Christmas Through the Lens of Leftism

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Christmas Through the Lens of Leftism

It is not enough to drain the meaning out of Christmas, or to suppress it as offensive and replace it with hollow “happy winter” vapidity. Before leftists consign something precious to oblivion, first they desecrate it:
On December 3, Steven Llanusa, who was then the president of the Claremont [California] Unified School District Board of Education and who reportedly remains a CUSD teacher, hosted a Christmas party at his residence and invited members of the Claremont High School choir to perform at the event…
According to reports, scantily-clad men — performers who may actually be male strippers, one outlet noted — were scattered about and interacted with all guests, including the students. One angry father, Gabriel Lozano, claimed that a “dirty Santa” at the party made “disgusting comments” to the students, including his daughter.
According to another parent, Sabrina Ho,
students were surrounded by “inappropriately dressed” adult entertainers and “offered alcohol” by other party attendees.
‘Tis this season for progressives to insult all that is holy by corrupting children:
Independent journalist Tayler Hansen documented a highly disturbing drag show event held in Austin, Texas on Wednesday where children were subjected to extreme sexual content.
The event featured routines that ridiculed Christmas and innocence.
“Crystal Methyd” danced to a song called “S&M” and afterwords had a creepy conversation with children in the audience.
“Oh! A child. Hi! How are you? Oh, it’s another one,” he said as he collected dollar bills from the kids.
The drag queen continued, “Are you having fun, are you enjoying it, are you confused yet?”

Moving on, “Crystal Methyd” talked to a 10-year-old boy who said he’d been to more drag shows than he could count and watched Ru Paul with his family.
Having been indoctrinated and purged of decency, parents become conduits for liberal establishment culture, like the schools and the media.

Those with strong stomachs can click through to see Christmas through the lens of leftism:

All links highlighted

Can't leave the kids alone can ya sickos
It's clever rubbish because it incites intelligent and otherwise reasonably behaved people to violence .

It's passive aggression par excellence , used deliberately to incite , as well as to further their own dangerous ideas .

And then Bingo Bongo, the original OK people end up looking angry, irrational and stupid .
So ,
The secret is to kick the puck out of them one by one, by one and with no possible witnesses .

Just a draft for some fiction piece and in no way an incitement to violence or hatred speech ..
On December 3, Steven Llanusa, who was then the president of the Claremont [California] Unified School District Board of Education and who reportedly remains a CUSD teacher, hosted a Christmas party at his residence

That must be an amazing residence.
Christmas though the left's eyes is exactly like Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol."

You have an evil rich bastard that doesn't care about anyone but his money, and he need to have the crap scared out of him by imaginary "ghosts", so he redistributes his wealth to the poor.

Of course, those "ghosts" are now climate change, voter intimidation, racism, sexism, homophobia, white supremacy, guns, January 6 insurgency, and whatever other scary things they can come up with.
I would think the best move is to turn down the offer by not showing up for the party. The statist left thrives on the bizarre & shock effect so best to just totally avoid them which collapses the entire show for the statist left. I remember a movie from a long time ago that was titled...
"What If There Was A War & Nobody Came?" In a slight twist of words... "What If There Was A Kinky Party & Nobody Came?" Avoid the narcissists & ENJOY life!
I would think the best move is to turn down the offer by not showing up for the party. The statist left thrives on the bizarre & shock effect so best to just totally avoid them which collapses the entire show for the statist left. I remember a movie from a long time ago that was titled...
"What If There Was A War & Nobody Came?" In a slight twist of words... "What If There Was A Kinky Party & Nobody Came?" Avoid the narcissists & ENJOY life!

This is not a party at someone's residence as presented.

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