Citibank into the mix on gun control

right now it's just limiting it to no one under 21 or without a background check, but if CC companies can do this, what's to stop them from expanding it as they see fit?

bottom line is if it's legal in the country i don't see how they can determine NOT to service this sale. more popcorn.

They're a megabank that contributes many millions to politicians campaigns, as well as decides loan rates to them, and their businesses.

Who do you think is going to win this war?
Submission Is Their Mission

Cowards lose all wars and deserve to do so, no matter how evil the other side is.
Citigroup Enforces Gun Control Restrictions On Customers

if i had a shitibank card, i'd cancel it in protest. :)

Not sure if anybody's noticed, but there's a major coordinated attack mounted against the 2nd amendment right now.

Google, Facebook, Citibank, certain leftist-run school districts, Youtube (also Google), the media.

I say make them them pay the price for their folly and boycott them.

I know there's a certain something they assume wrongly, but I'm not saying what it is. :eusa_dance: :eusa_naughty:
It's not an attack on the 2nd. It's an attack on excessive firepower in the hands in of an unstable populace that is, for some reason, not being held accountable.
If NO crazy people could get their hands on a gun and NO criminals could get a gun, I'd have no problem with everyone else owning a Howitzer. It's not the way it is, though. You guys had your chance. You didn't fix anything at all. So now we'll mop up.

No.....and your ignorance gets old.......this is an attack on the 2nd Amendment........

The population has cut gun murder 49% as more Americans own and carry guns.....but you don't care about the truth, the facts or reality......

there is nothing to fix ...... the fault is with the government, not law abiding gun owners....they fail over and over again and your only response is to take guns away from the very people not using them to commit crimes.....
Yeah. 62% of the gun deaths are from suicide and those that commit suicide don't need a gun to accomplish that. I shook my head at a news report that a guy whose wife and son or daughter that had recently died, told someone online that he considered killing himself because of his loss. The person that read that, called police and the police arrived, took away his guns and left. He took his case to court and won his case, citing that he made no indication of harming anyone but himself and ended up getting his guns back. The whole event made no sense as after the cops left with his guns, he could have used, a razor blade to cut his wrists, an electrical cord to hang himself, stuck an object into an electrical outlet, stabbed himself with a kitchen knife, steak knife, screwdriver, awl, or any other sharp object, stepped in front of a moving vehicle, et cetera. Anyway, after the 62%, that leaves 38% and I wonder what the percentage of those that died by gunfire, were the actual criminal (which would have been deserved).
The bottom line is, gun owners should keep the guns and if they come for them, gun owners should give them the business end of them.
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