Climate Lockdowns coming to London

We just had 3 years of it dummy you really think they are going to leave it at that or declare a climate emergency and do it again

You literally just posted their plans
So just scaremongering then. Im old enough to remember farage telling us that 5 million bulgarians were coming to britain. He ran an election on it.
There arent 5 mil bulgarians alive. You are insane.
People in London are literally dying from pollution.The air quality is shocking. What should they do ?
I dont live in London and I wont argue with you about the air quality there

Just dont try to impose your radical ideas on Americans under the guise of saving the world.
So just scaremongering then. Im old enough to remember farage telling us that 5 million bulgarians were coming to britain. He ran an election on it.
There arent 5 mil bulgarians alive. You are insane.
Yeah I'm insane cause I see whats happening. WEF wants 75% of cars off the road

Thats the real reason this is happening not cause "air pollution from cars is killing people"

Just think about the point you are trying to make. Just for a minute.
I've made it, you're the one not thinking. Instead you're just "trusting the experts"

I laid out how this will play out above you are yet to respond with anything resembling a rebuttal
I've made it, you're the one not thinking. Instead you're just "trusting the experts"

I laid out how this will play out above you are yet to respond with anything resembling a rebuttal
Your firm belief is that the WEF isintent on destrooying the auto industry. And by definition the oil industry.
Think about it for a minute.

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