CNN Doubling-Down On Debunked Trump Tower Story Cohen's Lawyer Says Is FALSE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

CNN has a fake news story blow up in its face...AGAIN - their source comes out and declares the story to be FALSE - and CNN refuses to admit it is Fake News.


Why CNN is standing by a Michael Cohen story that his lawyer calls false

"Lanny Davis, who has been engaged in high-stakes crisis management and political lawyering for decades, says he made a mistake.

CNN, which relied on Davis at least in part for a story he now says is false, won't say it made a mistake."

Davis: "I should not be talking to reporters on background about something I'm not certain about," Davis told me, describing his interactions with CNN reporters. "The combination of big stakes and a big mistake is a bad moment for me. If I had a redo in life, I wouldn't have said anything about the subject."

CNN: "We stand by our story, and are confident in our reporting of it."

Through this move, CNN continues to cement its reputation as a liberally-biased, Trump-Hating, Fake News Leftist mouthpiece, once again BUSTED for running a Fake News piece and refusing to admit it is Fake News after their own source said the story if false.

The really amusing fact in this, aside that CNN is committing journalistic Suicide....again, sacrificing its integrity and reputation on the 'alter' of Liberal Bias ...over a 'NOTHING HERE' story.

The Trump Tower meeting, which has been exposed to be all but another Obama/FBI set-up attempt, was a LEGAL meeting between a Russian Lawyer (that Obama himself got into the country although she had been banned from doing so by his own Department of Immigration) and Trump Jr reportedly to inquire about opponent research on Hillary Clinton. The meeting lasted all of 7 minutes, as Trump Jr cut the meeting short and left without any information changing hands....

....which begs the question, again, WHY would CNN be willing to damage its tainted Reputation even further by doubling-down on a Fake news story of something not even illegal?

Why CNN is standing by a Michael Cohen story that his lawyer calls false
They are doing it because they like the lefty loons on this board they just can't admit they are wrong.

Fools one and all.

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