CIA Says Trump is Putin selected Dupe-American President is Russian Choice

Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
Two things on record that is FACT......during the campaign, Trump called upon Russia to release all the emails about Hillary and the day before the big suprise leak about Weiner and Hillary, Guilliani, talk about it and CNN broke a story the next day and asked Gulliani how did he know? The Trump white house will be owned by Russia and he knows it. This bullshit about the CIA lying, but the FBI is telling the truth?? Another example of the GOP always always siding with bullshit as long as its in their favor and their voters are nothing but racist fools who'll beleive anything thats white.
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
If chocolate Jesus says so it has to be true.
There are none so blind as a redneck that refuse to people are just too far gone for words, please USMB, do a fund raiser for you nuts here, they need help
Russia may have helped Trump win but it the ignorance of Trumpsters that got him elected. They brought every lie he told and ate it all up.
Trump has not told any lies, you fucking idiot.
Trump "only" told 500+ "false things", but no lies - LOLROTF!!
From a non-CNN source with details!
Donald Trump said 560 false things, total | Toronto Star
Yeah the Toronto Star no bias there.
Wow, what a lame knee-jerk response. I betcha you did not read ANY of that Toronto Star review of 560 Trump lies.
Which ones do you claim reflect bias?
No can say? :)
Their endorsement of Liberal candidates, look it up.
Guys, Trump played the American Stupid to the scorching the country with these "the election is rigged" bullshit, he pretty much knew at the time, what Russia had in store and had she won, he would have used all this damage from Russia as a fall back on why the system was supposedly rigged, just think about it for a second. The scary part is that now, Russia holds all the truths about this election and Trump will "secretly" pay them back and this will be his down fall.
Guys, Trump played the American Stupid to the scorching the country with these "the election is rigged" bullshit, he pretty much knew at the time, what Russia had in store and had she won, he would have used all this damage from Russia as a fall back on why the system was supposedly rigged, just think about it for a second. The scary part is that now, Russia holds all the truths about this election and Trump will "secretly" pay them back and this will be his down fall.
If Russia fixed the election in Trumps favor why did Clinton win the popular vote ? The real answer is that rural America rejected her message.
Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.

Russia may have helped Trump win but it the ignorance of Trumpsters that got him elected. They brought every lie he told and ate it all up.
Trump has not told any lies, you fucking idiot.

Stop swallowing all that CNN cum, you shit4brains.

Shit4brains? Calm the fudge down. Why the personal attack? You act as if I called your mother a liar. Did I trigger you? Perhaps you're in need of a Republican safe space.
Russia may have helped Trump win but it the ignorance of Trumpsters that got him elected. They brought every lie he told and ate it all up.
Trump has not told any lies, you fucking idiot.

Stop swallowing all that CNN cum, you shit4brains.

Shit4brains? Calm the fudge down. Why the personal attack? You act as if I called your mother a liar. Did I trigger you? Perhaps you're in need of a Republican safe space.

FYI the term "Shit4brains" is a post-modern technical term for "You cannot think straight" but it is much more concise and to the point.

The rest is just verbal illustration.

If Russia fixed the election in Trumps favor why did Clinton win the popular vote ? The real answer is that rural America rejected her message.
Didnt you get the memo?

The Russians have been running rural America now for decades through their disinformation campaign out of Breitbart.

Donald Trump was elected USA President thanks to Russian hacking and assistance. Congressional leaders were notified before the election that the Russians were responsible for hacking and leaking stories to assist Trump in defeating Clinton but Republican leaders demanded the CIA revelations be kept secret from the American public.
Vlad Putin chose the next American President with assistance from dopey Americans and corrupt Congressional Republicans.
Well damn, this is good news! Here I thought Trump was elected because of institutional racism or patriarchy, or sexism, or homophobia, or transphobia, or islamaphobia, or fake news, NAZI, FASCISM.

Phew! It's just the Russians.

You got it almost right. It was the Russians exploiting institutional racism or patriarchy, or sexism, or homophobia, or transphobia, or islamaphobia, or fake news, NAZI and FASCISM.
You got it almost right. It was the Russians exploiting institutional racism or patriarchy, or sexism, or homophobia, or transphobia, or islamaphobia, or fake news, NAZI and FASCISM.
It is kind of a relief to see how you fail to grasp what a lunatic you are.
What is funny as hell is the looney left keeps going on and on about Russian hacking well guess what they probably did do hacking so do we so does China so does pretty much every technologically advanced country what no one from the left has denied though is that the content of the hacked e-mails is faked or was edited. It seems everyone but the Clinton campaign and the DNC knew how easily e-mails can be hacked which is why we are told over and over don't put anything you don't want public in an e-mail.
What is funny as hell is the looney left keeps going on and on about Russian hacking well guess what they probably did do hacking so do we so does China so does pretty much every technologically advanced country what no one from the left has denied though is that the content of the hacked e-mails is faked or was edited. It seems everyone but the Clinton campaign and the DNC knew how easily e-mails can be hacked which is why we are told over and over don't put anything you don't want public in an e-mail.
And of course everyone ignores the obvious fact that everyone spies on and hacks everyone else any way.

Werent we just recently caught using the NSA to spy on our own allies? Does anyone seriously think that the CIA does not try to manipulate foreign elections to suit our interests too?

The Dims are just crying because they got their asses spanked.

What is funny as hell is the looney left keeps going on and on about Russian hacking well guess what they probably did do hacking so do we so does China so does pretty much every technologically advanced country what no one from the left has denied though is that the content of the hacked e-mails is faked or was edited. It seems everyone but the Clinton campaign and the DNC knew how easily e-mails can be hacked which is why we are told over and over don't put anything you don't want public in an e-mail.
And of course everyone ignores the obvious fact that everyone spies on and hacks everyone else any way.

Werent we just recently caught using the NSA to spy on our own allies? Does anyone seriously think that the CIA does not try to manipulate foreign elections to suit our interests too?

The Dims are just crying because they got their asses spanked.

View attachment 101519
Yep Angela Merkels cell phone.
Now we finally take the mask off and reveal that Republicans don't care if our democracy was tampered with. They don't care if a foreign govt pulls the strings. They can finally stop pretending they care about American ideals and shoe everyone that winning above all is whats important. No matter who helps or what ties our officials have with those govts. It's all good.

Don't investigate. Knowledge is for suckers!
Russia may have helped Trump win but it the ignorance of Trumpsters that got him elected. They brought every lie he told and ate it all up.
Trump has not told any lies, you fucking idiot.

Stop swallowing all that CNN cum, you shit4brains.

Shit4brains? Calm the fudge down. Why the personal attack? You act as if I called your mother a liar. Did I trigger you? Perhaps you're in need of a Republican safe space.

FYI the term "Shit4brains" is a post-modern technical term for "You cannot think straight" but it is much more concise and to the point.

The rest is just verbal illustration.


I know what shit4brains means. My point is what's up with the personal attacks. You may disagree with me but there is no need to personally attack me. Especially using middle school insults.

At least insult me in a more intelligent and clever way.
I know what shit4brains means. My point is what's up with the personal attacks. You may disagree with me but there is no need to personally attack me. Especially using middle school insults.

At least insult me in a more intelligent and clever way.

I'm just calling a spade a spade, if you are so freaking stupid you think Russia got Trump elected.
I know what shit4brains means. My point is what's up with the personal attacks. You may disagree with me but there is no need to personally attack me. Especially using middle school insults.

At least insult me in a more intelligent and clever way.

I'm just calling a spade a spade, if you are so freaking stupid you think Russia got Trump elected.
Cool, we got a guy that is smarter than the CIA and endless political and statistical analyst right on this very message board. We know it to be a fact because he told us so.
Donald is the first guy to control two superpowers at the same time.

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