Clinton ignores names of 9/11 victims, then collapses on her way into the van


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Notice something else and I don't know what it means. She appears to be the only one or one of the few wearing sun glasses. She isn't sweating that much either.

While EVERYONE else was standing silently and respectfully as the name of the 9/11 terror attack victims’ names were being read, she was talking, repeatedly, to the woman (likely a staffer) standing behind her.

If Hillary even took a turn naming names,,it would of sounded like this,,,,,,,Donald J Foster,,,,Edward Q Foster,,,,Morton Z Foster,,,,Vince W Foster....etc....etc
then again, Hillary can barely read, if she was the first one to start the 3000 names, it would of sounded something like this,,,,,,,,Anna Banana,,,,uhmm,,Amy Winehouse,,,,uhh,,,hmm, Abby Normal? uh,,err,,,,COUGH !! COUGH !!!,,,,sorry about that,,,ok,,where was I,,,,uhm,,,Three Balls McKenzy,,,,uhhh,,,Fred Flintsone.....uhhh,,,errrr,,,,COUGH! COUGH! COUGH!!,,,then takes a sip of water,,,,ok,,ok,,,where was I,,,,,ok,,,Uhm,,Amy Corrazorra?dopolis?.....uhh,,,,,Arnold Shmorzagubbaneggerzoowalski?

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