Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage

The Veto power should be what it is- a check and balance. It should be there to veto things when the legistlature acts irresponsibly, like spending money the state doesn't have. This isn't a case where a veto was justified.

Well, it was inevitable. Christie had to do it to stay in good graces with the GOP/TP. He may well have an entirely different personal opinion on this.


As George Bush used to say........I am the decider

Christie has decided that he gets to make the call on whether NJ can have gay marriage or not. As governor, that is his right

But, like Bush, Christie now owns the issue. If he runs for VP, "Christie vetoed gay marriage" will be constantly brought up. If he runs for President, Christie vetoed gay marriage will be constantly brought up

Gay marriage is inevitable in this country and Chris Christie will be looked at as the George Wallace standing at the schoolhouse door of gay rights
Marriage is a religious institution, the state should only be ruling on civil unions. This ruling takes away the dignity and status of religious peoples.

Nobody is taking away the dignity and status of folks who trembled before an imaginary sky friend.

I'm still waiting for any religious type to explain to me how two gays getting married effects their straight marriage in any way, shape or form.

It has everything to do with moral and spiritual decay in civilization.

Since the late 1960's we have had moral decay.

Couples living together. Sex without marriage.
Drug abuse, porn, sex trafficking, alcoholism and homosexuality,pedophiles and beastlility.
Whenever these type of sins become accepted by society, civilization starts to decay and fall.

All of this leads to the decline of the family unit. A husband and wife who raise their families. When things go well with the family, life is worth living, when the family falters, life falls apart.

When deadly sins like pedophiles, beastiality and homosexuality are accepted it decays the moral and spiritual values in a well ordered civilization.

Families are the foundation of a nation.

When sins are accepted in society you will always see a rise in all other types of sins.

Even a very liberal state like the voters in California see that homosexuality is wrong. The majority of this nation sees it as wrong.

This is why gay's are trying to get their rights through the courts and legislature.

The majority of Americans agree that same sex couples should have the same rights and benefits enjoyed by married couples, but it should be done by laws for them not marriage.
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It has everything to do with moral and spiritual decay in civilization.

Since the late 1960's we have had moral decay.

Couples living together. Sex without marriage.
Drug abuse, porn, sex trafficking, alcoholism and homosexuality,pedophiles and beastlility.
Whenever these type of sins become accepted by society, civilization starts to decay and fall.

All of this leads to the decline of the family unit. A husband and wife who raise their families. When things go well with the family, life is worth living, when the family falters, life falls apart.

When deadly sins like pedophiles, beastiality and homosexuality are accepted it decays the moral and spiritual values in a well ordered civilization.

Families are the foundation of a nation.

When sins are accepted in society you will always see a rise in all other types of sins.

Even a very liberal state like the voters in California see that homosexuality is wrong. The majority of this nation sees it as wrong.

This is why gay's are trying to get their rights through the courts and legislature.

The majority of Americans agree that same sex couples should have the same rights and benefits enjoyed by married couples, but it should be done by laws for them not marriage.

Oh goody. We get our own special set of laws made just for us? Such a kind benefactor you are to us lowly 2nd class citizens.

Since when does your invisible sky wizard get to make the laws for the entire country? What about other people's invisible sky wizards? Don't they get an equal say?

Do you even realize that you are equating legal consenting adult relationships with illegal ones where there is no informed consent? Do you know the difference?

Please tell me how it harms society in any way, shape or form if I am granted the same rights, benefits and protections for MY family that heterosexuals get for their families?
NO, I'm saying that unless you are some kind of special kind of liberal retard, you can't really interpret it to mean anything else.

Unlike the 14th Amendment, which doesn't say a thing about abortion or gay marriage, but judges keep finding those special rights, hidden in there, that no one else noticed in the last 100-140 years.

Even a retard can read the second amendment and interpret it to mean firearms in support of an organized militia

The 14th amendment talks about equal protection of our laws so it has BROAD range
He's just one more Republican who doesn't get laid and doesn't want anyone else to either.

More and more, we're seeing this about pubs. In fatso's case, he hasn't even seen his prick since he was in high school. (Okay, maybe he has a mirror glued to a long stick) His whole world is what ever he can push into his fat face and he's damn pissed that he can't hog down a couple dozen donuts without having to up his pants size yet again.

I'm serious about this. All you have to do is watch him for a few minutes - he's a very angry guy and, if he can, he's gonna make other people pay for it - and then slam down a few big macs and a chocolate shake to feel better.

Pretty pathetic but also basic to the GObP/pub party who don't want to create jobs but DO want to control other people's private lives.
how many posts by "lefties" here have i seen saying ONLY "righties" make fun of peoples looks.....and yet Dudley DoRight here does it every time he talks about this guy and other "non beautiful" righties......was i lied too?....
If the Supreme Court had waited for the "will of the people" like the Governorsaraus wants to do...


Interracial marriage would not have passed for decades after when the SCOTUS did it.
I am not OK with government interfering in marriage. I thought I made that abundantly clear. Marriage is between the individual and God. Government cannot and should not attempt to legislate it. As they should stay out of inheritance and all things marriage related. I trust that my family members would beat the hell out of anyone who tried to take away any property of mine that belonged ot my wife when I leave. If we both left at the same time then survival of the fittest suits me fine. As long as who is left doesn't defile common law rules against violence (the proper place for government) then all is well.

so who sets the rules and such for these things then....especially Inheritance?....
Marriage is a religious institution, the state should only be ruling on civil unions. This ruling takes away the dignity and status of religious peoples.

Nobody is taking away the dignity and status of folks who trembled before an imaginary sky friend.

I'm still waiting for any religious type to explain to me how two gays getting married effects their straight marriage in any way, shape or form.

It has everything to do with moral and spiritual decay in civilization.

Since the late 1960's we have had moral decay.

Couples living together. Sex without marriage.
Drug abuse, porn, sex trafficking, alcoholism and homosexuality,pedophiles and beastlility.
Whenever these type of sins become accepted by society, civilization starts to decay and fall.

All of this leads to the decline of the family unit. A husband and wife who raise their families. When things go well with the family, life is worth living, when the family falters, life falls apart.

When deadly sins like pedophiles, beastiality and homosexuality are accepted it decays the moral and spiritual values in a well ordered civilization.

Families are the foundation of a nation.

When sins are accepted in society you will always see a rise in all other types of sins.

Even a very liberal state like the voters in California see that homosexuality is wrong. The majority of this nation sees it as wrong.

This is why gay's are trying to get their rights through the courts and legislature.

The majority of Americans agree that same sex couples should have the same rights and benefits enjoyed by married couples, but it should be done by laws for them not marriage.

I just love it when the right speaks about the golden days before the 60s when we were a moral nation

I was around then and we were not a moral nation. We allowed blacks to be treated as filthy second class citizens. Gays were driven underground and beaten if they let their sexuality be known. Women were restricted as to what jobs they were allowed to have and married women could be beaten and it was just ignored as a domestic problem

Today's society is much more moral than that racist, sexist, homophobic society of pre 1965
Bigotry is the Republican core value.

being a dishonest Asshole is your core value......prove to everyone here right now Chris that Bigotry does not exist among Democrats.....then explain why California,a pretty heavily Democratic State has shot down Gay Marriage,not once but twice....i know you dont have the balls to respond to this....but i aint going anywhere......
The minute that homosexuals can make babies together then they can become the same and equal as A Man and Woman.
Joe, you're an idiot who is critical of judges ignoring the will of legislatures and the mob. Judges deal with the law, not the will of anyone.

Dumb, dumb dumb...

U.S. News - NJ Gov. Christie vetoes same-sex marriage bill

I've always been a critic of judges who decide they are going to disregard the will of legistlatures and the populace and impose these things, but here's a case where they did it the right way, they passed a bill, and Christie the Hutt decides he's stull sucking up to be RomBot's running mate.

Separate but equal: Holding

The key holding of the Court was that, even if segregated black and white schools were of equal quality in facilities and teachers, segregation by itself was harmful to black students and unconstitutional.

He also said, "I have been just as adamant that same-sex couples in a civil union deserve the very same rights and benefits enjoyed by married couples -- as well as the strict enforcement of those rights and benefits."
Bigotry is the Republican core value.

being a dishonest Asshole is your core value......prove to everyone here right now Chris that Bigotry does not exist among Democrats.....then explain why California,a pretty heavily Democratic State has shot down Gay Marriage,not once but twice....i know you dont have the balls to respond to this....but i aint going anywhere......

A Democrat can be bigoted without bigotry being a Democratic party value. The Democratic party has been criticized since the 1960s for fighting bigotry, while the GOP had a Chairman of the national Republican party publicly apologize for the bigotry of the GOP.


GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics

Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman apologized to one of the nation's largest black civil rights groups Thursday, saying Republicans had not done enough to court blacks in the past and had exploited racial strife to court white voters, particularly in the South.

"It's not healthy for the country for our political parties to be so racially polarized," said Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.

"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
The minute that homosexuals can make babies together then they can become the same and equal as A Man and Woman.

Huh? Many couples comprised of a man and a woman cannot make babies.



There ya go the lefty deflection.
There are not many couples (a minority),who can't have children, the majority of men and women can.
Zero gay couples can. None, nada they have to rely on a male and female to have children.
The minute that homosexuals can make babies together then they can become the same and equal as A Man and Woman.

Huh? Many couples comprised of a man and a woman cannot make babies.



There ya go the lefty deflection.
There are not many couples (a minority),who can't have children, the majority of men and women can.
Zero gay couples can. None, nada they have to rely on a male and female to have children.

There are a larger percentage of existing couples who cannot or choose not to have children than there are gay couples

If marriage is intended to produce children then older couples or infertile couples should not be allowed to marry. They can have a civil union because by your definition it is not a marriage
The minute that homosexuals can make babies together then they can become the same and equal as A Man and Woman.

Huh? Many couples comprised of a man and a woman cannot make babies.



There ya go the lefty deflection.
There are not many couples (a minority),who can't have children, the majority of men and women can.
Zero gay couples can. None, nada they have to rely on a male and female to have children.

Too bad I'm not a lefty. :lol:

define many: millions?
If the Supreme Court had waited for the "will of the people" like the Governorsaraus wants to do...


Interracial marriage would not have passed for decades after when the SCOTUS did it.

this may sound harsh, but one of the reasons the opinions changed was people passed away. i think the issue of gay marriage is following the same path.

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