Citibank into the mix on gun control

right now it's just limiting it to no one under 21 or without a background check, but if CC companies can do this, what's to stop them from expanding it as they see fit?

bottom line is if it's legal in the country i don't see how they can determine NOT to service this sale. more popcorn.
I think the reason you're seeing this trend is that the majority of the people in this country have had enough. Things are going to change, one way or the other.
maybe. but this way isn't the way it needs to be done. band aid PR stunts are useless and the kick back is coming.

one way or another.
Citigroup Enforces Gun Control Restrictions On Customers

if i had a shitibank card, i'd cancel it in protest. :)

Not sure if anybody's noticed, but there's a major coordinated attack mounted against the 2nd amendment right now.

Google, Facebook, Citibank, certain leftist-run school districts, Youtube (also Google), the media.

I say make them them pay the price for their folly and boycott them.

I know there's a certain something they assume wrongly, but I'm not saying what it is. :eusa_dance: :eusa_naughty:
It's not an attack on the 2nd. It's an attack on excessive firepower in the hands in of an unstable populace that is, for some reason, not being held accountable.
If NO crazy people could get their hands on a gun and NO criminals could get a gun, I'd have no problem with everyone else owning a Howitzer. It's not the way it is, though. You guys had your chance. You didn't fix anything at all. So now we'll mop up.

Old Lady,

1. All humans suffer from some form of mental illness, so to keep firearms out of the hands of crazies, well then you have to do an entire ban...

2. Criminals can obtain forearms through straw purchases or theft or black market sale.

What is my point?

You can stop crazies or criminals, so ypu either ban all firearms or live with the reality people will die...
I must agree with Old...Ban firearms from all crazies and criminals. That would be the 47% of voters that didn't vote for Romney.

Citigroup Enforces Gun Control Restrictions On Customers

if i had a shitibank card, i'd cancel it in protest. :)
Oh my! I just got approved for one of their cards. Soon as it gets here, they are gonna get a call and cancellation from me!
it's PR. nothing but.

can't buy if under 21. good luck with that in the supreme court if the local laws say 18. this isn't the NFL, they can't make up their own rules. :)
must pass a background check - anyone using a credit card in a legit business will conduct a background check as part of the sale. pointless rule that does nothing. gun show loophole? this would be cash to a private seller. all gun dealers at a gun show conduct business as usual, aka does a background check before a sale.

now if they'd push to fix background checks and help fund the studies to get it done, great. i'm in and may sign up for a credit card. but if they're going to drop stupid useless SJW band aides on me, it's a waste of time and will be challenged in court soon enough.

need more popcorn.
Citigroup Enforces Gun Control Restrictions On Customers

if i had a shitibank card, i'd cancel it in protest. :)

Not sure if anybody's noticed, but there's a major coordinated attack mounted against the 2nd amendment right now.

Google, Facebook, Citibank, certain leftist-run school districts, Youtube (also Google), the media.

I say make them them pay the price for their folly and boycott them.

I know there's a certain something they assume wrongly, but I'm not saying what it is. :eusa_dance: :eusa_naughty:
It's not an attack on the 2nd. It's an attack on excessive firepower in the hands in of an unstable populace that is, for some reason, not being held accountable.
If NO crazy people could get their hands on a gun and NO criminals could get a gun, I'd have no problem with everyone else owning a Howitzer. It's not the way it is, though. You guys had your chance. You didn't fix anything at all. So now we'll mop up.
as for "you guys had your chance" - obama had 8 years and 73 school shootings i believe. the most he did that i am aware of were:

1. green tipped .223 is armor piercing and now illegal. it isn't. it's a training round. so he lied and that went nowhere.
2. made .22 bullets impossible to find. great. they've never been used in a mass shooting that i am aware of. shootings yes, but not what they seem to be after.
3. try to get the NOFLY or TERROR WATCH list to be used in background checks. however, they refused to add "due process" to it which was allt eh NRA wanted to be ok with the move. these lists are also names, not really people. no way off. you want to give up that much freedom?

remember when you say YES you're not JUST saying YES to guns, but the act itself.

if you're ok with citibank dictating the terms of what you can buy with their card, great. because that is what is happening, not just "clean up gun control".
If, somehow, all law-abiding people handed in their guns, the rate of violent crime would soar through the stratosphere. Tax-paying, law-abiding citizens would be beaten, stabbed, raped, robbed and murdered.
You guys had your chance. You didn't fix anything at all. So now we'll mop up.

We're not the ones blocking the deportation of hardened criminals. That's "you guys".
i hate the divisive mentality of "you fucked up we'll clean up" but she went there.

*WE ALL* need to back up and fix this collectively w/o emotional rants or we're screwed for a mighty long time.
Citigroup Enforces Gun Control Restrictions On Customers

if i had a shitibank card, i'd cancel it in protest. :)

Not sure if anybody's noticed, but there's a major coordinated attack mounted against the 2nd amendment right now.

Google, Facebook, Citibank, certain leftist-run school districts, Youtube (also Google), the media.

I say make them them pay the price for their folly and boycott them.

I know there's a certain something they assume wrongly, but I'm not saying what it is. :eusa_dance: :eusa_naughty:
It's not an attack on the 2nd. It's an attack on excessive firepower in the hands in of an unstable populace that is, for some reason, not being held accountable.
If NO crazy people could get their hands on a gun and NO criminals could get a gun, I'd have no problem with everyone else owning a Howitzer. It's not the way it is, though. You guys had your chance. You didn't fix anything at all. So now we'll mop up.
LOL! liberal scum are the ones letting criminals get guns.

the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
right now it's just limiting it to no one under 21 or without a background check, but if CC companies can do this, what's to stop them from expanding it as they see fit?

bottom line is if it's legal in the country i don't see how they can determine NOT to service this sale. more popcorn.
I think the reason you're seeing this trend is that the majority of the people in this country have had enough. Things are going to change, one way or the other.
You trash are gonna start a war.
right now it's just limiting it to no one under 21 or without a background check, but if CC companies can do this, what's to stop them from expanding it as they see fit?

bottom line is if it's legal in the country i don't see how they can determine NOT to service this sale. more popcorn.
I think the reason you're seeing this trend is that the majority of the people in this country have had enough. Things are going to change, one way or the other.
You trash are gonna start a war.
she's just frustrated with all this like we all are. neither side wants children to die and we all want them to be safe.

we just start disagreeing after that and tend to lose sight we all want the same thing in the end.
right now it's just limiting it to no one under 21 or without a background check, but if CC companies can do this, what's to stop them from expanding it as they see fit?

bottom line is if it's legal in the country i don't see how they can determine NOT to service this sale. more popcorn.
I think the reason you're seeing this trend is that the majority of the people in this country have had enough. Things are going to change, one way or the other.
You trash are gonna start a war.
she's just frustrated with all this like we all are. neither side wants children to die and we all want them to be safe.

we just start disagreeing after that and tend to lose sight we all want the same thing in the end.
Unfortunately penalizing people who never committed a crime is gonna start a war. People like "her" are tools. Parrots. Mindless drones who execute their programming daily.
Citigroup Enforces Gun Control Restrictions On Customers

if i had a shitibank card, i'd cancel it in protest. :)

Not sure if anybody's noticed, but there's a major coordinated attack mounted against the 2nd amendment right now.

Google, Facebook, Citibank, certain leftist-run school districts, Youtube (also Google), the media.

I say make them them pay the price for their folly and boycott them.

I know there's a certain something they assume wrongly, but I'm not saying what it is. :eusa_dance: :eusa_naughty:
It's not an attack on the 2nd. It's an attack on excessive firepower in the hands in of an unstable populace that is, for some reason, not being held accountable.
If NO crazy people could get their hands on a gun and NO criminals could get a gun, I'd have no problem with everyone else owning a Howitzer. It's not the way it is, though. You guys had your chance. You didn't fix anything at all. So now we'll mop up.

What you gonna mop up? The failure of "liberal" policies? The closing of mental institutions? Letting kids get away with anything and not reporting crimes just so it looks like they aren't being bad? Outlawing disciplining children? Removing God from the schools?

What's your plan?
Not the question. What did YOUR 2nd A crew do besides buy more guns?

I'm not a member of the NRA, OL. I'm just an American. Well, the Governor raised age to buy a rifle to 21 and gave teachers the OK to CCW. Next will probably be doubling of school resource officers.

If 2 more were at Parkland and just 1 had a decent set of balls, some deaths probably could have been prevented.

Never you mind the Obama-inspired "Promise" program that was implemented in Broward County that kept Cruz from being arrested/reported for actual crimes he committed. Never you mind the SJW dyke supervisor that Broward County Sheriffs office put into place to tell her men to "set up a perimeter" which Cruz promptly slipped through. I'm sorry, I left out that the cops were called to his house 39X and that BCSO and state DCF never followed through on a damn thing.

So everybody else has to give up owning AR-15s because the leftist government way completely failed? Really? Everybody else? :cuckoo:

Fuck that! 50-something people versus millions? It's called Democracy. Majority rules.
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Here's the letter from the them saying what they expect to be enforced by gun stores. This will not go well for these fascist bastards.


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