Clinton LIED !!!

yeah, I'm sure you do. And I'm sure some dumb ass RW's will be happy to buy it.

Slow down there Cochise, I only fleece right wing suckers on the weekends, now about that bridge would you like it olive drab or petticoat pink?

"It's morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money" -- W.C. Fields

I'm flush in real estate, thanks. Don't limit fleecing RW suckers to weekends. Week days are really good too.

Naw, week days are slim pickings for fleecing right wingers, after all most of them have jobs. :D

a false sense of security makes closing a breeze ...
I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.

Wow, doesn't take much to win your vote, one dog & puppet show in front of a few stiffs in Congress and you're sold, speaking of suckers, I have this beautiful bridge, great location.......[/QUOTEi

After what is now 8-Separate Investigations/hearings all the RePugs have to show for is the shit on their face.
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I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.

Wow, doesn't take much to win your vote, one dog & puppet show in front of a few stiffs in Congress and you're sold, speaking of suckers, I have this beautiful bridge, great location.......[/QUOTE

More like after what is now 8-Investigations and the Republicans are left with shit on their face.

would you consider marrying a person on death row too?. ----lots of people are very very touched by a
a NEEDY CRIMINAL------you are not alone and not to be despised but------try to control that emotion
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !

It was TREY GOWDY who got caught using FAKE EMAILS trying to SMEAR Clinton.

Using false " evidence " is way way over the line and is CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR.

I hope Hillary files CRIMINAL CHARGES but the Ethics Committee should remove Gowdy from office at a minimum.

You righties have been investigating the Clintons since they were in Arkansas and, other than a consensual blow job from Monica, you have never found ANYTHING.

I'm sure the Republican party would pay you 5 million dollars for PROOF of any wrongdoing by either of the Clintons.


If you can't PROVE it SHUT THE FUCK UP.
stronger than what,stronger at lying?:D

Stronger in the polls:

Hillary’s Best Week Yet

Keep laughing. She's laughing withat you.

yes she is-------psychopathic liars are like that

The Benghazi bust: Trey Gowdy and his GOP colleagues embarrassed themselves -
what a pandering dumb article....

the dimwits are the ones who treated the hearing like a political circus.....while Hillary lied like a rug....

It's not that Hilary lied.

It's that after now EIGHT (08) Investigations, there is no proof of wrong doing to be found.

It's not that Hilary lied.

It's that you do not like the truth.

It's not Hilary lied.

It's that RepuBliCons just handed Hilary Clinton the Oval Office on a Twenty-Four Karat Gold Platter.

^ evidence of wishful thinking.

It MIGHT be that Shrillary gets the Democrap Party nod. And, tragically, it IS within the realm of possibility that the American voters will give her a rubber stamp golden ticket to the Oval Office.

But if it happens, it's not because the case against her isn't already clear. It MIGHT be that the American voters simply decline, in sufficient numbers, to get interested in events of our time and the running of our own Republic.

Sometimes, though, they have a way of turning OUT the shitheads. You better hope this isn't such a time or none of the liberal Democraps will get voted into office, in the Executive Branch of in the Legislative Branch.
I am convinced that the harpie has a good chance no matter against what REPUB she runs. She has
the sympathy of lots and then there is the issue of -------after "LET's TRY A BLACK"-----"LET's TRY
Hilary Goddamn Guilty must be guilty because she is Hilary Goddamn Clinton and must be guilty.

11-Hours in front of a RePug controlled committee who bound and determined find Hilary Goddamn Clinton. It did not work.

Meanwhile all the RePuGliCons have done is hand the Oval Office to Hilary Clinton.

Epic Fail.
There have now been Eight (08) and NOTHING....NOTHING new was uncovered. Goober Gowdy admits nothing new was discovered.

The desperation of the RePugs is beyond pathetic. The odor of their self-induced insanity over Benghazi has become a three ring circus.

In their unending attempt to find something, anything against Hilary Clinton, all Gooder Gowdy and his gang of fools has done is proven that Hilary Clinton did nothing wrong.

However, in his zeal to find Hilary Clinton guilty of something, anything, Goober miss handled classified information regarding a high level Libyan Defector who is also a source of intelligence.

Maybe Goober needs to investigated for security violations.
I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.
LOL, like you were thinking of voting Republican. You guys are as predictable as a fat kid in a candy factory.
How many of the bush lies about Iraq and Afghanistan did the Cons who post believe? Men, Women and Children (including all those unborn Afghan and Iraqi babies...right to life my ass). We know bush and you people did not give a shit.
How many of the bush lies about Iraq and Afghanistan did the Cons who post believe? Men, Women and Children (including all those unborn Afghan and Iraqi babies...right to life my ass). We know bush lied and you people did not give a shit.

Even the chair Gobber Gowdy admits nothing new was learnedThere is a huge difference between not believing based on facts and not believing based on opinion. Facts do not support claims made Republicans.
Face facts, yesterday was a huge backslide from the momentum gained over her e-mail server controversy. Let's better pick and choose our battles. Right now with the combination of Benghazi, Trump and Carson we're making asses of ourselves.

Don't forget:
  1. Seeming to support someone's right to arm themselves to the teeth while having proven anger issues.
  2. The inability to hold a debate between your own candidates for President
  3. The inability to nominate and vote for a Speaker of the House
  4. The total failure to pass legislation and force Obama to veto it to crystalize positions heading into the 2016 election
  5. The fact that the only time any republican shows leadership is when they quit or withdraw from an election
There is no evidence in a backslide, except the the Republicans. Gowdy admits nothing new was learned.

The Republican Circle Jerk is good for a few laughs, but when it comes to debating, Democrats dealt with substance, while the Republicans were with fluff, smoke and mirrors.

The Republicans continue to lose the Hispanic-American Vote, the African-American Vote and the Women's Vote.

JEB! has made across the board budget cuts and laid off staff.

Both Hilary and Bernie are cash rich and continue to draw huge rallies.

After voting 61-times to Replace/Repeal the Affordable Health Care Act the Republicans have proven that the health care of over 10,000,000-Americans does not matter to them.

11-Hours in front of the committee and Hilary Clinton did not break a sweat, Gobber Gowdy was sweating buckets.

Republicans handed the Clinton Campaign Hours of political ads in which a poised Hilary Clinton makes Republicans look like the first class ass-hats they are.

The Oval Office was handed to Hilary Clinton on a 24-carat gold platter with diamond inlay.

This cartoon is the best way to describe what happened to the RePugs.


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