M14 Shooter
The Light of Truth
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Perhaps the organizers of the next Dem debate will allow Limbaugh to ask questions...?
I wont hold my breath...
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1107/7085.htmlThe retired general who asked about gays and lesbians serving in the military at the CNN/YouTube Republican debate on Wednesday is a co-chairman of Hillary Rodham Clinton's National Military Veterans group.
Retired Brig. Gen. Keith H. Kerr was named a co-chairman of the group this month, according to a campaign press release.
He was also active in John F. Kerry's 2004 campaign for president.
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, who moderated the debate and the panel, said that if that was the case, CNN should have identified Kerr as such.
David Bohrman, a CNN senior vice president and executive producer of the debate, later said: "We regret this and apologize to the Republican candidates. We never would have used the general's question had we known that he was connected to any presidential candidate."
Perhaps the organizers of the next Dem debate will allow Limbaugh to ask questions...?
I wont hold my breath...