get highway money”.

Why do you seem to be pretending this is something new?
but no shitstorm if biden gets a prosecutor fired who is looking into his son.

no. i am not going to play that game.
If Biden leveraged loans to fire a prosecutor and cover for his son. And he acted on his own then a shitstorm should ensue. But this is not what happened

then what happened? why did we care who the prosecutor in the ukraine was to the point where we had to withold 1.8 billion? why did we care?
Because there was massive corruption in Ukraine and the US and EU wanted to help them clean house as they were allying with them to stand up to Russia.
so "do what we want or you don't get the money" is a valid tactic? no opinion just yet, looking for a baseline that we can apply evenly to all events.

Valid? Who the fuck knows but it sure is common and has been going on as long as I have been alive.

I remember the Fed Govt saying to the state of Florida...”raise your drinking age or you don’t get highway money”.

Why do you seem to be pretending this is something new?
not pretending anything, gator. asking questions to try and understand. if i'm wrong, i'll learn and understand and adjust. also, when talking to slade i try to make sure HE AND I are on the same baseline and your coming in to shout really wasn't the intention of my reply TO HIM.

the feds do a lot i've likely never understood or cared about. as i get older, i tend to care more. this does mean backtracking a lot and having to understand what is common and not so common for the actions of our elected officials.

why do you seem hellbent on cornering me so you can do whatever the fuck this is?
If Biden leveraged loans to fire a prosecutor and cover for his son. And he acted on his own then a shitstorm should ensue. But this is not what happened

then what happened? why did we care who the prosecutor in the ukraine was to the point where we had to withold 1.8 billion? why did we care?
Because there was massive corruption in Ukraine and the US and EU wanted to help them clean house as they were allying with them to stand up to Russia.
so "do what we want or you don't get the money" is a valid tactic? no opinion just yet, looking for a baseline that we can apply evenly to all events.

Valid? Who the fuck knows but it sure is common and has been going on as long as I have been alive.

I remember the Fed Govt saying to the state of Florida...”raise your drinking age or you don’t get highway money”.

Why do you seem to be pretending this is something new?
not pretending anything, gator. asking questions to try and understand. if i'm wrong, i'll learn and understand and adjust. also, when talking to slade i try to make sure HE AND I are on the same baseline and your coming in to shout really wasn't the intention of my reply TO HIM.

the feds do a lot i've likely never understood or cared about. as i get older, i tend to care more. this does mean backtracking a lot and having to understand what is common and not so common for the actions of our elected officials.

why do you seem hellbent on cornering me so you can do whatever the fuck this is?

Just seemed odd you did not know about this tactic from our government. They do it all the time with both states and other countries.

Trump has been using this tactic to get Central American countries to help stop illegal immigration.
then what happened? why did we care who the prosecutor in the ukraine was to the point where we had to withold 1.8 billion? why did we care?
Because there was massive corruption in Ukraine and the US and EU wanted to help them clean house as they were allying with them to stand up to Russia.
so "do what we want or you don't get the money" is a valid tactic? no opinion just yet, looking for a baseline that we can apply evenly to all events.

Valid? Who the fuck knows but it sure is common and has been going on as long as I have been alive.

I remember the Fed Govt saying to the state of Florida...”raise your drinking age or you don’t get highway money”.

Why do you seem to be pretending this is something new?
not pretending anything, gator. asking questions to try and understand. if i'm wrong, i'll learn and understand and adjust. also, when talking to slade i try to make sure HE AND I are on the same baseline and your coming in to shout really wasn't the intention of my reply TO HIM.

the feds do a lot i've likely never understood or cared about. as i get older, i tend to care more. this does mean backtracking a lot and having to understand what is common and not so common for the actions of our elected officials.

why do you seem hellbent on cornering me so you can do whatever the fuck this is?

Just seemed odd you did not know about this tactic from our government. They do it all the time with both states and other countries.

Trump has been using this tactic to get Central American countries to help stop illegal immigration.

i ignored a lot growing up. i'm sure it is something we do a lot of and in my digging to date, there is zero known connection to bidens son. there *was* a conflict of interest for said son to be there, but nothing is proven that was what the withholding was centered on. that seems speculation from the right.

just like speculation from the left trump did something wrong also.

people are hunting for OTHERS to be wrong and look for it everywhere, regardless of reality. lord i hate these times we've created for ourselves.
Because there was massive corruption in Ukraine and the US and EU wanted to help them clean house as they were allying with them to stand up to Russia.
so "do what we want or you don't get the money" is a valid tactic? no opinion just yet, looking for a baseline that we can apply evenly to all events.

Valid? Who the fuck knows but it sure is common and has been going on as long as I have been alive.

I remember the Fed Govt saying to the state of Florida...”raise your drinking age or you don’t get highway money”.

Why do you seem to be pretending this is something new?
not pretending anything, gator. asking questions to try and understand. if i'm wrong, i'll learn and understand and adjust. also, when talking to slade i try to make sure HE AND I are on the same baseline and your coming in to shout really wasn't the intention of my reply TO HIM.

the feds do a lot i've likely never understood or cared about. as i get older, i tend to care more. this does mean backtracking a lot and having to understand what is common and not so common for the actions of our elected officials.

why do you seem hellbent on cornering me so you can do whatever the fuck this is?

Just seemed odd you did not know about this tactic from our government. They do it all the time with both states and other countries.

Trump has been using this tactic to get Central American countries to help stop illegal immigration.

i ignored a lot growing up. i'm sure it is something we do a lot of and in my digging to date, there is zero known connection to bidens son. there *was* a conflict of interest for said son to be there, but nothing is proven that was what the withholding was centered on. that seems speculation from the right.

just like speculation from the left trump did something wrong also.

people are hunting for OTHERS to be wrong and look for it everywhere, regardless of reality. lord i hate these times we've created for ourselves.

It is all speculation. Here is my take on it...

There was a huge conflict of interest in regards to Biden, but there was also legitimate concerns about the prosecutor from multiple counties that had nothing to do with Biden.

I do not see how Trump has the same alibi, I can think of no non-political reason for him to demand they investigate Biden and his son.

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