Classified documents discovered at Mike Pence’s home in Indiana

I'd ask you for a source, but why bother.

Okay, so let's look at that period. 1946 to 1995. 49 years. Republicans were in charge for 28 of those (8 for Ike, 8 for Nixon/Ford and 12 for Reagan/Bush)

Combating your profound fucking ignorance would have been a full time job.

We are in debt because Reagan cut taxes on the rich. We had no problem meeting our obligations before that.

Yeah, the rich could have walked off with even more of our money! It was Republicans who balked at "Let Wall street gamble Granny's pension."

Uh, you realize that the Federal government actually has MORE control over a territory than a state, right? Territories aren't independent countries. What Young did was treason. Should have been hung for them.

Damn, I think I broke him. I love it when I drive Mormons over the edge.
WOW! 28 out of 425. Democrats by far are more big government advocates. On top of that, welfare where poor people, mostly blacks, are enslaved by Democrat Politicians. Buying votes with free money and free cell phone.

We had the biggest economic burst upward because of the Reagan Economics. Huge job growth which brought in much more revenue than the socialist agendas before him with Jimmy's huge inflation and out of control interest hikes. All while not having enough oil for gasoline to fill cars. Reagan started off making the mistake of thinking he could trust Democrat and raised taxes. Then, he corrected that and we had the biggest economic boom ever. Taxing the rich never works because they just pass it on to the consumers in the form of inflation and higher interest rates. Dumbnuts.
As far as the rich, you do know that the Democrat Party now has way more billionaires and millionaires living in Hollywood.
Again, no treason. Wasn't a part of the country yet. And, what is this "broke him?" For what? Oh, that's your vivid communist imagination again.
And, you do know that the reason why some people have to use cussing is because they don't have the intellect to debate any other way. So, they jump up and down and try to intimidate. :springbed:
WOW! 28 out of 425. Democrats by far are more big government advocates. On top of that, welfare where poor people, mostly blacks, are enslaved by Democrat Politicians. Buying votes with free money and free cell phone.

Um, are you fucking stupid. 28 yeas out of 49 years. NOT 28 agencies out of 425.

Here's a chart to help you out so you don't look stupid the next time you argue this



We had the biggest economic burst upward because of the Reagan Economics.

Wow, this is how I can tell you didn't actually live through the 1980s. What we saw during the 1980's was an actual decline in the Middle class as the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Reagan ran unemployment up to 11.3% by 1983, and then when it got down to 7.9% (Still higher than when he was elected) called it an accomplishment.

Reagan started off making the mistake of thinking he could trust Democrat and raised taxes. Then, he corrected that and we had the biggest economic boom ever. Taxing the rich never works because they just pass it on to the consumers in the form of inflation and higher interest rates. Dumbnuts.

Again, this is how we can tell you didn't actually live through those times. Reagan slashed taxes during the early part of his term, mostly for the rich, who didn't need it. Rather than have any good economic effects or reducing the deficit (which tripled under his 8 years), he reeled it back and passed "Tax Reform" in 1986, which just shifted the burden to the working class in reduced consumer deductions and increased taxes on Social Security.

This is why Bush-41 had to scream "Read my Lips, No New Taxes". Because Reagan signed on to new Taxes and the Supply-Side Koolaid drinkers were upset with him giving into reality. Then Bush had to give in to reality and raise them again.

As far as the rich, you do know that the Democrat Party now has way more billionaires and millionaires living in Hollywood.

Well, kind of. First most of our millionaires do not live in Hollywood. Secondly, you are seeing a lot of the wealthy switch to the Democrats now because the Republicans are fucking crazy. The Libertarian Children, Gun Fetishists and Religious zealots took over.

The moment I realized the GOP was too crazy for me was in December 2008. After Obama rightfully handed them their asses over a messed up economy and a mismanaged war, their immediate response was to hold a conference telling us we didn't have enough Jay-a-zus in the GOP. You had Mitt with his Magic Underpants, you had Sarah Palin hanging with Witch Hunters, you had Piyush Jindal (I refuse to call him "bobby") proudly recounting how he performed an exorcism in college, and Mike Huckabee talking about the Rapture like that was a real thing that's going to happen.

And since then, all these crazies gave way to the biggest crazy of all, Donald Trump. He might be banging porn stars, but he's right with Jesus!

Again, no treason. Wasn't a part of the country yet. And, what is this "broke him?" For what? Oh, that's your vivid communist imagination again.

Uh, doesn't work like that, buddy. Territories are still subject to all the laws of the United States, and have no sovereign rights under the 10th Amendment as states. Why do you think your cult was so keen to give up polygamy to get into the union? Oh, wait, you actually think that God told Woodruff Polygamy was bad while he neglected to tell Smith, Young, and Taylor.

And, you do know that the reason why some people have to use cussing is because they don't have the intellect to debate any other way. So, they jump up and down and try to intimidate.
No, it's just an exasperation of dealing with a Mormon Idiot who is so fucking brainwashed he has no critical thinking skills.


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Um, are you fucking stupid. 28 yeas out of 49 years. NOT 28 agencies out of 425.

Here's a chart to help you out so you don't look stupid the next time you argue this

View attachment 758095


Wow, this is how I can tell you didn't actually live through the 1980s. What we saw during the 1980's was an actual decline in the Middle class as the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Reagan ran unemployment up to 11.3% by 1983, and then when it got down to 7.9% (Still higher than when he was elected) called it an accomplishment.

Again, this is how we can tell you didn't actually live through those times. Reagan slashed taxes during the early part of his term, mostly for the rich, who didn't need it. Rather than have any good economic effects or reducing the deficit (which tripled under his 8 years), he reeled it back and passed "Tax Reform" in 1986, which just shifted the burden to the working class in reduced consumer deductions and increased taxes on Social Security.

This is why Bush-41 had to scream "Read my Lips, No New Taxes". Because Reagan signed on to new Taxes and the Supply-Side Koolaid drinkers were upset with him giving into reality. Then Bush had to give in to reality and raise them again.

Well, kind of. First most of our millionaires do not live in Hollywood. Secondly, you are seeing a lot of the wealthy switch to the Democrats now because the Republicans are fucking crazy. The Libertarian Children, Gun Fetishists and Religious zealots took over.

The moment I realized the GOP was too crazy for me was in December 2008. After Obama rightfully handed them their asses over a messed up economy and a mismanaged war, their immediate response was to hold a conference telling us we didn't have enough Jay-a-zus in the GOP. You had Mitt with his Magic Underpants, you had Sarah Palin hanging with Witch Hunters, you had Piyush Jindal (I refuse to call him "bobby") proudly recounting how he performed an exorcism in college, and Mike Huckabee talking about the Rapture like that was a real thing that's going to happen.

And since then, all these crazies gave way to the biggest crazy of all, Donald Trump. He might be banging porn stars, but he's right with Jesus!

Uh, doesn't work like that, buddy. Territories are still subject to all the laws of the United States, and have no sovereign rights under the 10th Amendment as states. Why do you think your cult was so keen to give up polygamy to get into the union? Oh, wait, you actually think that God told Woodruff Polygamy was bad while he neglected to tell Smith, Young, and Taylor.

No, it's just an exasperation of dealing with a Mormon Idiot who is so fucking brainwashed he has no critical thinking skills.
The unemployment rate averaged 7.5% under Reagan, compared to an average 6.6% during the preceding eight years. Declining steadily after December 1982, the rate was 5.4% the month Reagan left office. In other words, the unemployment rose due to the Carter recession and Reagan had to pull it back down in which he did. Both the 1980 and 1981-82 recessions were triggered by tight monetary policy in an effort to fight mounting inflation. During the 1960s and 1970s, economists and policymakers believed that they could lower unemployment through higher inflation, a tradeoff known as the Phillips Curve. Stupid dumbskull Democrats. This promoted a tax increase that passed the House in late 1981 and the Senate in mid-1982 called the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. This act was an agreement between Reagan and the Congress that raised revenues for the following years. Yes, in 1986, the corporate tax rate was dropped from 50% to 28% which meant businesses were able to hire more people and pay them more as well. The poor and middle class don't hire people. But, when more people work at higher wages, then more taxes are collected as well. So yes, the middle class paid more in taxes because they earned more and there were more of them. Dumbskull.

Since these are the last days which include the restitution of all things, including polygamy, the Lord gave the revelation to have a few participate in polygamy. Few ever did this. My wife's family had a line that has polygamists that moved to Mexico where it was continued. However, eventually the Church said no polygamy marriages were to be performed anywhere. Yes, there will be more women in the highest degree of Heaven where marriages will continue producing spirit children. So, there will be a need for some men to have more than one wife sealed to them.
The reason is well established and has nothing to do with the doctrine of plural marriages why it was ended. It was time to expand the Church around the world and so God in his wisdom needed a strong place to build from, Utah. But, the doctrine remains. So, yes, Wilson Woodruff was instructed to end plural marriages. But, that doesn't make it a neglect with Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and John Taylor. You logic is faulty. But, we already knew that.

As to brainwashing, you obviously either have no clue about it or you yourself have been brainwashed by your secular idiots. Even 8 year olds are not baptized unless they specifically say they want to be baptized. You wouldn't know that there are some that say no and want to wait and learn more. Same with adults. We teach and ask prospects to study out in their own minds, meditate on their own, pray on their own and make their own decisions without pressure. I was never pressured. I had experiences growing up that testified by the influence of the Holy Ghost to the knowledge Jesus Christ lives and is the Lord Messiah God. After studying information from the missionaries, reading the Book of Mormon, Bible, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price, I sat in the presence of a Prophet of God, Spencer W. Kimball at a devotional. While he was speaking, I was praying to know if he is a true Prophet of God. I received my answer influenced by the Holy Ghost, again. I went to my neighbor and let him know I was ready to be baptized. I was 24 years old. That was 46 years ago. I lived through the 1980's, dumbskull.

You got a thorough scrubbing.

The unemployment rate averaged 7.5% under Reagan, compared to an average 6.6% during the preceding eight years. Declining steadily after December 1982, the rate was 5.4% the month Reagan left office.

Bullshit. The only reason there was ANY economic growth under reagan is because they spent like drunken sailors on the military. Simple concept- We have never gotten out of a recession without a spike in government spending. It just doesn't happen. Good presidents buy houses and bad presidents buy bombs.

Since these are the last days which include the restitution of all things, including polygamy, the Lord gave the revelation to have a few participate in polygamy. Few ever did this. My wife's family had a line that has polygamists that moved to Mexico where it was continued. However, eventually the Church said no polygamy marriages were to be performed anywhere. Yes, there will be more women in the highest degree of Heaven where marriages will continue producing spirit children. So, there will be a need for some men to have more than one wife sealed to them.

Um, yeah, hate to break it to you.

The leaders of your cult practiced polygamy because they could. Because the brainwashed idiots were happy to hand over their wives and daughters.

The reason is well established and has nothing to do with the doctrine of plural marriages why it was ended. It was time to expand the Church around the world and so God in his wisdom needed a strong place to build from, Utah. But, the doctrine remains. So, yes, Wilson Woodruff was instructed to end plural marriages. But, that doesn't make it a neglect with Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and John Taylor. You logic is faulty. But, we already knew that.

Actually, the reason was well established. Congress wouldn't allow Utah to enter the union unless polygamy was made against the law. And amazingly, God changed his mind. Just like God changed his mind about black people being part of the priesthood in 1978, when they were threatening your tax exemptions and people were boycotting BYU.

As to brainwashing, you obviously either have no clue about it or you yourself have been brainwashed by your secular idiots. Even 8 year olds are not baptized unless they specifically say they want to be baptized. You wouldn't know that there are some that say no and want to wait and learn more. Same with adults. We teach and ask prospects to study out in their own minds, meditate on their own, pray on their own and make their own decisions without pressure. I was never pressured. I had experiences growing up that testified by the influence of the Holy Ghost to the knowledge Jesus Christ lives and is the Lord Messiah God.

Actually, my only encounter with members of your cult was in 1983, and I never met a more smile in your face, stab you in the back bunch in my life. That was before I found out all the crazy shit you people believe.

After studying information from the missionaries, reading the Book of Mormon, Bible, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price, I sat in the presence of a Prophet of God, Spencer W. Kimball at a devotional. While he was speaking, I was praying to know if he is a true Prophet of God. I received my answer influenced by the Holy Ghost, again. I went to my neighbor and let him know I was ready to be baptized. I was 24 years old. That was 46 years ago. I lived through the 1980's, dumbskull.

Self delusion is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Look, guy, that wasn't the holy spirit, those were voices in your head. They have medication for that now.

You got a thorough scrubbing.

Bullshit. The only reason there was ANY economic growth under reagan is because they spent like drunken sailors on the military. Simple concept- We have never gotten out of a recession without a spike in government spending. It just doesn't happen. Good presidents buy houses and bad presidents buy bombs.

Um, yeah, hate to break it to you.

The leaders of your cult practiced polygamy because they could. Because the brainwashed idiots were happy to hand over their wives and daughters.

Actually, the reason was well established. Congress wouldn't allow Utah to enter the union unless polygamy was made against the law. And amazingly, God changed his mind. Just like God changed his mind about black people being part of the priesthood in 1978, when they were threatening your tax exemptions and people were boycotting BYU.

Actually, my only encounter with members of your cult was in 1983, and I never met a more smile in your face, stab you in the back bunch in my life. That was before I found out all the crazy shit you people believe.

Self delusion is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Look, guy, that wasn't the holy spirit, those were voices in your head. They have medication for that now.
Economic growth means the economy is growing. I know that's difficult for you to understand. Simply put, businesses are employing because they don't have to pay so much in taxation. People can spend more money because they have less taxation which means businesses are growing and people are being hired and spending more money and thus more revenue for the Government to protect our national interests home and abroad. When inflation is low, their paychecks are growing faster than inflation, then people have more money to spend ending up with a positive Government revenue. Like under Trump. With strong economics, it's possible to make more military weapons and deter our enemies. And, the wall and Russia came tumbling down! Dumbskull...

You can spew hatred all you want and it still doesn't make anything you wrote true. None of what you wrote is true concerning the Church, Polygamy, the Prophets and especially BYU. Only Stanford would not play BYU in football. That is no loss.
Economic growth means the economy is growing. I know that's difficult for you to understand. Simply put, businesses are employing because they don't have to pay so much in taxation. People can spend more money because they have less taxation which means businesses are growing and people are being hired and spending more money and thus more revenue for the Government to protect our national interests home and abroad. When inflation is low, their paychecks are growing faster than inflation, then people have more money to spend ending up with a positive Government revenue. Like under Trump. With strong economics, it's possible to make more military weapons and deter our enemies. And, the wall and Russia came tumbling down! Dumbskull...

Economic growth in the Ray-Gun years meant the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
Supply side doesn't work. It never has. But Republicans keep trying it. They don't even pretend it spurs growth anymore, they argue the rich deserve tax breaks because they are special.

You can spew hatred all you want and it still doesn't make anything you wrote true. None of what you wrote is true concerning the Church, Polygamy, the Prophets and especially BYU. Only Stanford would not play BYU in football. That is no loss.

Right. Because after Stanford took that principled stand, Spencer Kimball had a talk with God, and God totally changed his mind on black people holding the priesthood.
Because, hey, God will totally change his mind on things where money is involved.
Economic growth in the Ray-Gun years meant the rich got richer and the poor got poorer.
Supply side doesn't work. It never has. But Republicans keep trying it. They don't even pretend it spurs growth anymore, they argue the rich deserve tax breaks because they are special.

Right. Because after Stanford took that principled stand, Spencer Kimball had a talk with God, and God totally changed his mind on black people holding the priesthood.
Because, hey, God will totally change his mind on things where money is involved.
Less Government, lower taxes, lower gas prices, stronger military always works. This took down the USSR. The USSR tried to use socialism at the same time and their productivity went into the toilet. Socialism has never worked anywhere. And, don't give me the Netherlands answer because they are more capitalistic than we are. They simply have a larger welfare net. But, they have no military protection if needed. Capitalism-supply side isn't perfect. But, it's brought more people around the world out of poverty than any other form of economics and government. Before Reagan, we had 21% interest rates and 13% inflation with socialism Jimmy Carter. It took 8 years of Reagan to get rid of most of that.
No, the rich don't deserve tax breaks because they are special. Specifically, we want low or no corporate taxation. If you want businesses to keep prices low, gasoline prices low, more people working, higher wages without government intervention, then why tax corporations? Just tax the rich their incomes and close loopholes. But, don't over tax them or the business owners will raise prices, cut jobs and lower wages. This isn't rocket science. It's simple logic and reasoning. And, it works. It worked with Trump too. Biden took office with inflation at 1.54%. He and his Democrat politicians kept the country shut down when it shouldn't have been, gave away trillions of dollars, stopped oil and other energy companies from using their land leases which all drove up inflation to almost 10%. It's still high and going back up again. Capitalism works. Socialism doesn't. Socialism always turns into communism and tens of millions of people are killed off one way or another.

Presidents of the Church (The Prophet) have been praying for this for decades before 1978 happened. Again, you simply have no idea about what you are talking about. If it was between doctrine and BYU, the Church would shut down BYU, period. The thing about the ban on black males receiving the priesthood, it wasn't by doctrine. It was by policy that the Lord wanted. The Church was struggling before the civil war as it was. To lose members in the south would have possibly put it under and stalled for longer than the Lord wanted. The Lord still wanted blacks to be baptized and they were. Elijah Abel was a Priesthood Elder and member of the 3rd Quorum of the 70's, a general authority. In 1978, when President Kimball gave the revelation to lift the ban, those who had spoken up previously on the reasons why, denounced their own ignorance about it and said that they had all been wrong.
When the Lord gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, the righteous didn't go around asking why they couldn't steal, commit adultery and God didn't give reasons either. The Lord said no Priesthood for blacks. Why? I think my answer is still the best one, the Church had to survive and it would have been difficult at that time for it to have. By 1978, that had changed after the Civil Rights Act and all of that through the 50's and 60's. While hatred towards the Church was still high (still is now by you evil persons following Satan) it wasn't because we had blacks in the Church. That was over and so the change was ready to be made. The Church was large enough and financially strong to be able to withstand any negative from Church members when the change was made. The idea that somehow the spirits of the black people were fence-sitters in the pre-earth life or something along those thoughts was never through revelation.
So dushbag, what do you want, for the Church to again deny blacks the priesthood?
Less Government, lower taxes, lower gas prices, stronger military always works.

except it didn't. We spent ourselves into a 30 trillion dollar hole that we'll never get out of because we don't make the rich pay their fair share.

No, the rich don't deserve tax breaks because they are special. Specifically, we want low or no corporate taxation.

Well, I'm sure that's what you've been told you want. You are such a sheep....

Presidents of the Church (The Prophet) have been praying for this for decades before 1978 happened. Again, you simply have no idea about what you are talking about. If it was between doctrine and BYU, the Church would shut down BYU, period. The thing about the ban on black males receiving the priesthood, it wasn't by doctrine. It was by policy that the Lord wanted.

Why would God want that? Is God a prick? Well, Mormon God is a prick. That's why I worship C'Thulhu. No pretense.

The Church was struggling before the civil war as it was. To lose members in the south would have possibly put it under and stalled for longer than the Lord wanted. The Lord still wanted blacks to be baptized and they were. Elijah Abel was a Priesthood Elder and member of the 3rd Quorum of the 70's, a general authority. In 1978, when President Kimball gave the revelation to lift the ban, those who had spoken up previously on the reasons why, denounced their own ignorance about it and said that they had all been wrong.

Except the Prophet talks to God. And God had a lot of money riding on BYU, apparently.

Look, we know what the deal is here. All religions are products of their time. Mormonism was made up at a time when racism and the inferiority of non-whites was considered acceptable.

When the Lord gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, the righteous didn't go around asking why they couldn't steal, commit adultery and God didn't give reasons either.

Maybe they should have.

The Lord said no Priesthood for blacks. Why? I think my answer is still the best one, the Church had to survive and it would have been difficult at that time for it to have. By 1978, that had changed after the Civil Rights Act and all of that through the 50's and 60's. While hatred towards the Church was still high (still is now by you evil persons following Satan) it wasn't because we had blacks in the Church.

Well, some problems with this. First, there still aren't that many Mormons in the South, and they are Baptists who hate the Mormons even more than I do.

That was over and so the change was ready to be made. The Church was large enough and financially strong to be able to withstand any negative from Church members when the change was made. The idea that somehow the spirits of the black people were fence-sitters in the pre-earth life or something along those thoughts was never through revelation.

Actually more like Jimmy Carter was rolling back tax exemptions for racist churches, such as the Mormons and Bob Jones, and they were trying to get out ahead of it.

So dushbag, what do you want, for the Church to again deny blacks the priesthood?

Actually, what I want is for the Prophet of your Church to get up, admit it was all a lie, and apologize profusely to everyone before encouraging them to think for themselves.
except it didn't. We spent ourselves into a 30 trillion dollar hole that we'll never get out of because we don't make the rich pay their fair share.

Well, I'm sure that's what you've been told you want. You are such a sheep....

Why would God want that? Is God a prick? Well, Mormon God is a prick. That's why I worship C'Thulhu. No pretense.

Except the Prophet talks to God. And God had a lot of money riding on BYU, apparently.

Look, we know what the deal is here. All religions are products of their time. Mormonism was made up at a time when racism and the inferiority of non-whites was considered acceptable.

Maybe they should have.

Well, some problems with this. First, there still aren't that many Mormons in the South, and they are Baptists who hate the Mormons even more than I do.

Actually more like Jimmy Carter was rolling back tax exemptions for racist churches, such as the Mormons and Bob Jones, and they were trying to get out ahead of it.

Actually, what I want is for the Prophet of your Church to get up, admit it was all a lie, and apologize profusely to everyone before encouraging them to think for themselves.
How many rich people do you think there are? And, when you say rich, what are you specifically targeting to "pay their fair share?" I agree with you that we keep spending more and more money. Reagan wanted a balanced budget, line item veto as well. But NOOOOOOO! Said the Democrats! The spend thrift drunken party. As you are stating (probably didn't mean to) supply side doesn't increase the debt since it increases employment which increases tax money coming to the government. It's what the government does at that point. One area we can reduce is drop the amount of pensions for all government workers starting with the President and Congress. All of them when they leave get book deals, work on TV news channels and many just go back to their work and make gobs more money than before. It's the public pensions that need overhauling and not social security as much. Social Security doesn't cause the National Debt to grow. It's unfunded debt. But, public pensions do.

So, every statement made about the Church is a lie. But, what should I expect from atheists.
How many rich people do you think there are? And, when you say rich, what are you specifically targeting to "pay their fair share?"

That's an easy one. The top 1% control 43% of the wealth. We can start there. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth.

So if you are in the top 20%, you should be paying a lot more in taxes.

Reagan wanted a balanced budget, line item veto as well. But NOOOOOOO! Said the Democrats!

No, that would be unconstitutional. You remember the Constitution, the thing you think is written in stone. It would be a massive shift in power from the Legislative Branch to the Executive Branch.

As you are stating (probably didn't mean to) supply side doesn't increase the debt since it increases employment which increases tax money coming to the government. I
Actually, I said nothing of the sort. Supply side doesn't increase employment. In fact, we had some of our best economic numbers after Clinton made the rich pay their fair share.

One area we can reduce is drop the amount of pensions for all government workers starting with the President and Congress. All of them when they leave get book deals, work on TV news channels and many just go back to their work and make gobs more money than before. It's the public pensions that need overhauling and not social security as much. Social Security doesn't cause the National Debt to grow. It's unfunded debt. But, public pensions do.

Do you know how much the government spends on pensions? It's not that much compared to the 1.3 TRILLION we spend on Social Security.

So, every statement made about the Church is a lie. But, what should I expect from atheists.

You belong to a cult. Your cult leaders have been lying to you. Don't be a sheep.
That's an easy one. The top 1% control 43% of the wealth. We can start there. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth.

So if you are in the top 20%, you should be paying a lot more in taxes.

No, that would be unconstitutional. You remember the Constitution, the thing you think is written in stone. It would be a massive shift in power from the Legislative Branch to the Executive Branch.

Actually, I said nothing of the sort. Supply side doesn't increase employment. In fact, we had some of our best economic numbers after Clinton made the rich pay their fair share.

Do you know how much the government spends on pensions? It's not that much compared to the 1.3 TRILLION we spend on Social Security.

You belong to a cult. Your cult leaders have been lying to you. Don't be a sheep.

I think they are paying their fair share. Not enough for you socialist-communists? Then instead of raising taxes, let's stop spending money on pension plans for the public sector. Let's shut down many Federal Agencies and save money there. It's always attack the rich for you coveters. You aren't smart enough so you'll just take it through tyranny. Congress has already gave away much of their power as it stands. If you want to stop the pork spending, line item veto will do it.

Reagan had the highest cumulative job percentage increase of 15.5% from Carter to Trump. Supply side works to create jobs. Clinton had the largest raw number increases but he also had to cut taxes and allow capitalism to flourish because of the Republican controlled Congress.

Cults are great! Jesus following was a cult as well. And, I belong to the Jesus Cult of today, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The only Church with authority to perform the saving ordinances required for eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom.
I think they are paying their fair share. Not enough for you socialist-communists? Then instead of raising taxes, let's stop spending money on pension plans for the public sector.
I'm waiting for you to tell me how much we are spending on Public Pensions for government employees.

It isn't that much, and most of that was put aside when they were working.

Let's shut down many Federal Agencies and save money there.

Give me a list and how much money you will save.

Because once you factor out Social Security, Medicare, and Defense, there just isn't that much left to cut.


It's always attack the rich for you coveters. You aren't smart enough so you'll just take it through tyranny. Congress has already gave away much of their power as it stands. If you want to stop the pork spending, line item veto will do it.

Have you met rich people? Most of them aren't that smart. Just lucky. And they should pay their fair share.

Now, my thought on a fair share. Take everything they have and harvest them for transplant organs... But that might come off as harsh, so let's actually just tax them at pre-Reagan rates.

Reagan had the highest cumulative job percentage increase of 15.5% from Carter to Trump. Supply side works to create jobs. Clinton had the largest raw number increases but he also had to cut taxes and allow capitalism to flourish because of the Republican controlled Congress.

Again, makes me wonder if you lived through that time period. Sure, you got more jobs that didn't pay shit. That's when "Working two jobs" became common.

Cults are great! Jesus following was a cult as well. And, I belong to the Jesus Cult of today, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The only Church with authority to perform the saving ordinances required for eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom.
At least you are admitting Mormonism is a cult.
No, cults aren't great. Religion isn't great.
Letting other people tell you how to live your life without letting you have a say in it isn't great. As much as you whine about government, at least we had an election on that. Who elected God?
I'm waiting for you to tell me how much we are spending on Public Pensions for government employees.

It isn't that much, and most of that was put aside when they were working.

Give me a list and how much money you will save.

Because once you factor out Social Security, Medicare, and Defense, there just isn't that much left to cut.


Have you met rich people? Most of them aren't that smart. Just lucky. And they should pay their fair share.

Now, my thought on a fair share. Take everything they have and harvest them for transplant organs... But that might come off as harsh, so let's actually just tax them at pre-Reagan rates.

Again, makes me wonder if you lived through that time period. Sure, you got more jobs that didn't pay shit. That's when "Working two jobs" became common.

At least you are admitting Mormonism is a cult.
No, cults aren't great. Religion isn't great.
Letting other people tell you how to live your life without letting you have a say in it isn't great. As much as you whine about government, at least we had an election on that. Who elected God?
Yep, nothing on public pensions. That is conveniently left out. Then, there are 426 Federal agencies. Where are all of those? See, Social Security and Medicare are unfunded debts which probably total $200 trillion dollars of debt. And, of course, I'm also talking about not only Federal pensions but State, County, City as well. Where is that listed? Now, we certainly can get rid of Obummercare and that will save a bunch of money as well. Stop funding child mutilation woke agendas, abortion and all manner of wickedness and unholy practices. For Social Security, start doing what Bush wanted to do. Privately fund 5% of Social Security to start with. I see states like California are starting to make companies offer retirement plans. What I don't like is that the states are offering PDP IRA plans. Leave that to the private sector. But, they love power and money. Japan for decades required people to set aside a certain percentage of their income into a retirement plan. You might think the first response would businesses increasing their wages and causing more inflation. But, nope. People would have to learn to live on less. Budget better. The Government can also go back to the Trump energy program where we develop our own resources and keep gasoline prices low for individuals and trucking-train businesses. That keep inflation low. Unlike stupid Biden and the Democrats. Gas is back over $5/gal in California again. Way to go Brandon!

Yes, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began as a cult. It's a bit large now and worldwide to call it a cult anymore. But, the Lord's Church was called a cult 2,000 years ago when he established it and now again in these latter-days where he restored it again. It was scorned back then by religious leaders and atheists and again today. Just proves that it's the real Church of Jesus Christ.

The thing about our Church is you are baptized when you say you want to be. No one is forced to join and no one is forced to stay. Of course, we will encourage all to seek the next covenant with the Lord along the path to eternal life. Just like you seek to discourage people from seeking the next covenant with God and cause them to be blinded and fall away into the filth of darkness. I choose to live my life in adherence with the covenants I've made with the Lord and his commandments. As far as your dumb question about who elected God, in the true Church, we don't elect our leaders. When leaders are called, we raise our hands for a "sustaining" vote. Meaning we agree with the selection and will assist in helping them with their callings. As an example, when a Bishop is called, he's called by the Godhead themselves (Father, Son, Holy Ghost). He is presented to the congregation in which he will lead (Ward) for a sustaining vote to help him in ways to take the full burden off him so that he can continue to work and to be with his family as well. Our local leaders are lay ministers and have jobs like you atheists do. We give of our time and talents to build up the Kingdom of God that is here on the Earth, the Church.
Now, in the pre-earth life, sometimes referred to by members as the pre-existence, there was a grand council convened. We were all there as we are all spirit children of our Heavenly Father (and Mother). Father presented his plan of salvation and exaltation for all his children. It would require a Savior to come down and atone for our sins we will commit as we continue to have our free moral agency to choose good or evil. That was also true in the pre-existence. So, Lucifer spoke up and said he didn't like the plan where we would come and have to choose, suffer consequences, pain and even death. He said he'd lead us all down to earth, show us good and evil and then we'd all return without life challenges and death. But, Lucifer also wanted all glory upon him above his Father in Heaven. Jesus then said he was in favor of keeping our free moral agency and the right to choose by having opposites for us to choose. Good and evil, virtue and vice, pleasure pain, life and death and so on...And, that he would accept the position of Savior and atone for the sins we commit if we repent and seek forgiveness so that we can return to Heaven and eventually be resurrected. So, we had the opportunity to sustain Father's plan or Lucifer's plan. It wasn't a vote. Father's plan was going to be the only plan of salvation and exaltation. One-third of our brothers and sisters chose to follow Lucifer and be case out without the opportunity to come to this earth and receive a mortal body to be tried and tested to see if we can learn to control our body, parts and appetites and by faith do all things we covenanted in the pre-existence to do here on earth. So, God does not need to be elected. You need to accept him as your Father, the Christ (Savior) and accept the Holy Ghost influence to know these things by faith are true.
Yep, nothing on public pensions. That is conveniently left out. Then, there are 426 Federal agencies. Where are all of those? See, Social Security and Medicare are unfunded debts which probably total $200 trillion dollars of debt. And, of course, I'm also talking about not only Federal pensions but State, County, City as well. Where is that listed?

TRy to stay on one subject, okay? That's total outlays... Pensions are retirement programs that govt. employees get instead of SS.

Stop funding child mutilation woke agendas, abortion and all manner of wickedness and unholy practices.

Federal government doesn't pay for abortions thanks to the Hyde Amendment (named for my former sack of shit congressman, Henry Hyde).
and just because you don't like someting doesn't mean we shouldn't fund it. That's why it's called "Democracy".

For Social Security, start doing what Bush wanted to do. Privately fund 5% of Social Security to start with.
Uh, yeah, even Republicans thought that was a bad idea at the time. Then Bush crashed the Stock Market, and no one ever said it again.
Japan for decades required people to set aside a certain percentage of their income into a retirement plan.
So do we. It's called "Social Security". And if you want to copy Japan, we should have universal health coverage. Because New Dealers set up Japan's government after WWII, they are lot more liberal than we are.

Yes, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began as a cult.
And it still is.
Now, in the pre-earth life, sometimes referred to by members as the pre-existence, there was a grand council convened. We were all there as we are all spirit children of our Heavenly Father (and Mother). Father presented his plan of salvation and exaltation for all his children. It would require a Savior to come down and atone for our sins we will commit as we continue to have our free moral agency to choose good or evil. That was also true in the pre-existence. So, Lucifer spoke up and said he didn't like the plan where we would come and have to choose, suffer consequences, pain and even death. He said he'd lead us all down to earth, show us good and evil and then we'd all return without life challenges and death. But, Lucifer also wanted all glory upon him above his Father in Heaven. Jesus then said he was in favor of keeping our free moral agency and the right to choose by having opposites for us to choose.
Well, when you describe it that way... it sounds extra crazy.
TRy to stay on one subject, okay? That's total outlays... Pensions are retirement programs that govt. employees get instead of SS.

Federal government doesn't pay for abortions thanks to the Hyde Amendment (named for my former sack of shit congressman, Henry Hyde).
and just because you don't like someting doesn't mean we shouldn't fund it. That's why it's called "Democracy".

Uh, yeah, even Republicans thought that was a bad idea at the time. Then Bush crashed the Stock Market, and no one ever said it again.

So do we. It's called "Social Security". And if you want to copy Japan, we should have universal health coverage. Because New Dealers set up Japan's government after WWII, they are lot more liberal than we are.

And it still is.

Well, when you describe it that way... it sounds extra crazy.
So, you can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Got it. :popcorn:

The government backs Planned Parenthood and other organizations whose primary work is abortions. Or, I guess you could call this money laundering too.

You do know that the S&P500 has averaged about 9-11% a year growth over the past 75 years. So what if there is a drop in the market on paper. Great time to be putting money in the market on a monthly basis. Plus, the dividends and capital gains are also going in while the market is down. Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) says this is a long term good thing. The idea of privatizing 5% was to have people investing in their own accounts so they can take advantage of DCA. And, 5% would not have destroyed Social Security nor affected it either. It would have helped it. That in itself would have taken a lot of the pressure off 40 years from now when the young would be taking money out for retirement with compound interest and DCA. It would have not affected the people on SS now. But, I would be the first person to say Republican or Democrat know little about investing in mutual funds.

The accounts in Japan were private accounts, not SS type accounts. :springbed:

The CJCOLDS is not a cult anymore. Too large to be called one. And, why would it be crazy to let people know what happened in the pre-existence and how the third of heaven fell with Lucifer? It's in the Bible. But, as we say to people who think all they need is the Bible, it's not the fullness of the Gospel. There is much more to understand and appreciate about God. :spinner:
So, you can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Got it.
Naw, man, it's just against the rules to go this far off topic.

You started out saying Federal Pensions were the problem. Except they aren't. They are paid for through deductions from employee salaries.

The government backs Planned Parenthood and other organizations whose primary work is abortions. Or, I guess you could call this money laundering too.

No, I would call that preventing abortions. The money government gives PP goes to distributing contraception, which prevents abortions. People still gonna fuck.

You do know that the S&P500 has averaged about 9-11% a year growth over the past 75 years. So what if there is a drop in the market on paper. Great time to be putting money in the market on a monthly basis.

The stock market works very well for the rich who can manipulate it. The rest of us, not so much.

The accounts in Japan were private accounts, not SS type accounts

Nope, the Japanese have social security, universal health care and strict gun control.. all stuff you wingnuts would hate.

The CJCOLDS is not a cult anymore. Too large to be called one. And, why would it be crazy to let people know what happened in the pre-existence and how the third of heaven fell with Lucifer? It's in the Bible. But, as we say to people who think all they need is the Bible, it's not the fullness of the Gospel. There is much more to understand and appreciate about God.

Because these are all crazy stories... and they aren't even original. The whole story about the "Third of Heaven" who became demons is pretty much lifted right out of Milton's Paradise Lost. (Although I doubt Smith ever read Milton, he probably just got a watered down version.) His stories about lost tribes of Israel in the Americas was stolen from Ethan Smith's "A View of the Hebrews" It was a popular theory at the time because a bunch of racist white people were finding the artifacts of the Mound Building Civilization and were too racist to think the Native Americans built them.

Joseph Smith plagiarized and made shit up, to con less smart people out of money and fuck their wives and teenage daughters.
Naw, man, it's just against the rules to go this far off topic.

You started out saying Federal Pensions were the problem. Except they aren't. They are paid for through deductions from employee salaries.

No, I would call that preventing abortions. The money government gives PP goes to distributing contraception, which prevents abortions. People still gonna fuck.

The stock market works very well for the rich who can manipulate it. The rest of us, not so much.

Nope, the Japanese have social security, universal health care and strict gun control.. all stuff you wingnuts would hate.

Because these are all crazy stories... and they aren't even original. The whole story about the "Third of Heaven" who became demons is pretty much lifted right out of Milton's Paradise Lost. (Although I doubt Smith ever read Milton, he probably just got a watered down version.) His stories about lost tribes of Israel in the Americas was stolen from Ethan Smith's "A View of the Hebrews" It was a popular theory at the time because a bunch of racist white people were finding the artifacts of the Mound Building Civilization and were too racist to think the Native Americans built them.

Joseph Smith plagiarized and made shit up, to con less smart people out of money and fuck their wives and teenage daughters.
Old stuff. Been around since the 1800's. Just more anti-Mormon crap that has been debunked long ago. The two really aren't the same in many ways. Here is a study done you might like. Affinities and Infinities - BYU Studies
Naw, man, it's just against the rules to go this far off topic.

You started out saying Federal Pensions were the problem. Except they aren't. They are paid for through deductions from employee salaries.

No, I would call that preventing abortions. The money government gives PP goes to distributing contraception, which prevents abortions. People still gonna fuck.

The stock market works very well for the rich who can manipulate it. The rest of us, not so much.

Nope, the Japanese have social security, universal health care and strict gun control.. all stuff you wingnuts would hate.

Because these are all crazy stories... and they aren't even original. The whole story about the "Third of Heaven" who became demons is pretty much lifted right out of Milton's Paradise Lost. (Although I doubt Smith ever read Milton, he probably just got a watered down version.) His stories about lost tribes of Israel in the Americas was stolen from Ethan Smith's "A View of the Hebrews" It was a popular theory at the time because a bunch of racist white people were finding the artifacts of the Mound Building Civilization and were too racist to think the Native Americans built them.

Joseph Smith plagiarized and made shit up, to con less smart people out of money and fuck their wives and teenage daughters.
Summary: Those who propose a connection between the Book of Mormon and A View of the Hebrews generally ignore the presence of many "unparallels"—these are elements of Ethan Smith's book which would have provided a rich source of material for Joseph to use in order to persuade his contemporaries that the Book of Mormon was an ancient history of the American Indians, and that they were descended from Israel. Yet, the Book of Mormon consistently ignores such supposed "bulls-eyes," which is good news for proponents of the Book of Mormon's authenticity, since virtually all of Ethan's "evidences" have been judged to be false or misleading. - Book of Mormon/Authorship theories/View of the Hebrews - FAIR

As you can see, the Church doesn't see this as a problem and is now very old news and debunked just like the Spaulding lie was debunked. Don't you find it interesting that it is members of the Church and at BYU that are open about this? Fascinating if we are just trying to hide stuff.
Old stuff. Been around since the 1800's. Just more anti-Mormon crap that has been debunked long ago. The two really aren't the same in many ways. Here is a study done you might like.

Well, you have a point. Milton and Ethan Smith were pretty straight forward in that they were writing Bible Fan Fiction.

Joseph Smith straight up lied about magic plates and seeing stones.

It should be pointed out that just knowing the basic points of a story can have an influence without knowing the details... like this guy.

So why was Doctor Who mocking Star Wars.

Okay, on a more serious note, the ideas we have about Satan and Hell have a lot more to do with Dante and Milton than they do with the Bible. Another bit of evidence that Joseph Smith was making it up. If he were writing today, Jesus would probably pull out a lightsaber.

Well, you have a point. Milton and Ethan Smith were pretty straight forward in that they were writing Bible Fan Fiction.

Joseph Smith straight up lied about magic plates and seeing stones.

It should be pointed out that just knowing the basic points of a story can have an influence without knowing the details... like this guy.

So why was Doctor Who mocking Star Wars.

Okay, on a more serious note, the ideas we have about Satan and Hell have a lot more to do with Dante and Milton than they do with the Bible. Another bit of evidence that Joseph Smith was making it up. If he were writing today, Jesus would probably pull out a lightsaber.

Milton didn't use much of the Bible. No, Joseph Smith didn't lie about the plates and Urim and Thumim.
I agree that had Joseph Smith read or even heard of the book prior to receiving the plates from the Angel Moroni that he could have come up with his own story. However, a big difference between the two was their education. I've seen computer programs that have identified that there were many different writers and each book within the Book of Mormon were different writers as well. Just the patterns in which they are written shows that. I'm sure that the Bible books when first written were not as well written as they are now because of the same lack of education of many of the Prophets. Moses would have been different as he learned in Pharaoh's home. Also, the writers of what I posted make sense.

Satan and Hell are constructs of the Old and New Testament. Both Dante and Milton read the Bible. So, that's where they were influenced to write what they did. The Gospel of Jesus Christ today in its fullness with our Books of Doctrine from the Lord have more than what is left in the Bible from when books and letters were lost or left out. This is the restored Church and the important doctrines concerning our eventual outcomes in the resurrection have been restored. Many of which were lost or simply not understood and missing the saving ordinances like baptism for the Dead (1Cor. 15:29)...

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