CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

It's a shame that because a few dishonest right wing nut jobs post misinformation and outright lies so ofter here we are unable to believe anything that comes from any of them. It has become a daily and routine pattern. Garbage links to garbage blog sites for garbage stories. Every day, all day.
Hardcore partisan ideologues aren't very honest. Either side.

What do you think of what CNN did?

So CNN is guilty until proven innocent?
Textbook thread about how to misrepresent and lie about a current event. Start with a fraudulent thread title and OP watch the curious get sucked in to while friendly rw liars add to the fraud. The thread title will be seen by 100 times more people who will not actually read it so that the purpose of misdirection and misleading will be accomplished. The mission is to sway people away from a valid news organization and trust the right wing propaganda misinformation sources as if they were equal in objectivity and accuracy of their reporting as legitimate news sources.
Because Geaux, the photo you provided was from Conservativetreehouse, of Sheppard, and has nothing at all to do with the killer from Oregon:

That is the link you used.

Those terrorist all look alike


And that is the best you can offer, instead of admitting that you lied?

Well, ok.

You just proved a very important point, namely, that Righties lie. ALOT.

Textbook thread about how to misrepresent and lie about a current event. Start with a fraudulent thread title and OP watch the curious get sucked in to while friendly rw liars add to the fraud. The thread title will be seen by 100 times more people who will not actually read it so that the purpose of misdirection and misleading will be accomplished. The mission is to sway people away from a valid news organization and trust the right wing propaganda misinformation sources as if they were equal in objectivity and accuracy of their reporting as legitimate news sources.


So, Stephanie, lying word-salad-grl Stephanie, have you found that CNN link yet?

Sure is taking you a long time, Stephanie.
People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit
People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

Post a link to it or to a legit source.
Is ABC news good enough for you?
It's a shame that because a few dishonest right wing nut jobs post misinformation and outright lies so ofter here we are unable to believe anything that comes from any of them. It has become a daily and routine pattern. Garbage links to garbage blog sites for garbage stories. Every day, all day.
Hardcore partisan ideologues aren't very honest. Either side.

What do you think of what CNN did?

So CNN is guilty until proven innocent?
Apparently. So what we have here is a yet-to-be proven accusation that CNN did something to alter a picture of the Oregon shooter...and when asked for a link or proof...Stephanie ignores the requests...ergo, she doesn't have a link. And someone else posts a picture of a black man claiming it's the shooter, when it doesn't even look like him.

This is the picture of the guy in the hospital with the smashed eye who WASN'T Officer Wilson...all over again.
And YAY STEPH! for making sure we know about it. I really mean that with all my heart. If it wasn't for all us little guys this new "faux marc lepine" would be the one that would take away the Second Amendment.

So, you must have a link proving CNN is guilty of making the shooter look white, otherwise you wouldn't be carrying on as if we're all victims of biased media, right?

So where's the link so we can compare photo's?
And YAY STEPH! for making sure we know about it. I really mean that with all my heart. If it wasn't for all us little guys this new "faux marc lepine" would be the one that would take away the Second Amendment.

So, you must have a link proving CNN is guilty of making the shooter look white, otherwise you wouldn't be carrying on as if we're all victims of biased media, right?

So, where's the link so we can compare photo's?
I knew it would only be a matter of time before a Rightie would inject race into this.

Congrats, Stephanie, you win the prize for asshole of the day.
CNN "injected race into it" you schweinhund!

Stat: Asshole of the Year!

Oh, then you must have the link!!!
It's a shame that because a few dishonest right wing nut jobs post misinformation and outright lies so ofter here we are unable to believe anything that comes from any of them. It has become a daily and routine pattern. Garbage links to garbage blog sites for garbage stories. Every day, all day.
Hardcore partisan ideologues aren't very honest. Either side.

What do you think of what CNN did?

Okay, you must have the link? Where is it?
He don't look white here at all



Again, you idiot, that's not the shooter.
People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

Didn't Fox do that back during the OJ thing?
People need to wake up to this Lamestream left leaning media. they have become an ENEMY to SOME OF us in this country

CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White

Jim Hoft Oct 4th, 2015 12:23 am

CNN photoshops the photo of Oregon killer Chris Harper-Mercer to make him look white.

Chris was the son of Ian Mercer from Great Britain and Laurel Margaret Harper.

Conservative Treehouse

Chris lived with his mother Laurel.
He posted this selfie online.

ALL of it here:
CNN Alters Photo of Umpqua Killer Chris Harper-Mercer to Make Him Look White - The Gateway Pundit

they had to shape a narrative that is why he "turned" white

they had to scrub his dealings with blacklivesmatter and FTP

downplay his involvement with school theater

and as of today the police still have not released his manifesto

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