Clinton Takes Lead On Labeling Deplorable Remark Regretable! People Still Waiting About Trump(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
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There just seems to be so much "Deplorable," Going Around--even as school starts. Clinton regrets her own "Deplorable" remark--maybe the third one(?). There appear to be no other regrettable remarks to be thought deplorable(?).

Someone still needs to note how Deplorable that really is!

Clinton says she regrets labeling ‘half’ of Trump supporters ‘deplorable’

There are 11 mil. actual deplorable people, now at the extremist right-wing websites, generally thought Deplorable. Equally Deplorable: There is no doubt about why they have surfaced, so all of a sudden. Mostly that is regarded, deplorable.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Fuhrer-Leader Putin not likely, however, to vote for Trump at any rate(?)! On the one hand that could be said deplorable, evidence that the vote is rigged(?). On the other hand, anyone sees why Trump and RNC and House Speaker Ryan support the Russian hackers--unless maybe one of the named may have thought that was deplorable(?)!)
Clinton is trying to backpedal on it....but the damage is done. She done went and fucked up
I'm in the 'deplorable' half that the Hill-Beast mentioned...........and I wear the term like a badge of honor!

Hillary made another misjudgement again.

Let me get my abacus out and count up how many that least this one didn't cost lives.
Wtf is this thread about now?

Y'all need a ---- what's that thing called --- a "safe space"?
Pence absolutely nails the Beast.

“Hillary, they are not a basket of anything — they are Americans and they deserve your respect,” he stressed. “No one with a record of failure at home and abroad, no one with her avalanche of dishonesty and corruption and no one with that low of an opinion of the American people should ever be elected president of the United States of America.”
So Governor Pence mostly called Trump supporters a bunch of "Airheads." They have no concept of a cohesive basket of support, and not really much upstairs(?)! So anyone is left with how Pence and Trump appeal to their base. "They are rapists." "They bring drugs." "They bring crime." "They go 'Awr-Awr-Awr-Awr, What Am I doing.'" Like The Pence Family personally, they denigrate Gold Star Parents. Moslems they don't like much either(?). The Pence Family Brand is now on personal record with how they want all of Indiana personally, regarded. As for the Trump Family Brand, it would have been better if all of it had gone without saying(?)!

The Clinton-Kerry-Obama State Department brought off a deal with Iran, and most recently in just the last hours a likely Cease-Fire in Syria. Then Following Trump: Governor Pence, Speaker Ryan, Senator McConnell, and all of RNC, is opposed to all of that, calling that publically, "A Record of Failure." The preferred alternative in Fuhrer-Leader Putin, and the North Korean Fuhrer-leader, and the David Duke brand of Fuhrer-Leader. The RNC support is for International Hackers based in Russia.

The abysmal failures are the Pence and Trump family Zingers kind of comments, generally lies. In recent days that now is becoming public. They lie. DNC makes International Diplomatic High Marks, and on the very same weekend--this one.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Senator Clinton now talks like Conservative Press--rated Deplorable by RNC!)
So Governor Pence mostly called Trump supporters a bunch of "Airheads." They have no concept of a cohesive basket of support, and not really much upstairs(?)! So anyone is left with how Pence and Trump appeal to their base. "They are rapists." "They bring drugs." "They bring crime." "They go 'Awr-Awr-Awr-Awr, What Am I doing.'" Like The Pence Family personally, they denigrate Gold Star Parents. Moslems they don't like much either(?). The Pence Family Brand is now on personal record with how they want all of Indiana personally, regarded. As for the Trump Family Brand, it would have been better if all of it had gone without saying(?)!

The Clinton-Kerry-Obama State Department brought off a deal with Iran, and most recently in just the last hours a likely Cease-Fire in Syria. Then Following Trump: Governor Pence, Speaker Ryan, Senator McConnell, and all of RNC, is opposed to all of that, calling that publically, "A Record of Failure." The preferred alternative in Fuhrer-Leader Putin, and the North Korean Fuhrer-leader, and the David Duke brand of Fuhrer-Leader. The RNC support is for International Hackers based in Russia.

The abysmal failures are the Pence and Trump family Zingers kind of comments, generally lies. In recent days that now is becoming public. They lie. DNC makes International Diplomatic High Marks, and on the very same weekend--this one.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Senator Clinton now talks like Conservative Press--rated Deplorable by RNC!)

The loser OP derails his own thread by now pivoting to Pence.

Yes, Democraps are getting desperate.............:rock:...........
What she said cannot be apologized for or taken back. We now know how she truly feels and we know she cannot be president to millions of Americans.
SassyIrishLass poster brought the matter of Pence into the posts. B.Kidd poster is too uncaring of events to even acknowledge that Pence, too, is a discredited brand, because of Trump.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe need gift of Turquoise!)
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