CNN Damages Its Credibility Further With Latest Debate


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The DNC / MSM once again rigging debates and picking the recipient of the Democrat Party Nomination....

"CNN’s Democratic presidential debate was criticized by everyone from media watchdogs to the candidates themselves following Tuesday’s showdown — with complaints ranging from perceived favoritism of Sen. Elizabeth Warren to attacks on the specific questions asked by moderators"

“The network is under heavy criticism from the left and right today, and rightly so. Its pursuit of sizzle over steak and focus on social issues over truly substantiate matters – economy, jobs, opioid crisis, border crisis, all-things China – has damaged the network's credibility even further.”

“The time imbalance was so obvious and quite unfair to Gabbard, Castro and the others. That Warren is now or at the top of recent polls is no excuse for allowing such an imbalance. A candidate forum is supposed to give all candidates a fair opportunity to engage the dialogue and that absolutely did not happen. The debate moderators apparently don't own stopwatches.”

“Between cutting off Tulsi Gabbard and asking far-left, leading questions on abortion, gun control, and the Supreme Court, CNN reminded America last night just how invested they are in defeating and removing the President from office”

Evidently CNN does not think its ratings are LOW ENOUGH....


CNN debate slammed by critics, candidates: ‘Damaged the network's credibility even further’

Democrats refuse to allow republicans to ask them questions.. they are terrified
when did CNN have credibility?
During the years when Lou Dobbs was there.

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Democrats refuse to allow republicans to ask them questions.. they are terrified
Without a doubt. On Mike Gallagher's radio talk show, he is broadcasting the quote from nitwit Democrat congressman, Al Green >> "If we don't impeach Trump, he will get re-elected."
Don't get me wrong. The guy's great, and I watch him often.
He was great during the years on CNN too. He singlehandly turned illegal immigration into America's top issue. He was tough on Muslims terrorism too, and homeland security. That's why they got rid of him.

It used to make my day seeing Lay Down the Law Lou make mincemeat out of Janet Murguia (La Raza)

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