Clinton LIED !!!

I am calm. It wasn't in caps, was it. I was wondering what your statement was trying to say is all.

What in the hell are you trying t?o say

In your dreams! She's stronger than ever!
stronger than what,stronger at lying?:D

of course she is strong------so is Assad ------so is Putin -----so was Osama ----so was STALIN

"]What in the hell are you trying t?o say <<< from boiler

calm down, BOIL--------I am not "trying" I actually said it. Hillary is very strong. She is holding
up very well under the scorn and hatred of lots and lots of americans--------just is ASSAD<<< holding
up well under the scorn and hatred of lots of syrians
Look people that old harpy will never be president you may as well get that through your thick skulls.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. :)

wait until Clinton's poll numbers spike back up to the 60-70% level ... I really want to hear all the but but but but but RW bullshit.

:laugh: half of the Democratic party doesn't like the woman, remember it was you people who threw her under the bus in 2008 not the Republicans.
Look people that old harpy will never be president you may as well get that through your thick skulls.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. :)

wait until Clinton's poll numbers spike back up to the 60-70% level ... I really want to hear all the but but but but but RW bullshit.

:laugh: half of the Democratic party doesn't like the woman, remember it was you people who threw her under the bus in 2008 not the Republicans.

I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !


She should have finished her sentence:....." therefore - since I am responsible for the death of four patriots to whom me and my philandering husband could not hold a candle - I decline to run for the highest office of the land, which requires honesty and a conscience, which I obvoiusly do not
Look people that old harpy will never be president you may as well get that through your thick skulls.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. :)

wait until Clinton's poll numbers spike back up to the 60-70% level ... I really want to hear all the but but but but but RW bullshit.

:laugh: half of the Democratic party doesn't like the woman, remember it was you people who threw her under the bus in 2008 not the Republicans.

I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.
Look people that old harpy will never be president you may as well get that through your thick skulls.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. :)

wait until Clinton's poll numbers spike back up to the 60-70% level ... I really want to hear all the but but but but but RW bullshit.

:laugh: half of the Democratic party doesn't like the woman, remember it was you people who threw her under the bus in 2008 not the Republicans.

I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.

enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS

IF she runs for POTUS?

Someone care to buy this guy a clue?
Look people that old harpy will never be president you may as well get that through your thick skulls.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. :)

wait until Clinton's poll numbers spike back up to the 60-70% level ... I really want to hear all the but but but but but RW bullshit.

:laugh: half of the Democratic party doesn't like the woman, remember it was you people who threw her under the bus in 2008 not the Republicans.

I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.

Your vote will be meaningless, tossed away on a loser.
:laugh: half of the Democratic party doesn't like the woman, remember it was you people who threw her under the bus in 2008 not the Republicans.

Doesn't matter, just keep in mind that if Hillary loses this time there's going to be a whole lot of paperwork involved in placing all her fanatical worshippers on suicide watch, it won't be any fun. :D
Look people that old harpy will never be president you may as well get that through your thick skulls.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. :)

Ahahaha I doubt you can read without assistance.

I'm able to read your lies, as quoted below. :D

LOL I'm living rent free in your head. :laugh:

I do not doubt you're living somewhere that's rent free, but Dingbat, you couldn't afford to park in my driveway. lol

President Clinton, and First Ladies Man, Bill Clinton, are going to teach you the true meaning of Christmas. LOL!
Last edited:
:laugh: half of the Democratic party doesn't like the woman, remember it was you people who threw her under the bus in 2008 not the Republicans.

Doesn't matter, just keep in mind that if Hillary loses this time there's going to be a whole lot of paperwork involved in placing all her fanatical worshippers on suicide watch, it won't be any fun. :D

Is it mean that I plan to rub salt in their wounds? The Democrats are a bunch of knuckleheads, lets remember they lost to George Bush...twice a man who could barely speak a complete sentence :laugh:
Look people that old harpy will never be president you may as well get that through your thick skulls.

Bookmarked for future entertainment. :)

Ahahaha I doubt you can read without assistance.

I'm able to read your lies, as quoted below. :D

LOL I'm living rent free in your head. :laugh:

I do not doubt you're living somewhere that's rent free, but Dingbat, you couldn't afford to park in my driveway. lol

Let me guess you have a covered driveway next to your single wide. lol
Bookmarked for future entertainment. :)

Ahahaha I doubt you can read without assistance.

I'm able to read your lies, as quoted below. :D

LOL I'm living rent free in your head. :laugh:

I do not doubt you're living somewhere that's rent free, but Dingbat, you couldn't afford to park in my driveway. lol

Let me guess you have a covered driveway next to your single wide. lol

I figured it was more a parking space in front of her condo
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !


She should have finished her sentence:....." therefore - since I am responsible for the death of four patriots to whom me and my philandering husband could not hold a candle - I decline to run for the highest office of the land, which requires honesty and a conscience, which I obvoiusly do not

the death of four people wasn't the issue yesterday. Clinton taking responsibility for Benghazi is all inclusive ... unless you're a brain dead moron.

I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee

four people died in Benghazi didn't they?

see how that works?

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