Citizen Arrest "OR" Make My Day Law


Nov 5, 2021
After watching the Ahmaud Arbery case & my own experience of what I've been through! I've been attacked to where my home was broken into & me & my daughter became a victim getting hit! But we lived to tell about it! This wasn't the only encounter for me "OR" my family had experienced by being attacked! But for someone thinking it's ok to take the law in their own hands is wrong. I don't care if a person used to be a Judge a cop- President, Senator "OR" a Congressman it doesn't matter who you are the rules still apply no matter what you do! "OR" what you once we're!! Where I'm from we had a judge that went to jail after behaving inappropriately In court! In order for this world to stay balanced it is up to us all & is based on how we all work together! Is it considered Citizen Arrest to grab a Gun "OR" jump behind a wheel?? To attack someone out of the blue!! Is it a make my day law when someone loses their life by jogging down a road?? As said in the old history book over Slander & Libel a person may have freedom of speech but you can't yell fire in a crowded (theater) room whether "OR" not it actually cause for that exception to being the 1st Amendment!


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After watching the Ahmaud Arbery case & my own experience of what I've been through! I've been attacked to where my home was broken into & me & my daughter became a victim getting hit! But we lived to tell about it! This wasn't the only encounter for me "OR" my family had experienced by being attacked! But for someone thinking it's ok to take the law in their own hands is wrong. I don't care if a person used to be a Judge a cop- President, Senator "OR" a Congressman it doesn't matter who you are the rules still apply no matter what you do! "OR" what you once we're!! Where I'm from we had a judge that went to jail after behaving inappropriately In court! In order for this world to stay balanced it is up to us all & is based on how we all work together! Is it considered Citizen Arrest to grab a Gun "OR" jump behind a wheel?? To attack someone out of the blue!! Is it a make my day law when someone loses their life by jogging down a road?? As said in the old history book over Slander & Libel a person may have freedom of speech but you can't yell fire in a crowded (theater) room whether "OR" not it actually cause for that exception to being the 1st Amendment!

You only lived to tell about it because you weren't killed. Consider yourself lucky and arm yourself for the possibility that it might happen again. LIke you said, "This wasn't the only encounter.."
Seems like a pretty silly OP to me. People have a right to protect themselves and loved ones and home. Far as I'm concerned that right is also a responsibility And anyone who allows crime to happen should rightly be charged as an accomplice and become one with the prison population they favor.
Seems like a pretty silly OP to me. People have a right to protect themselves and loved ones and home. Far as I'm concerned that right is also a responsibility And anyone who allows crime to happen should rightly be charged as an accomplice and become one with the prison population they favor.
they weren't protecting themselves. They caused Arbery death's.
After watching the Ahmaud Arbery case & my own experience of what I've been through! I've been attacked to where my home was broken into & me & my daughter became a victim getting hit! But we lived to tell about it! This wasn't the only encounter for me "OR" my family had experienced by being attacked! But for someone thinking it's ok to take the law in their own hands is wrong. I don't care if a person used to be a Judge a cop- President, Senator "OR" a Congressman it doesn't matter who you are the rules still apply no matter what you do! "OR" what you once we're!! Where I'm from we had a judge that went to jail after behaving inappropriately In court! In order for this world to stay balanced it is up to us all & is based on how we all work together! Is it considered Citizen Arrest to grab a Gun "OR" jump behind a wheel?? To attack someone out of the blue!! Is it a make my day law when someone loses their life by jogging down a road?? As said in the old history book over Slander & Libel a person may have freedom of speech but you can't yell fire in a crowded (theater) room whether "OR" not it actually cause for that exception to being the 1st Amendment!

The old Citizens Defense Law in Georgia was not a bad law. It was a bet your life law. Let me explain. If you saw someone stealing from your store, or house, you could place them under Citizens Arrest. You saw the crime first hand. You had the right to arrest them.

Now, if they had committed no crime. You were the one who went to jail for False Imprisonment under Georgia Law. So most people would never dream of doing it. Because the stakes are so high, most people would not even think of doing it.

The case you’re talking about, the McMichaels, were committing crimes from the get go. Literally nothing they did that day was legal. And they’re on trial for it. And as I live in Georgia, I have gone on record as saying I think they’re going to be found Guilty.
After watching the Ahmaud Arbery case & my own experience of what I've been through! I've been attacked to where my home was broken into & me & my daughter became a victim getting hit! But we lived to tell about it! This wasn't the only encounter for me "OR" my family had experienced by being attacked! But for someone thinking it's ok to take the law in their own hands is wrong. I don't care if a person used to be a Judge a cop- President, Senator "OR" a Congressman it doesn't matter who you are the rules still apply no matter what you do! "OR" what you once we're!! Where I'm from we had a judge that went to jail after behaving inappropriately In court! In order for this world to stay balanced it is up to us all & is based on how we all work together! Is it considered Citizen Arrest to grab a Gun "OR" jump behind a wheel?? To attack someone out of the blue!! Is it a make my day law when someone loses their life by jogging down a road?? As said in the old history book over Slander & Libel a person may have freedom of speech but you can't yell fire in a crowded (theater) room whether "OR" not it actually cause for that exception to being the 1st Amendment!
Are you familiar with gaslighting? It's a form of emotional and psychological manipulation that is engaged in to make a person doubt their own experiences and things they know to be true.

Stand your ground has very little if anything to do with the Arbery case. Stand your ground is generally used to mean that if you're in your home (the castle doctrine) that you do not have to retreat or try to get away from an armed intruder before being allowed to use a weapon in self defense.

No matter what some members of this board alleged as fact, nor how the prosecution attempts to portray this shooting, it wouldn't have happened had not the defendants made several erroneous assumption about Arbery in order to justify their aggression towards him. If they hadn't initiated a armed confrontation with him, the shooting in all likihood would have never occurred. Only punks start a fight, then claim that they were being attacked and had to use their weapon in self-defense, when it's written right into the self-defense laws that the shooter can not have initiated the altercation/confrontation and then claim self-defense. But they know this, they just ignore it because otherwise it would get in their way of doing exactly what they want.

There are several people here who will claim this is a clear case of self defense, but self defense would not have been necessary had they not taken it upon themselves to play wanna be cops and attempt to chase Arbery down so that they could allegedly interrogate him at the side of the road, with the weapons being there only as a precaution.

Please do not buy into that narrative.

If you are in a situation where you're not as safe as you want to be and if you have some way to secure a weapon from your potential abuser or any criminal, legally acquire a weapon, find a good instructor, you don't have to become a sharpshooter, just put in enough practice until you're confident you can hit your target.

Please read up on everything you can regarding WHEN you can use your weapon to protect your life or the lives of other family members. If you can get some types of cameras so that you can voice activate them if you find yourself in a dire situation that will record everything being said and done in the event you have to use your weapon, especially if you're female. Women get prosecuted more frequently and more severely for killing their abusers, you don't want to end up being one of their statistics of any kind.

I know it's not always possible, but it's always better to at least have a chance to defend yourself and not have to depend on how magnanamous the criminal with the gun is feeling on whether you live or die.
they weren't protecting themselves. They caused Arbery death's.
Really? Don't know; don't care. Who did what to whom is a matter for courts to decide. Not you; not me; and not anybody else in service to an agenda. I commented about the OP; not what might or might not have happened in a particular case I know nothing about. People shouldn't "take the law into their own hands"? How else is the law to be enforced? The laws are made and enforced by the people. We claim to be a Nation "...of the people, by the people, for the people". If the police the government and the judicial system aren't all part of the "people", what are they?
Arbery attacked them, they were protecting themselves.

If they were in their homes. Hell on their property. I would agree. But they were not. And they chased Arbery down, and that rules out Self Defense as an argument.
Seriously? You want someone who has no idea of what is lawful and not lawful attempting to enforce the law? Or more importantly, has no authority to attempt to enforce the law on fellow citizens?
Silly question. If nobody could be expected to know what the laws are nobody could be expected to abide by them. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." is a well known legal precept. Very few people are too stupid to know what is/is not legal. Only the ill informed fail to understand that there are times and places where citizens have authority to detain or arrest.
Silly question. If nobody could be expected to know what the laws are nobody could be expected to abide by them. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." is a well known legal precept. Very few people are too stupid to know what is/is not legal. Only the ill informed fail to understand that there are times and places where citizens have authority to detain or arrest.
Well I'm hardly ill-informed and you made the assertion, so when can private citizens LAWFULLY attempt to detain and/or arrest someone? And what happens when the person they're targeting resists or counters their efforts?
Well I'm hardly ill-informed and you made the assertion, so when can private citizens LAWFULLY attempt to detain and/or arrest someone? And what happens when the person they're targeting resists or counters their efforts?

For Miss "Informed":
cit·i·zen's ar·rest
/ˈˌsidizənz əˈrest,ˈˌsidisənz əˈrest/


  1. an arrest by an ordinary person without a warrant, allowable in certain cases.
    "he chased the thieves and made a citizen's arrest"

Citizen's Arrest​

A citizen’s arrest is an arrest made by any person instead of by a police officer. In tort law, a citizen's arrest is something that any person can do without being held civilly liable for interfering with another person’s interests when that interference would otherwise constitute assault, battery, and false imprisonment. This means that any person can physically detain another in order to arrest them, but state statutes define the limited circumstances in which this deprivation of liberty is allowed.
  • In Texas, the citizen’s arrest statute states that any person may arrest someone that is committing a felony or an offense against the public peace in front of them.
  • In Illinois, the citizen’s arrest statute states that any person may arrest someone when they have reasonable grounds to believe that that person is committing an offense. However, this statute makes an exception for ordinance violations, saying that a person may not arrest another person for such a violation.
In general, the ability to perform a citizen’s arrest is the same for a regular person as it is for a police officer without a warrant.
[Last updated in June of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]
You only lived to tell about it because you weren't killed. Consider yourself lucky and arm yourself for the possibility that it might happen again. LIke you said, "This wasn't the only encounter.."
This is true .. I've lost people I've loved to murder & the thought of it can happening to someone you know. & For me getting hit & my love ones getting hit. With being victims! You are right I was very lucky to live to tell. & To always think ahead because history can repeat itself rather its by the same person "OR" by someone else they can be that victimizer. To keeping someone else down as that victim!! So you are definitely right it is something a person has to really use wisely Incase it happens again!!
This is true .. I've lost people I've loved to murder & the thought of it can happening to someone you know. & For me getting hit & my love ones getting hit. With being victimized! You are right I was very lucky to live to tell. & To always think ahead because history can repeat itself rather its by the same person "OR" by someone else they can be that victimizer. To keeping someone else down as that victim!! So you are definitely right it is something a person has to really use wisely Incase it happens again!!

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