CNN EXPERT Unsure if Chattanooga Shooter ‘MUHAMMAD Abdulazeez’ is Muslim

CHATTANOOGA Psy-op: Target:"perfectly integrated aliens".
remake of one of the agendas of the Boston marathon hoax, Jihadi John or the "british teenage girls fleeing to Syria to join ISIS".
It was designed to have afterwards NSA psy-ops "commenting":

"It Wasn't A f... Muslim Extemist That Shot These Marines!!!
It was a f... Muslim, who finished college, fought MMA and lived a normal fucking civilian life until he was called to commit MURDER!
Every f... single 'peaceful' Muslim is capable of this by f... proxy.
How can a guy named Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez not be on the watch list?

The man who authorities say killed four Marines in an attack on a military recruiting center and another U.S. military site was a 24-year-old, Kuwait-born engineer who had not been on the radar of federal authorities until the bloodshed.
Beyond that, little is known about Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez of Hixson, Tennessee, or what motivated his rampage. Federal authorities were looking into the possibility it was an act of terrorism, but say there is no evidence yet that anyone else was involved — or that the public is in any danger.
How did gunman go from typical suburban life to attack - Yahoo News

Boston Marathon bombings hoax: FIVE illuminati milestones. From "public" simulated only with actors to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens.
one of the agendas of this psy-op is to have the audience accept execution of anyone for any "crime"
Illuminati Milestones Boston marathon bombings all actors in public to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens

Ferguson, Baltimore = two of the countless psy-ops staged only with actors, sharing the agenda "set stage for manhunt for non-whites". From 2005:
IV Reich lead by Adolf Hitler s great nephew Race Card now v Hitler WHY non-whites SHOULD IMMEDIATELY LEAVE USA European Union CANADA AUSTRALIA

Ethnic Civil War Illuminati last tactic weapon CHATTANOOGA hoax perfectly integrated aliens
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Know Their Names, Honor Their Lives.


These are the Marines Killed in the Chattanooga Attack - Breitbart
The insanity of political correctness has no bounds. This is proof that liberalism is a disease.

CNN EXPERT Unsure if Chattanooga Shooter MUHAMMAD Abdulazeez is Muslim - The Gateway Pundit

Actually it's proof that proof is necessary before ass-uming things.

Like those bogus quotes in your sigline for instance.
You know a lot of non-Moslems named Muhammad?

  • He was a naturalized U.S. citizen, originally from Kuwait, and a college graduate with a degree in electrical engineering
  • The Muslim published two blog posts on Monday, saying life is 'a test' and is 'short and bitter'
  • He also traveled to Jordan - and possible Yemen - for seven-months last year
  • Two women were taken in handcuffs from his family home in the suburb of Hixson but police say they don't believe anyone else was involve
" posts written by Abdulazeez just three days before the attack suggests he may have become radicalized in his Islamic faith.
"A cryptic blog on Abdulazeez's Islamic beliefs also surfaced, where he talked about submitting to Allah just three days before staging the horrific attack.
"He wrote: 'Brothers and sisters don't be fooled by your desires, this life is short and bitter and the opportunity to submit to allah may pass you by.'
"...he added: 'Take his (Allah's) word as your light and code and do not let other prisoners, whether they are so called "Scholars" or even your family members, divert you from the truth. If you make the intention to follow allahs way 100 per cent and put your desires to the side, allah will guide you to what is right.'

Yeah. He's not a moslem.

Read more:
I'm sure it has nothing to do with Islam:


What are you, crazy to assume that just because he went to Jordan and Yemen and he's named Muhammad and his women are in full black out, and he blogged weird islamofascist DARE you assume he's a Moslem!

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