Christianity and AI

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
How are christians to view AI...artificial intelligence? Is it possible.

last 4 paragraphs in the article.

On a more abstract level, math and logic also strongly suggest that AI can never replace the human mind. Concepts such as Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem strongly suggest that a system can never become more complex or more capable than its originator. To make an AI better than a human brain, we’d need to fully understand and then surpass ourselves, which is logically contradictory.

Spiritually, we understand our own limits because, being creations of God (Genesis 1:27), we can’t outdo God’s creative power (Isaiah 55:8–9). Also, God’s depiction of the future does not seem to include any kind of technological singularity (see the book of Revelation).

Regardless of the limitations they face, researchers continue to attempt to develop artificial intelligence, and large sums are being invested in programs that promise to further work in virtual assistants (such as Alexa or Cortana), deep learning platforms, and biometrics. Not surprisingly, there is already a religion, called Way of the Future, started by a former Google engineer, that plans to worship AI and look to it as mankind’s caretaker and guide. Such futile imaginings are nothing new; humanity has often been guilty of worshiping the work of their own hands. The Way of the Future is just a modern version of carving an idol.

In short, AI might be able to perform certain, limited tasks better than a person can, but there is no logical, philosophical, or biblical reason to think it can be “better” in a meaningful sense. AI might emulate the patterns human beings use when we think, but it can never replace the prowess, dexterity, and creativity of the human mind. Despite fears and speculations, the weight of science, observation, and Scripture refutes the possibility of true artificial intelligence or a technological singularity. In short, the concept of AI makes for entertaining fiction, but not much else.


I get all this...but it does not mean that man, inspired by satan, will not try to push this on us, even to the claim that these computer AIs are human.
From the OP:

"Regardless of the limitations they face, researchers continue to attempt to develop artificial intelligence, and large sums are being invested in programs that promise to further work in virtual assistants (such as Alexa or Cortana), deep learning platforms, and biometrics. Not surprisingly, there is already a religion, called Way of the Future, started by a former Google engineer, that plans to worship AI and look to it as mankind’s caretaker and guide. Such futile imaginings are nothing new; humanity has often been guilty of worshiping the work of their own hands. The Way of the Future is just a modern version of carving an idol."

How come smart people are so damned stupid?

Worship AI...? Lol What goes around comes around..nothing new under the sun.
8Their land is full of idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have made. 9So mankind is brought low, and man is humbled—do not forgive them!… Isaiah 2:8-9

Professing themselves wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22
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What is Artificial Intelligence?

Basically it is a sophisticated computer that can function as the human brain functions.

Have they developed this yet? Not yet, but they are close.

They have developed different and separate computers/machines that can think, reason (to a point), understand comedy, understand philosophy, have emotional states, smell, see, and taste. But no one super computer that can put them altogether and use all of these functions to come up with an answer to a question, or make a statement.

When they get to the point they can create a computer that can use logic and reason to use these different aspects of the human psyche, then, maybe it can understand complex fantasies such as god, ghosts, unicorns, devils, demons, and aliens. But this isn't going to happen in our lifetime.
From the OP:

"Regardless of the limitations they face, researchers continue to attempt to develop artificial intelligence, and large sums are being invested in programs that promise to further work in virtual assistants (such as Alexa or Cortana), deep learning platforms, and biometrics. Not surprisingly, there is already a religion, called Way of the Future, started by a former Google engineer, that plans to worship AI and look to it as mankind’s caretaker and guide. Such futile imaginings are nothing new; humanity has often been guilty of worshiping the work of their own hands. The Way of the Future is just a modern version of carving an idol."

How come smart people are so damned stupid?

Worship AI...? Lol

People these days already worship artificial intelligence. Cell phones are the new churches, social media the new hymnals, and apps are sacred communions. People are jacked in night and day to online everything, from social media to streaming shows and video games. Google always knows where we are, keeps a record of everywhere we've been, and people voluntarily allow a host of online "Gods" to track every move they make, tell them what to do, what to think, where to go and how to get there. Mankind has jumped the shark of artificial intelligence, developed their own new gods of tech who possess true omnipotence, and worships daily at the altar of the almighty smart device. The new "god" is in your head 24/7 and it isn't going anywhere but deeper into your flesh and soul.
Unfortunately you are right. I posted a video yesterday about from a young woman who was a disney child star. She said much the same. I'll see if i can retrieve it and post it here. Satan has many names and many incarnations. He isn't called the prince of the power of the air for nothing. I know you get that.


Psalm 115:4-8 ESV /​

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell. They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; and they do not make a sound in their throat. Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.

1 Corinthians 10:20-21 ESV /​

No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.
What is Artificial Intelligence?

Basically it is a sophisticated computer that can function as the human brain functions.

Have they developed this yet? Not yet, but they are close.

They have developed different and separate computers/machines that can think, reason (to a point), understand comedy, understand philosophy, have emotional states, smell, see, and taste. But no one super computer that can put them altogether and use all of these functions to come up with an answer to a question, or make a statement.

When they get to the point they can create a computer that can use logic and reason to use these different aspects of the human psyche, then, maybe it can understand complex fantasies such as god, ghosts, unicorns, devils, demons, and aliens. But this isn't going to happen in our lifetime.
Even if they could pull it all together into one package, and seem to make it work; it would still be artificial. it would be a slave to its data sets. It might be able to run a zillion calculations faster than people can, but it will never be able to replicate human creativity. It might might know the next best chess move... But can it be a sore loser, and lean over the board and punch the other player in the face? I bet it didn't see that move coming...
Are not god(s) a form of artificial intelligence?

An intelligent human being is someone who has nearly no information - but is able to make the right conclusions out of this nearly not existing information. An "AI"-machine needs tons of information to find out that information has no weight.

And I am sure also in case of AI-programs exists the ungolden rule of informatics "There is no foolproof system that some idiot doesn't break."

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