Christianity promotes Ignorance


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net

Certainly has made a clown out of you
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net

LOL. So while talking about ignorance, you get your information on Christianity from "".


"Athiesism is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Athiesism does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue." (would be equally as valid as the biased opinion trash posted above).

:rolleyes: These hateful little pagans are so sad.
Lol! This is my favorite part of that whole article! :lol:

Says the ignoramus who undoubtedly stands for nothing, and if he did, then whose to say that he wouldn't defend it to the end ? Sounds like he's jealous of those who have good things going in their lives, and have a great thing in which they believe in. It just makes libs, demons, radicals, unbelievers go crazy that they can't infiltrate the religion in order to destroy it from within. So they try and soften it up with propaganda, yet a lib swears that they don't want no wars in life, but yet they are constantly courting or flirting with war 24/7.
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net

All religions promote ignorance. How else could they pass the basket around for the cashola? It's all about the fun tickets. It always has been and always will. That's how frauds operate.
Guno, you need to quote some key passages in your threads for maximum effect, such as this one. (and this is the same reason why I don't buy this transgender nonsense that has suddenly become the social justice warrior cause of the day).

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines “faith” thusly: (1) firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) complete trust. The Bible confirms and expands this definition. According to Hebrews 11: 1,
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."Unpacking that a bit, we get, “faith is the evidence of things not seen.” The author, then, is claiming that believing, itself, is evidence of whatever you believe. This is the ultimate in circularity; if you think it’s true, then it’s true. He might as well have said, “Don’t worry about evidence or truth, just accept your ignorance and keep hoping you’re on the right track.”

So, being ignorant is just fine, but there is more. Hebrews 11:6 says,
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”This suggests that you are expected to believe first, on the word of others, in order for god to “reveal” himself. In fact, Hebrew 11 is all about faith, throughout. One might even say that we have here, in Isaiah, a sort of second-order circularity, where ignorance breeds religion, which breeds ignorance. It’s no wonder it’s so hard to break through to the faithful, they’ve fenced themselves off so completely.

Well, if ignorance is good, then wisdom must be bad, right? Now you’re getting it. In several passages the Bible advises that wisdom is to be shunned or shed. For example,
"Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain (1 Corinthians 3:18-20).”
Thus, the Bible advises one to be willfully ignorant, to “become as little children,” willing and eager to believe on authority. In no other sphere of human activity would anyone consider ignorance a virtue, except religion. Have you noticed that the only people who cast doubt on the value of reason as a means of understanding the world are people who are pushing religion? Is there a clue here? Shouldn't we be suspicious when someone says, “Just take my word for it?” How can it make sense to respect a teaching that mankind should be willfully ignorant? Where would we be if we took the same attitude to medicine, chemistry, physics, psychology, etc.?
Demonstrated daily here on this board

"Christianity is a negative influence on modern societies. Why do I believe this? Well, for starters, it promotes ignorance, and there can be no greater impediment to the advancement of a culture than widespread ignorance. Promoting ignorance undermines all serious efforts at true education. Worse still, Christianity does not merely promote ignorance, it elevates it to a virtue."

And they where it like a badge of honor

Christianity promotes Ignorance ~ ExChristian.Net
Then pay them no mind,instead of revealing your own bigotry and ignorance ,they are of no threat to you.
Dear guno and Matthew
I find as much rejection and denial coming from the left.
Example: Look at the scope of experiences and even the wealth of knowledge
being CENSORED politically by the left:

A. experiences of people who were healed of abuse and changed orientation back to heterosexual
Voice of the Voiceless
Former Lesbian to President Obama: Why Won't You Listen to Voices of Ex-Homosexuals Jesus Set Free?

So if you are going to cite "ExChristians"
why aren't you citing "EX GAYS"

NOTE: Even the wife of liberal NY Mayor Blasio has her story
on meeting him as the love of her life and describing them as a traditional married couple
(after publishing a book as a lesbian):

De Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray talks about lesbian past

B. research on successful and effective methods of Spiritual Healing,
as taught and practiced by many Christian denominations, in curing
Schizophrenia, cancer, drug abuse and addiction, and even criminal illness in the case of Son of Sam:
Healing is Yours. Alternative Medicine Healing Ministry.

We are talking about LIFE SAVING Methods, healing that could have prevented MURDERS such as in the case of Andrea Yates killing her kids "because she was obsessed with voices in her head" (<-- ie the kind that have been REMOVED and CURED using these spiritual healing methods as Scott Peck used to cure two Schizophrenic patients similar to Andrea Yates. See Peck's Book "Glimpses of the Devil" that explains how this changed his mind as a doctor)
These healing methods save people from drug addictions, sexual abuse, cancer and other disorders.

So when YOU spread dangerously wrong information that Christianity and these methods are false and to be avoided, YOU are like teaching people to avoid doctors who can cure cancer!
Because YOU can't tell the difference between quacks and real doctors, you are saying all medicine is false and needs to be avoided. That's what you are doing when you assume and teach false things about Christianity, just because you don't know the difference yourselves?

Who is teaching ignorance again?

Matthew and guno it's not just left and right, Christian and nonchristian.
Any group I know that has been pushed to bullying or defensiveness,
attacking or responding to attacks, gets stuck in this habit of
"only listening to arguments that back their agenda, and discrediting whatever doesn't"

Welcome to the human race!

These are the selfish people Christianity warns us about,
ie ALL of humanity ends up playing tribal war and bullying games
to dominate the pack and play pecking order politics.

EVERYONE I know is biased this way,
and we ALL have to "check and balance" each other
so we don't leave things out for convenience.

That's why we're here. That's why we need diversity and inclusion
so we can help each other "remove the beam from our own eyes
before helping our neighbors remove a splinter"

^ guno do you remember this scripture that teaches
Followers NOT to be blinded by bias? It's included several
times, repeated in each of the gospels by different witnesses:

Do Not Judge
…4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Not ignorance, but to make sure you correct your own faults first, ie self awareness and understanding of truth
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I kinda feel sad for these people. How many times have you heard the old phrase, the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over again, and expecting a different result.

Here we are... 2016. Christianity has been around for over 2,000 years, and for much of that time, if not the entirety of that time, the pagans have been proclaiming the end of Christianity. Over and over, they have waged a war against the Church, from Soviet Union, to Communist China, to Darwin and Voltaire, to the Islamic State today, and here we are, with Atheists still trying to convince us that Christianity is coming to an end.

When people talk about how the ideology of our age stands for nothing.... this is the case for that argument right here.

It must be sad to stand for a cause and a goal, that will never be realized. A purpose can will never be achieved.

Christians will be on this Earth until the end of time. The Bible says as much, and no other predictions of the Bible have not come true.

Really really sad to devout the few years of your life, to a goal that has already been doomed to failure, before you were ever born. :)

Reminds of my the Psalms 2:4..... "The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them."

Go ahead little pagans. Tell us how Christianity is bad for society. Just remember.... the One enthroned in heaven.... you are like entertainment television to him.
Psalms is the Hebrew Bible, and the laughter is at the 1/3 who fell for the ole Priests of Bel Harvest scam.
Also they are watching the TBN classic broadcasts with that purple hair gargoyle and her recently departed husband who had his pants pulled up to his chest to hide his gut.
The hosts in heaven think they are watching the comdey network. The episode where Benny Hinn promises a large man who's posing as a woman that she will give birth soon is hillarious, they are crying laughing at these people.
Psalms is the Hebrew Bible, and the laughter is at the 1/3 who fell for the ole Priests of Bel Harvest scam.
Also they are watching the TBN classic broadcasts with that purple hair gargoyle and her recently departed husband who had his pants pulled up to his chest to hide his gut.
The hosts in heaven think they are watching the comdey network. The episode where Benny Hinn promises a large man who's posing as a woman that she will give birth soon is hillarious, they are crying laughing at these people.

Ok? And your point was.....? There are just as many jokes about fake Christians, as Atheists in Heaven. I'm sure he finds both rather amusing. I'll be the first to poke fun at fake Christians given the opportunity. If you have ever listened to my podcast, I bicker at fake Christians all the time. But this thread was written by atheists, so that's the joke of the day.

I don't watch TBN, and it shouldn't be surprising that there are foxes around the hens. After all, the warning was written 2,000 years ago in Matthew 7:15.

No Bible reading Christian is shocked by any of this, nor is anything you posted 'news' to us. Might be 'news' to an Atheist I guess... but then you people have been predicting the end of Christianity for centuries. Guess what... we're still here. None of what you posted, changes the fact you people have failed in your quest to end Christianity, just like the Lord said you would.

Not going away either. For every fraud Benny Hinn, there are millions of believers. You guys try and insult, and scream and yell... but in the end, there are roughly 2.2 Billion Christians in the world, and your group is so small and tiny, it's difficult to know how few of you there are.

You people even attempting to poke fun at Christians, is like an Ant making jokes about an Elephant. Yeah.... we're all shamed and embarrassed by it too.... rather by you, not your accusations. Anyone thinking he can somehow insult G-d..... is rather shameful and embarrassing by any measure. But we try not to rub it in your face.... like an Elephant pooping on the Ant that tried to make jokes. It's not insulting.... it's just really really sad.

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