Cities are Dying


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
Which cities and why? Mainly those run by Democrat party. Here is a sample from the Left coast. The video is about Seattle before Chaz/Chop, but similar videos could be made about San Francisco or Los Angeles or many others.

Remember in November - vote RED - Remove Every Democrat.

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Which cities and why? Mainly those run by Democrat party. Here is a sample from the Left coast. The video is about Seattle before Chaz/Chop, but similar videos could be made about San Francisco or Los Angeles or many others.

Remember in November - vote RED - Remove Every Democrat.

Cities are Dying

I couldnt give a damn. Voters who vote Democrat deserve all the misery and poverty those immoral assholes force upon them. I used to feel sorry, but not any more...You cant fix stupid....
Which cities and why? Mainly those run by Democrat party. Here is a sample from the Left coast. The video is about Seattle before Chaz/Chop, but similar videos could be made about San Francisco or Los Angeles or many others.

Remember in November - vote RED - Remove Every Democrat.

Ahh yes, the liberal promise land.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.

Yep, and that's some good entertainment.
Which cities and why? Mainly those run by Democrat party. Here is a sample from the Left coast. The video is about Seattle before Chaz/Chop, but similar videos could be made about San Francisco or Los Angeles or many others.

Remember in November - vote RED - Remove Every Democrat.

Boston went from being a rich American cultured city to deep divisions by culture race gender , it’s sad
One does really reap what one sows.

People, of course, had long ago given up on, let's say, Baltimore.

But to see what has happened to, let's say, San Francisco is heart-breaking.

As they say, no city (or country) is better than the character of its people.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.
Looting and Burning business....Employment and entertainment...Yep, goes hand in hand to a liberal....

We live in interesting times. Quit acting as if this social unrest is typical. Rural America is no utopia to be criticizing the way they do things in the city. The most horrible poverty I ever saw was a mile and a half off the main road in North Alabama.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.

Its becoming increasingly more expensive in big cities to do business, plus now you run the risk of having your business burned and looted the NEXT TIME there is another "protest". In some cases, cops will then be defunded and provide less service. Its not trending in the right direction for you. What you said was much more true 30 years ago. SF was the place to be on a Saturday night. Not so much anymore.
Which cities and why? Mainly those run by Democrat party. Here is a sample from the Left coast. The video is about Seattle before Chaz/Chop, but similar videos could be made about San Francisco or Los Angeles or many others.

Remember in November - vote RED - Remove Every Democrat.

The way the cops are treating this miscreant is a joke!!
Thump his dumbass and throw him in jail for a year so he can clean up.
Although I guess places like seattle are doing the rest of us a favor.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.
Looting and Burning business....Employment and entertainment...Yep, goes hand in hand to a liberal....

We live in interesting times. Quit acting as if this social unrest is typical. Rural America is no utopia to be criticizing the way they do things in the city. The most horrible poverty I ever saw was a mile and a half off the main road in North Alabama.

Terrible poverty. Crushing poverty. They just don't burn their homes down. If they are so poor all they have is pennies, they won't loot the only store where they can spend those pennies. They don't shoot three year old babies in the head.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.

If they would only vote out the Dems 'stubbornly', their love for the big cities would not be tarnished at all.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.

Its becoming increasingly more expensive in big cities to do business, plus now you run the risk of having your business burned and looted the NEXT TIME there is another "protest". In some cases, cops will then be defunded and provide less service. Its not trending in the right direction for you. What you said was much more true 30 years ago. SF was the place to be on a Saturday night. Not so much anymore.
Things are changing but one thing that will never change is that cities are a great place to go when you are looking to get out of your crappy little dead-end town and make a fresh start. Been there, done that. I live in a remote area now but getting out of Bumfuck Alabama and moving to a city was the best thing that my parents ever did for us.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.
Looting and Burning business....Employment and entertainment...Yep, goes hand in hand to a liberal....

We live in interesting times. Quit acting as if this social unrest is typical. Rural America is no utopia to be criticizing the way they do things in the city. The most horrible poverty I ever saw was a mile and a half off the main road in North Alabama.

Terrible poverty. Crushing poverty. They just don't burn their homes down. If they are so poor all they have is pennies, they won't loot the only store where they can spend those pennies. They don't shoot three year old babies in the head.

They cook meth and let their kids run wild and naked in the yard with the dogs while they steal everything they can get their hands on and take all the government handouts they can find while blaming the government for everything. If this was how I chose to see all rural folk I would be as ignorant as those who think the city is nothing but a bunch of horrible crime and misery.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.
Looting and Burning business....Employment and entertainment...Yep, goes hand in hand to a liberal....

We live in interesting times. Quit acting as if this social unrest is typical. Rural America is no utopia to be criticizing the way they do things in the city. The most horrible poverty I ever saw was a mile and a half off the main road in North Alabama.

Terrible poverty. Crushing poverty. They just don't burn their homes down. If they are so poor all they have is pennies, they won't loot the only store where they can spend those pennies. They don't shoot three year old babies in the head.

They cook meth and let their kids run wild and naked in the yard with the dogs while they steal everything they can get their hands on and take all the government handouts they can find while blaming the government for everything. If this was how I chose to see all rural folk I would be as ignorant as those who think the city is nothing but a bunch of horrible crime and misery.

The difference is between how you choose to see rural folk and how even the most casual visitor sees cities.
They have been predicting the end of urban life for many years and yet people just keep stubbornly living where there's lots of employment and entertainment options.
Looting and Burning business....Employment and entertainment...Yep, goes hand in hand to a liberal....

We live in interesting times. Quit acting as if this social unrest is typical. Rural America is no utopia to be criticizing the way they do things in the city. The most horrible poverty I ever saw was a mile and a half off the main road in North Alabama.

You never been to east saint Louis or the south side of Chicago

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