Clinton LIED !!!

I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !


She should have finished her sentence:....." therefore - since I am responsible for the death of four patriots to whom me and my philandering husband could not hold a candle - I decline to run for the highest office of the land, which requires honesty and a conscience, which I obvoiusly do not

the death of four people wasn't the issue yesterday. Clinton taking responsibility for Benghazi is all inclusive ... unless you're a brain dead moron.

I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee

four people died in Benghazi didn't they?

see how that works?

So, I go out and kill four people who work for me, or allow them to be killed while under my care/jurisdiction and then say: "I take responsibility for what happened" absolves me and gets me a free pass to the highest office in the world? And gets me $200,000 for each occasion I utter a few incomprehensible words, and gets me free taxpayer paid for food, lodging, travel, cars, defense, pays for my child's education, wedding, abortion and my husband's dalliances and immunity of well-deserved rape charges, well, then, sign me up.

If she can run for president, anyone can.

BTW, those who called the hearing a witch hunt were absolutely right.
Hunting for bear is a bear hunt.
Hunting for fox is a fox hunt.
Hunting for Hillary is a .........

See how that works?
In your dreams! She's stronger than ever!
stronger than what,stronger at lying?:D

Stronger in the polls:

Hillary’s Best Week Yet

Keep laughing. She's laughing withat you.

yes she is-------psychopathic liars are like that

The Benghazi bust: Trey Gowdy and his GOP colleagues embarrassed themselves -

right-------all of the players are over playing------what else is new? Politics in the USA is just as filthy
today as it was 100 years ago and 200 years ago. I think we inherited the peculiar forms of
political filth and games that characterize our politics from the British. Long ago ----I stumbled upon
utterly obscene political cartoons-------from the time of Lincoln-------sorry ---not in the mood to search
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !


She should have finished her sentence:....." therefore - since I am responsible for the death of four patriots to whom me and my philandering husband could not hold a candle - I decline to run for the highest office of the land, which requires honesty and a conscience, which I obvoiusly do not

the death of four people wasn't the issue yesterday. Clinton taking responsibility for Benghazi is all inclusive ... unless you're a brain dead moron.

I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee

four people died in Benghazi didn't they?

see how that works?

So, I go out and kill four people who work for me, or allow them to be killed while under my care/jurisdiction and then say: "I take responsibility for what happened" absolves me and gets me a free pass to the highest office in the world? And gets me $200,000 for each occasion I utter a few incomprehensible words, and gets me free taxpayer paid for food, lodging, travel, cars, defense, pays for my child's education, wedding, abortion and my husband's dalliances and immunity of well-deserved rape charges, well, then, sign me up.

If she can run for president, anyone can.

BTW, those who called the hearing a witch hunt were absolutely right.
Hunting for bear is a bear hunt.
Hunting for fox is a fox hunt.
Hunting for Hillary is a .........

See how that works?

Would you like some cheese with your whine?
In your dreams! She's stronger than ever!
stronger than what,stronger at lying?:D

Stronger in the polls:

Hillary’s Best Week Yet

Keep laughing. She's laughing withat you.

yes she is-------psychopathic liars are like that

The Benghazi bust: Trey Gowdy and his GOP colleagues embarrassed themselves -
what a pandering dumb article....

the dimwits are the ones who treated the hearing like a political circus.....while Hillary lied like a rug....
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !


She accepts responsibility! (But no blame.)

She told no truth. (But she's not an inveterate liar?)
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !


She should have finished her sentence:....." therefore - since I am responsible for the death of four patriots to whom me and my philandering husband could not hold a candle - I decline to run for the highest office of the land, which requires honesty and a conscience, which I obvoiusly do not

the death of four people wasn't the issue yesterday. Clinton taking responsibility for Benghazi is all inclusive ... unless you're a brain dead moron.

I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee

four people died in Benghazi didn't they?

see how that works?

So, I go out and kill four people who work for me, or allow them to be killed while under my care/jurisdiction and then say: "I take responsibility for what happened" absolves me and gets me a free pass to the highest office in the world? And gets me $200,000 for each occasion I utter a few incomprehensible words, and gets me free taxpayer paid for food, lodging, travel, cars, defense, pays for my child's education, wedding, abortion and my husband's dalliances and immunity of well-deserved rape charges, well, then, sign me up.

If she can run for president, anyone can.

BTW, those who called the hearing a witch hunt were absolutely right.
Hunting for bear is a bear hunt.
Hunting for fox is a fox hunt.
Hunting for Hillary is a .........

See how that works?


In your dreams! She's stronger than ever!
stronger than what,stronger at lying?:D

Stronger in the polls:

Hillary’s Best Week Yet

Keep laughing. She's laughing withat you.

yes she is-------psychopathic liars are like that

The Benghazi bust: Trey Gowdy and his GOP colleagues embarrassed themselves -
what a pandering dumb article....

the dimwits are the ones who treated the hearing like a political circus.....while Hillary lied like a rug....

And even RePugs admit that Hilary was too smart for Goober Gowdy and the Republican Gang that cannot shoot straight.

Conservatives ridicule GOP Benghazi committee members: Hillary is too smart for them.
In your dreams! She's stronger than ever!
stronger than what,stronger at lying?:D

Stronger in the polls:

Hillary’s Best Week Yet

Keep laughing. She's laughing withat you.

yes she is-------psychopathic liars are like that

The Benghazi bust: Trey Gowdy and his GOP colleagues embarrassed themselves -
what a pandering dumb article....

the dimwits are the ones who treated the hearing like a political circus.....while Hillary lied like a rug....

It's not that Hilary lied.

It's that after now EIGHT (08) Investigations, there is no proof of wrong doing to be found.

It's not that Hilary lied.

It's that you do not like the truth.

It's not Hilary lied.

It's that RepuBliCons just handed Hilary Clinton the Oval Office on a Twenty-Four Karat Gold Platter.
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !


there aren't enough rightwingnut troll threads on this subject for you?
I take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi," Clinton told the committee.

somehow Republicans question that comment and keep trying to prove she is responsible for Benghazi .... they'll make their findings and publish the results next year.


you can't make that shit up !


there aren't enough rightwingnut troll threads on this subject for you?

NONE SAY Clinton TOOK RESPONSIBILITY, and point out their own partisan stupidity
I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.

Wow, doesn't take much to win your vote, one dog & puppet show in front of a few stiffs in Congress and you're sold, speaking of suckers, I have this beautiful bridge, great location.......
I've never been a Hillary fan. But after yesterday I found new respect for her and new dislike for her opposition ... enough of both to vote for her if she runs for POTUS.

Wow, doesn't take much to win your vote, one dog & puppet show in front of a few stiffs in Congress and you're sold, speaking of suckers, I have this beautiful bridge, great location.......

yeah, I'm sure you do. And I'm sure some dumb ass RW's will be happy to buy it.
yeah, I'm sure you do. And I'm sure some dumb ass RW's will be happy to buy it.

Slow down there Cochise, I only fleece right wing suckers on the weekends, now about that bridge would you like it olive drab or petticoat pink?

"It's morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money" -- W.C. Fields
yeah, I'm sure you do. And I'm sure some dumb ass RW's will be happy to buy it.

Slow down there Cochise, I only fleece right wing suckers on the weekends, now about that bridge would you like it olive drab or petticoat pink?

"It's morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money" -- W.C. Fields

I'm flush in real estate, thanks. Don't limit fleecing RW suckers to weekends. Week days are really good too.
yeah, I'm sure you do. And I'm sure some dumb ass RW's will be happy to buy it.

Slow down there Cochise, I only fleece right wing suckers on the weekends, now about that bridge would you like it olive drab or petticoat pink?

"It's morally wrong to let a sucker keep his money" -- W.C. Fields

I'm flush in real estate, thanks. Don't limit fleecing RW suckers to weekends. Week days are really good too.

Naw, week days are slim pickings for fleecing right wingers, after all most of them have jobs. :D
stronger than what,stronger at lying?:D

Stronger in the polls:

Hillary’s Best Week Yet

Keep laughing. She's laughing withat you.

yes she is-------psychopathic liars are like that

The Benghazi bust: Trey Gowdy and his GOP colleagues embarrassed themselves -
what a pandering dumb article....

the dimwits are the ones who treated the hearing like a political circus.....while Hillary lied like a rug....

It's not that Hilary lied.

It's that after now EIGHT (08) Investigations, there is no proof of wrong doing to be found.

It's not that Hilary lied.

It's that you do not like the truth.

It's not Hilary lied.

It's that RepuBliCons just handed Hilary Clinton the Oval Office on a Twenty-Four Karat Gold Platter.

are you really that gullible....?

there's proof in her emails that she lied to the American people...."on the day after the attack, Clinton told the Egyptian prime minister that "we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack, not a protest."

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