Climate Change - on Mars

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We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.


what an idiot like any of the models have had any accuracy


like i said before

you have absolutely no proof dim wit


Ok pal, you argue with the scientists like you rwnj's always do.

Scientists at the University of East Anglia have made their best estimate for how much longer the Earth will be habitable for human life, barring nuclear war, rogue asteroids, or being destroyed to make room for a hyperspace bypass. Fortunately, you don't need to put your affairs in order any time soon. The researchers estimate that the Earth will remain habitable for another 1.75 to 3.25 billion years.

Their research, which has been published in the journal Astrobiology, is part of the bigger project of looking for life outside of our own solar system. Over the past few years, astronomers have discovered a number of planets that exist within the habitable zones of their stars - meaning that their orbits place them not too far, but not too close, so that temperatures on the surface are just right for life to develop.

But with so many planets in potentially habitable zones, there has to be some priority in trying to determine which planets are most likely to contain life and are therefore more worth devoting additional resources to observing. That's where this research comes in.

Since life took hundreds of millions of years to evolve on Earth, the researchers reason that the best candidates for observation are those with the longest habitable zone lifetimes.

The researchers then studied 34 planets, including Earth, that are thought to exist within the habitable zones of their stars. They then used observations of their orbits and their stars' to arrive at estimates of each planets habitable zone lifetime. There is an astounding range of possibilities - ranging "from significantly less than that of Earth to over five times Earth's HZ lifetime," they wrote.

See, if it were up to you we wouldn't even do this research and we would never learn anything. Just like the Martians.

Scientists Estimate How Much Longer The Earth Can Support Life

so far all models have been proven wrong

why would this one be any different

making a model is not research

it is guess work at best

You've been making these bad arguments for a mighty long time

This discrepancy was a prime argument Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) used in his famed 2003 speech when he referred to the threat of catastrophic global warming as the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." Greenhouse skeptic S. Fred Singer, who has probably more Congressional testimony about global warming under his belt than any other scientist, headlines his website with the quote, "Computer models forecast rapidly rising global temperatures, but data from weather satellites and balloon instruments show no warming whatsoever. Nevertheless, these same unreliable computer models underpin the Global Climate Treaty." Michael Crichton also used the tropospheric warming discrepancy to give climate models a bad rap in his State of Fear novel. (Remarkably, Crichton--a science fiction writer--was summoned by Sen. Inhofe in September of 2005 to testify before Congress on the issue of climate change.) However, the arguments of these global warming skeptics were dealt a major blow with the issuance this week of a press release by NOAA's Climate Change Science Program refuting their main argument.

Main argument against climate models proven incorrect | Weather Underground

The Climate Change Science Program study, which was commissioned by the Bush Administration in 2002 to help answer unresolved questions on climate, found that it was the measurements, not the models, that were in error.

So now you guys aren't denying GW, now you say we are exxaggerating the results. Got it.
How can that be? - There's no humans on Mars to jack up the temperatures...

Scientists find evidence of global warming on Mars
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - Earth isn’t the only planet grappling with climate change, although this other orb doesn’t have much in the way of fossil fuel emissions or a 97 percent of scientific “consensus” on global warming. Newly published evidence suggests Mars is experiencing global warming as it emerges from an ice age.
See also:

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
February 28, 2007 - Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.

such information will be ignored and outright rejected by the global warming faithful's

u see according to them the whole solar system warming is natural

except for here on earth where industrialist pigs such as you and i are responsible

but then again that only applies to those in the United States

other countries that give off more like China for example dont count
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.


what an idiot like any of the models have had any accuracy


like i said before

you have absolutely no proof dim wit

Dr. John Christy of the University of Alabama, Huntsville, made a series of efforts to perform the careful intercalibration needed beginning in the 1990s, and for over a decade successfully defended his conclusion that the MSU instruments were showing a much lower level of tropospheric warming than what climate models predicted. Christy was probably the most quoted scientist by the "greenhouse skeptics" during that period, and testified numerous times before Congress about his findings. However, a series of papers published in 2004 and 2005 showed that the satellite intercalibration methods used by Christy were incorrect

Funny it doesn't bother you when the guys on your side are incorrect or give bad information.
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.


what an idiot like any of the models have had any accuracy


like i said before

you have absolutely no proof dim wit


Ok pal, you argue with the scientists like you rwnj's always do.

Scientists at the University of East Anglia have made their best estimate for how much longer the Earth will be habitable for human life, barring nuclear war, rogue asteroids, or being destroyed to make room for a hyperspace bypass. Fortunately, you don't need to put your affairs in order any time soon. The researchers estimate that the Earth will remain habitable for another 1.75 to 3.25 billion years.

Their research, which has been published in the journal Astrobiology, is part of the bigger project of looking for life outside of our own solar system. Over the past few years, astronomers have discovered a number of planets that exist within the habitable zones of their stars - meaning that their orbits place them not too far, but not too close, so that temperatures on the surface are just right for life to develop.

But with so many planets in potentially habitable zones, there has to be some priority in trying to determine which planets are most likely to contain life and are therefore more worth devoting additional resources to observing. That's where this research comes in.

Since life took hundreds of millions of years to evolve on Earth, the researchers reason that the best candidates for observation are those with the longest habitable zone lifetimes.

The researchers then studied 34 planets, including Earth, that are thought to exist within the habitable zones of their stars. They then used observations of their orbits and their stars' to arrive at estimates of each planets habitable zone lifetime. There is an astounding range of possibilities - ranging "from significantly less than that of Earth to over five times Earth's HZ lifetime," they wrote.

See, if it were up to you we wouldn't even do this research and we would never learn anything. Just like the Martians.

Scientists Estimate How Much Longer The Earth Can Support Life

so far all models have been proven wrong

why would this one be any different

making a model is not research

it is guess work at best

So can we trust the climate models now? That will remain a matter of debate, but now we know that these models have successfully performed at least one major prediction that their detractors thought was wrong. With the climate models validated by the collapse of the greenhouse skeptics' main argument against them, it is apparent that their predictions of possible catastrophic climate change need to be taken seriously.

For further reading: The Economist printed a easy to understand article in August 2005 summarizing the new research exposing the satellite and weather balloon measurement errors, and has a more technical discussion.
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.


what an idiot like any of the models have had any accuracy


like i said before

you have absolutely no proof dim wit


Ok pal, you argue with the scientists like you rwnj's always do.

Scientists at the University of East Anglia have made their best estimate for how much longer the Earth will be habitable for human life, barring nuclear war, rogue asteroids, or being destroyed to make room for a hyperspace bypass. Fortunately, you don't need to put your affairs in order any time soon. The researchers estimate that the Earth will remain habitable for another 1.75 to 3.25 billion years.

Their research, which has been published in the journal Astrobiology, is part of the bigger project of looking for life outside of our own solar system. Over the past few years, astronomers have discovered a number of planets that exist within the habitable zones of their stars - meaning that their orbits place them not too far, but not too close, so that temperatures on the surface are just right for life to develop.

But with so many planets in potentially habitable zones, there has to be some priority in trying to determine which planets are most likely to contain life and are therefore more worth devoting additional resources to observing. That's where this research comes in.

Since life took hundreds of millions of years to evolve on Earth, the researchers reason that the best candidates for observation are those with the longest habitable zone lifetimes.

The researchers then studied 34 planets, including Earth, that are thought to exist within the habitable zones of their stars. They then used observations of their orbits and their stars' to arrive at estimates of each planets habitable zone lifetime. There is an astounding range of possibilities - ranging "from significantly less than that of Earth to over five times Earth's HZ lifetime," they wrote.

See, if it were up to you we wouldn't even do this research and we would never learn anything. Just like the Martians.

Scientists Estimate How Much Longer The Earth Can Support Life

so far all models have been proven wrong

why would this one be any different

making a model is not research

it is guess work at best
What a fucked up liar you are, jon. Prior to 2000 all your assholes were saying there was no global warming. With 1998, they had to change their lies. Then they said, yes, there is global warming, but it is all natural. But none of you could name a single natural cause for the warming. In 1981, Dr. Hansen predicted the Northwest Passage would open up by the end of the 21st Century. But it opened up in 2007, and in 2016 a 1000 passenger luxury liner transited the Passage.
How can that be? - There's no humans on Mars to jack up the temperatures...

Scientists find evidence of global warming on Mars
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - Earth isn’t the only planet grappling with climate change, although this other orb doesn’t have much in the way of fossil fuel emissions or a 97 percent of scientific “consensus” on global warming. Newly published evidence suggests Mars is experiencing global warming as it emerges from an ice age.
The red planet, which moved closer to the Earth on Monday than at any other time since 2005, has retreated from a glacial period that would have covered large areas in white before the thaw about 370,000 years ago, according to a study published Friday in the journal Science. The research was conducted using an instrument on board the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that allowed an unprecedented examination of “the most recent Martian ice age recorded in the planet’s north polar ice cap,” according to a NASA press release. Research was led by planetary scientist Isaac B. Smith at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. “We found an accelerated accumulation rate of ice in the uppermost 100 to 300 meters of the polar cap,” Mr. Smith said in a statement on the SRI website. “The volume and thickness of ice matches model predictions from the early 2000s. Radar observations of the ice cap provide a detailed history of ice accumulation and erosion associated with climate change.”

Mars experiences seasons as does the Earth, resulting in the advance and retreat of carbon dioxide ice and snow over the poles during the Martian year. But the red planet also undergoes larger variations over thousands of years that result in “substantial shifts in the planet’s climate, including ice ages,” said the NASA Mars Exploration statement. NASAattributed the changes to the planet’s orbit and significant tilt. “Earth has similar, but less variable, phases called Milankovitch cycles,” said NASA. “On Earth, ice ages take hold when the polar regions and high latitudes become cooler than average for thousands of years, causing glaciers to grow toward the mid-latitudes,” said NASA. “In contrast, the Martian variety occurs when — as a result of the planet’s increased tilt — its poles become warmer than lower latitudes.” Water vapor moves toward the planet’s equator and forms ice and glaciers at mid-latitudes, said NASA. “As the warm polar period ends, polar ice begins accumulating again, while ice is lost from mid-latitudes. This retreat and regrowth of polar ice is exactly what Smith and colleagues see in the record revealed by the [Shallow Subsurface Radar] images,” said NASA.


This May 12, 2016, file image provided by NASA shows the planet Mars.​

While models have predicted the occurrence of ice ages on Mars, “evidence has been scant,” Science said in its description of the study, “An Ice Age Recorded in the Polar Deposits of Mars. “The layers in the upper few hundred meters display features that indicate a period of erosion, followed by a period of rapid accumulation that is still occurring today,” said Mr. Smith. Speculation about climate change on Mars has heightened since 2001 photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor suggested that ice caps near the planet’s South Pole were receding. A 2007 study by Russian physicist Habibullo Abdussamatov concluded that the caps had been in decline for three summers in a row and attributed the decline to solar irradiance. The question of whether Mars is experiencing climate change has spilled into the global warming debate on Earth, fueling discussion over whether both planets are heating up as a result of solar activity.

The consensus view is that the warming trend on the planets is coincidental and that climate change on Earth can be attributed primarily to increased greenhouse-gas emissions in the atmosphere. “Mars and Earth wobble in different ways, and most scientists think it is pure coincidence that both planets are between ice ages right now,” National Geographic News said in a 2007 article. Mr. Abdussamatov has disputed that explanation. “Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance,” he told LiveScience in 2007. In 2014, Kentucky state Sen. Brandon Smith pointed to evidence of warming on Mars as evidence that global warming is being driven by factors other than carbon dioxide emissions, prompting ClimateProgress to declare that “there is absolutely no scientific evidence that one sole instance of melting [on Mars] is the result of a planet-wide trend.” Mars came within 48.6 million miles of Earth at 5:34 p.m. EDT Sunday when Mars and the sun lined up on opposite sides of Earth. The next close encounter is projected for 2018, when Mars is expected to come within 35.8 million miles of Earth, NASA reported.

Mars also undergoing climate change as ice age retreats, study shows

See also:

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
February 28, 2007 - Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.
Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun. "The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said.

Solar Cycles

Abdussamatov believes that changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets. Mars and Earth, for instance, have experienced periodic ice ages throughout their histories. "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance," Abdussamatov said. By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars. Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists.

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

such information will be ignored and outright rejected by the global warming faithful's

u see according to them the whole solar system warming is natural

except for here on earth where industrialist pigs such as you and i are responsible

but then again that only applies to those in the United States

other countries that give off more like China for example dont count
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit
Scientific community has lots of evidence. That's why the things they claim qualify as bonified scientific theories. The question is why are you a science denier?
How can that be? - There's no humans on Mars to jack up the temperatures...

Scientists find evidence of global warming on Mars
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - Earth isn’t the only planet grappling with climate change, although this other orb doesn’t have much in the way of fossil fuel emissions or a 97 percent of scientific “consensus” on global warming. Newly published evidence suggests Mars is experiencing global warming as it emerges from an ice age.
The red planet, which moved closer to the Earth on Monday than at any other time since 2005, has retreated from a glacial period that would have covered large areas in white before the thaw about 370,000 years ago, according to a study published Friday in the journal Science. The research was conducted using an instrument on board the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that allowed an unprecedented examination of “the most recent Martian ice age recorded in the planet’s north polar ice cap,” according to a NASA press release. Research was led by planetary scientist Isaac B. Smith at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. “We found an accelerated accumulation rate of ice in the uppermost 100 to 300 meters of the polar cap,” Mr. Smith said in a statement on the SRI website. “The volume and thickness of ice matches model predictions from the early 2000s. Radar observations of the ice cap provide a detailed history of ice accumulation and erosion associated with climate change.”

Mars experiences seasons as does the Earth, resulting in the advance and retreat of carbon dioxide ice and snow over the poles during the Martian year. But the red planet also undergoes larger variations over thousands of years that result in “substantial shifts in the planet’s climate, including ice ages,” said the NASA Mars Exploration statement. NASAattributed the changes to the planet’s orbit and significant tilt. “Earth has similar, but less variable, phases called Milankovitch cycles,” said NASA. “On Earth, ice ages take hold when the polar regions and high latitudes become cooler than average for thousands of years, causing glaciers to grow toward the mid-latitudes,” said NASA. “In contrast, the Martian variety occurs when — as a result of the planet’s increased tilt — its poles become warmer than lower latitudes.” Water vapor moves toward the planet’s equator and forms ice and glaciers at mid-latitudes, said NASA. “As the warm polar period ends, polar ice begins accumulating again, while ice is lost from mid-latitudes. This retreat and regrowth of polar ice is exactly what Smith and colleagues see in the record revealed by the [Shallow Subsurface Radar] images,” said NASA.


This May 12, 2016, file image provided by NASA shows the planet Mars.​

While models have predicted the occurrence of ice ages on Mars, “evidence has been scant,” Science said in its description of the study, “An Ice Age Recorded in the Polar Deposits of Mars. “The layers in the upper few hundred meters display features that indicate a period of erosion, followed by a period of rapid accumulation that is still occurring today,” said Mr. Smith. Speculation about climate change on Mars has heightened since 2001 photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor suggested that ice caps near the planet’s South Pole were receding. A 2007 study by Russian physicist Habibullo Abdussamatov concluded that the caps had been in decline for three summers in a row and attributed the decline to solar irradiance. The question of whether Mars is experiencing climate change has spilled into the global warming debate on Earth, fueling discussion over whether both planets are heating up as a result of solar activity.

The consensus view is that the warming trend on the planets is coincidental and that climate change on Earth can be attributed primarily to increased greenhouse-gas emissions in the atmosphere. “Mars and Earth wobble in different ways, and most scientists think it is pure coincidence that both planets are between ice ages right now,” National Geographic News said in a 2007 article. Mr. Abdussamatov has disputed that explanation. “Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance,” he told LiveScience in 2007. In 2014, Kentucky state Sen. Brandon Smith pointed to evidence of warming on Mars as evidence that global warming is being driven by factors other than carbon dioxide emissions, prompting ClimateProgress to declare that “there is absolutely no scientific evidence that one sole instance of melting [on Mars] is the result of a planet-wide trend.” Mars came within 48.6 million miles of Earth at 5:34 p.m. EDT Sunday when Mars and the sun lined up on opposite sides of Earth. The next close encounter is projected for 2018, when Mars is expected to come within 35.8 million miles of Earth, NASA reported.

Mars also undergoing climate change as ice age retreats, study shows

See also:

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
February 28, 2007 - Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.
Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun. "The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said.

Solar Cycles

Abdussamatov believes that changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets. Mars and Earth, for instance, have experienced periodic ice ages throughout their histories. "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance," Abdussamatov said. By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars. Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists.

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

such information will be ignored and outright rejected by the global warming faithful's

u see according to them the whole solar system warming is natural

except for here on earth where industrialist pigs such as you and i are responsible

but then again that only applies to those in the United States

other countries that give off more like China for example dont count
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit
Here's what honest serious and sane republicans like Rex admit. Global warming is real. There's something bad happening because now it's not just the USA manufacturing, it's Mexico china Europe the Middle East India should I go on? So we (the USA) and our vital corporations can't be handicapped against the rest of the world. And we're going to manufacture. Going green takes time.

What I'm sick of is discussing with you fools who for a decade denied it even existed. And you may actually be stupid and believe it. I guess
you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.


what an idiot like any of the models have had any accuracy


like i said before

you have absolutely no proof dim wit


Ok pal, you argue with the scientists like you rwnj's always do.

Scientists at the University of East Anglia have made their best estimate for how much longer the Earth will be habitable for human life, barring nuclear war, rogue asteroids, or being destroyed to make room for a hyperspace bypass. Fortunately, you don't need to put your affairs in order any time soon. The researchers estimate that the Earth will remain habitable for another 1.75 to 3.25 billion years.

Their research, which has been published in the journal Astrobiology, is part of the bigger project of looking for life outside of our own solar system. Over the past few years, astronomers have discovered a number of planets that exist within the habitable zones of their stars - meaning that their orbits place them not too far, but not too close, so that temperatures on the surface are just right for life to develop.

But with so many planets in potentially habitable zones, there has to be some priority in trying to determine which planets are most likely to contain life and are therefore more worth devoting additional resources to observing. That's where this research comes in.

Since life took hundreds of millions of years to evolve on Earth, the researchers reason that the best candidates for observation are those with the longest habitable zone lifetimes.

The researchers then studied 34 planets, including Earth, that are thought to exist within the habitable zones of their stars. They then used observations of their orbits and their stars' to arrive at estimates of each planets habitable zone lifetime. There is an astounding range of possibilities - ranging "from significantly less than that of Earth to over five times Earth's HZ lifetime," they wrote.

See, if it were up to you we wouldn't even do this research and we would never learn anything. Just like the Martians.

Scientists Estimate How Much Longer The Earth Can Support Life

so far all models have been proven wrong

why would this one be any different

making a model is not research

it is guess work at best
What a fucked up liar you are, jon. Prior to 2000 all your assholes were saying there was no global warming. With 1998, they had to change their lies. Then they said, yes, there is global warming, but it is all natural. But none of you could name a single natural cause for the warming. In 1981, Dr. Hansen predicted the Northwest Passage would open up by the end of the 21st Century. But it opened up in 2007, and in 2016 a 1000 passenger luxury liner transited the Passage.
It's why I know republicans are wrong about everything and they don't even care that they were 100% wrong on this. They'll keep arguing just a different argument but again they'll be repeating fox lies
How can that be? - There's no humans on Mars to jack up the temperatures...

Scientists find evidence of global warming on Mars
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - Earth isn’t the only planet grappling with climate change, although this other orb doesn’t have much in the way of fossil fuel emissions or a 97 percent of scientific “consensus” on global warming. Newly published evidence suggests Mars is experiencing global warming as it emerges from an ice age.
The red planet, which moved closer to the Earth on Monday than at any other time since 2005, has retreated from a glacial period that would have covered large areas in white before the thaw about 370,000 years ago, according to a study published Friday in the journal Science. The research was conducted using an instrument on board the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that allowed an unprecedented examination of “the most recent Martian ice age recorded in the planet’s north polar ice cap,” according to a NASA press release. Research was led by planetary scientist Isaac B. Smith at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. “We found an accelerated accumulation rate of ice in the uppermost 100 to 300 meters of the polar cap,” Mr. Smith said in a statement on the SRI website. “The volume and thickness of ice matches model predictions from the early 2000s. Radar observations of the ice cap provide a detailed history of ice accumulation and erosion associated with climate change.”

Mars experiences seasons as does the Earth, resulting in the advance and retreat of carbon dioxide ice and snow over the poles during the Martian year. But the red planet also undergoes larger variations over thousands of years that result in “substantial shifts in the planet’s climate, including ice ages,” said the NASA Mars Exploration statement. NASAattributed the changes to the planet’s orbit and significant tilt. “Earth has similar, but less variable, phases called Milankovitch cycles,” said NASA. “On Earth, ice ages take hold when the polar regions and high latitudes become cooler than average for thousands of years, causing glaciers to grow toward the mid-latitudes,” said NASA. “In contrast, the Martian variety occurs when — as a result of the planet’s increased tilt — its poles become warmer than lower latitudes.” Water vapor moves toward the planet’s equator and forms ice and glaciers at mid-latitudes, said NASA. “As the warm polar period ends, polar ice begins accumulating again, while ice is lost from mid-latitudes. This retreat and regrowth of polar ice is exactly what Smith and colleagues see in the record revealed by the [Shallow Subsurface Radar] images,” said NASA.


This May 12, 2016, file image provided by NASA shows the planet Mars.​

While models have predicted the occurrence of ice ages on Mars, “evidence has been scant,” Science said in its description of the study, “An Ice Age Recorded in the Polar Deposits of Mars. “The layers in the upper few hundred meters display features that indicate a period of erosion, followed by a period of rapid accumulation that is still occurring today,” said Mr. Smith. Speculation about climate change on Mars has heightened since 2001 photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor suggested that ice caps near the planet’s South Pole were receding. A 2007 study by Russian physicist Habibullo Abdussamatov concluded that the caps had been in decline for three summers in a row and attributed the decline to solar irradiance. The question of whether Mars is experiencing climate change has spilled into the global warming debate on Earth, fueling discussion over whether both planets are heating up as a result of solar activity.

The consensus view is that the warming trend on the planets is coincidental and that climate change on Earth can be attributed primarily to increased greenhouse-gas emissions in the atmosphere. “Mars and Earth wobble in different ways, and most scientists think it is pure coincidence that both planets are between ice ages right now,” National Geographic News said in a 2007 article. Mr. Abdussamatov has disputed that explanation. “Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance,” he told LiveScience in 2007. In 2014, Kentucky state Sen. Brandon Smith pointed to evidence of warming on Mars as evidence that global warming is being driven by factors other than carbon dioxide emissions, prompting ClimateProgress to declare that “there is absolutely no scientific evidence that one sole instance of melting [on Mars] is the result of a planet-wide trend.” Mars came within 48.6 million miles of Earth at 5:34 p.m. EDT Sunday when Mars and the sun lined up on opposite sides of Earth. The next close encounter is projected for 2018, when Mars is expected to come within 35.8 million miles of Earth, NASA reported.

Mars also undergoing climate change as ice age retreats, study shows

See also:

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
February 28, 2007 - Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.
Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun. "The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said.

Solar Cycles

Abdussamatov believes that changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets. Mars and Earth, for instance, have experienced periodic ice ages throughout their histories. "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance," Abdussamatov said. By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars. Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists.

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

such information will be ignored and outright rejected by the global warming faithful's

u see according to them the whole solar system warming is natural

except for here on earth where industrialist pigs such as you and i are responsible

but then again that only applies to those in the United States

other countries that give off more like China for example dont count
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.

So now instead of the high priest Al Gore's prophesy of five years the world is going to end in five thousand years.

Are you sure it isn't 50,000 years, or 500,000 years, or 5,000,000 years, or even longer?

Do you know the year, day, and time, it will happen?

Can we write this all down in the Holy Book Of Scientific Consensus?


How can that be? - There's no humans on Mars to jack up the temperatures...

Scientists find evidence of global warming on Mars
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - Earth isn’t the only planet grappling with climate change, although this other orb doesn’t have much in the way of fossil fuel emissions or a 97 percent of scientific “consensus” on global warming. Newly published evidence suggests Mars is experiencing global warming as it emerges from an ice age.
See also:

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
February 28, 2007 - Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.

such information will be ignored and outright rejected by the global warming faithful's

u see according to them the whole solar system warming is natural

except for here on earth where industrialist pigs such as you and i are responsible

but then again that only applies to those in the United States

other countries that give off more like China for example dont count
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.

So now instead of the high priest Al Gore's prophesy of five years the world is going to end in five thousand years.

Are you sure it isn't 50,000 years, or 500,000 years, or 5,000,000 years, or even longer?

Do you know the year, day, and time, it will happen?

Can we write this all down in the Holy Book Of Scientific Consensus?



Well if you ask the religious community they believe the end days are now. Who do you agree with more?
Yes, but the point I'm making is that the consequences of something natural are the consequences of life on this planet. Life has adapted to the Earth and seems to be able to survive. If it can't, then it can't, that's life.
Cold comfort to the dinosaurs that the comet was natural. Some of us have children that we'd like to see thrive regardless of the cause of global warming.

So you're saying we shouldn't stop trashing our planet and trying to cause it to be uninhabitable because there's a chance we might be hit by a comet in the next 10 billion years?
Yes, but the point I'm making is that the consequences of something natural are the consequences of life on this planet. Life has adapted to the Earth and seems to be able to survive. If it can't, then it can't, that's life.
Cold comfort to the dinosaurs that the comet was natural. Some of us have children that we'd like to see thrive regardless of the cause of global warming.
Fred armasin from snl thought he was Japanese. Turns out he's Korean. And on that show tracing your roots they were able to go back before Christ. I'd like to think humans are around 2000 years from now but take for example the Pacific Ocean. It's a toilet full of garbage. What's it going to be like 2000 years from now?
you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.


what an idiot like any of the models have had any accuracy


like i said before

you have absolutely no proof dim wit


Ok pal, you argue with the scientists like you rwnj's always do.

Scientists at the University of East Anglia have made their best estimate for how much longer the Earth will be habitable for human life, barring nuclear war, rogue asteroids, or being destroyed to make room for a hyperspace bypass. Fortunately, you don't need to put your affairs in order any time soon. The researchers estimate that the Earth will remain habitable for another 1.75 to 3.25 billion years.

Their research, which has been published in the journal Astrobiology, is part of the bigger project of looking for life outside of our own solar system. Over the past few years, astronomers have discovered a number of planets that exist within the habitable zones of their stars - meaning that their orbits place them not too far, but not too close, so that temperatures on the surface are just right for life to develop.

But with so many planets in potentially habitable zones, there has to be some priority in trying to determine which planets are most likely to contain life and are therefore more worth devoting additional resources to observing. That's where this research comes in.

Since life took hundreds of millions of years to evolve on Earth, the researchers reason that the best candidates for observation are those with the longest habitable zone lifetimes.

The researchers then studied 34 planets, including Earth, that are thought to exist within the habitable zones of their stars. They then used observations of their orbits and their stars' to arrive at estimates of each planets habitable zone lifetime. There is an astounding range of possibilities - ranging "from significantly less than that of Earth to over five times Earth's HZ lifetime," they wrote.

See, if it were up to you we wouldn't even do this research and we would never learn anything. Just like the Martians.

Scientists Estimate How Much Longer The Earth Can Support Life

so far all models have been proven wrong

why would this one be any different

making a model is not research

it is guess work at best
What a fucked up liar you are, jon. Prior to 2000 all your assholes were saying there was no global warming. With 1998, they had to change their lies. Then they said, yes, there is global warming, but it is all natural. But none of you could name a single natural cause for the warming. In 1981, Dr. Hansen predicted the Northwest Passage would open up by the end of the 21st Century. But it opened up in 2007, and in 2016 a 1000 passenger luxury liner transited the Passage.

fuck you shit for brains

there is no man made global warming you retard

all the models had been faked

all the data fudged
How can that be? - There's no humans on Mars to jack up the temperatures...

Scientists find evidence of global warming on Mars
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - Earth isn’t the only planet grappling with climate change, although this other orb doesn’t have much in the way of fossil fuel emissions or a 97 percent of scientific “consensus” on global warming. Newly published evidence suggests Mars is experiencing global warming as it emerges from an ice age.
The red planet, which moved closer to the Earth on Monday than at any other time since 2005, has retreated from a glacial period that would have covered large areas in white before the thaw about 370,000 years ago, according to a study published Friday in the journal Science. The research was conducted using an instrument on board the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that allowed an unprecedented examination of “the most recent Martian ice age recorded in the planet’s north polar ice cap,” according to a NASA press release. Research was led by planetary scientist Isaac B. Smith at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. “We found an accelerated accumulation rate of ice in the uppermost 100 to 300 meters of the polar cap,” Mr. Smith said in a statement on the SRI website. “The volume and thickness of ice matches model predictions from the early 2000s. Radar observations of the ice cap provide a detailed history of ice accumulation and erosion associated with climate change.”

Mars experiences seasons as does the Earth, resulting in the advance and retreat of carbon dioxide ice and snow over the poles during the Martian year. But the red planet also undergoes larger variations over thousands of years that result in “substantial shifts in the planet’s climate, including ice ages,” said the NASA Mars Exploration statement. NASAattributed the changes to the planet’s orbit and significant tilt. “Earth has similar, but less variable, phases called Milankovitch cycles,” said NASA. “On Earth, ice ages take hold when the polar regions and high latitudes become cooler than average for thousands of years, causing glaciers to grow toward the mid-latitudes,” said NASA. “In contrast, the Martian variety occurs when — as a result of the planet’s increased tilt — its poles become warmer than lower latitudes.” Water vapor moves toward the planet’s equator and forms ice and glaciers at mid-latitudes, said NASA. “As the warm polar period ends, polar ice begins accumulating again, while ice is lost from mid-latitudes. This retreat and regrowth of polar ice is exactly what Smith and colleagues see in the record revealed by the [Shallow Subsurface Radar] images,” said NASA.


This May 12, 2016, file image provided by NASA shows the planet Mars.​

While models have predicted the occurrence of ice ages on Mars, “evidence has been scant,” Science said in its description of the study, “An Ice Age Recorded in the Polar Deposits of Mars. “The layers in the upper few hundred meters display features that indicate a period of erosion, followed by a period of rapid accumulation that is still occurring today,” said Mr. Smith. Speculation about climate change on Mars has heightened since 2001 photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor suggested that ice caps near the planet’s South Pole were receding. A 2007 study by Russian physicist Habibullo Abdussamatov concluded that the caps had been in decline for three summers in a row and attributed the decline to solar irradiance. The question of whether Mars is experiencing climate change has spilled into the global warming debate on Earth, fueling discussion over whether both planets are heating up as a result of solar activity.

The consensus view is that the warming trend on the planets is coincidental and that climate change on Earth can be attributed primarily to increased greenhouse-gas emissions in the atmosphere. “Mars and Earth wobble in different ways, and most scientists think it is pure coincidence that both planets are between ice ages right now,” National Geographic News said in a 2007 article. Mr. Abdussamatov has disputed that explanation. “Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance,” he told LiveScience in 2007. In 2014, Kentucky state Sen. Brandon Smith pointed to evidence of warming on Mars as evidence that global warming is being driven by factors other than carbon dioxide emissions, prompting ClimateProgress to declare that “there is absolutely no scientific evidence that one sole instance of melting [on Mars] is the result of a planet-wide trend.” Mars came within 48.6 million miles of Earth at 5:34 p.m. EDT Sunday when Mars and the sun lined up on opposite sides of Earth. The next close encounter is projected for 2018, when Mars is expected to come within 35.8 million miles of Earth, NASA reported.

Mars also undergoing climate change as ice age retreats, study shows

See also:

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
February 28, 2007 - Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.
Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun. "The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said.

Solar Cycles

Abdussamatov believes that changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets. Mars and Earth, for instance, have experienced periodic ice ages throughout their histories. "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance," Abdussamatov said. By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars. Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists.

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

such information will be ignored and outright rejected by the global warming faithful's

u see according to them the whole solar system warming is natural

except for here on earth where industrialist pigs such as you and i are responsible

but then again that only applies to those in the United States

other countries that give off more like China for example dont count
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit
Here's what honest serious and sane republicans like Rex admit. Global warming is real. There's something bad happening because now it's not just the USA manufacturing, it's Mexico china Europe the Middle East India should I go on? So we (the USA) and our vital corporations can't be handicapped against the rest of the world. And we're going to manufacture. Going green takes time.

What I'm sick of is discussing with you fools who for a decade denied it even existed. And you may actually be stupid and believe it. I guess

the planet warms and cools all the time

so the fuck what
such information will be ignored and outright rejected by the global warming faithful's

u see according to them the whole solar system warming is natural

except for here on earth where industrialist pigs such as you and i are responsible

but then again that only applies to those in the United States

other countries that give off more like China for example dont count
We know eventually the world will be uninhabitable. Do you prefer 5000 years from now or 5 million? Do you prefer by our doing or Mother Nature?

Who knows how the martians went out

you have absolutely no proof of any of that dim wit

Not true. I can't find it now but I read last week where scientists put in all the information into a computer and they know how long the world will last. If we end it ourselves it could be 5000 years from now but if we went green like Avatar it could be millions of years.

Who knows if the Martians prematurely killed themselves off or if it happened naturally.

I wonder if they warred with each other rather than build a ship they could live on until earth became habitable.

So now instead of the high priest Al Gore's prophesy of five years the world is going to end in five thousand years.

Are you sure it isn't 50,000 years, or 500,000 years, or 5,000,000 years, or even longer?

Do you know the year, day, and time, it will happen?

Can we write this all down in the Holy Book Of Scientific Consensus?



Well if you ask the religious community they believe the end days are now. Who do you agree with more?

It sounds like you holy crusaders of the scientific Armageddon consensus have a lot in common with the religious community.


Yes, but the point I'm making is that the consequences of something natural are the consequences of life on this planet. Life has adapted to the Earth and seems to be able to survive. If it can't, then it can't, that's life.
Cold comfort to the dinosaurs that the comet was natural. Some of us have children that we'd like to see thrive regardless of the cause of global warming.

So you're saying we shouldn't stop trashing our planet and trying to cause it to be uninhabitable because there's a chance we might be hit by a comet in the next 10 billion years?
On the contrary, I'm saying that we could bring man's carbon footprint to zero and the climate will still change. We need to stop trashing the planet. We need to mitigate any climate change effects (levees, sea walls, etc.). We need to be able to control the climate so it stays approximately where it is now. Any change, even a minor one, would be catastrophic.
Yes, but the point I'm making is that the consequences of something natural are the consequences of life on this planet. Life has adapted to the Earth and seems to be able to survive. If it can't, then it can't, that's life.
Cold comfort to the dinosaurs that the comet was natural. Some of us have children that we'd like to see thrive regardless of the cause of global warming.
Fred armasin from snl thought he was Japanese. Turns out he's Korean. And on that show tracing your roots they were able to go back before Christ. I'd like to think humans are around 2000 years from now but take for example the Pacific Ocean. It's a toilet full of garbage. What's it going to be like 2000 years from now?
I always thought garbage was just something you don't have enough of to be economic. If a bird shits on your car, that's bad. If you find a million tons of bird shit you are a rich and happy man.
How can that be? - There's no humans on Mars to jack up the temperatures...

Scientists find evidence of global warming on Mars
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - Earth isn’t the only planet grappling with climate change, although this other orb doesn’t have much in the way of fossil fuel emissions or a 97 percent of scientific “consensus” on global warming. Newly published evidence suggests Mars is experiencing global warming as it emerges from an ice age.
The red planet, which moved closer to the Earth on Monday than at any other time since 2005, has retreated from a glacial period that would have covered large areas in white before the thaw about 370,000 years ago, according to a study published Friday in the journal Science. The research was conducted using an instrument on board the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that allowed an unprecedented examination of “the most recent Martian ice age recorded in the planet’s north polar ice cap,” according to a NASA press release. Research was led by planetary scientist Isaac B. Smith at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. “We found an accelerated accumulation rate of ice in the uppermost 100 to 300 meters of the polar cap,” Mr. Smith said in a statement on the SRI website. “The volume and thickness of ice matches model predictions from the early 2000s. Radar observations of the ice cap provide a detailed history of ice accumulation and erosion associated with climate change.”

Mars experiences seasons as does the Earth, resulting in the advance and retreat of carbon dioxide ice and snow over the poles during the Martian year. But the red planet also undergoes larger variations over thousands of years that result in “substantial shifts in the planet’s climate, including ice ages,” said the NASA Mars Exploration statement. NASAattributed the changes to the planet’s orbit and significant tilt. “Earth has similar, but less variable, phases called Milankovitch cycles,” said NASA. “On Earth, ice ages take hold when the polar regions and high latitudes become cooler than average for thousands of years, causing glaciers to grow toward the mid-latitudes,” said NASA. “In contrast, the Martian variety occurs when — as a result of the planet’s increased tilt — its poles become warmer than lower latitudes.” Water vapor moves toward the planet’s equator and forms ice and glaciers at mid-latitudes, said NASA. “As the warm polar period ends, polar ice begins accumulating again, while ice is lost from mid-latitudes. This retreat and regrowth of polar ice is exactly what Smith and colleagues see in the record revealed by the [Shallow Subsurface Radar] images,” said NASA.


This May 12, 2016, file image provided by NASA shows the planet Mars.​

While models have predicted the occurrence of ice ages on Mars, “evidence has been scant,” Science said in its description of the study, “An Ice Age Recorded in the Polar Deposits of Mars. “The layers in the upper few hundred meters display features that indicate a period of erosion, followed by a period of rapid accumulation that is still occurring today,” said Mr. Smith. Speculation about climate change on Mars has heightened since 2001 photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor suggested that ice caps near the planet’s South Pole were receding. A 2007 study by Russian physicist Habibullo Abdussamatov concluded that the caps had been in decline for three summers in a row and attributed the decline to solar irradiance. The question of whether Mars is experiencing climate change has spilled into the global warming debate on Earth, fueling discussion over whether both planets are heating up as a result of solar activity.

The consensus view is that the warming trend on the planets is coincidental and that climate change on Earth can be attributed primarily to increased greenhouse-gas emissions in the atmosphere. “Mars and Earth wobble in different ways, and most scientists think it is pure coincidence that both planets are between ice ages right now,” National Geographic News said in a 2007 article. Mr. Abdussamatov has disputed that explanation. “Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance,” he told LiveScience in 2007. In 2014, Kentucky state Sen. Brandon Smith pointed to evidence of warming on Mars as evidence that global warming is being driven by factors other than carbon dioxide emissions, prompting ClimateProgress to declare that “there is absolutely no scientific evidence that one sole instance of melting [on Mars] is the result of a planet-wide trend.” Mars came within 48.6 million miles of Earth at 5:34 p.m. EDT Sunday when Mars and the sun lined up on opposite sides of Earth. The next close encounter is projected for 2018, when Mars is expected to come within 35.8 million miles of Earth, NASA reported.

Mars also undergoing climate change as ice age retreats, study shows

See also:

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
February 28, 2007 - Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet's recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist's controversial theory.
Earth is currently experiencing rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Mars, too, appears to be enjoying more mild and balmy temperatures. In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun. "The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said.

Solar Cycles

Abdussamatov believes that changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on both planets. Mars and Earth, for instance, have experienced periodic ice ages throughout their histories. "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance," Abdussamatov said. By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars. Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists.

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
Everyone knows the Mars Rover has a huge climate footprint, so Global Warming on Mars is man-made.
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