CIA Director John Brennan in trouble? Perjury at the top?

If we are going down the road of the Deep State/Shadow Govt then you cannot stop there and you have to go to the Illuminati/New World Order. And if we are going down that road then there is nobody in the game today that has deeper or longer lasting ties to the Illuminati/New World Order than the Trump family.

Bush1, clinton, bush2, obama have all pushed for a new world order and open borders.....through their policies and even legislation. This isn't some new revelation. Is Trump for open borders and new world order?

If we are going to go full CT, then you cannot pick and choose. The Trump family ties to the NWO (or whatever you wish to call it) go back to the 1800's with Frederick Trump and JD Rockefeller.

Trump's vision of economic isolationism for the US greatly diminishes the US's role, power and influence in the world, which helps the goal of the NWO and the "one world". Superpowers are not good for the globalism, everyone being "equal" is the goal.

Economic isolation would only hinder the goal for a new world order. Without the US, the EU is nothing and its aspirations of some faux utopia die.

Any one country having too much power or influence is bad for the NWO, and what better way to remove power and influence than to isolate the US

I don't totally disagree with this depending on the country that is exerting influence.

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