Citibank into the mix on gun control

You trash are gonna start a war.

That's harsh. She's not "trash".
People trying to rear this country down by restricting the rights of non criminals are trash and worse.

She's one of the rare liberals that treats others with respect and consideration. I don't agree with her on much, but she seems to be a nice person.
She wants to keep law abiding citizens from buying guns. She's a great person.
So Citibank wants its clients to:

1) Perform background checks on gun buyers.

2) Restrict gun sales to those under 21.

3) No sales of bump stocks and high-capacity magazines.

I live in Florida and one and two are already in effect here. As for three, I don't believe bump stocks should be sold but I disagree with banning high-capacity magazines.
So Citibank wants its clients to:

1) Perform background checks on gun buyers.

2) Restrict gun sales to those under 21.

3) No sales of bump stocks and high-capacity magazines.

I live in Florida and one and two are already in effect here. As for three, I don't believe bump stocks should be sold but I disagree with banning high-capacity magazines.
i disagree with them not defining it and just banning it. 15? 20? 30? 150?

again however, when we let them dictate what we can buy, don't be fooled into thinking "it's just for guns".

it's for control. period.
You trash are gonna start a war.

That's harsh. She's not "trash".
People trying to rear this country down by restricting the rights of non criminals are trash and worse.

She's one of the rare liberals that treats others with respect and consideration. I don't agree with her on much, but she seems to be a nice person.
She wants to keep law abiding citizens from buying guns. She's a great person.
she has never once that i know of said that. if i'm wrong, link me up. if you're talking about how you interpret what she said to an extreme so you can call it something else, well that's a different matter not on her.
You trash are gonna start a war.

That's harsh. She's not "trash".
People trying to rear this country down by restricting the rights of non criminals are trash and worse.

She's one of the rare liberals that treats others with respect and consideration. I don't agree with her on much, but she seems to be a nice person.
She wants to keep law abiding citizens from buying guns. She's a great person.
she has never once that i know of said that. if i'm wrong, link me up. if you're talking about how you interpret what she said to an extreme so you can call it something else, well that's a different matter not on her.
I guess her saying no one should have an ar15 is not saying that.
OL, well, I like her, but if it comes down to her or people carrying on as America has for 240 years plus? I'm not siding with her.

Oh yeah, let's roll technology back a century with guns for everybody because we've made mistakes in the handling of mentally ill people.

Democrats suggested that drugs could do the work of institutions, and Republicans were all for it if it cut the budget.

Newsflash: There are crazy people in this world. Sometimes, people are crazy. What solution does who have?

Mental Institutions did a necessary job for a long time.

Of course you separate lightbulb talker form Mr. I-want-to-kill-and-eat-you.
That's harsh. She's not "trash".
People trying to rear this country down by restricting the rights of non criminals are trash and worse.

She's one of the rare liberals that treats others with respect and consideration. I don't agree with her on much, but she seems to be a nice person.
She wants to keep law abiding citizens from buying guns. She's a great person.
she has never once that i know of said that. if i'm wrong, link me up. if you're talking about how you interpret what she said to an extreme so you can call it something else, well that's a different matter not on her.
I guess her saying no one should have an ar15 is not saying that.
are all guns ARs?

she's drawing a line in a different place than you for her own reasons. talk enough to figure out what those are, or get flippant and we keep beating the shit out of each other.

your call.
I guess her saying no one should have an ar15 is not saying that.

In other words, you misrepresented her position. Right?

In other words, fuck off, Commie leftist fuck!
You want the ARs? Come get them them yourselves, faggots! Man up bitch! Hope you're ready to back that rhetoric with your ass. There's a shit-ton of real Americans out there. Americans that hunt every year. Americans that know how it is from what their elders passed on to them.

Oh? You want the government to do that for you? Newsflash: In America, that's not going to work out so well for ya.
I guess her saying no one should have an ar15 is not saying that.

In other words, you misrepresented her position. Right?

In other words, fuck off, Commie leftist fuck!
You want the ARs? Come get them them yourselves, faggots! Man up bitch! Hope you're ready to back that rhetoric with your ass. There's a shit-ton of real Americans out there. Americans that hunt every year. Americans that know how it is from what their elders passed on to them.

don't bust your keyboard, rambo

no one's coming for your pseudopenis
right now it's just limiting it to no one under 21 or without a background check, but if CC companies can do this, what's to stop them from expanding it as they see fit?

bottom line is if it's legal in the country i don't see how they can determine NOT to service this sale. more popcorn.
You can obtain a "convenience check" from your credit card agency. Once you have the check, make it out to yourself, then cash it at the bank and you have cash to purchase the evil weapon of your choice. Another way is to use your credit card like you would an ATM, just withdraw cash on one day, then on another day, withdraw some more and keep doing so until you have the amount you need to make your purchase.
Of course, as a previous post indicated, you can get a credit card that you know to be gun friendly, should you wish to use it for such and Cabela's is definitely one of those.
Also, if the many millions of gun owners would put aside any differences and unite against those who cave to the neo-Marxist left wanting gun confiscation, they would change their stance.
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Citigroup Enforces Gun Control Restrictions On Customers

if i had a shitibank card, i'd cancel it in protest. :)

Not sure if anybody's noticed, but there's a major coordinated attack mounted against the 2nd amendment right now.

Google, Facebook, Citibank, certain leftist-run school districts, Youtube (also Google), the media.

I say make them them pay the price for their folly and boycott them.

I know there's a certain something they assume wrongly, but I'm not saying what it is. :eusa_dance: :eusa_naughty:
It's not an attack on the 2nd. It's an attack on excessive firepower in the hands in of an unstable populace that is, for some reason, not being held accountable.
If NO crazy people could get their hands on a gun and NO criminals could get a gun, I'd have no problem with everyone else owning a Howitzer. It's not the way it is, though. You guys had your chance. You didn't fix anything at all. So now we'll mop up.

What you gonna mop up? The failure of "liberal" policies? The closing of mental institutions? Letting kids get away with anything and not reporting crimes just so it looks like they aren't being bad? Outlawing disciplining children? Removing God from the schools?

What's your plan?
Not the question. What did YOUR 2nd A crew do besides buy more guns?

I asked what your plan was, so what is it? If it's anything that resembles what the Weimar Republic did, well, the world has already witnessed how that went. I'm up for making that not happen in America.

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