CIA Says Trump is Putin selected Dupe-American President is Russian Choice

Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
People disparaged, lied about, insulted, misrepresented and put a President under constant attack for eight years. That President had massive voter support and had been elected with real and true mandates. He won with enormous EC votes coupled with large popular votes in two consecutive elections. The result was this unheard of demonization and campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. Even as this President is leaving office an excuse is used to steal away the legitimate right of those who supported and elected him to see his appointment to a Supreme Court Justice.

Whine and cry like little bitches all you want. Payback is a bitch and you guys are in line to get some genuine payback. Your corrupt rich brat stole an election from the American people and he will be treated like the liar and thief he is. He can lie about receiving a landslide victory and the greatest electoral vote victory in decades all he wants. This ain't the candidate nominations anymore and his cheap tricks and provable lies will not pass muster or be tolerated.

Putin will not be permitted to rule over America behind sock puppet Trump. America was tricked into picking a corporatist fascist, but it will not stand.
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
People disparaged, lied about, insulted, misrepresented and put a President under constant attack for eight years. That President had massive voter support and had been elected with real and true mandates. He won with enormous EC votes coupled with large popular votes in two consecutive elections. The result was this unheard of demonization and campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. Even as this President is leaving office an excuse is used to steal away the legitimate right of those who supported and elected him to see his appointment to a Supreme Court Justice.

Whine and cry like little bitches all you want. Payback is a bitch and you guys are in line to get some genuine payback. Your corrupt rich brat stole an election from the American people and he will be treated like the liar and thief he is. He can lie about receiving a landslide victory and the greatest electoral vote victory in decades all he wants. This ain't the candidate nominations anymore and his cheap tricks and provable lies will not pass muster or be tolerated.

Putin will not be permitted to rule over America behind sock puppet Trump. America was tricked into picking a corporatist fascist, but it will not stand.
Snivel about all the shit from your chocolate Jesus getting cleaned up all you want. Finally! He was horrible for America, I'll stick with reality and you can keepo your religion to yourself thankyouverymuch.
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
People disparaged, lied about, insulted, misrepresented and put a President under constant attack for eight years. That President had massive voter support and had been elected with real and true mandates. He won with enormous EC votes coupled with large popular votes in two consecutive elections. The result was this unheard of demonization and campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. Even as this President is leaving office an excuse is used to steal away the legitimate right of those who supported and elected him to see his appointment to a Supreme Court Justice.

Whine and cry like little bitches all you want. Payback is a bitch and you guys are in line to get some genuine payback. Your corrupt rich brat stole an election from the American people and he will be treated like the liar and thief he is. He can lie about receiving a landslide victory and the greatest electoral vote victory in decades all he wants. This ain't the candidate nominations anymore and his cheap tricks and provable lies will not pass muster or be tolerated.

Putin will not be permitted to rule over America behind sock puppet Trump. America was tricked into picking a corporatist fascist, but it will not stand.
Snivel about all the shit from your chocolate Jesus getting cleaned up all you want. Finally! He was horrible for America, I'll stick with reality and you can keepo your religion to yourself thankyouverymuch.
Stick with reality? Who are you trying to kid? Perhaps your delusional self? You haven't been anywhere near reality since you pulled the crap out of your diaper and found out it tasted like shit.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
People disparaged, lied about, insulted, misrepresented and put a President under constant attack for eight years. That President had massive voter support and had been elected with real and true mandates. He won with enormous EC votes coupled with large popular votes in two consecutive elections. The result was this unheard of demonization and campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. Even as this President is leaving office an excuse is used to steal away the legitimate right of those who supported and elected him to see his appointment to a Supreme Court Justice.

Whine and cry like little bitches all you want. Payback is a bitch and you guys are in line to get some genuine payback. Your corrupt rich brat stole an election from the American people and he will be treated like the liar and thief he is. He can lie about receiving a landslide victory and the greatest electoral vote victory in decades all he wants. This ain't the candidate nominations anymore and his cheap tricks and provable lies will not pass muster or be tolerated.

Putin will not be permitted to rule over America behind sock puppet Trump. America was tricked into picking a corporatist fascist, but it will not stand.
Snivel about all the shit from your chocolate Jesus getting cleaned up all you want. Finally! He was horrible for America, I'll stick with reality and you can keepo your religion to yourself thankyouverymuch.
Stick with reality? Who are you trying to kid? Perhaps your delusional self? You haven't been anywhere near reality since you pulled the crap out of your diaper and found out it tasted like shit.
Are you babbling about the stuff you call chocolate?
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
People disparaged, lied about, insulted, misrepresented and put a President under constant attack for eight years. That President had massive voter support and had been elected with real and true mandates. He won with enormous EC votes coupled with large popular votes in two consecutive elections. The result was this unheard of demonization and campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. Even as this President is leaving office an excuse is used to steal away the legitimate right of those who supported and elected him to see his appointment to a Supreme Court Justice.

Whine and cry like little bitches all you want. Payback is a bitch and you guys are in line to get some genuine payback. Your corrupt rich brat stole an election from the American people and he will be treated like the liar and thief he is. He can lie about receiving a landslide victory and the greatest electoral vote victory in decades all he wants. This ain't the candidate nominations anymore and his cheap tricks and provable lies will not pass muster or be tolerated.

Putin will not be permitted to rule over America behind sock puppet Trump. America was tricked into picking a corporatist fascist, but it will not stand.
Snivel about all the shit from your chocolate Jesus getting cleaned up all you want. Finally! He was horrible for America, I'll stick with reality and you can keepo your religion to yourself thankyouverymuch.
Stick with reality? Who are you trying to kid? Perhaps your delusional self? You haven't been anywhere near reality since you pulled the crap out of your diaper and found out it tasted like shit.
Are you babbling about the stuff you call chocolate?
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
People disparaged, lied about, insulted, misrepresented and put a President under constant attack for eight years. That President had massive voter support and had been elected with real and true mandates. He won with enormous EC votes coupled with large popular votes in two consecutive elections. The result was this unheard of demonization and campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. Even as this President is leaving office an excuse is used to steal away the legitimate right of those who supported and elected him to see his appointment to a Supreme Court Justice.

Whine and cry like little bitches all you want. Payback is a bitch and you guys are in line to get some genuine payback. Your corrupt rich brat stole an election from the American people and he will be treated like the liar and thief he is. He can lie about receiving a landslide victory and the greatest electoral vote victory in decades all he wants. This ain't the candidate nominations anymore and his cheap tricks and provable lies will not pass muster or be tolerated.

Putin will not be permitted to rule over America behind sock puppet Trump. America was tricked into picking a corporatist fascist, but it will not stand.
Preach, preach and then preach some more and never stop!!! This orange joke, will never ever ever in my life time get my respect, my reconizing him as P nor will he be my P, not ever. This is the white man's P and I wish them all the fuckin luck in the fuckin world, cause these pink mf's are gonna need it.
Guys, Trump played the American Stupid to the scorching the country with these "the election is rigged" bullshit, he pretty much knew at the time, what Russia had in store and had she won, he would have used all this damage from Russia as a fall back on why the system was supposedly rigged, just think about it for a second. The scary part is that now, Russia holds all the truths about this election and Trump will "secretly" pay them back and this will be his down fall.
If Russia fixed the election in Trumps favor why did Clinton win the popular vote ? The real answer is that rural America rejected her message.
Dude, there is no way in hell Trump didn't know what was gonna happen and this rigged bs he kept spewing proves the point. Just as we got a true inside look into Watergate, I would bet my last dollar, the truth about the 2016 election is gonna hit this country one day and its gonna be bad.
What is funny as hell is the looney left keeps going on and on about Russian hacking well guess what they probably did do hacking so do we so does China so does pretty much every technologically advanced country what no one from the left has denied though is that the content of the hacked e-mails is faked or was edited. It seems everyone but the Clinton campaign and the DNC knew how easily e-mails can be hacked which is why we are told over and over don't put anything you don't want public in an e-mail.
LOLOL...I never thought I'd see the day, rednecks are pro commies....the proprietors of fear and loathing of Russia throughout America's history, are now BFF's with the worst Russia has offered since Stalin....only a redneck can be that ignorant!!
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
People disparaged, lied about, insulted, misrepresented and put a President under constant attack for eight years. That President had massive voter support and had been elected with real and true mandates. He won with enormous EC votes coupled with large popular votes in two consecutive elections. The result was this unheard of demonization and campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. Even as this President is leaving office an excuse is used to steal away the legitimate right of those who supported and elected him to see his appointment to a Supreme Court Justice.

Whine and cry like little bitches all you want. Payback is a bitch and you guys are in line to get some genuine payback. Your corrupt rich brat stole an election from the American people and he will be treated like the liar and thief he is. He can lie about receiving a landslide victory and the greatest electoral vote victory in decades all he wants. This ain't the candidate nominations anymore and his cheap tricks and provable lies will not pass muster or be tolerated.

Putin will not be permitted to rule over America behind sock puppet Trump. America was tricked into picking a corporatist fascist, but it will not stand.
Snivel about all the shit from your chocolate Jesus getting cleaned up all you want. Finally! He was horrible for America, I'll stick with reality and you can keepo your religion to yourself thankyouverymuch.
Stick with reality? Who are you trying to kid? Perhaps your delusional self? You haven't been anywhere near reality since you pulled the crap out of your diaper and found out it tasted like shit.
Are you babbling about the stuff you call chocolate?
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
People disparaged, lied about, insulted, misrepresented and put a President under constant attack for eight years. That President had massive voter support and had been elected with real and true mandates. He won with enormous EC votes coupled with large popular votes in two consecutive elections. The result was this unheard of demonization and campaigns of disinformation and misinformation. Even as this President is leaving office an excuse is used to steal away the legitimate right of those who supported and elected him to see his appointment to a Supreme Court Justice.

Whine and cry like little bitches all you want. Payback is a bitch and you guys are in line to get some genuine payback. Your corrupt rich brat stole an election from the American people and he will be treated like the liar and thief he is. He can lie about receiving a landslide victory and the greatest electoral vote victory in decades all he wants. This ain't the candidate nominations anymore and his cheap tricks and provable lies will not pass muster or be tolerated.

Putin will not be permitted to rule over America behind sock puppet Trump. America was tricked into picking a corporatist fascist, but it will not stand.
Preach, preach and then preach some more and never stop!!! This orange joke, will never ever ever in my life time get my respect, my reconizing him as P nor will he be my P, not ever. This is the white man's P and I wish them all the fuckin luck in the fuckin world, cause these pink mf's are gonna need it.
Your chocolate Jesus is nothing but a 180lb turd to me so that makes us even.
What is funny as hell is the looney left keeps going on and on about Russian hacking well guess what they probably did do hacking so do we so does China so does pretty much every technologically advanced country what no one from the left has denied though is that the content of the hacked e-mails is faked or was edited. It seems everyone but the Clinton campaign and the DNC knew how easily e-mails can be hacked which is why we are told over and over don't put anything you don't want public in an e-mail.
LOLOL...I never thought I'd see the day, rednecks are pro commies....the proprietors of fear and loathing of Russia throughout America's history, are now BFF's with the worst Russia has offered since Stalin....only a redneck can be that ignorant!!
You've been taking remedial English lessons, haven't you? Careful, people are going to start thinking you're white.
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Why? Because I don't believe in your chocolate Jesus?
Dude in a few more months chocolate will be your favorite flavor of all times, as a matter of fact, I not only see chocolate in your future, but its drippin from that ass ho Trump has opened up for you!!
What is funny as hell is the looney left keeps going on and on about Russian hacking well guess what they probably did do hacking so do we so does China so does pretty much every technologically advanced country what no one from the left has denied though is that the content of the hacked e-mails is faked or was edited. It seems everyone but the Clinton campaign and the DNC knew how easily e-mails can be hacked which is why we are told over and over don't put anything you don't want public in an e-mail.
LOLOL...I never thought I'd see the day, rednecks are pro commies....the proprietors of fear and loathing of Russia throughout America's history, are now BFF's with the worst Russia has offered since Stalin....only a redneck can be that ignorant!!
You've been taking remedial English lessons, haven't you? Careful, people are going to start thinking you're white.
Lice ball, I'm gonna take that as a compliment.
What is funny as hell is the looney left keeps going on and on about Russian hacking well guess what they probably did do hacking so do we so does China so does pretty much every technologically advanced country what no one from the left has denied though is that the content of the hacked e-mails is faked or was edited. It seems everyone but the Clinton campaign and the DNC knew how easily e-mails can be hacked which is why we are told over and over don't put anything you don't want public in an e-mail.
LOLOL...I never thought I'd see the day, rednecks are pro commies....the proprietors of fear and loathing of Russia throughout America's history, are now BFF's with the worst Russia has offered since Stalin....only a redneck can be that ignorant!!
You've been taking remedial English lessons, haven't you? Careful, people are going to start thinking you're white.
Lice ball, I'm gonna take that as a compliment.
I imagine it's a great compliment. You are welcome.
Guys, Trump played the American Stupid to the scorching the country with these "the election is rigged" bullshit, he pretty much knew at the time, what Russia had in store and had she won, he would have used all this damage from Russia as a fall back on why the system was supposedly rigged, just think about it for a second. The scary part is that now, Russia holds all the truths about this election and Trump will "secretly" pay them back and this will be his down fall.
If Russia fixed the election in Trumps favor why did Clinton win the popular vote ? The real answer is that rural America rejected her message.
Dude, there is no way in hell Trump didn't know what was gonna happen and this rigged bs he kept spewing proves the point. Just as we got a true inside look into Watergate, I would bet my last dollar, the truth about the 2016 election is gonna hit this country one day and its gonna be bad.
So bitch about Trumps accusations of rigged elections but use the same arguments, and you probably don't even think that's hypocritical ? If you look at the amount of time spent by the press slamming Trump and praising and or ignoring Hillary's long list of short comings, You could say that the press was trying to skew the election in her favor. Also the lefts constant narrative of how horrible Trump supporters are doesn't change minds , you have to realize that these people are not the "elite" they are blue collar workers that supposedly have the support of the Democratic party. Being called vile things doesn't sit well with the majority people.

The important thing I want to know is are you mad because the emails where hacked or that it uncovered some very ugly warts in the Democratic party. I've been a Conservative for all of my adult life. If hacked emails exposed that kind of garbage in my party I would happily be calling for some heads to roll and not be so concerned about the source..
Libtards have no clue what a mountain of shit is heading down their way.

They are fighting this with decades old tactics and tricks that just dont work any more.

It almost makes me feel bad for them. Almost.

We need a new Major Party guys to keep the Republicans honest.

Russia may have helped Trump win but it the ignorance of Trumpsters that got him elected. They brought every lie he told and ate it all up.
Trump has not told any lies, you fucking idiot.
Trump "only" told 500+ "false things", but no lies - LOLROTF!!
From a non-CNN source with details!
Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Yeah the Toronto Star no bias there.
Wow, what a lame knee-jerk response. I betcha you did not read ANY of that Toronto Star review of 560 Trump lies.
Which ones do you claim reflect bias?
No can say? :)
Their endorsement of Liberal candidates, look it up.
So which of the documented 500+ Trump lies are biased?
No can say, again?
:) :)
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
.........and you believe the CIA because??????????????
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
.........and you believe the CIA because??????????????
Because the insane mentally ill jerk that just became the President-elect is....insane...and the CIA suggestion is logical and makes perfect sense.
Trump has not told any lies, you fucking idiot.
Trump "only" told 500+ "false things", but no lies - LOLROTF!!
From a non-CNN source with details!
Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Yeah the Toronto Star no bias there.
Wow, what a lame knee-jerk response. I betcha you did not read ANY of that Toronto Star review of 560 Trump lies.
Which ones do you claim reflect bias?
No can say? :)
Their endorsement of Liberal candidates, look it up.
So which of the documented 500+ Trump lies are biased?
No can say, again?
:) :)
Documented by who ?
What is funny as hell is the looney left keeps going on and on about Russian hacking well guess what they probably did do hacking so do we so does China so does pretty much every technologically advanced country what no one from the left has denied though is that the content of the hacked e-mails is faked or was edited. It seems everyone but the Clinton campaign and the DNC knew how easily e-mails can be hacked which is why we are told over and over don't put anything you don't want public in an e-mail.
LOLOL...I never thought I'd see the day, rednecks are pro commies....the proprietors of fear and loathing of Russia throughout America's history, are now BFF's with the worst Russia has offered since Stalin....only a redneck can be that ignorant!!
You've been taking remedial English lessons, haven't you? Careful, people are going to start thinking you're white.
Lice ball, I'm gonna take that as a compliment.
I imagine it's a great compliment. You are welcome.
The fact you can imagine is a surprise to me.....must have got a brain cell implant

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